Chapter 40 Night Attack on Hongze, Unstoppable

December 29th.

The Red Turban Army under Liu Futong was frequently beaten by the Yuan army and suffered heavy injuries.

Due to the bad weather, the Yuan army postponed its plan to continue attacking the Red Scarf Army.

And the Red Scarf Army led by Liu Futong rarely had a period of time to lick their wounds.


Liu Futong's mansion.


Liu Futong wandered in the study worriedly.

And standing beside him was a middle-aged scribe Qian Wen, frowning silently.

There was also a burly man, Mao Gui, who showed grief and indignation.

"Shangcai County was captured by Yexian Timur, and Han Yaoer and others were captured and died in Dadu. The Yuan army is really hateful!" Mao Gui clenched his fists, his face full of indignation.

"At that time, we couldn't do it even if we wanted to go to rescue them. Now we are surrounded and suppressed by Han Wunuhan, and we are powerless. Saying this now is useless. I think what we have to do now is to get rid of Han Wuhan. Wu Nuhan's siege, and then approaching the north of the river to attack Dongming. This is our way of life, otherwise, if we don't break through, we will be trapped here." Qian Wen said solemnly.

Liu Futong nodded: "Mr. Qian's words are correct. Now we have to break through the siege. I heard that there is an anti-Yuan Sizhou army from Haozhou. The leader is called General Zhenglu, and his name is Cheng De?"

Qian Wen replied: "That's right, this Sizhou army currently has the four cities of Sizhou, Xuyi, Dingyuan, and Haozhou. If this Sizhou army hadn't captured Haozhou and let the Yuan army occupying Shou County Jining Road Director Dong Tuanxiao did not dare to take too much action, otherwise the situation we are facing will be even worse."

"Looking at them playing the banner of the Sizhou Army, it is obvious that they are not in the same way as us." Mao Gui said.

Liu Futong said with a smile: "At least, he is also anti-Yuan, and we are allies. For the time being, don't pay too much attention to them. The Sizhou Army's situation may not be much better than ours. You know, the Yuan Army entrenched in the Sizhou Army's territory, But there are 30 yuan troops."

At this moment, a servant hurried over, handed a letter to Qian Wen with both hands, and left quickly.

After opening the letter, Qian Wen was a little shocked.

"The letter says that Cheng De is going to lead the Sizhou Army and the Yuan Army to a decisive battle in Chuzhou, known as the [-] Sizhou Army." Qian Wen said to Liu Futong and Mao Gui.

When Mao Gui heard this, he couldn't stop laughing, "One hundred thousand? Thirty thousand would be great. A decisive battle with the Yuan army, with his men and horses, is no different from hitting a stone with an egg, and seeking the way of self-destruction."

Liu Futong was silent.


"Perhaps, the Sizhou army is also short of food, otherwise, they wouldn't do this." Liu Futong sighed.

As soon as these words came out, several people present fell silent.

Their food for the Red Scarf Army had already run out, but what they were eating now was the corpses of the enemy soldiers.

However, it is almost not enough.

"Try to break through the encirclement and suppression in the first month of next year. Next, we will fight with our backs and survive! Then we will approach the north of the river and attack Dongming." Liu Futong said firmly.

After two days of traveling, Feng Guoyong and his team had another day to rest.

Taking advantage of this day of recuperation, Feng Guoyong contacted a thousand-man fleet hidden in Hongze.

At this time, Feng Guoyong and his party were hiding near Hongze City.

People from Jueshengwei also went to Hongze City to inquire about various news, and then reported to Feng Guoyong.

Feng Guoyong stood still and led his people to observe the terrain around Hongze and became familiar with the surrounding terrain.

He was going to wait for Jueshengwei to inquire enough information before attacking Hongze City at night.

He Sanwu and his party arrived near Jinhu City.

They have been active in Jinhu City for a day.

It's just that the Jinhu City Yuan Army has nothing to do with them.

On the one hand, the Yuan army in Jinhu City did not dare to go out to fight in the city, for fear of being tricked.

On the other hand, He Sanwu and his party disappeared without a trace, and their whereabouts could not be determined at all.

In fact, it was as Jinhu City Yuan Army expected.

