Chapter 3 I Have a Wish

After Cheng De withdrew his gaze, he glanced at everyone present, and everyone's eyes were a little dodged.

Cheng De then said: "We are all from the same village. Since I have become your leader, I only hope that you will obey my orders in the future. In short, if I, Cheng De, take a bite, you will have a bite." Food. Moreover, once on the battlefield, everyone will become brothers who depend on each other for life and death, so you understand what I mean when I say that!"

"Brother De, I support you! In our village, no one knows that you are a filial person. We all know that Brother De is a trustworthy person. If anyone refuses to obey you, I, Li Sanqi, will be the first to teach him a lesson! "

Looking at Li Sanqi who jumped out, Cheng De looked at him with piercing eyes, dark face and a youthful smile.

Cheng De thought for a while, and just wanted to find someone to understand what his predecessor had done, and Li Sanqi was a breakthrough.

So Cheng De said with a smile: "Li Sanqi, I'll talk to you about something later."

"Brother De, do you really want to be Yuanren's minion?"

"He Sanwu, what do you mean?" Li Sanqi pointed at He Sanwu with an unkind expression on his face.

Cheng De followed the deep voice, and found that it was a man with disheveled hair, a serious expression, and a mole between his eyebrows, about Mo.

At the same time, Cheng De turned his head to look out the door and was relieved to find that there were no Yuan soldiers.

Turning his head, looking at He Sanwu, and then at everyone present, he said, "He Sanwu, there are brothers, don't say such things here in the future, fortunately there are no Yuan soldiers nearby, otherwise I'm afraid the You can't get good fruit from the soldiers. I just pretended I didn't hear what I said just now."

Then, Cheng De sighed lightly.

"Brother De, what are you—" Li Sanqi looked at Zhang De in confusion.

"Brothers, I know that everyone, including me, was arrested and served as a soldier, but people have to bow their heads under the eaves. I hope that all brothers will not act rashly and keep their bodies useful. It may be possible to do it in the future Something big is going to happen."

"What I'm going to say next is my answer to He Sanwu and the brothers, and it's also my Cheng De's trust in everyone. I hope that all the brothers will not disappoint my trust and spread it to the ears of Yuanren." in the slightest."

Cheng De looked around the audience, and everyone patted their chests to say that they would not do such a thing, and that if anyone betrayed them, they would kill them together.

"To tell you the truth, the world is in chaos, the Yuan government is out of order, thieves are everywhere, and the people are in dire straits. And I, Cheng De, have a wish, that is, that in the future every Han Chinese will have food to eat, clothes to wear, and I can live in a house, be able to marry a wife and have children, and be an upright person, not a beast to be slaughtered. I don’t know if all the brothers are willing to help me, and we will make contributions together in the future, and leave a name in history!”

Cheng De lowered his voice very low, and everyone present listened to it, and looked at Cheng De in disbelief, full of admiration and surprise when they looked at Cheng De.
"Brother De, I, He Sanwu, doubted Brother De just now. It was my fault. From today on, I, He Sanwu, am willing to follow Brother De forever. I will do whatever He Sanwu asks me to do."

"Me too. I, Li Sanqi, have always believed in Brother De. After all, Brother De is usually a warm-hearted person, and he is also very filial."

"And me too"


Seeing that everyone present believed in him, Cheng De said in his heart that it would be a lie if he was not moved.

Cheng De bowed his fists to everyone present and said, "Brothers have so much trust in me, Cheng De, I am grateful for your trust in me. Today, I swear that if I achieve something in the future, I, Cheng De, will share the same with all brothers." Wealthy."

"Brother De, I, Li Sanqi, found out that you, Brother De, have become different from before. Is it because of uncle?"

Hearing Li Sanqi's words, Cheng De's expression remained unchanged, and he responded with excitement in his heart: "That's right, my father died suddenly, which hit me hard. From the moment he was arrested and served as a soldier, I I roughly guessed my father's ending in my heart. During this period, I figured out a lot of things, people always have to go through things before they can grow up."

Hearing Cheng De's words, the faces of all the people present became complicated, because their relatives were also arrested and served as soldiers, and they also lost their lives.

People in the same village feel sympathy for each other, and everyone's hearts are closer.

This is something Cheng De roughly felt.

"Brother De, your performance on the school grounds just now surprised us. In the past, Brother De was very weak, like a scholar. In the early years, he was able to read some words, but today we are all shocked. Surprised, Brother De, do you have any special way to increase strength, and then secretly practiced it?"

He Sanwu's words attracted everyone's attention.

Cheng De kept a flat face, looked outside again, and said in a low voice: "I learned this method from a place a few years ago, and I will teach you when the time comes, but this method is very hard. -"

"Brother De, we are not afraid of hardship!"

"Yes, don't be afraid of suffering!"

"Okay, then I will teach you all about it."

Hearing Cheng De's words, everyone smiled.

"Brothers, Brother De treats us so sincerely, don't let him down!" He Sanwu said in a timely manner.

