Chapter 30

Two days later.

The meeting hall of the General's Mansion in Sizhou City.

Cheng Degao sat on the head with gloomy eyes.

"Feng Guoyong sent someone to report urgently. Jia Lu surrounded Dingyuan with an army of [-]. The situation is critical? Do you have any countermeasures?" Cheng De looked around at the crowd.

Everyone looked pensive.

Suddenly, Deng Youde said: "General, if Jia Lu leads [-] troops to besiege Dingyuan, then Chuzhou will be empty of troops. If the general leads troops to attack Chuzhou, then Dingyuan will be relieved."

Cheng De looked surprised and said with a smile: "That's right, besieging Wei and saving Zhao! It sounds reasonable! Anyone else have any ideas?"

Luo Mao stood up at this time, "General, can Feng Dadu tell you why Jia Lu suddenly besieged Dingyuan?"

Cheng De replied: "That's not true, Jia Lu besieged Dingyuan very suddenly."

Luo Mao frowned, "General, Jia Lu led [-] troops to besiege Dingyuan, leaving Chuzhou empty of troops. As a result, the students thought that Jia Lu must understand the consequences of sending troops, but he did it anyway. So the students I think, maybe someone from the Yuan court put pressure on him."

After hearing Luo Mao's words, Cheng De's eyes were calm.

But, is it really as the military adviser guessed?

Also, is Jia Lu's real intention to besiege Dingyuan?
Cheng De was puzzled by this.

"Brother, Yang Xiaodu has already recruited 4000 people in Sizhou City, and now our Sizhou Army has 4000 people, with sufficient food and grass, and can fight the Yuan army at any time!" He Sanwu looked at Cheng with anticipation. Germany.

This time, if possible, he also wants to attack the Yuan army.

Who made Li Sanqi and his group of brothers always brag about how heroic they are on the battlefield in private or in letters or chats.

If you co-author, you are not a hero!
He Sanwu urgently needs a battle to prove himself!

Cheng De looked at He Sanwu eager to try, and thought: Indeed, it's time for He Sanwu to fight!

It's just that he has his own ideas on how to fight.

Beating Jia Lu's army was only to resolve the crisis in Dingyuan City, and he was not very satisfied with the result.

He even thought in his heart, taking the opportunity to win Chuzhou.

Right now Chuzhou is under-defended and its troops are empty, so it's a good time to take it!
Although Chuzhou is surrounded by mountains, the terrain is easy to defend and difficult to attack, but it may not mean that there is no chance.

This kind of thought lingered in Cheng De's mind, and he couldn't get rid of it.

Therefore, Cheng De said: "Dingyuan is in danger, and I am going to personally lead [-] cavalry to rescue it. But Chuzhou must also be attacked."

When everyone heard Cheng De's words, their eyes lit up.

"I have decided to attack Chuzhou with He Sanwu, Feng Sheng, and Luo Mao. He Sanwu will command 2000 troops for the pro-barracks and 2000 troops for the captive battalion. Feng Sheng will command the [-] cavalry, and Luo Mao will serve as the accompanying army division. Why is the lord general three to five?"

He Sanwu was overjoyed when he heard the words, "Brother, I, He Sanwu, must win Chuzhou!"

"Although you are the main general in this attack, I still hope that when you fight, you will listen to the advice of the military adviser more, and you must not go your own way, remember?" Cheng De looked serious.

"Brother, I remember!" He Sanwu said seriously.

"In that case, you should start now!" Cheng De waved his hand.

"Follow the order!" He Sanwu, Luo Mao, and Feng Sheng bowed and saluted.

Afterwards, He Sanwu and the others left in a hurry.

Cheng De continued: "This time Sizhou City will be guarded by Wei Xiao as the chief general! Luo Gongfu and Mr. Yang will assist!"

"Wei Xiao (Luo Gongfu) takes orders!" The three of Wei Xiao bowed and saluted.

"Deng Youde, I will give you 2000 troops to explore the way in Haozhou! After I defeat Jia Lu, the leader will join you and take the opportunity to take Haozhou in one fell swoop!"

Cheng De decided to go all out and take Haozhou as well.

Because if you worry about it, you will change later!

If I remember correctly, Guo Zixing and others in Haozhou are about to revolt soon.

He wants to go one step ahead and strangle Guo Zixing and others in their cradles.

Of course, the premise is to defeat Jia Lu!

"This subordinate obeys the order!" Deng Youde's face was very excited.

"The Yuan soldiers in Haozhou City have to send someone to inquire about the distribution of forces." Cheng De urged.

"Yes!" Deng Youde responded.

"You count the number of people and start immediately!"

"Subordinates retire!"

"Zhang Qijiu, take the brothers from the Five Hundred Cavalry Battalion and head towards Dingyuan first, don't get too close to Jia Lu's army, and then I will follow up with the brothers from the Two Thousand Cavalry Battalion."

