Chapter 85 The Big Wedding
An hour later.

The firecrackers sounded and the suona sounded.

Cheng De didn't wait too long in the study.

Soon, led by Luo Yan, followed by a group of servants, they came directly outside the study.

Luo Yan turned towards the direction of the study and said: "General, it's time to change into wedding clothes."

Upon hearing this, Cheng De got up and walked out of the study.

After opening the door, seeing Luo Yan and his party, Cheng De said, "So fast?"

Luo Yan looked at Cheng De's nervous appearance, and smiled and said: "General, it's better to change clothes first, so as not to miss the time, and I have to accept congratulations from everyone later, I'm afraid it will take a long time."

Hearing this, Cheng De nodded, and stared at Luo Yan: "Alright then! Just change in this study, and you will help me wear the clothes."

Luo Yan's face was flushed, but she still said softly: "Yes."

Later, with Luo Yan's help, Cheng De was dressed in a big red robe, and looked extremely energetic.

at the same time.

The general's mansion has already been filled with dozens of tables of banquets, and all the wine has been served, but only part of the dishes have been served, and the unserved dishes are still being cooked.

There was an endless stream of guests.

The identities of the guests: In addition to the heads of hundreds of households staying in Sizhou City and members of the Sizhou Army above them, they are the officials of the Seven Departments of the General’s Mansion, the Hundred and Thousand households of the Jinyiwei, the Hundred and Thousand households of the Jueshengwei, and Guo family, Liu family and others.

As for the famous people in Sizhou City, Cheng De didn't invite any of them.

All these guests are very proud of Cheng De.

After Cheng De had just changed into the Dahongpao, it was almost time for him to come.

After Cheng De changed his clothes, he rushed to the crowd immediately.

As soon as Cheng De appeared, everyone frantically saluted Cheng De, and then congratulated the newlyweds.

Naturally, Cheng De would not refuse anyone who came, and he smiled at each of them.

After much difficulty, when Cheng De came to the table where the Seventh Department of the General's Mansion was sitting, Cheng De relaxed a little.

Li Shanchang held the wine glass in both hands, looked at Cheng De, smiled, and said firstly: "The general's happy day, Li Shanchang congratulates the general on his wedding, and I offer a toast to the general."

Seeing this, Cheng De knew that the wine could not be hidden.

So, Cheng De picked up a jug of wine from the table with his left hand, and a wine glass with his right hand, and filled it up.

Cheng Decai laughed and said, "Master Li, come on, do it!"

After clinking glasses, Cheng De drank in one gulp.

The same is true for Li Shanchang.

However, what made Cheng De dumbfounded was that everyone came to give a blessing.

And he had to drink one by one.

After drinking all the wine from the seven master books, Cheng De's face turned red.

Sure enough, the amount of alcohol was still as bad as ever.

This is where, I feel a little dizzy.

Cheng De secretly smiled wryly.

However, when he thought that there were still so many tables to drink, Cheng De suddenly felt dizzy.

He was thinking, would he still be able to stand by then?
You won't be drunk on the spot, will you?
In this regard, Cheng De can only hope that when the time comes, it will be fine if he doesn't get too drunk.

At this time, the dishes for the banquets at each table were almost ready.

Cheng De also took the opportunity to pick up some dishes from the banquet to support his stomach to relieve the stamina of the wine.

It didn't take long.

Cheng De doesn't need to say hello too much.

Everyone ate and blushed.

Laughter, but also a piece.

Then, Cheng De continued to entertain everyone.

However, before drinking a few laps, Cheng De felt his body shaking.

Seeing this, Shi Naian leaned forward and stood up to hold the wine for Cheng De.

Li Shanchang and Lu Youyou followed suit.

As for Cheng De, he was only responsible for laughing and nodding.

In a blink of an eye, it was dusk.

At this moment, Cheng De was supported by Luo Gongfu and Wang Shilin.

Cheng De's body exuded a strong smell of alcohol.

Mrs. Guo Zixing and Cheng De's aunt Hu were already sitting in the lobby.

Soon, Cheng De came to the lobby.

When Song Lian saw Cheng De's figure finally appear, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

He was worried just now, if Cheng De was drunk, how would the wedding procedure be carried out?

Therefore, his heart has been uneasy.

In case, if this matter is not handled well, it is estimated that he, the head of the Ministry of Rites, will become a joke.