Everyone expressed that they would not betray, and this scene fell into Cheng De's eyes, and he was very pleased.

"Brothers, from now on, you can call me big brother in private, but when outsiders are around, you should still call me by position, so as not to be framed by Xiaoxiao's generation, so as to avoid being persecuted by Yuan people!"

"Brother's words, brothers, remember!"

Cheng De nodded, "Brothers, in order to survive Tumen Batai's move today, many brothers were injured. It's a pity that there is no medicine to help you brothers, but I know that if you rest and rest, you can still recover." Get well soon. Brothers today are not easy, if you have nothing to do, everyone go to rest first! Li Sanqi, you stay, I have a few words to tell you."

"We listen to big brother, big brother is for our sake, and we will never disappoint big brother's good intentions."

Seeing that everyone went to rest according to their own ideas, Cheng De heaved a sigh of relief, this test was passed, and it was surprisingly good!

Looking at Li Sanqi who stayed in the field, Cheng De smiled, stepped forward, patted Li Sanqi on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Li Sanqi, let me give you a name, your name is too common Already!"

Li Sanqi was overjoyed when he heard the words, and excitedly took Cheng De's hand and said, "Brother, I've wanted to change my name a long time ago. This name is so ugly! In our village, there are two people with the same name as me. People blamed me for the bad things the two of them did, such as often peeking at village widows taking a bath, and then wronged me, which made me feel very uncomfortable."

"Let me think about it." Cheng De looked up at the sky.

Li Sanqi quickly let go of his hand, and stood quietly aside, not disturbing Cheng De.

After a while.

"Yes, from now on you will be called Li Dingguo. I hope that one day, you can become a world-renowned general and be able to stabilize the country!"

Li Sanqi wept with joy when he heard the words. He took Cheng De's hand to express his gratitude, and he kept muttering: "From now on, I will be called Li Dingguo. Since the eldest brother wants me to be a general, then I will be a general." But, brother, you can still call me Li Sanqi in the future, so that I will always know that I can't forget my roots, and my father said that I can't forget my roots before he died."

"Well, Li Sanqi, in your heart, what kind of person am I?"

Li Sanqi was taken aback for a moment, "Brother, are you asking about the past? Or the present?"

"Let's talk about the past first!"

"Well! Before this, once, my uncle was sick, and the doctor prescribed a prescription. Brother, you also took the medicine, but this medicine still lacks a main medicine, and this main medicine is in the deep mountains. .In order to save Uncle, at that time, elder brother, you ignored the dissuasion of the villagers and went into the deep mountains alone to collect medicine. You must know that the deep mountains are very steep, and many villagers died in accidents there."

"People in our village thought that the eldest brother would not be able to come back at that time. Unexpectedly, the eldest brother came back miraculously the next morning, but the eldest brother was covered in blood at the time, and passed out directly at the entrance of the village. This frightened the people in our village. Even so, the eldest brother still held the main medicine tightly in his hand, and the uncle was out of danger because the main medicine came in time. This is what the doctor said in front of everyone, and everyone in the village knew it. Since then , Eldest brother has a reputation of filial piety in the village, and our parents often praise you! Eldest brother was only nine years old at that time, and it has been eight years now."

Listening to Li Sanqi's words, Cheng De found that they sounded very organized, and thought: This Li Sanqi is a talent, worth cultivating!

"Um, by the way, after my uncle was arrested as a soldier, because of Yu—"

"Depressed!" Cheng De reminded, looking at Li Sanqi's faltering.

"Yes, that's what the doctor said. Just like that, the elder brother fell ill, and the reputation of the elder brother's filial piety has been known by everyone in several surrounding villages."

Cheng De's eyes flickered. It turned out that this is the case. He is 17 years old this year, and he has gained the reputation of filial piety in the village.

"Other than these?" Cheng De continued to ask.

"Uh, brother once helped the villagers with some work and helped many old people."

Cheng De secretly wrote down these, "What about now? In your opinion, Li Sanqi, what kind of person am I?"

"Now? He looks more like a hero, just like the storyteller said, he is a hero who can achieve great things. Moreover, the eldest brother looks more powerful than before. Anyway, I, Li Sanqi, think that I will be able to live with my eldest brother." Good day, this is my intuition, Li Sanqi. Brother, don't blame me for saying that about you!"

Cheng De patted Li Sanqi on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Don't worry, one day, I, Cheng De, will lead my brothers to live a good life!"

"I believe in big brother, I think, brothers also believe that big brother can do it!"

Hearing Li Sanqi's words, Cheng De felt his shoulders suddenly sink, and thought: In order to survive in this troubled world better, I will train my brothers well later.Especially this Li Sanqi, you should keep an eye on him.

Seeing Cheng De's gaze suddenly on himself, Li Sanqi was at a loss.

After a while, Cheng De looked away and patted Li Sanqi on the shoulder, "Li Sanqi, let's go back to the room to rest!"

"Then go rest!"

(End of this chapter)

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