"Yes, General!" Zhang Qijiu knelt down on one knee.

After the discussion ended, Cheng De told Yang Zhongkai to pay attention to the movement of Sizhou City.

If there is a change, the army can be adjusted to suppress it.

Especially those large grain merchants must watch closely.

Yang Zhongkai nodded, with a cold light in his eyes.

Jueshengwei has just been established, if those big grain merchants are restless, they can just make a name for Jueshengwei.

In Sizhou City, the biggest sky can only be the general.

Seeing Yang Zhongkai's expression, Cheng De felt very satisfied.

Then, he told Yang Zhongkai: If Mr. Lu sent someone to deliver the food, he would make all of them into dried fish and shrimp.

At the same time, give some to the poor people in Sizhou City door-to-door to win the hearts of the people.

Yang Zhongkai nodded, secretly remembering this.

Immediately, Cheng De met Luo Yan and told Luo Yan to take care of the general's mansion and continue to make cement.

Afterwards, Cheng De took two thousand cavalry and rushed towards Dingyuan.

the other side.

Dingyuan City.

Standing on the city wall, Feng Guoyong felt a little heavy in his heart as he watched the Yuan army attack wildly outside the city.

"Has the letter been delivered to the General's Mansion in Sizhou City?"

"Dadutong, the letter has been delivered!"

"That's good! Let brother hold on, the general is already on his way!"

"Dadu Tong, there are hundreds of people detained in Dingyuan Prison, do you want them to—"

"Those people, don't worry about it for now. How many living brothers do we have?"

"Da Dutong, there are about [-] more."

Feng Guoyong was silent for a while.

It took only half an hour for the Yuan army to attack Dingyuan, and already two hundred people were killed.

Although the number of people killed by one's own camp is more, it does not have an advantage in numbers.

If this continues, Dingyuan will be in danger!
"In any case, we must persist for at least two hours." Feng Guoyong said calmly.

From Sizhou City to Dingyuan, if you march in a hurry, two hours for cavalry is enough.

With the general's wisdom, he will definitely come with cavalry.

"Yes, Dadutong!"

Feng Guoyong withdrew his thoughts, calmed down, continued to command the battle, and stubbornly resisted the fierce attack of the Yuan army.

The sounds of fighting and screams mixed together.

Cheng De led two thousand cavalry, and after meeting Yang Wei on the road, he accelerated towards Dingyuan.

The dust is flying, and the sound of horseshoes is broken.

An hour and a half later.

Cheng De and his party came to the vicinity of Dingyuan, less than three miles away from the Yuan army.

The sun is now setting.

Cheng De boarded a hill and saw the Yuan army stationed in the camp, a light flashed quickly in his mind.

"The whole army dismounted and rested. When it got dark, we attacked the Yuan army's garrison at night."

With an order, everyone got off their horses one after another. After eating the dry food they brought, they began to wait for the time of darkness to fall.

Time is passing slowly.

The big tent of Yuan army outside Dingyuan city.

Jia Lu looked gloomy, looking at the generals left and right, "How many people did our army lose today?"

"Reporting to my lord, our army lost more than 2000 people. The general thought that the reason for the large loss this time was that the rebels were despicable and shameless. They used gold juice, hot soup, and plant ash, causing huge losses to our army."

Jia Lu asked again, "How many people did the enemy lose?"

"Reporting to my lord, the final general estimates that the enemy lost at least 600 people. The bandit army in Dingyuan City should be around 300 people now."

About 300 people?

Jia Lu felt relieved, but he felt a sense of urgency when he thought that the leader of the rebels might be rushing here from Sizhou City.

What's more, it has been attacking for three hours in a row, and Dingyuan hasn't won yet!
Involuntarily, Jia Lu had a kind of admiration for Dingyuan's defender.

The hatred is deeper!
This time, we must go all out to win Dingyuan.

"Since the enemy only has about 300 people left, then put our entire army on top. This time, we must take Dingyuan City in one fell swoop! I will beat the drums myself!" Jia Lu clenched his fists and said, waving.

"Yes, General!"

For a moment.


In this rapid drumbeat, the Yuan army launched a general offensive.

The momentum is huge, and the sound of shouting and killing is earth-shattering!
Standing on the wall of Dingyuan City, Feng Guoyong was silent when he saw this scene.

General, why haven't you arrived yet?

Could it be that something happened halfway?
Thinking of this, Feng Guoyong's heart skipped a beat.

But he still gritted his teeth and decided to stand up again, "Let the brothers hold on for a while! The general will definitely come to rescue us!"

"Yes, Dadutong!" The surrounding soldiers clenched their weapons and shouted loudly.

Cheng De looked up at the sky, the night was charming.

