Chapter 81

After entering the room, densely packed stone tablets stood on the ground.

The names of Sizhou Army soldiers who died in battle are engraved on the stone tablet.

These are the Heroic Monuments.

"How many people are recorded in these heroic monuments?" Cheng De looked at the heroic monuments and said suddenly.

"I don't know, but I know that there are 320 people engraved on each stone tablet. There are currently 29 stone tablets. As for whether there will be more stone tablets in the future, I don't know." Wang Qiwu replied.

Cheng De was silent for a long time.

A total of 9000 two hundred and 80 people!
Cheng De's heart ached.

These people are not all dead.

The soldiers of the Sizhou Army who died in the battle on Huai'an Road hadn't had time to engrave the heroic monument, and the list of those who died in battle is still on his desk.

If so, add them all.

In this place, there will be more than 20 more steles.

Cheng De bowed to these heroic monuments, stood up, looked at these heroic monuments and said: "You are all good men of our Sizhou Army! I, Cheng De, made an oath here, to drive out the barbarians and restore China. , I will definitely come here in person and tell you brothers to comfort your brothers' spirits in heaven!"

Zhang Qijiu was silent and lowered his head.

Wang Qiwu was standing aside, with great respect for Cheng De in his heart.

Afterwards, Cheng De mourned for a while, and bid farewell to Wang Qiwu.

Before leaving, tell him to send his older child to report to Sizhou College tomorrow.

Afterwards, Cheng De walked on the street alone, dressed in ordinary clothes.

The back is bleak, lonely, and my heart is full of sadness.

Zhang Qijiu and dozens of Jinyiwei followed closely behind Cheng De, looking around with vigilance.

While Cheng De was grieving for the soldiers who died on the stele of heroes of the Sizhou Army, Yuan Ting on the other side was full of undercurrents.

Yuan Dynasty Emperor Tuo Huan Tie Muer and Concubine Qi sighed suddenly after a while.

"Why is your majesty sighing so much? Can my concubine share your majesty's worries?" Concubine Yu asked Yuan Dynasty emperor Tuohuan Tiemuer.

"Today in the imperial court, there are all memorials about the defeat of our Dayuan army and the rebels, which makes me very headache. However, the officials of the Zhongshu Province headed by the prime minister, one by one, asked me to wait patiently for a while, what to say These rebels will be calmed down one by one sooner or later. However, I can almost hear cocoons in my ears. From last year to this year, I have been listening to it for half a year. Not wiped out. Moreover, the territory of the Xu Shouhui Red Turban Army is getting bigger and bigger, and there is a Sizhou Army rebel headed by Cheng De in Sizhou. This great yuan now makes me feel like the sun is dying, and I feel tired Extremely." Yuan Dynasty Emperor Tuohuan Tiemuer said with a depressed face.

Concubine Qi wanted to comfort Yuan Dynasty Emperor Tuo Huan Tie Mu'er, but she remembered the taboo that women should not be involved in politics. She was glad she didn't speak, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable, and she couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat.

The right prime minister of Zhongshu Province escaped from the government.

At this time, Tuotuo sat on the head, looking around at everyone present.

"Ma Hemou went to recruit Cheng De with Han Bogao before, but Han Bogao died, but Ma Hemou was safe and sound. To be honest, I don't really believe what Ma Hemou said before. But now that he has alienated me, Ma Hemou However, relying on his flattering skills, His Majesty trusted him. I am afraid that he has no way of knowing the truth of his one-sided words. However, I have already sent people to Huai'an Road to inquire. I believe that after a while, there will be There is news." Tuotuo said with a gloomy face.

Hearing this, Gong Bozhen said, "Prime Minister, it was rumored that both His Majesty and the Prime Minister were involved in the assassination of Cheng De earlier, I wonder if—"

Tuotuo became even more depressed when he heard Gong Bofen's words, "Your Majesty never participated in the assassination, not even me. This is nothing more than a frame-up by Cheng De, the traitor of the Sizhou Army!"

Gong Bofan's expression froze and he fell silent.

He knew that even if the prime minister sent an assassin to kill him, the prime minister would not admit it.

