Chapter 38

The next day, it was sunny.

Feng Guoyong and He Sanwu each took their soldiers and horses out of Haozhou City, and Cheng De personally sent them out of the city for ten miles.

Cheng De stood together with Feng Guoyong and He Sanwu, and the others were a little further away.

Before parting, Cheng De looked at them and encouraged: "Be careful in this battle. If you can't do anything, put your own safety first."

Feng Guoyong and He Sanwu were both moved when they heard the words, "Thank you, General, for your concern!"

Cheng De nodded: "Take care!"

"Take care, general!" Feng Guoyong and He Sanwu bowed and saluted.

Afterwards, Cheng De watched Feng Guoyong and He Sanwu lead the army away until their backs completely disappeared before his eyes.

a long time.

Cheng Decai took people back to Haozhou City.

Walking on the bustling street, Cheng De was quite happy when he heard the yelling and seeing the smiling faces full of vitality.

Perhaps, the smiles on the faces of these people are the most beautiful things in this troubled world.

And what he can do is to provide a stable living environment for the people under his rule, give hope of life, and let them all have enough to eat.


Walked to a vendor selling chicken.

Seeing that the stall owner was about to close the stall, Cheng De stepped forward and smiled, "How is the business, old man?"

Hearing this, the stall owner raised his head to look at Cheng De, and was surprised to find several burly men standing behind Cheng De.

Without too much hesitation, the stall owner hurriedly bowed and said, "I have seen this adult before!"

Cheng De waved his hand and said: "Old man, don't be too polite, I just want to chat with you casually, don't think too much."

After hearing this, the stall owner felt a little relieved when he saw the gentle smile on Cheng De's face, which was very approachable.

"My lord, the small business is very good today. Not long after the stall started, all the chickens were sold out." The stall owner smiled.

Could it be that Li Shanchang started to act?
"Really? Does the old man know who the chickens were sold to?" Cheng De still kept a smile on his face.

The stall owner smiled, "I know all of this. I have lived in Haozhou for decades, and basically know all the famous people in Haozhou City. I remember that the chickens bought by Li's family, Chen's family, etc. The Song family, and the Zheng family, they all sent their servants over, and each family bought dozens of chickens."

When Cheng De was about to ask about the origins of these businesses, the stall owner unexpectedly added, "By the way, I remember that besides buying chickens from the small one, they basically bought other chicken stalls. Over and over again, no more, no less, about fifty or sixty bought by each family."

Hearing what the stall owner said, Cheng De subconsciously felt that there was something wrong with it.

Suppressing the doubts in his heart, Cheng De looked at the stall owner and asked, "Old man, do you know where the Li family, the Chen family, the Song family, and the Zheng family are from?"

Hearing the words, the stall owner couldn't help sighing, looked around cautiously for a few times, and then said in a low voice: "My lord, let me tell you, these are the famous black-hearted landlords in Haozhou City. Many people said good things and rented a few acres of land from them. They got up before dawn and continued to work in the field after dark. They worked hard and sweated. Seventy percent are filial to the landlord."

Speaking of this, the stall owner looked around cautiously before continuing: "Apart from these, if the fields are well taken care of, fertilized and watered, the fields will become fatter with great difficulty." When I was thinking about charging more, I didn't know that these landlords would increase the rent immediately. It was a good deal, and I still suffered as a tenant. Moreover, even if I endured it for two or three years, I would still have to be kicked out by these landlords. "

Cheng De was silent after hearing this.

He knew that there were many landlords in Haozhou City, and even more tenant farmers.

Unexpectedly, the life of these sharecroppers is so difficult, it is unimaginable.

In particular, every tenant farmer has a family and a family. Basically, they hope that the food can fill their stomachs all year round. Unexpectedly, it still hasn't been realized.

Most of them went to the home of the landlord.

"Old man, I heard that the general who conquered the captives in Sizhou City, didn't he distribute the fields in the city for the people to plant? Moreover, the tax was exempted for the first three years, and only [-]% of the harvest was collected from the fourth year. If this is the case, those tenant farmers Will my life be better?" Cheng De looked at the stall owner with gentle eyes, and his tone was calm.

Unexpectedly, Cheng De just finished speaking, but the stall owner sighed: "General Zhenglu really treats the people with kindness and righteousness. At least in the past few decades in Haozhou City, no one has treated the people as sincerely as the general. But, General Zhenglu There are very few fields that can be allocated, and most of the land is still in the hands of the few landlords in the city. However, thanks to General Zhenglu, one of my nephews was lucky enough to be allocated an acre of land, which belonged to General Zhenglu Grace is also the grace of life! However, there are many tenant farmers in Haozhou City, and the land is not enough.”

Hearing this, Cheng De felt quite uncomfortable.