Hearing the movement of the Yuan army, he rode on the horse and gave an order: "Everyone, follow me! Kill the Yuan thief!"

"Kill Yuan Thief!!"

"Kill Yuan Thief!!"

The sound of shouting and killing resounded in the night sky of Dingyuan.

Feng Guoyong smiled when he heard the voice.

General, finally arrived!

"Brothers, the general has arrived, we are all saved! Everyone cheer up!" Feng Guoyong shouted loudly.

The morale of the surrounding soldiers was greatly boosted, and they cheered up one after another.

After Jia Lu heard the movement from Cheng De, his face changed drastically.

Seeing his soldiers and horses charging towards Dingyuan City one after another, it might be too late for them to turn around.

But even if it’s too late, you still have to do it.

When Jia Lu ordered the Yuan army behind to turn around and prepare to meet the enemy, the Yuan army was in chaos.

at this time.

Cheng De took the lead in the charge, leading [-] cavalry, and quickly galloped for three miles, rushing to the back of the Yuan army, tearing a huge hole.

The Yuan army couldn't react in time, and turned around to meet the enemy in a panic.

Only, it was too late.

Flesh and flesh flew everywhere, and heads flew into the air.

The screams came one after another.

Under the ravages of the cavalry led by Cheng De, the Yuan army cried and shouted.

Fear and panic permeated the Yuan army.

Cheng De slashed and slashed the enemy on his horse while looking for Jia Lu's location.

Finally, Cheng De found Jia Lu's trail.

So Cheng De led the cavalry and rushed towards Jia Lu.

It's like a torrent rushing out, unstoppable!
Whoever blocks will die!

Jia Lu's soldiers fell one after another in a pool of blood.

Jia Lu looked at the scene in front of him, his heart was cold, his hands and feet felt cold!

It's over, it's over!
The bandit army is unstoppable, morale has been lost!

Jia Lu's mind went blank!

Under the moonlight, a tall black horse ran up to Jia Lu.

Jia Lu's whole body was stiff, and he raised his head with difficulty, looking at the rebel general in jet-black armor riding on the horse!

Astonishment, disbelief, and fear lingered in Jia Lu's eyes.

Why are you so young?

This is not true!

"Are you—Jaroo?"

Hearing the voice of the rebel general in front of him, Jia Lu realized the reality.

"Are you the leader of the rebels in Sizhou City?" Jia Lu asked unwillingly.

"For your Yuan army, that's indeed what you call me. If you don't want to change your name or surname, I will conquer general Cheng De!" Cheng De said expressionlessly.

When Jia Lu heard this, his heart was ashamed.

Worried about Dayuan's future.

Just think of my current situation
Jia Lu suddenly laughed, his voice full of desolation and tragedy.

"God bless you or not!" Jia Lu looked crazy.

Cheng De squinted at the scene in front of him, without any hesitation, he quickly drew out the long knife hanging from his waist, and quickly turned the knife and slashed at Jia Lu!

A head flew high, and the blood spattered three feet high.

The next moment, Cheng De grabbed Jia Lu's head and shouted loudly: "Jia Lu is dead, surrender and don't kill him!"

"Jia Lu is dead, surrender and not kill!"

"Jia Lu is dead, surrender and not kill!"

After the Yuan army heard it, they put down their weapons and surrendered on their knees.

Dingyuan City Wall cheers!
Cheng De asked Yang Wei to lead people to clean up the battlefield, and at the same time sent people to guard all those who surrendered.

After Feng Guoyong opened the city gate, Cheng De led the army into the city.

That night, Cheng De organized a total of 4000 Yuan soldiers who had surrendered, and selected 4000 of them to add to the cavalry battalion, 5000 to add to the personal battalion, and the last 5000 to the newly established [-] battalion.

At the same time, the remaining veterans of Dingyuan's defense of the city were assigned to serve as generals at the grassroots level in the incorporated army.

Rejoice to the whole army!

After arranging the pensions of the soldiers and soldiers.

In order to improve the combat effectiveness of the incorporated army, Cheng De stayed in Dingyuan for two days and did some ideological work.

After summoning the whole army, he faced the crowd: "Do you know why Jia Lu failed to lead you?"

Everyone is puzzled.

"Let me tell you, one is that Jia Lu is not made for war, so he failed. The other is that your discipline is too poor. Whenever an unexpected situation arises, the entire team will be in chaos. This is the reason for your failure!"

After hearing this, everyone was convinced and admired Cheng De one after another.

"Many of my subordinates are generals who are good at fighting. Now only after you learn to enforce orders and prohibit them will you continue to win battles in the future!"

After listening to Cheng De's words, everyone agreed with this statement.

Facts speak louder than words!

Immediately, Cheng De rewarded many people according to the merits of this battle.

