Chapter 68 The News of Zhu Yuanzhang
Three days passed in a blink of an eye.

Cheng De sat quietly in the courtyard.

In these three days, many things happened.

The most important thing was the two letters written by Ma Hemou. After reading it, he felt that there was no problem.

Then send Jueshengwei to the Qingjiang City Yuan Army.

Now, it's time to trade.

Then, Cheng De flipped through a stack of thick letter paper, but frowned.

According to the news sent by Jueshengwei and Jinyiwei:
There is a monk Tong Yuan in Huangjue Temple in Fengyang, Haozhou, intending to attract Yuan soldiers to recapture Haozhou.At present, all the people in Huangjue Temple are under control.

A list comes with it.

Cheng De looked at the list casually.

When Cheng De saw Zhu Chongba's three characters, his eyes widened.

This is Zhu Yuanzhang?
Cheng De read it twice in amazement, and was overjoyed after confirming that he read it correctly.

Zhu Yuanzhang really appeared.

But, how should I treat him?
It would be a pity to kill him.

If you don't kill it, it's a bit tricky to use.

Regarding how to deal with Zhu Yuanzhang, Cheng De was a little embarrassed.

However, he quickly wrote a secret letter. The content of the letter was to let Jueshengwei secretly escort Zhu Chongba to Sizhou City, and handed Yang Zhongkai to find a courtyard to guard it.

Immediately, the Jueshengwei was sent to Yang Zhongkai in Sizhou City urgently.

As for how to treat Zhu Yuanzhang, I will talk about it after I meet him.

If he is really as ruthless and ambitious as in history, then send him on his way ahead of schedule.

Because he didn't have the confidence to control Zhu Yuanzhang.

If it does not match the historical records, then Zhu Yuanzhang can be used well.

Not to mention the reputation left in the original history, even with some performances in the early days of his anti-Yuan period, he can still be a general in his own hands.

Let's make a decision after meeting Zhu Yuanzhang.

Putting aside these messy thoughts, Cheng De opened a few more letters, and after checking the letters, Cheng De fell silent.

On January 12th of the [-]th year of Zhengzheng, locust plagues broke out in Hongze, Xuyi, Haozhou, Dingyuan, Sizhou, Qinghe and other places.

Because Haozhou, Dingyuan, Sizhou, and Xuyi have taken enough measures, they are basically undamaged.

However, the sudden outbreak of locust disasters in Hongze and Qinghe quickly destroyed the fields in these two places.

The degree of damage to Hongze by locusts was not as great as that of Qinghe, because Cheng De asked Deng Youde to continue to follow the measures to control the locust disaster in Haozhou in Hongze, which saved a lot of land.

However, many people in Hongze and Qinghe still sold their land cheaply and fled to Huai'an City in order to find a way out.

Therefore, in the past two days, Huai'an City received countless refugees every day.

And Cheng De ordered Li Sanqi to allocate some food from the barracks, and set up several porridge sheds outside Huai'an City.

But the porridge is not free, but through the way of work for relief, these refugees are allowed to strengthen the defense capacity of the embankment of Hongze Lake.

Because Cheng De asked Yang Lian to investigate secretly, there are several parts of the lake embankment that are dangerous. Once there is heavy rain for days, the water in Hongze Lake will easily break the lake embankment and flood Huai'an City.

Therefore, in doing so, you can kill two birds with one stone.

Fortunately for Cheng De, the fields near Huai'an City were not severely damaged by locusts.

Cheng De secretly sent Jueshengwei to investigate why the fields in Huai'an City suffered less loss in this locust disaster.

Now is the time to show up.

In the past few days, I wanted to wipe out those mice hiding in the dark.

Unexpectedly, these mice hiding in the dark were not fooled.

Cheng De was disappointed for a while.

At the same time, it also made Cheng De feel that those dark mice were a bit difficult to deal with.

Those people can only wait for the next opportunity to eradicate them in one fell swoop.

However, the only benefit is that the Sizhou army and the people under its rule hate the Yuan Dynasty even more.

"Come on!" Cheng De shouted.

Yang Lian appeared immediately.


Cheng De looked at Yang Lian and said, "I'm going to the barracks, you send some of the best guards to follow me."

Because of the assassin's incident before, Cheng De paid more attention to his own safety and became more vigilant.

Yang Lian lowered his head and replied respectfully: "Yes."

Afterwards, Yang Lian picked out a hundred outstanding guards and followed Cheng De.

When Cheng De showed up at the barracks with these top guards.

Li Sanqi and others came to Cheng De's tent one after another.

For a while, Cheng De's big tent seemed a lot crowded.

Cheng De looked around everyone and said, "Now, I'm fine, so you don't have to worry. Everyone performs their duties and responsibilities, and everything is as usual. General Li, Master Fang, and Luo Erhu stay behind. Go get busy."

Everyone bowed and saluted, and then left.

Because they got the news they wanted: the general is fine.