"The landlords that the old man just mentioned, how many lands do they have?" Cheng De asked casually, and he didn't expect much from the stall owner for the answer to this question.

Unexpectedly, the stall owner shook his head first, then gritted his teeth, and then said: "I don't know how many. However, there are rumors that these landlords control [-]% of Haozhou City. field."

Cheng De's eyes were astonished, followed by shock.

Eighty percent?

The four landowners controlled [-]% of the land in Haozhou City, and Cheng De's eyes were gloomy.

If these fields are all his own and distributed to the people, then the people will be the beneficiaries of the control of locusts in Haozhou City, otherwise it would be cheaper for these landowners.

Thinking of this, Cheng De had some ideas in his mind.

"Old man, do you know how these landowners behave?" Cheng De narrowed his eyes slightly.

The stall owner pondered for a while before opening his mouth and said: "In Haozhou City, the kind-hearted landlords are the Guo family. They have given porridge in the city many times, and they have saved many people's lives. Among them, the horse girl is the most A living Bodhisattva! I heard that Miss Ma will marry General Zhenglu, and many people want to help with the work on the day of Miss Ma's wedding, thanking Miss Ma for her kindness in giving rice porridge in the past."

Speaking of this, the stall owner paused, "As for the few companies mentioned just now, only the Song family will occasionally serve porridge once or twice. However, the Song family's porridge, let's not talk about how bad the porridge rice is. It is their attitude of giving porridge, which is indeed enough to attract people's hatred. Many people with integrity in the whole Haozhou City will not go to the Song family's porridge shed to eat porridge. Unless it is absolutely necessary, they are really hungry. However, this porridge is not so easy to get."

Cheng De became curious about this, and asked: "Old man, can you tell me in detail why this porridge is so bad?"

After hearing this, the stall owner was silent for a while, and then said: "Before receiving the porridge, you must first send a few words of blessing to the Song family. Then, you have to kowtow three times in a row to thank, and finally——I have to listen to the Song family." A few servants in the family said some nasty things, and what's more, if there were female relatives in the family, they would even mobilize their hands, making people dare not speak out. Therefore, this porridge leader is out of anger You can only get the porridge after making things difficult in every possible way, hey—this world is hard! Fortunately, General Cheng has come to Haozhou City!"

Cheng De recorded these landlords in his notebook, and he didn't like them at all.

However, Cheng De was very interested when he heard the stall owner talking about himself. He wanted to know how the people thought of him.

"Then what do you think of General Cheng, old man?" Cheng De looked at the stall owner.

The stall owner immediately said: "Since General Cheng came to Haozhou City, let's not talk about other people, just talk about yourself. In the past, the small ones set up stalls to sell chickens, and they had to pay respects to those Yuan soldiers every day, and , Sometimes they would snatch some chickens from the little ones and make the little ones busy all day, but the money they sold was not enough to feed their own family. Some Yuan soldiers even used various excuses to fight in the chickens. There is trouble in front of my stall, what can the small one do? The small one is just a commoner, how could he possibly win against those Yuan troops? In the end, I can only bear the pain and spend money to avoid disaster.”

"However, since General Cheng came, I found that this General Cheng not only ordered his subordinates not to receive filial piety, but also when these military masters bought chickens, they would pay for them. They didn't bully the little ones like Yuan Jun This kind of people don't have to worry about their own safety. If anyone makes trouble, he will be severely punished by the Sizhou Army, and the punishment is fair and just. Everyone is convinced. It can be said that people like General Cheng are liked by us ordinary people. Before , Isn’t General Cheng recruiting soldiers in Fengyang? I asked my eldest son to sign up. I heard from my eldest son that the salary of being a soldier is very good. You can eat well and dress warmly, and you can get a sum of money every month. .Now my eldest son is the head of ten households in the Sizhou Army."

Seeing the sincere and proud smile on the stall owner's face, Cheng De also laughed.

"The old man is from Fengyang? Is it not far from Fengyang to Haozhou City?"

"The young one is from Fengyang. It is indeed far away from Fengyang to Haozhou City, but the young one has to hurry before dawn, and the young one knows a shortcut. If you take the shortcut, it only takes four hours to get there."

After Cheng De listened, he was filled with emotions.

Cheng De looked at the vicissitudes of life of the stall owner, "By the way, old man, what's your son's name? Maybe I know him too?"

"My son's name is Hua Yun, and the younger one's surname is Zhang." The stall owner replied.

"What? Old man, you said your son's name is Hua Yun?" Cheng De asked uncertainly.

The stall owner was a little excited when he heard Cheng De's tone, "My lord, do you know my son?"

Cheng De smiled and said, "Of course, I was there when your son was promoted to ten household heads."

"I didn't expect that my lord met my son, what a coincidence!" the stall owner sighed.