He Sanwu did set many traps near Jinhu City, but He Sanwu was very disappointed that the Yuan army didn't fall for it.

Therefore, he also knew that his only hope of truly fighting a battle lay with Feng Guoyong.

He Sanwu secretly waited for news from Feng Guoyong.

After Ma Xiuying fed rice porridge in the morning, Cheng De found that the relationship between the two was gradually warming up.

It is now noon.

Cheng De was sitting quietly in the study at this moment.

There was another person in the study——Zhang Wusi.

"Have you found out?" Cheng De stared at Zhang Wusi and asked.

"General, we have found out everything." Zhang Wusi bowed and saluted, his eyes lowered.

"Tell me about it!" Cheng De's expression was calm.

"My subordinates bribed a servant of Master Lu's house, and found out that Master Lu did indeed invite a scholar at home that night. The scholar's name was indeed Zheng Yuan. I heard from the servant that the two hit it off right away. We talked all night." Zhang Wusi paused, "Afterwards, according to the servant's description of Zheng Yuan's appearance, the subordinate squatted around Zheng's house for a day, and found that Zheng Yuan was indeed a member of the Zheng family. Due to the strict guards of the Zheng family, the subordinates could not get close and could only observe secretly. However, the subordinates found that the guards of the Zheng family were extremely respectful to Zheng Yuan. The subordinates guessed that Zheng Yuan's status in the Zheng family was not low."

Cheng De frowned, "In the past few days, has Zheng Yuan been in contact with Master Lu?"

"Report to the general, yes! Then Zheng Yuan entertained Master Lu at a restaurant in Haozhou City yesterday, and Master Lu happily went there. The two drank some wine, listened to some music, and finally—" Zhang Wusi looked Some hesitation.

"Why don't you say it?" Cheng De glanced at Zhang Wusi with a gloomy look.

"In the end, Zheng Yuan sent two beautiful women to Mr. Lu. Mr. Lu tried every means to evade, but finally refused, so he accepted them and brought them into the house. That night—Master Lu and those two women, Do that kind of thing." Zhang Wusi lowered his head and looked at the ground.

"It's very good, it's really good! It's not necessary for Lu Bu! Has he forgotten his identity?" Cheng De's face was gloomy.

Zhang Wusi buried his head even lower.

"This matter, make a detailed record, and you carry this record with you. The battle on Huai'an Road is still the focus now, and the rest will be released first." After thinking for a while, Cheng De looked at Zhang Wusi and said.

"Yes." Zhang Wusi replied.

"Where is Master Li?" Cheng De asked calmly.

Zhang Wusi raised his head, "Master Li is busy every day. Buying chickens and ducks, setting up the Academy of Sciences, and arranging supplies, or staying in the house all day and writing all day. For the past three days, Mr. Li only slept for less than two hours a day. The people he met were chicken and duck traders, some tenant farmers, some landlords, and people from the general’s residence. The rest are gone.”

Cheng De nodded, "It seems that this Li Shanchang is really dedicated to his duty, not bad!"

Suddenly, his eyes fell on Zhang Wusi, "Why, is there anything else you haven't said?"

Zhang Wusi hastily replied: "Master Li has privately accepted several beautiful maidservants given to him by the landlord, and they are raised by Master Li as concubines at home."

"Did those landlords ask him to help?" Cheng De narrowed his eyes slightly.

"No." Zhang Wusi replied.

"That's it - all the staff are removed from Master Li's side, and as for Master Lu's side, they are also removed!" Cheng De said.

"Yes." Zhang Wusi replied.

"The servants in the general's mansion, what happened?" Cheng De asked again.

"Reporting to the general, my subordinates have investigated carefully, and there is no problem." Zhang Wusi replied.

Cheng De heaved a sigh of relief, "This matter is well done. You send people under your command to Huaiyuan and Dingyuan to search for the trail of the green forest thief Liu Ju. After you find out, report to me as soon as possible."

"Yes." Zhang Wusi bowed and saluted.

Seeing the back of Zhang Wusi leaving, Cheng De narrowed his eyes slightly.

This picture of May Fourth is a talented guard in Jinyi.

