At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, the competition for the deer in the world

Chapter 276 Father and son talk with good intentions

It was November 17, the 21st year of Zhizheng, and November 17, the eighth year of Shengwu.

Li Sanqi and Feng Guoyong led an army of 500,000 in the Northern Expedition, and Cheng De sent each other ten miles along the way.

This matter is recorded in the history book "The Holy Ancestor of the Ming Dynasty":

On November 17, the eighth year of the reign of Emperor Shengwu, the Holy Ancestor of the Ming Dynasty sent the Marquis of Zhen Guo and the Marquis of Ying out of Nanjing ten miles away.

The separation between the king and his ministers, the pure feelings, moved the heaven and the earth, and became a good story.

On the way back to the palace, Cheng De and Cheng Biao rode in the same carriage.

The carriage was surrounded by armored soldiers, with three layers inside and three layers outside, like iron barrels.

At this time, Cheng Biao was looking at Cheng De with a frown.

"Father, I don't understand something."

Hearing Cheng Biao's voice, Cheng De looked over and asked with a smile: "What can't be understood?"

Cheng Biao: "Father, why did Uncle Li and Uncle Feng just make such unreasonable demands, and my father agreed?"

Cheng De was startled and asked, "Where did they make such unreasonable demands?"

Cheng Biao frowned: "Father, look at Uncle Li, he wants twenty beauties from you, and these beauties must all be stunningly beautiful, while Uncle Feng wants three mansions from you, and they must be made of precious materials. .My father once told Biao'er that if a person is addicted to beauty, he will easily shorten his life and become depressed. Doesn't Uncle Li know this truth? And if a person blindly pursues luxury and enjoyment, he will be easily ruined. Feng Doesn't uncle understand this? Aren't their requests unreasonable? Why did my father agree to Uncle Li and Uncle Feng? "

Cheng De stroked Cheng Biao's head with his hand and said with a smile: "Biao'er, tell me, under what circumstances did they make such a request to me?"

Hearing this, Cheng Biao fell into deep thought.

After a moment, Cheng Biao replied: "Back to my father, Uncle Li, and Uncle Feng. They accepted my father's order to lead an army of 500,000 in the Northern Expedition."

Cheng De put away his smile and looked straight at Cheng Biao: "Biao'er, you, Uncle Li, and Uncle Feng, they all want to make me believe them by making this so-called 'unreasonable' request. !”

Cheng Biao looked at Cheng De in confusion.

Cheng De looked at Cheng Biao and said, "Biao'er, do you still remember what your father once told you about General Wang Jian of the Qin Dynasty?"

Cheng Biao immediately responded: "Father, I remember this story. I remember my father told me that when he went on an expedition, Wang Jian asked Qin Shihuang Yingzheng to reward him with many fertile fields, beautiful houses, gardens, ponds, etc., and half-jokingly Said, "Now that the king thinks highly of me, buy more property for future generations." During the march of the Qin army, General Wang Jian sent envoys five times to ask for fertile land from Ying Zheng. At this time, the Qin army even We haven’t left Hangu Pass yet.”

"My father told Biao'er, 'Throughout the ages, all ministers who have made great contributions to the lord, if they cannot hide their talents and bide their time, or retreat in time, often end up miserable, such as Wen Zhong, such as Wu Zixu, such as Bai Qi, such as Han Xin... As the saying goes The birds are gone, the good bow is hidden, the cunning rabbit is dead, and the lackeys are cooked."

Cheng Biao suddenly stopped talking and looked at Cheng De with wide eyes: "Father, are Uncle Li and Uncle Feng worried that Father will deal with them?"

Cheng De was silent and sighed: "I have to say that this method of self-destruction is very useful. It can not only reassure me, but also allow them to protect themselves."

"Father, I don't understand."

Cheng De looked at Cheng Biao, feeling lonely in his heart, and said: "Biao'er, king and minister, king and minister, in fact, is the most incredible relationship in the world. For example, this king, king since ancient times, who has not been suspicious? Suspicious These are all common problems for kings. If, as a king, you completely trust your ministers, even the most loyal ministers will be too scared to sleep. They will worry about gains and losses every day, worrying that one day they will lose everything because of the king's distrust. And once the king If you really trust your ministers completely, you will be in danger of losing your power, and you may become a puppet at worst, or lose your life at worst. But if the king does not trust his ministers, I am afraid that the ministers will be begging for their bones. The relationship between the king and his ministers is the most important. The hard thing to master is the balance.”

Cheng Biao frowned: "Father, can't this relationship between monarch and minister be transformed into a relationship between friends?"

