At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, the competition for the deer in the world

Chapter 285: The universe merges into one, and the Ming Dynasty flourishes for thousands of years

August 22nd of the 10th year of Shengwu and August 22nd of the first year of Xuanguang.

Xuanzheng Hall.

On this day, Emperor Cheng De of the Ming Dynasty awarded awards to the civil and military officials who destroyed the Yuan Dynasty and the Wei Dynasty, and conferred the title of a large number of princes, marquises and uncles.

Li Sanqi, also known as Li Dingguo, was promoted to Duke of Huai due to his contribution to the destruction of Yuan and Wei. He was hereditary and enjoyed food and salary for five thousand households. Moreover, the second son has the hereditary title of Marquis of Zhenguo and enjoys the food and salary of three thousand households.

Feng Guoyong, due to his contribution to the destruction of Yuan and Wei, was promoted to the title of British Duke, hereditary, and enjoyed food and salary for 5,000 households.

Deng Yu (originally named Deng Youde, changed his name because Cheng De's name was taboo), due to his contribution to the destruction of Yuan and Wei, he was promoted to the title of Duke of Wei, hereditary, and enjoyed food and salary for four thousand households.

Xu Da, due to his contribution to the destruction of Yuan and Wei, was promoted to the title of Duke of Wei. It was not hereditary and he enjoyed food and salary for two thousand households.

Zhu Yuanzhang, due to his contribution to the destruction of Wei, was promoted to the title of Fengyang Marquis. He was hereditary and enjoyed food and salary for a thousand households.

Chen Ting, due to his contribution to the destruction of Wei, was promoted to the title of Marquis of Chen. He was hereditary and enjoyed food and salary for a thousand households.

In the blink of an eye, one year has passed.

In the Western calendar year 1365 AD, it was October th in the second year of Shenwu and October th in the second year of Xuanguang.

The Ming Dynasty rested and recuperated and did not launch any major wars.

In the Western calendar year 1366 AD, it was September th in the third year of Shenwu and September th in the third year of Xuanguang.

Cheng De climbed Mount Tai and wanted to enshrine him in order to promote his merits, but he gave up the idea when he thought of Zhenzong of the Song Dynasty who had enshrined him in Mount Tai.

According to historical records, when Zhenzong of the Song Dynasty was enthroning Mount Tai, he wanted to use God's will to deter foreign enemies, so he directed and staged a farce in which "the Book of Heaven fell from the sky". However, the impact of this incident was quite serious. It can be said that Song Zhenzong single-handedly lowered the status of Feng Chan. After Song Zhenzong, no one of the emperors granted Zen anymore.

In the Western calendar year 1367 AD, it was November th in the fourth year of Shenwu and November th in the fourth year of Xuanguang.

Cheng Biao, the crown prince of the Ming Dynasty, supervised the country and was assisted by the cabinet, military aircraft department, and six ministers.

Emperor Cheng De of the Ming Dynasty took Ma Xiuying on a tour incognito, traveling around the world to visit the people.

Everywhere you go, a corrupt official will be killed, followed by his head.

This matter was recorded in the "Da Ming Daily". For a time, officials in various parts of the Ming Dynasty did not dare to be careless, and corruption and accepting bribes were greatly reduced. They were afraid that the Ming Emperor Cheng De would go to the places he governed and be investigated. , and then everyone was in danger.

In the Western calendar year 1368 AD, it was July th in the fifth year of Shenwu and July th in the fifth year of Xuanguang.

The Emperor of the Ming Dynasty returned to Nanjing City, and on the same day at the Xuanzheng Hall, he faced the civil and military ministers and said: "I have been conducting secret inspections all the way to various places in the Ming Dynasty. The people are still suffering, and I am very worried about it."

Later, he spread the idea of ​​​​sharing his family into an acre and promoted it in the Ming Dynasty.

The so-called "divide the tax per person into the mu" means to spread the per capita tax into the mu of land, and determine the tax amount according to the number of acres of land. Those with more land will receive more, those with less land will receive less, and those without land will not.

This move is beneficial to the poor and not beneficial to the landlords.

When it was initially implemented, it encountered fierce opposition from landowners throughout the Ming Dynasty.

Cheng De's attitude was extremely tough and he directly used the army to suppress landlords everywhere.

The implementation of the policy of dividing one person into another was barely carried out smoothly despite the overwhelming number of people.

AD 1369 in the Western Calendar, October , the sixth year of Shenwu, and October , the sixth year of Xuanguang.

Cheng De distributed high-yielding grains such as corn and potatoes to all people in the world.

