At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, the competition for the deer in the world

Chapter 71 Sizhou Law, Reforming the Official System

Chapter 71 Sizhou Law, Reforming the Official System

After Cheng De had practiced the saber technique for half an hour, his servants informed him that Li Shanchang and Lu didn't have to wait for someone to see him.

Cheng De had no choice but to stop, and asked his servants to take them to the meeting hall.

After tidying up, Cheng De changed into a clean linen white shirt again.

After arriving at the conference hall, Cheng De saw that the conference hall was full of people, but the empty conference hall seemed a little crowded.

It seems that this meeting hall needs to be expanded.

Suppressing this kind of thought, Cheng De sat on the head with a calm expression.

"Greetings, General!" Everyone saluted one after another.

Cheng De looked around at the crowd, "Why are you here?"

Seeing that Lu Wubu, Li Shanchang, Feng Guoyong, Yang Zhongkai, and Zhang Qijiu stood at the front, and the rest stood behind them.

As if, there is a small court style.

It can be said that there are a lot of talents.

Li Shanchang took the lead to come out and said: "The law is the rite of the world, so it is also the order of the people to determine right and wrong. General, my subordinates think that under the rule of our Sizhou army, there should be laws of Sizhou. Law and order , The rules of the officials and the people are also in Shengmo. I hope the general will learn from him."

Cheng De thought for a moment, looked at the people present and said, "What Mr. Li said won my heart. There is nothing like the law for a people. But, who should be responsible for the law of Sizhou?"

Lu didn't need to open his mouth and said: "This subordinate recommends a person to the general. This person's name is Lu Qi, who is proficient in criminal law and has a lot of research on it. This subordinate thinks that he can take on the important task."

Cheng De was silent and did not speak.

At this time, Li Shanchang suddenly said: "One of my subordinates also recommended it to the general. This person's name is Zhu Sheng, and he once wrote criminal law classics. In addition, the nine-character words spoken by the subordinates and the general came from him."

After hearing this, Cheng De's eyes lit up, he looked at Li Shanchang and said, "Can this person be in this meeting hall?"

Li Shanchang smiled and said: "Report to the general, this person is already waiting outside the door."

Hearing this, Cheng De said, "Let Zhu Sheng come in—and, Master Lu, is Lu Qi here?"

Lu didn't use his eyes to look at Li Shanchang inadvertently, a flash of anger flashed, but facing Cheng De's question, he quickly bowed and replied: "General Hui, Lu Qi himself is waiting outside the door."

Cheng De chuckled and said, "Then let Zhu Sheng and Lu Qi come in together!"


Zhu Sheng and Lu Qi passed through the crowd in the conference hall and came straight to the front row.

When he saw Cheng De sitting at the head, Zhu Sheng bowed calmly and said, "I have seen General Zhenglu!"

When Lu Qi saw Cheng De, he also saluted seriously: "Student Lu Qi, pay homage to the general!"

When Cheng De saw Lu Qi, he didn't make a sound.

Instead, he looked at Zhu Sheng.

Zhu Sheng has white hair all over his head, but his complexion is still rosy, and he is dressed in a green shirt, elegant and gentle.

Seeing this, Cheng De was very satisfied with Zhu Sheng.

In particular, what Li Shanchang said, "accumulating grain widely, building walls high, and becoming king slowly, came from his mouth, and he was quite satisfied."

"Now our Sizhou Army has captured Huai'an Road, and the territory has expanded a lot. And the expansion of the territory requires people to manage it. The law of Sizhou mentioned by Master Li just now is even more urgent. In order to facilitate the issuance of orders, From now on, under the General’s Mansion, the civil service system will be changed to seven temporary departments: six departments of officials, households, rituals, soldiers, criminals, and workers, plus seven departments of propaganda. As for the Academy of Sciences, it will be independent of this system. Of course, in the future If there is a more complete system, it may be changed, and these are temporarily set up for convenience." Cheng De said solemnly.