Therefore, Gong Bofen calmed down and continued, "It's a pity that Han Bogao is here. I didn't expect Cheng De to kill Han Bogao, which shows Cheng De's hatred for our Dayuan. After all, this Han Bogao represents our Dayuan." Now that Han Bogao has died, my Dayuan has lost all face in front of the world. We Dayuan must do something so that we can save some face. At least, we must severely punish Cheng De who provoked our Dayuan. "

Tuotuo quietly listened to Gong Bopin's words, and agreed: "What you said is not without reason. I will go to the palace tomorrow and ask His Majesty to severely punish Cheng De, the rebel from Sizhou. Wan Jingrui has 15 troops on Yangzhou Road and 35 troops on Gaoyou Mansion, presumably the [-] troops should be enough to wipe out the rebels from the Sizhou army!"

Everyone was silent and did not speak.

After Gong Bofen pondered for a moment, he looked at Tuotuo and said, "Prime Minister, on the side of Andong Prefecture, I thought that the defenders of Andong Prefecture could attack Qinghe, and attack Dingyuan if they didn't spend the whole area. Sizhou City, and Gaoyou Mansion are the territory where the Sizhou Army attacked Huai'an Road. In this way, Cheng De, the traitor, will surely be unable to fly. The advantage lies in our Dayuan, and it is only a matter of time before we wipe out Cheng De. "

Tuotuo nodded: "Good! Tomorrow morning, I will enter the palace and tell His Majesty about this matter."

Ma conspired with the government.

"How? In the past few days, it has been found out that those assassins came from the prime minister's residence?" Ma Hemou sat on a chair, looking at the servant kneeling in front of him and asked.

"Reporting to Patriarch, I found out that those assassins did come out of the prime minister's residence." The servant bowed his head and replied.

"In this way, this Cheng De planted a frame on His Majesty, and what he encountered was just the assassination sent by the prime minister. I said, I always feel something is wrong. So it turns out that this Cheng De is really—— A liar." Ma Hezhu's face turned red for a while, then turned pale for a while, and his eyes were extremely complicated.

The servant didn't answer, but knelt on the ground, lowered his head, and looked at the ground.

"However, my allegiance to the prime minister was in vain, but I didn't expect that what I got in exchange was the result of being an abandoned child. Perhaps, to the prime minister, the world is just a game of chess in his hands. Even himself, I also entered the game and became a pawn. It is better to take refuge in Your Majesty and become a pawn in His Majesty's hands than to be an abandoned pawn in the hands of the Prime Minister. But with the Prime Minister setting up a game this time, I almost died in Huai'an City. Your Majesty On the other hand, I can't believe it completely. The person who plays the chess can be the prime minister or your majesty, so why can't it be me and the horse conspiring together?" Ma Hemou's eyes were dark.

The servant was horrified, but remained silent.

No matter what Ma conspires to do, he will only support it.

Because all prosperity, all losses.

Since he was a servant of the Ma family, he was destined to be like this.

"My eldest brother in Gaoyou Mansion is only the head of ten thousand households. I will find a way to take care of everything for my elder brother in the shortest possible time, so that he can become the master of the [-] army in Gaoyou Mansion. If this army is for me immediately If the great yuan collapses in the future, my Ma family can also replace the great yuan, and this Gaoyou mansion is the capital of my Ma family's struggle for world hegemony. I will write a letter and you will go to Gaoyou mansion in person See my elder brother. In addition, secretly sell all the land deeds of our Ma family in Dadu and exchange them for grain, and then you take the [-] elite soldiers raised by my Ma family secretly to transport these grains to Gaoyou Mansion and hand them over to me Brother. Do you understand?" Ma Hemou said calmly.

"Yes." The servant replied.

"You go down first! Your eldest son will follow me from now on, I will give him a fortune, definitely better than you." Ma Hemou said suddenly.

"Thank you Patriarch, the little one will fulfill the entrustment of Patriarch." The servant respectfully kowtowed to Ma Hemou, his eyes showing gratitude.

Ma Hemou waved his hands and said, "Yes. You should go down first and make arrangements for these things."

"Yes." The servant got up, bowed and retreated.

Ma Hemou looked at the servant's back, Cheng De appeared in his mind, and thought: "It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge."

(End of this chapter)

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