Afterwards, Cheng De sat quietly in the study room, picked up the brush with the memory in his mind, and continued to add the content of "Tuqiang Top Secret".

In a blink of an eye.

Darkness falls to the earth.

The night in Hongze City is very quiet.

Combining the various news sent by Jueshengwei, Feng Guoyong analyzed that the guard general of the Yuan army in Hongze City was a brave and skilled man.

However, there is a fatal weakness - indecision.

Moreover, the Yuan army did not have many soldiers and horses guarding the city, and there were only 1000 people in the four gates.

More importantly, a 20-man Jueshengwei sneaked into Hongze City.

They issued a military order and agreed with Feng Guoyong to open the South City Gate at Haishi.

Therefore, Feng Guoyong arranged all the soldiers of the water army and the pro-barracks near the south gate.

The cavalry was arranged at the east gate.

The East City Gate is not far from the South City Gate.

As long as there is any movement at the south gate, the cavalry at the east gate will arrive quickly.Breaking the city is just around the corner!
In front of the South Gate is Hongze Lake.

And Feng Guoyong and his party were sitting on the boat, hiding by the reeds of Hongze Lake, waiting for Jueshengwei to open the south gate.

Feng Guo looked through Hongze City and decided in his heart that no matter whether Jueshengwei opened the south gate or not, he would knock on the south gate.

However, it is best to reduce casualties.

There was an eerie tranquility on the battlefield.

It is a tranquility more terrifying than death.

Feng Guoyong and his group kept quiet without making a sound, and all stared at the Yuan army at the south gate of Hongze City, as if they were looking at prey, with dim eyes.

This is undoubtedly a creepy scene.


They did not wait long in this very terrible silence.

Because the time of day has come.

It's a pity that at this time, Feng Guoyong didn't see the figure of Jueshengwei.

It seems that something happened to them.

Feng Guoyong was about to order to go ashore to attack.

Suddenly, at this moment.

An opening was opened at the south city gate.

Although this hole is not big, for Feng Guoyong, it is the hope of capturing Hongze City.

Feng Guoyong waved the yellow flag in his hand and gave an order: "Kill the Yuan thief!"

"Kill Yuan Thief!!"

"Kill Yuan Thief!!"

All directions in the dark night were shaken by this earth-shattering cry of killing.

Xu Da, Zhou Dexing, Geng Zaicheng, and Tang He rushed towards the opening of the south city gate with ten people under their command almost immediately.

Seeing this, Feng Guoyong was not to be outdone, and led the army to charge forward, closely following behind.

When Xu Da saw that the opening at the city gate had finally been exposed, it seemed that it had a tendency to cover up, so he couldn't help being anxious.

In desperation, Xu Da's body speed increased a lot.

The Yuan army on the city wall took action at this time and responded by shooting randomly towards the bottom of the city.


The screams came one after another.

But Xu Da didn't stop, just a few steps away from the city gate, with a stern roar, he threw the long knife in his hand into the partially covered opening of the city gate.

"Pfft" sounded.

As a result, the city gate was delayed to close. Seeing this, Tang He overtook Xu Da and came to the gate.

At this time, the city gate was gradually closing again.

Tang He saw it, how could he miss such an opportunity?
Go directly to the right side of the city gate and push forward.

At the same time, they shouted: "Xu Da, Zhou Dexing, Geng Zaicheng, help me!"

Xu Da, Zhou Dexing, and Geng Zaicheng quickly found a place and pushed inward with all their might.

The gates of the city tend to open suddenly, and then close again.

As the two sides invested more troops, it was only a matter of time before the city gate was completely opened.

The soldiers of the Shenjian Battalion played their role at this time.

Most of them shot towards the city wall, and a small part shot towards the inside of the city gate.

As more and more people fell inside the city gate, the blood flowing out of it almost turned into a river.

After a stick of incense.

The South City Gate——finally opened!
Sizhou Army won the final victory in this wrestling.

Xu Da picked up a long knife and was the first to rush into the city gate.

Not to be outdone, Tang He, Zhou Dexing, and Geng Zaicheng charged fiercely inside.

The soldiers behind them saw Xu Da and the others' heroic figures, their morale was greatly boosted, and they rushed into Hongze City like a torrent!

(End of this chapter)

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