Cheng De had a doubt in his heart, this Hua Yun was obviously surnamed Hua, why wasn't his surname Zhang?
"Old man, why isn't Hua Yun's name the same as the old man's surname?"

Looking at the doubt in Cheng De's eyes, the stall owner replied: "Hua Yun lost his father when he was young, and married his mother to Xiao, who regards Hua Yun as his own son. Besides Hua Yun, I have two sons in my family. A girl. Hua Yun is the eldest in the family."

Cheng De nodded: "Old man, thank you for telling me this. After I see Hua Yun, I will ask him to bring some things back to the old man. It is my thanks to the old man for telling the truth."

The stall owner was surprised when he heard the words, "My lord, isn't he the head of the ten households?"

Cheng De smiled slightly, "I am Cheng De, the general who conquered the captives in the old man's mouth, and Hua Yun was the one who was directly promoted by me to the head of the ten households. If Hua Yun made contributions in a few days, I would promote him to be an even bigger official." Woolen cloth!"

The stall owner had a look of disbelief.

The person who chatted with him so calmly on the street turned out to be the General Zhenglu.

If it was Yuan Jun, how could it be possible to do this?

Sure enough, General Zhenglu has us people in his heart!
If only the world belonged to General Zhenglu.

Uncle Zhang was about to kneel down and salute subconsciously, but Cheng De quickly supported him, "Uncle Zhang is so old, don't make such a big salute, it will cost me Cheng De's life. Just treat me as an ordinary young man, Don't be too restrictive."

Uncle Zhang opened his mouth, his eyes moved.


"The general is so benevolent and righteous, it is the blessing of us and the people!"

Hearing Uncle Zhang's words, Cheng Deqian said with a smile: "Old man, I'm overwhelmed. What I have done is far from enough and not good enough! I really hope that one day, all the people under my rule will no longer be hungry and wear clothes." If you get warm, you have a house to live in, and you can marry a wife.”

Uncle Zhang saw Cheng De's eyes changed, and thought: Is this a living Bodhisattva sent by heaven to save our people?
It is simply that Maitreya Buddha is alive, and King Ming is alive!
After Cheng De noticed the look in Uncle Zhang's eyes, he left with the excuse of his busy schedule.

Uncle Zhang kept Cheng De firmly in his mind, and he decided to set up a longevity card for Cheng De at home.

It is better to seek the blessing of General Cheng than to seek the blessing of the Buddha who has never been effective!
At least, General Cheng really has these common people in his heart!

Cheng De walked quickly through the street, turned a few corners, and returned to the General's Mansion.


Cheng De asked Zhang Qijiu and Li Shanchang to be called over.

It didn't take long.

Both Zhang Qijiu and Li Shanchang came.

Seeing Li Shanchang's bloodshot eyes, Cheng De said: "Master Li should pay more attention to rest, don't work too hard!"

Li Shanchang heard the words and smiled wryly back.

"Thank you general for your concern, the students are fine." Li Shanchang bowed and saluted.

What a good subordinate!

The reason why Li Shanchang made such a appearance has something to do with Cheng De himself.

In order to schedule and distribute Feng Guoyong and He Sanwu's supplies, Li Shanchang didn't close his eyes all day yesterday.

However, in general, there is still a problem of insufficient manpower.

Cheng De naturally thought of the reason, but he didn't point it out.

Putting aside these thoughts, Cheng De said solemnly: "I sent Feng Guoyong and He Sanwu to leave, and wandered around the streets of Haozhou City for a while, and chatted with an old man Zhang, but I didn't expect to find something It's a serious problem."

Hearing Cheng De's words, Li Shanchang looked calmly and looked at Cheng De respectfully.

On the other hand, Zhang Qijiu was a little nervous, with his eyes lowered, not daring to look directly at Cheng De.

"The first question, the Li family, the Chen family, the Song family, and the Zheng family in Haozhou City, these landowners control [-]% of the land in Haozhou City, and they have done various things in the past and bullied the people in various ways. I don't like it. If the good family controlled these lands, I would not say anything, but these landowners are not good stubble, and they used to bully the people in the past." Cheng De said calmly.

Hearing this, Zhang Qijiu reacted quickly, and immediately said: "General, please give orders!"

"Secretly send Jin Yiwei to collect the criminal evidence of these landowners, and then punish them severely according to the law. Those who ransacked their homes, executed their heads, especially the land title deeds, all were confiscated." Cheng De said coldly.

"Yes, General!" Zhang Qijiu's voice trembled slightly.

I thought the general was making a big move this time, but I didn't expect it to be so big.

These are the four major landlords in Haozhou City. The process of making a case and then substantiated it is not uncomplicated.

This time, I'm afraid it will be another big event that kills people.

Thinking of this, Zhang Qijiu's body trembled a little.

Li Shanchang was very shocked when he heard the words, and felt a chill in his heart.