Cheng De's eyes suddenly became much harsher. He stared at Cheng Biao closely and said, "Biao'er, you have to remember that as an emperor, you can neither fully trust everyone nor distrust everyone. As for the relationship between monarch and minister becoming friends, It is absolutely impossible, because the status of the emperor determines that it is absolutely impossible."

Cheng Biao froze on the spot and asked blankly: "Father, then, from now on, am I not going to be able to completely trust Brother Lan and the others?"

Cheng De stroked Cheng Biao's head and said, "Father, I will teach you a method of judging people you can temporarily trust." Cheng Biao looked confused: "Father, can you trust him temporarily?"

Cheng De: "For example, if someone bullies the children of the royal family, then you have to unite all the children of the royal family to deal with the outside world, because everyone's interests are the same at this time. If you don't fight back, the people who bully one party will get worse in the future. And if the majesty of the royal family is wiped out, how will we be able to govern the world in the future?"

"For example, if a foreign race invades the Central Plains, then you have to unite all the people in the world who are persecuted by the foreign race to fight against the foreign race, because this is a battle between nations, and everyone's interests are the same."

"Who you can trust depends on whether the person you trust has the same interests as you. I hope Biao'er can keep this in mind for the rest of his life."

Cheng Biao looked at Cheng De thoughtfully: "Biao'er has remembered all what my father said. Although Biao'er still doesn't understand a little, Biao'er believes that one day, I will understand."

Cheng De was both relieved and worried when he heard this.

He thought to himself: When the day comes when Biao'er truly understands, I'm afraid he will have experienced a lot of things. Biao'er must have grown a lot at that time.

"Father, what you just said, 'As an emperor, you can neither completely trust everyone nor distrust everyone', doesn't it mean that you don't believe in Biao'er either?" Cheng Biao looked at Cheng De closely, his eyes revealed. Hope.

Cheng De looked at Cheng Biao with a smile: "This sentence is naturally useless to me. Biao'er, you have to remember that the reason why this sentence is useless to me is because my father is the founder of Ming Dynasty. Or, relying on the prestige of my father, would the people of the world be more willing to believe in my father or others? However, this sentence is very useful for the Ming Emperor after my father. Because the Ming Emperor after me did not reach the level of My achievements. Unless one day, he can achieve the achievements of my father."

Cheng Biao: "Father, are you saying that as long as Biao'er can surpass your father's achievements one day, will this sentence be useless to Biao'er?"

Cheng De was stunned. He looked at Cheng Biao, and Cheng Biao also looked at Cheng De with bright eyes.

Seeing the clarity in Cheng Biao's eyes, Cheng De thought for a moment and said, "As a father, I am very happy that Biao'er can have such ambitions."

Cheng Biao: "Father, Biao'er must work hard to become the same person as his father."

Cheng De smiled and said, "Father, we will wait and see."

Suddenly, Cheng De remembered something and said to Cheng Biao: "Biao'er, do you remember the pinyin literacy method that your father taught you before?"

Cheng Biao nodded: "Father, Biao'er has remembered it!"

Cheng De: "Biao'er, you should always remember this method. One day when Biao'er becomes the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty, Biao'er will use his own name to spread this method to the world. Then, with this method, Biao'er can at least Receive good merit and evaluation in history.”

"Father, if the physics, chemistry, and biology you taught me before can be extended to the whole world, is that okay?"

Cheng De heard this and said with a smile: "Biao'er, these are all left to you by my father. Biao'er, remember, if you want to spread it to the world, you have to promote it in your own name and don't mention half of your father." sentence. However, you can mention that it was my father who opened a door to your imagination."

"Father, these are all yours. Wouldn't it be a little bad if Biao'er used his own name?" Cheng Biao hesitated.

Cheng Dela took Cheng Biao's hand and said sincerely: "What the father is thinking about is that even if the father is gone in the future, Biao'er can rely on these, and in the future, the father will show you more kindness to all people in the world." This opportunity will make all people in the world grateful for your kindness. With these, even if the father is gone one day, Biao'er can rely on these to protect himself. At that time, if someone dares to plot evil against Biao'er, Biao'er doesn't need to say anything. What, all the people in the world will not spare those who try to do evil things against the benchmark. Those people will eventually be cast aside by all the people."

After hearing this, Cheng Biao was extremely moved: "Father, you treat Biao'er so well."

"Biao'er, you are my son. It is my father's willingness to treat you well." Cheng De said softly.

"Biao'er, you must remember those pinyin and never forget it. When my father is gone one day in the future, my father will definitely give you a gift. With this gift, Biao'er will definitely be able to surpass his father in the future. "Cheng De added.

Cheng Biao felt sweet in his heart and nodded heavily: "Father, don't worry, Biao'er will never forget it."

Cheng De glanced at Cheng Biao and felt relieved. (End of chapter)

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