In the early days, all people in the world were skeptical.

Later, Cheng De's "Da Ming Daily" promoted the various benefits of high-yielding grains, but the effect was not great and the response was small.

Finally, Cheng De followed Gong Bosui's plan and created a miracle, saying that these high-yielding grains were given by God and were auspicious to the Ming Dynasty.

Once this saying spread, it became widely popular among all peoples in the world.

After Cheng De learned about this, he stood in Qinzheng Hall for a long time and sighed: "There is a long way to go to liberate the minds of all people in the great future!"

In the Western calendar year 1370 AD, it was December st of the seventh year of Shenwu and December st of the seventh year of Xuanguang.

Emperor Zhaozong of the Yuan Dynasty, Bo'er Jijin and Aiyou, ordered Timur to lead an army of 300,000 troops to attack the northern border.

As soon as Cheng De received the news, he ordered Wei Guogong Xu Da to be the general of the expedition to the north. Lieutenants Lan Yu, Li Wenzhong, Zhu Wenzheng, Mu Ying and others led an army of 400,000 to repel Timur's invasion and Ordered Xu Da and others to fight all the way to Hala and Lin.

Kuo Kuo Timur led an army of 300,000 people and fought with an army of 400,000 people led by Xu Da on Yingchang Road.

Timur was defeated when he expanded his territory. He fell into Xu Da's plan to lure the enemy and was defeated. He led tens of thousands of remaining soldiers and fled back to Hara and Forest.

Xu Da's army recruited and expanded Timur's 200,000 troops.

Then, Xu Da used the 200,000 soldiers under Timur's expanded army as the front army, and they led the way to Hara and Forest.

Recruiting and expanding Timur's 200,000 troops. Suddenly he heard that the Ming army's 600,000 troops were about to attack Hara and Forest, and he was frightened to death.

Before Xu Da's army came to the city, Emperor Zhaozong of the Yuan Dynasty gave up all his civil and military ministers and concubines and moved to the north of Jinshan Mountain. On the way, he fell ill because there was no hope of reviving the Yuan Dynasty.

It was December 12th in the seventh year of Shenwu and December 12th in the seventh year of Xuanguang.

Xu Da's army captured Hara and Forest, and captured the civil and military ministers and concubines of Emperor Zhaozong of the Yuan Dynasty, including Bo'er Jijin and Aiyou Shili Tara. They also left an army of 200,000 in Hara and Forest guarded by Lan Yu. And Xu Da personally led an army of 400,000 people back in triumph.

In the Western calendar year 1371, it was April in the eighth year of Shenwu and the eighth year of Xuanguang.

Zhaozong of the Yuan Dynasty, Bo'er Jijin and Aiyou Shili Tala, died in April of the eighth year of Xuanguang. His temple name was Zhaozong and his Khan was named Biliktu Khan. He was succeeded by Tuogu Si Timur.

Cheng De learned that Emperor Zhaozong of the Yuan Dynasty had died, and he drank three glasses of wine that day.

In 1372 AD in the Western calendar, Cheng De changed the name of Shenwu to Hongwu on the grounds that Shenwu was not enough to express his achievements. No one among the officials objected.

It was 1372 AD in the Western calendar, March of the first year of Hongwu.

In order to prevent the resurgence of the remnant forces in the north, Cheng De wanted to destroy the Mongolian Golden Horde of the remnant Yuan Dynasty. On March 7, the first year of Hongwu, he ordered Lan Yu to serve as the general to conquer the barbarians. Lan Yu would lead an army of 400,000, and his deputy general Li Wenzhong , Muying accompanied the army.

Moreover, Cheng De also told Lan Yu that if he could reach the end of the north, he would reward him with the title of Duke.

Lan Yu is full of confidence.

Cheng De secretly thought that Lan Yu was young.

Later, Lan Yu led an army of 400,000 people all the way deep into the north.

It was 1373 AD in the Western calendar, June of the second year of Hongwu.

Due to the high yield of grain in the Ming Dynasty, there were bumper harvests every year. Countless granaries were built in various places. The grain of the Ming Dynasty was countless and difficult to count.

The Ming Dynasty's national power became increasingly powerful.

July 3rd, the first year of Hongwu.

Cheng De was furious when he heard that the Japanese pirates were attacking Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces.

Tang He immediately ordered a navy force of 300,000 to attack the Japanese pirates. His lieutenants Zhou Dexing, Fu Youde, Zhu Yuanzhang, Chen Ting, Cheng Weiming, and military advisors Lu Bubu and Yao Guangxiao were ordered to sweep away the Japanese pirates and fight all the way to Japan's home base.