"Master Li, all the land title deeds that Zhang Qijiu got after raiding the house will be handed over to you, and then you will arrange for people to continue to distribute the land fairly and justly to the poor people in Haozhou City, and register them well. Remember, these title deeds must be genuine. Hand it over to the common people, don't stretch out the hands of some people below too much, otherwise, don't blame me for using the knife." Cheng De looked at Li Shanchang with warning eyes.

After Li Shanchang heard this, he quickly replied: "Please rest assured, the general, the students will definitely keep an eye on this matter, and will never let profit-seeking people take advantage of it."

Cheng De nodded: "Very well, that's it!"

"Second thing, this matter has to be supervised by Director Li, and Zhang Qijiu is responsible for assisting." Cheng De looked very solemn.

Seeing Cheng De's expression, Li Shanchang and Zhang Qijiu's heart skipped a beat.

Could it be another big event?
At this moment, Cheng De said: "After removing the four major landowners in Haozhou, all the landowners under my rule who leased the land to tenant farmers, and the tenant farmers only need to hand over [-]% of the grain to the landlord. If the order exceeds [-]% or more, they will be severely punished. After the tenant farmers have harvested the grain, the landlord shall not increase the rent without reason, and those who violate it will be punished. For this matter, Master Li must also come up with a regulation as soon as possible.”

Li Shanchang looked a little hesitant, "General, this has hurt the interests of those landlords. If the landlords under the general's rule are unwilling to obey the order and secretly unite against the general, I'm afraid—"

Cheng De sneered and said: "If they dare to join forces, it will just give me a reason to deal with them. Under my rule, if you don't obey my laws, then, all the fields and food will be confiscated. At present, in the In Haozhou, Zhang Qijiu sent out all the Jinyiwei guards to keep an eye on every landlord in Haozhou City. If the number of Jinyiwei is not enough, he will use money to recruit a group of Jinyiwei from the people, allowing you to increase the number of Jinyiwei to six thousand. Haozhou After the implementation, it will be implemented in Dingyuan, Sizhou, and Xuyi, and it must be completed before the beginning of spring and February next year."

Hearing this, Zhang Qijiu was terrified, but still replied tremblingly: "Yes, General!"

Li Shanchang listened to Cheng De's words and thought: General, you are serious, I hope those people can understand current affairs!

Cheng De shifted his gaze to Li Shanchang again, "Master Li, Li Sanqi, Deng Youde and their independent leaders have dispatched and distributed their supplies?"

"Reporting to the general, everything has been completed." Li Shanchang replied.

"After a while, let them lead the troops and set off immediately! Master Li will send someone to inform them about this later, and say it's my intention." Cheng De suddenly fell.

"Yes, General!" Li Shanchang replied.

"As for the supplies I need to lead the army, I must arrange them before noon tomorrow, and I will leave Haozhou City tomorrow. Also, I must pay close attention to buying chickens and ducks to control locusts. This will have to work hard for Mr. Li, but if you can It's too much work, so Master Li should be fine, right?" Cheng De added.

Li Shanchang's eyes almost went dark, thinking: I can't sleep again tonight.

I don't think I'll be able to get a good night's sleep these days.

My disciples, my relatives and friends, come quickly!
I can't stand it any longer.

Li Shanchang smiled wryly in his heart.

Both happy to get Cheng De's trust, but also sad to get Cheng De's trust.

"No problem, I will definitely live up to the general's trust!" Li Shanchang said seriously.

Seeing Li Shanchang's appearance, Cheng De felt a little guilty.

Suddenly, he seemed to see the shadow of the former exploiter in himself.

Perhaps, this is an illusion!

Cheng De quickly put aside these distracting thoughts.

It didn't take long.

Cheng De let Li Shanchang and Zhang Qijiu leave, and sat in the study alone in meditation.

Then, a light suddenly flashed in Cheng De's mind.

He decided to record some things he knew in his previous life into a book.

Because he is very worried, as time goes by, many things will be forgotten.

So Cheng De started to pick up the brush and write on the paper: "Tuqiang Top Secret".

In order to avoid leaking secrets, Cheng De wrote all the content in pinyin.

Little by little, use the brush to present the useful things in your mind on paper.

Time passed very slowly.

In the middle of the night, Cheng De was still working hard, and the finished paper had been piled up to a height of one foot.

Feeling a little tired, Cheng De put down the brush, bound the papers briefly, and carefully placed them in a small wooden box with a lock.

As for other content, Cheng De decided to add it when he had time.

And this small wooden box, he had to take it with him.

I hope that we can rely on these in the future to calm down this troubled world as soon as possible.

After staring at the small wooden box for a while, Cheng Decai took it to the resting room and used it as a pillow.

The night is slowly passing by.

And the earth, slowly ushered in the dawn.

When Cheng De woke up, it was dawn.

(End of this chapter)

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