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes flashed.

Li Shanchang was thinking about the Ministry of Officials, and Lu Needless also focused on the Ministry of Officials.

Everyone else has their own ideas.

But they all remained silent and looked at Cheng De.

Cheng De took everyone's expressions into his eyes, and said calmly: "Seven ministries, the chief officials are all in charge of the master book. Under the master book, there are subordinate master books, left and right book assistant orders, and book assistants."

Everyone looked stunned.

Lu didn't need to speak out: "General, officials, households, rites, soldiers, criminals, and workers have always been set up as ministers, left and right servants—"

Cheng De interrupted: "Our Sizhou army's territory is still too small. The master book, slave master book, left and right books and Zuoling I mentioned are all for the sake of excess. When our Sizhou army lays down in the future If I have a bigger territory, if I have enough confidence, I will of course follow the example of the history and set up positions such as Shangshu, Left and Right Servant. However, my Sizhou Army's territory is still not big enough. If I want to achieve this goal, I need the cooperation of everyone present. Do your duty. If one day in the future, the world can be pacified, titles, official positions, etc., you can naturally get what you want by virtue of your credit."

"The general is wise, we will obey!" Everyone responded in unison, their eyes revealing a kind of ambition.

"Let's talk about the law of Sizhou first. Zhu Sheng will be the chief secretary of the Ministry of Punishment, and Lu Qi will be the assistant secretary of the left secretary. As for the assistant secretary of the right secretary, it is temporarily empty. Regarding the law of Sizhou, Zhu Sheng Master Registrar and Lu Shuzuo Ling, you must hurry up and finish this matter as soon as possible." Cheng De said calmly.

"Follow the order!" Zhu Sheng and Lu Qi bowed in response.

"Stand aside first!" After Cheng De finished speaking, he turned his gaze to the crowd.

"Luo Guanzhong is the head of the Propaganda Department. Luo Gongfu is the Zuo Shuling, and Wang Shilin is the Right Shuling." Cheng De continued.

Luo Gongfu and Wang Shilin stood up excitedly from the crowd, bowed to Cheng De and said, "Thank you, General, for your promotion!"

Luo Gongfu and Wang Shilin were very pleasantly surprised at this time, they did not expect to be appointed by the general like this.

Li Shanchang, Lu Bubu and others all showed doubts in their eyes.

Who is this Luo Guanzhong?Why never heard of it.

But they didn't ask too much, but secretly wrote down Luo Guanzhong.

Cheng De stared at Luo Gongfu and Wang Shilin, and warned: "You two came from my general's mansion. From now on, you must do your best and do your best, don't lose your heart, and don't let down the trust that this general has placed in you. "

"Yes, thank you General for your teaching!" Gongfu and Luo replied.

Some people present looked at Luo Gongfu and Wang Shilin with envy.

Those who come out of the general's mansion have this kind of relationship. As long as they don't break the law and make big mistakes, wouldn't they be able to make great achievements in the future.

After Cheng De finished speaking, he looked at Feng Guoyong and Xu Da again, and then continued: "Li Sanqi will be the chief secretary of the Ministry of War, Feng Guoyong will be the chief secretary, and He San Wu is in charge, and Xu Da is in charge of Zuoling Youshu. Li Sanqi and He Sanwu are both in Huai'an City, and I will send someone to notify them afterwards. Do you have any objections?"

"Thank you General Feng Guoyong!" Feng Guoyong bowed and saluted.

"Xu Da thank you General for your promotion." Xu Da also hurriedly said.

At this moment, Xu Da felt a little hesitant in his heart.

He didn't expect that overnight, he would be both a civilian and a military officer.

This, he did not expect.

"As for the officials—" Cheng De paused.

Everyone showed anticipation in their eyes, especially Lv Youbu and Li Shanchang looked at Cheng De eagerly.