During this period, the three Japanese monks captured at the beginning belonged to the Ming Dynasty. They regarded themselves as the people of the Ming Dynasty. For the sake of the Ming Dynasty, they were willing to lead the party to destroy the sun, and they were proud of it.

Cheng De authorized Tang He to fight all the way to the south. Cheng Deduo supplied Tang He with the tenth generation of the Ming Dynasty's new Hongwu cannon and the twentieth generation of the Ming Dynasty's new Hongwu fire gun.

Tang He took the order and left.

In 1374 AD in the Western calendar, in September of the third year of Hongwu, Tang He led Ming navy troops. With weapons, they crushed Japan with overwhelming force and captured He Sanwu and others. Ming Dynasty made Japan a Japanese province.

After capturing Japan, Tang He's army reached 600,000.

There were 300,000 surrendered Wei troops. After a year of brainwashing by Lu Bubu and Yao Guangxiao, they were all willing to fight for the Ming Dynasty, and they were willing to sacrifice their lives for the Ming Dynasty.

He Sanwu and others were escorted back to Nanjing by soldiers sent by Tang He, and were handed over to Cheng De, Emperor Hongwu of the Ming Dynasty.

In 1375 AD in the Western calendar, in July of the fourth year of Hongwu, Tang and his -strong army captured Annan, Champa, and Myanmar. The Ming Dynasty established Annan Province, Champa Province, and Myanmar Province.

In 1376 AD in the Western calendar, in May of the fifth year of Hongwu, Tang He led an army of and captured Java, Venice, and Chenla. In the same year, Lan Yu led an army of to destroy the Mongolian Golden Horde, and the Mongol Khanate's royal family was wiped out.

When Lan Yu discovered that there were other countries in the north, he petitioned for war. Cheng De agreed, allowing him to continue his conquests in other places. For Lan Yu's achievements, he was rewarded with the title of Duke of Qin, a hereditary title, and a salary of five thousand households.

In July of the fifth year of Hongwu, Lan Yu destroyed the Muscovite Principality and took over its territory. The Ming Dynasty established it as Moscow Province.

In 1385 AD in the Western calendar, in December of the fourteenth year of Hongwu, Tang He led an army of to land in America. North America, South America, Central America and other places became the territory of the Ming Dynasty.

In the Western calendar year 1388 AD, in June of the seventeenth year of Hongwu, Zhou Dexing led an army of to capture East Africa.

In the same year, Sapphire destroyed the Eastern Roman Empire and the Ottoman Empire.

In 1390 AD in the Western calendar, in May of the th year of Hongwu, Tang He fell ill due to acclimatization during the journey and returned to Nanjing to recuperate. Mu Ying took over the power of Tang He's army.

In the same year, Lan Yu, Zhu Wenzheng, and Li Wenzhong took over Europe.

In 1392 AD in the Western calendar, Zhou Dexing led an army of to conquer the entire Africa, and the Ming Dynasty had an endless supply of slaves.

All people of the Ming Dynasty who went to Africa and settled there were regarded as superiors.

In 1394 AD in the Western calendar, the Empress of the Ming Dynasty died of illness at the age of sixty-four. She appeared peaceful before her death. On this day, Ming Emperor Cheng De went on a hunger strike for a day. Silent all day long.

In 1395 AD in the Western calendar, the twenty-fifth year of Hongwu, Emperor Cheng De of the Ming Dynasty abdicated the throne and was succeeded by the Prince Cheng Biao of the Ming Dynasty. The reign name was Yongzhi.

Since then, Cheng De has been the Ming Dynasty Emperor, and the people are fond of calling him the Hongwu Emperor.

AD 1400 in the Western Calendar, September of the fifth year of Yongzhi.

He Sanwu, the former king of the Northeast and emperor of the Wei Dynasty, died in prison. Before his death, he cried bitterly and met with the Hongwu Emperor Cheng De.

Before he died, He Sanwu said: I regret it!

In the Western calendar year 1400 AD, on October th, the fifth year of Yongzhi, Huaiguo Duke Li Dingguo died that night due to the recurrence of an old injury on the battlefield. Before his death, he shouted loudly to the Ming Dynasty Palace: "If you can follow my elder brother in this life, there will be no one in this life." No regrets! I wish I could win more territory for the Ming Dynasty."

The next day, the Hongwu Emperors Cheng De and Yongzhi both issued decrees to posthumously confer Li Dingguo the title of King of Zhao and to bury him next to the Hongwu Emperor’s mausoleum under construction. They designated May 27 (Li Dingguo’s birthday) as Dingguo Day. Today, all people in the world need to pay their respects in silence.