In the big tent, at this time, there were only four people left, including Li Sanqi, Fang Ming, Luo Erhu, and Cheng De.

Cheng De looked at Luo Erhu and said, "Continue to entertain him these few days, and bring him back to Sizhou City when he returns to Sizhou City."

"Yes." Luo Erhu bowed in response.

Li Sanqi and Fang Ming looked puzzled.

However, they didn't ask much.

Immediately, Cheng De shifted his gaze to Li Sanqi, "How is Ma Conspiracy these days?"

Hearing this, Li Sanqi's face froze, and he hesitated: "...I think it's very good."

Just in the past few days, I beat him a few times from time to time.

Of course, Li Sanqi did not say this.

Cheng De was not suspicious, so he said: "Take the horses together and gather the 8000 horses and horses that I planned to bring back to Sizhou City, as well as the other [-] heavy soldiers. I will go to Qingjiang now."

Li Sanqi did not hesitate at all: "Yes."

"You sit in Huai'an City well, and you are the leader in the barracks. Don't forget what I said when I asked you to sit in Huai'an City before." Cheng De added.

Li Sanqi nodded and went to work.

Cheng De looked at Fang Ming again, "Come with me on this trip, and register the [-] shi of grain you get from the trade. In addition, Qingjiang City will immediately stabilize the people's hearts after you get it, and I will leave this matter to you. You can pick a few people to go with."

"Yes." Fang Ming replied.

"Besides, after finishing the Qingjiang transaction this time, I will go directly back to Sizhou City. Before, I asked you to allocate 20 shi to transport the [-] shi of grain and grass seized after my Sizhou army captured Huai'an City. Sizhou City, are the [-] stones ready?" Cheng De asked.

"Report to General, I've already prepared it." Fang Ming replied respectfully.

"Very good, well done." Cheng Dezan said.

Fang Ming said, "It's all a student's job. Students are naturally happy to be able to share the general's worries."

Cheng De glanced at Fang Ming and said casually, "Have you heard of Song Lian?"

Fang Ming was shocked when he heard this.

"General, this is—" Fang Ming looked at Cheng De suspiciously.

Cheng De laughed and said: "Long ago, Song Lian was invited by me to serve as the head of the Sizhou College. All the children of my Sizhou Army's soldiers can be admitted to the Sizhou College, and what they wear and use are all worn by my general. The government provides it free of charge. I heard that you have a son who is extremely intelligent. If you are enlightened earlier, you will have a bright future. And our Sizhou Army civilian system will give priority to the children of Sizhou Army. They will all be our future The pillar of the Sizhou Army, this study has to be started from an early age."

Fang Ming heard the words, without the slightest hesitation: "The student immediately sent someone to send his wife, children, and old mother to Sizhou City. The student also heard that Mr. Song is knowledgeable and talented, and that the child can listen to Mr. Song's teachings. Blessing. There is no reason for students to disapprove of this matter."

Cheng De narrowed his eyes at Fang Ming, and said softly after a while, "Master Fang and other Shu Zuo's children and family members, I will send hundreds of Jinyi guards to escort them to Sizhou City, and I will also arrange basic necessities, food, housing and transportation in Sizhou City. But, after the Huai'an Road is completely stabilized, I will transfer the chief secretary back to the General's Mansion in Sizhou City."

Fang Ming bowed quickly, with a grateful expression on his face, "Student, thank you, General!"

Cheng De nodded, "You go down and get ready first, we will set off together after Li Pian will gather his troops and horses."

"Yes." Fang Ming bowed and retreated.

Cheng De looked at the empty tent and remained silent.

An hour later.

Cheng De took three thousand firecrackers, three thousand cavalry, two thousand crossbowmen, two thousand heavy soldiers, one hundred Juesheng guards, Ma Hemou, Fang Ming and others, and marched towards Qingjiang City with [-] shi of grain. and go.

en route.

Ma Hemou was relieved to see that Cheng De was safe and sound.

In the past few days, I was worried every day, and faced Li Sanqi's severe beating from time to time.

This day passed like walking on eggshells.

Nightmares continue every night, and I dare not close my eyes at all.

Therefore, Ma Hemou's eyes are bloodshot now.

Now, I am about to escape from the sea of ​​suffering.

Ma Hemou was full of emotion in his heart.

So many people, only one escaped death.

It's really not easy.

As for hating Li Sanqi and Cheng De.

He couldn't hate it at all.

What he thought in his mind was that this time Cheng De was also assassinated twice, and he didn't kill him to vent his anger.

Just for this, he felt that he couldn't hate it.

At the same time, he still sympathized with Cheng De.

Because he knew Tutuo, Prime Minister You Tuotuo, Zhongshu Sheng very well.

For the sake of Da Yuan, he really didn't even want his own life.

It can also be said that by any means.

In the future, Cheng De may encounter many assassinations or poisonings.

But these, he will not tell Cheng De.

It can be regarded as revenge for Li Sanqi's repeated beatings.

(End of this chapter)

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