Feng Guoyong was promoted by Cheng De as a partial general, capable of commanding 3000 troops.

Remember Yang Wei's contribution first.

Zhang Qijiu was promoted to the commander of the Shenji Camp due to his meritorious service.

Cheng De asked Feng Guoyong and Yang Wei to take the newly recruited 5000-person military battalion as the vanguard to attack Haozhou, and set off towards Haozhou first!

At the same time, an order was written, asking Deng Youde to follow Feng Guoyong's command.

Afterwards, Cheng De wrote a transfer order, sending cavalry to rush, let Xuyi City Li Sanqi come to Dingyuan, and transferred Zhang Qijiu to Xuyi City to serve as the guard.

Four hours later, Li Sanqi hurried to Dingyuan.

Cheng De immediately handed over 5000 people from the [-] Battalion to Li Sanqi, and asked him to garrison Dingyuan.

At the same time, he was told to send someone to contact He Sanwu who was attacking Chuzhou, and the two joined forces to attack Chuzhou.

After explaining many things to Li Sanqi.

Later, Cheng De marched towards Haozhou with 7000 cavalry battalions.

This time, Cheng De is going to win Haozhou in one fell swoop!
Haozhou is not my future!
My future is the whole world!
Cheng De thought about this, and looked in the direction of Haozhou!

Five miles outside Haozhou City.

When Cheng De joined Feng Guoyong, Yang Wei, Deng Youde and others, Cheng De learned from Deng Youde and Feng Guoyong that there were about [-] Yuan troops in the city.

Moreover, before Cheng De arrived, Feng Guoyong had checked the nearby mountains, rivers and rivers, and said that there were many places where the Yuan army could ambush.

With a thought in his heart, Cheng De sent Deng Youde to lead people to do this.

At the same time, Cheng De asked Feng Guoyong to take some people to shoot more than a dozen letters towards Haozhou City. The content was written: Cheng Deling, the general who conquered the captives, ruled the soldiers of Sizhou, Xuyi, Dingyuan, and Chuzhou, and led an army of [-]. , intending to attack the Yuan army in Haozhou, and those who have lofty ideals against the Yuan Dynasty in Haozhou who help to open the city gate will be rewarded generously.

The siege is the bottom, and the heart is the top.

Although Chuzhou is not his own at present, and the number of people under his leadership is not [-], he must show his momentum!

The real is real, the real is real!
Cheng De ordered the whole army to set up camp on the spot, and told Feng Guoyong to do a good job of surrounding defense.

at the same time.

People in Haozhou City are in panic!
Among them, the careerists represented by Guo Zixing have their own plans, which can be called taking chestnuts out of the fire.

Two dogs fight, play off!
It's just that it's hard to say who is the real fisherman in the end.

In the face of power, since ancient times, there have been too many outstanding people who have been fascinated by the huge temptation in front of them.

To be precise, it captivates the mind.

Can't see the situation clearly.

It is a pity that many bloody lessons in history have not been used for reference.

Perhaps, the lesson that people learn from history is not to learn the lesson!
The undercurrent in Haozhou is raging.

The guard of the Yuan army in Haozhou city lost the seven capitals, and wandered in the study of Wanhu's mansion with a sad face.

He has received news that Jia Lu was killed by the rebels.

Asking himself, compared to Jia Lu, he feels that his ability is far inferior to Jia Lu.

Jia Lu attacked the rebels, and then Jia Lu died, but if it was him, the result might not be much better.

But he doesn't want to die!
Let's fight, maybe we can't beat it!

Don't fight, it's hard to explain to the Dayuan court!

Moreover, he also received news that many people in Haozhou are now working in the dark, trying to kill him.

There are many people who want his life!

Faced with such a situation, Answering Miss Qi felt extremely headache.

It's not easy to be an official in Dayuan!

To be an official is not to be an official!

Why not drop it!
Maybe, you can also become a high-ranking official!
Therefore, Dashi Qidu sent someone to secretly contact Cheng De outside the city to discuss how to treat him after surrendering.

Of course, he made a request: the official position must be a little lower than Cheng De, but higher than others.

Cheng De received the people sent by Dashi Qidu, and after knowing the meaning of Dashi Qidu, he sneered.

Under his command, they were all persecuted by people from the Yuan Dynasty, so he couldn't do this no matter what!
It hurts my subordinates too much!

Therefore, Cheng De explicitly rejected the proposal.

After receiving Cheng De's reply, he was immediately dumbfounded.

No chance to surrender?
It's all like this now, there is no choice, so let's start playing!
War is imminent!
 I feel unwell, and today I have a chapter of more than 5000 words.Tomorrow, depending on the situation, if there are no relatives who come to pay New Year's greetings, there will be two more chapters, which roughly add up to between five and eight thousand words.

(End of this chapter)

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