On October 10, the fifth year of Yongzhi, Xin Guogong Tanghe died of illness. Both Hongwu Emperor Cheng De and Yongzhi Emperor issued decrees to posthumously confer the title of King of Dongou.

On October 11th, the fifth year of Yongzhi, Duke He Jiusi of Si suddenly suffered from malaria and passed away. Both Hongwu Emperor Cheng De and Yongzhi Emperor issued decrees to posthumously confer the title of Si King.

On the same day, Zhang Qijiu, the Marquis of Sizhou and the commander of Jinyiwei, passed away. Emperors Cheng De and Yongzhi of Hongwu both issued decrees to posthumously confer the title of Duke of Yiguo.

On October 12, the fifth year of Yongzhi, Song Lian, Han Bogao, Zhu Sheng, and Yang Zhongkai died on the same day.

On November 2, the fifth year of Yongzhi, at Mao hour, Gong Bo died, and at Chen hour, Shi Naian died.

On November 3, the fifth year of Yongzhi, Zhang Wusi, the commander of the Ghost Guard, died, and Yang Wei, the Duke of Yang Kingdom, died.

On December 3, the fifth year of Yongzhi's reign, British Duke Feng Guoyong died, and Yong Guo Duke Feng Sheng died.

On December 7, the fifth year of Yongzhi, at Mao hour, Li Shanchang died, and at You hour, Liu Bowen died.

In the Western calendar year 1401, on February th, the sixth year of Yongzhi, Zhu Yuanzhang, the Duke of the Yuan Dynasty, learned the truth about that year and killed Li Xiaoci in a sneak attack in the Honghu area. He raised an army of people to rebel. He wanted to kill Cheng De and remove Cheng Biao from the army. The emperor was removed from his throne.

After Cheng De, who was in the Jingsi Hall deep in the Ming Dynasty Palace, learned the news, he went out to conquer it personally. This year, he was already sixty-eight years old. The civil and military ministers of the dynasty tried to stop him, but they were frightened by the majesty of Hongwu Emperor Cheng De. , can only agree.

On April 9, the sixth year of Yongzhi, Emperor Hongwu of the Ming Dynasty led an army of 500,000 men, accompanied by deputy generals Deng Yu, Chen Ting and others.

On August 9, the sixth year of Yongzhi, Zhu Yuanzhang's army was defeated by the army of Emperor Hongwu of the Ming Dynasty and was defeated. Zhu Yuanzhang committed suicide in Honghu Lake.

Because Zhu Yuanzhang was guilty of treason, his entire family was executed.

Zhu Wenzheng and Li Wenzhong were removed from power because of Zhu Yuanzhang's rebellion, and they were all removed from power and put under house arrest in Nanjing City.

After Li Xiaoci died at the hands of Zhu Yuanzhang, Emperors Cheng De and Yongzhi of Hongwu issued decrees to postulate the title of Duke Zhongguo.

From the seventh year of Yongzhi to the twelfth year of Yongzhi, the Ming Dynasty became more and more powerful.

Cheng Biao was revered as the Yongzhi Emperor by all the people in the world. The pinyin method, physical laws, mathematical theorems, etc. left by Cheng Biao in the past were all incorporated into the Yongzhi Canon.

A "Yongzhi Dadian" records Cheng Biao's literary, moral and military governance, which is unprecedented and unprecedented.

In June 1420 AD in the Western calendar, Emperor Yongzhi of the Ming Dynasty died of illness. Cheng Biao, who was 70 years old, took Cheng De's hand and said emotionally before his death: "Father, Biao'er has lived up to your expectations and has become a great leader of the Ming Dynasty." The world-famous Emperor Yongzhi, even if it was later written in history books, Biao'er's political achievements were no less than those of his father. Father, please take care of yourself, Biao'er took the first step. My father worked hard for the Ming Dynasty all his life, and Biao'er is grateful for your teachings. Even underground, Biao'er must carve out a territory for his father to live in, with the utmost filial piety from all children."

Cheng De watched Cheng Biao die, with tears in his eyes, and repeated in his mouth: "Biao'er..."

In July 1420 AD in the Western Calendar, Cheng Zheng, the seventh son of Emperor Yongzhi of the Ming Dynasty Cheng Biao, was 20 years old. Because of his ability in both civil and military affairs and his filial conduct, he was promoted to the throne by Emperor Hongwu of the Ming Dynasty Cheng De on July .