Fortunately, the general is here.

Otherwise, he would really risk his face and drag Cheng De from the banquet to here to complete the wedding procedure.

Fortunately, the general did not become a king at the moment.

Otherwise, if you really do this, you will be accused of deceiving the emperor.

And when the time comes, he will also be stabbed in the head.

Fortunately, everything is under control.

My worries are a bit redundant.

Cheng Xian's eyes widened when he saw Ma Xiuying was dressed in red.

He looked at the red dress on Ma Xiuying.

He found that the red shirt with big red sleeves is in the form of a pair of breasts, like a sash, with a collar straight down to one foot and three inches wide, and a long red skirt with many folds and a large hem.

Red is so festive.

Cheng De thought to himself.

Cheng De's eyes stayed on Ma Xiuying, but his body didn't move a bit.

This scene made Song Lian anxious.

Seeing this, Song Lian on the side suggested to himself: Today is the day of the general's great joy, and I am not angry.

next moment.

Song Lian directly approached Cheng De quickly, looked at Luo Gongfu and Wang Shilin and urged: "Hurry up, help the general to go to the front, don't waste time."

Luo Gongfu and Wang Shilin didn't dare to be careless when they heard the words.

They carefully supported Cheng De to advance step by step, and quickly came to Ma Xiuying.

At this time, Luo Gongfu and Wang Shilin also let go of Cheng De in time, and retreated to both sides of the lobby.

After being released, Cheng De's body wobbled unsteadily and almost fell down.

This scene made Song Lian's face pale with fright.

The expressions of the other people in the lobby changed.

Song Lian at this time, he just wanted to end the wedding procedure as soon as possible.

Otherwise, he was really worried, would Cheng De's heart beating up and down, would he die early?

I was too old to be stimulated.

General, you don't understand me as an old man.

Forget it, today is the general's big day, I can bear it.

From now on, I will never do this kind of thing again.

So, seeing Cheng De standing still and not falling down, Song Lian's heart relaxed a little.

Although Cheng De's body was still shaking a little, he couldn't care less.

If the time is delayed, it will be bad.

"Pray to heaven and earth!" Song Lian shouted loudly.

Cheng De and Ma Xiuying completed the procedure of worshiping heaven and earth together.

When the two stood up.

Song Lian then shouted: "Second worship to the high hall!"

Cheng De and Ma Xiuying bowed down to Ma Xiuying's adoptive mother and Cheng De's aunt.

Ma Xiuying's adoptive mother and Cheng De's aunt, Hu Shi, looked at Cheng De and Ma Xiuying kindly, with sincere blessings on their faces.

They secretly thought one by one in their hearts: Sure enough, they are a match made in heaven.

As soon as Song Lian saw Cheng De and Ma Xiuying finished kneeling, he hurriedly shouted: "Husband and wife worship each other and send them to the bridal chamber."

Before Cheng De and Ma Xiuying paid their respects, Song Lian was secretly relieved.

After Cheng De and Ma Xiuying finished the couple's worship, under the guidance of Song Lian, all the procedures of this big wedding were finally completed.

Cheng De was supported by Luo Gongfu and Wang Shilin as usual.

And Ma Xiuying was carefully served by the maid of the general's mansion.

Both were brought into the bridal chamber.

As for the guests in the lobby, there are also guests at the courtyard banquet.

Cheng De couldn't care less.

After coming to the cave.

Seeing Cheng De's appearance, Ma Xiuying ordered her servants to make some hot soup to sober up and give Cheng De to drink.


It's already late at night.

And Cheng De's brain woke up.

Looking at Ma Xiuying who was still sitting on the bed.

A smile appeared on Cheng De's face.

"Sister Xiuying, you are so beautiful." Cheng De said involuntarily.

When Ma Xiuying heard this, her face turned red.

Seeing this, Cheng De's heart was pounding violently.

So, Cheng De said with a smile: "Sister Xiuying, it's getting late, it's time for us to enter the bridal chamber."

When Ma Xiuying heard this, her ears turned red, she lowered her head, and said softly, "Yes."

After Cheng De heard Ma Xiuying's reply, he and Ma Xiuying completed the final procedure of the wedding - the bridal chamber.

The shadows of the candles are graceful, and the figures are staggered.

The room is filled with the scent of acacia flowers.
In the end, the house is as quiet as the night, falling into fog.

(End of this chapter)

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