"The head of the Ministry of Officials is of great importance, and it is temporarily vacant. When the right opportunity arises, someone will fill it up. In fact, the main reason is that Li and Lu are both competent, but this general is also in a difficult position. There is only one position, and if you don’t wait for a while, everyone present will judge, whoever has made the most contributions between the two of you, I will let him be the head of the official department. Do you two have any objections?” Cheng De He stared quietly at Li Shanchang and Lu Yong.

As for Cheng De's previous promise to Li Shanchang and Lu Wuyou about governing China, no one mentioned a word.

In the eyes of Li Shanchang and Lu Youbu, the head of the official department is the future secretary of the official department, and he is a fat job.

This is much better than Zhizhong, and now the generals have proposed reforming the official system. If they mention this again, won't the generals hate it?

They won't do such stupid things.

But they both expected the other to do this stupid thing.

It's just that both of them were disappointed to find that the other didn't do it.

Li Shanchang and Lu Youyou looked at each other, bowed their heads and said, "This subordinate has no objection, and is willing to obey the general's orders."

However, Li Shanchang and Lu Bubu were gearing up for each other, thinking of making more contributions.

Li Shanchang secretly regards Lu Dou as a competitor, and Lu Dou also secretly regards Li Shanchang as a competitor.

Cheng De nodded: "Master Li should do a good job in the affairs of the Academy of Sciences. The Academy of Sciences is very important. I will talk to you after discussing the matter; as for Master Lu, he should do a good job in controlling locusts. The locust plague on Huai'an Road is a bit serious right now. Master Lu, remember to send someone with experience in locust control to go to Huai'an Road to control it."

"Follow the order." Li Shanchang and Lu Youyou bowed and saluted one after another.

"The Zuo Shu Zuo Ling of the Ministry of Officials is temporarily in charge of Luo Mao." Cheng De said.

Luo Mao hurriedly saluted and said, "Thank you, General!"

Cheng De nodded, and then glanced at everyone present, "Song Lian is the chief bookkeeper of the Ministry of Rites. For this matter, Luo Mao will go to Song Lian's place later to inform him about it. Book Zuoling, please leave it blank for now."

"Yes." Luo Mao replied.

"The head of the household department will be in charge of the head of the household department for a period of time. If you are a secretary, you can recommend a few talents to me. I will inspect them. After passing, I will grant them the official position of the secretary and assistant on the spot." Cheng De said directly.

Cheng De wanted Fang Ming to take care of the head of the household department, but now Fang Ming couldn't leave.

After a while, transfer Fang Ming back from Huai'an City.

Li Shanchang quickly replied: "Yes."

At the same time, Li Shanchang was thinking about who he could recommend.

Before, there were not many scholars registered in Haozhou.

It seems that this matter needs to be carefully calculated.

"As for the master register of the Ministry of Industry, it will be taken care of by master Lu for the time being. He Qiyi will be responsible for Zuo Shu Zuo Ling, and temporarily vacant for right secretary Zuo Ling. If Master Lu has someone to recommend, he can also Recommend to this general, and after the general's inspection passes, he will be awarded the post of Zuo Ling on the spot." Cheng De said in a calm tone.

"Yes." Lu didn't need to answer.

Lu didn't need to ask who He Qiyi was, he was going to meet him after the matter was settled.

At the same time, I was also thinking about which scholar from the deaf-mute village I should recommend, which would be safer.

After Cheng De took a look at everyone present, "There are vacancies in all ministries, everyone can think about whether there are any talents to recommend. If there is, report the list of recommendations to Luo Gongfu, and Luo Gongfu will complete the registration .The general will choose a suitable time to inspect their abilities before appointing them."

"Yes." Luo Gongfu bowed his head and replied.

"Do you have anything else to discuss?" Cheng De asked.

At this moment, Feng Guoyong said: "Report to General, I have something to say."

Everyone looked at Feng Guoyong.

Cheng De also shifted his gaze to Feng Guoyong, "What's the matter?"

(End of this chapter)

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