Awed by the majesty of Emperor Hongwu of the Ming Dynasty, no one dared to raise objections.

Cheng Zheng, the third emperor of the Ming Dynasty, had the reign name Yongsheng, and this year was the first year of Yongsheng.

In the tenth year of its eternal prosperity, the Ming Dynasty had taken over the seven continents of the world as its territory.

The Ming Dynasty has already achieved this. Everything the sun and moon shine on is the land of the Ming Dynasty.

In 1440 AD in the Western calendar, the Ming Dynasty was in great power, with good government and people.

July 6th.

Jingsi Hall, deathly silence.

At this time, Cheng De, the Hongwu Emperor of the Ming Dynasty, was already dying.

Cheng pulled the hand of Yongsheng Emperor Cheng Zheng and prepared to give his last words. Yongsheng Emperor Cheng Zheng couldn't help but recall the process of Cheng De helping him to ascend to the throne. She burst into tears and shouted: "Grandpa Huang, my grandson Zheng Ding can definitely find you a precious medicine to prolong your life, and he will definitely cure you, Grandpa Huang."

Cheng De glanced at his whole body. He was as thin as firewood and not human-like, and said: "From ancient times to the present, which emperor can live as long as me? I am already satisfied!"

Cheng Zheng was startled.

"Zheng'er, the emperor gave you something before he died. Remember this thing. From now on, it can only be given to the succeeding emperor and passed down from generation to generation," Cheng De said, looking at Cheng Zheng's face.

Cheng Zheng nodded and said: "Grandpa Huang, Sun Erzheng will remember every word of what you said."

Hearing this, Cheng De looked at Cheng Zheng and said: "Under Grandpa Huang's bed, there is a wooden box. Inside the box, there are recorded ways to keep the Ming Dynasty strong. I hope Zheng'er can make good use of it."

Cheng Zheng nodded. Seeing that Cheng De's breath seemed to be getting weaker and weaker, Cheng Zheng's tears could no longer stop flowing down.

"Zheng'er, you can only walk the road ahead. Grandpa Huang can no longer protect you. Zheng'er, you have a strong character and a filial piety. Grandpa Huang is deeply gratified. But, Zheng'er, you are obsessed with When it comes to government affairs, don't neglect how to manage the harem. Today's queen has a weak temperament, and the emperor is afraid that she will not be able to manage the harem, and Li'er will be bullied in the future. Zheng'er, the emperor's last words, you must agree to it. Me!" At this moment, Cheng De suddenly regained his consciousness and his complexion suddenly became better.

Cheng Zheng's eyes became darker and darker, and his heart was extremely sad. He had realized something.

So, Cheng Zheng said: "Grandpa Huang, if you say so, Zheng'er will agree to it!"

Cheng took Cheng Zheng's hand and said: "If Li'er becomes the prince, the Ming Dynasty will still be strong for decades or even hundreds of years in the future. What the emperor means is that Zheng'er wants to make Li'er the prince! Also, the Queen's side , Zheng'er remember to protect her, if you protect her, you will protect the strong future of Ming Dynasty!"

"Ahem." Cheng De's expression suddenly returned to its original state.

Cheng De seemed to realize something. He already knew that he didn't have much time left. Looking through the Jingsi Hall and outside the hall, he seemed to see Luo Yan, Ma Xiuying and others, as well as his brothers, heading towards He waved.

So, Cheng De sighed softly:

"Yan'er, sister Xiuying, Biao'er, I'm here to accompany you!"

It is 1500 in the Ming calendar and 2855 in the Western calendar.

The Ming Dynasty lasted for thousands of years and never declined.

All over the world, people call themselves Ming people and are proud of Ming people, regardless of whether their skin is black, yellow, white, etc.

The current emperor of the Ming Dynasty is the 60th emperor of the Ming Dynasty. His reign name is Yongchang, and he is the Yongchang Emperor.

This time, Emperor Yongchang was offering sacrifices to his ancestors. Suddenly, wisps of white smoke rose from the mausoleum of Emperor Hongwu of the Ming Dynasty and floated into the air, and the sky was filled with purple smoke for thirty thousand miles.

Everyone who witnessed this spectacle thought that Emperor Hongwu had attained enlightenment and became an immortal. They all looked in awe and knelt down and kowtowed: "Best farewell to Emperor Hongwu!"

Emperor Yongchang saw the sincerity on everyone's faces, and thought of the "Top Secrets of Strengthening Strength" left by Emperor Hongwu of the Ming Dynasty, and thought to himself: The Ming Dynasty may be prosperous for thousands of years! (End of chapter)

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