At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, the competition for the deer in the world

Chapter 91 The disciples of the Confucian family came to agree with each other and vowed to win the

Chapter 91 The disciples of the Confucian family came to agree with each other and vowed to win the name of Duke Kong Shenggong

The rain is murmuring.

Outside Sizhou City.

On the way in the rain.

A group of people walked in the rain without hesitation, their legs covered with mud.

The sound of "da da", accompanied by the sound of rain, is quite interesting.

However, none of the pedestrians were interested in admiring it, and they all hurried on their way with their heads down.

In the arena, only one person raised his head, fearful and fearful in his heart.

This person is Zhou Qisan.

Surrounded by Juesheng Guards, he had no chance of escaping.

He was about to see the general soon, and Zhou Qisan was filled with despair.

He betrayed the Sizhou army, and he knew that the general would never let him go.

The only thing waiting for him is death.

At this moment, his heart undoubtedly sank to the bottom of the valley.

Secretly looking forward to not being tortured before death.

Right now, even if he wanted to commit suicide, he couldn't find a chance.

Unknowingly, a kind of regret welled up in Zhou Qisan's heart.

He regretted it very much. Why did he betray the Sizhou Army in the first place?
Feeling remorse, despair, and helplessness.
Inadvertently, he raised his head and glanced forward.

Zhou Qisan suddenly froze.

Sizhou City, here we come.

So, what kind of miserable end awaits him?
Wednesday and Wednesday stopped where they were, not wanting to go any further.

Because he was full of fear—even more afraid of Cheng De.

However, the Jueshengwei behind him didn't let him go.

He kicked him directly on the thigh, he became unsteady, his body fell, and there was mud in his mouth.

The bitterness in Zhou Qisan's heart turned into a pool of bitter water, flowing silently in his heart.

After Han Bogao left the study, Cheng De kept his head buried in "Historical Records".

When the servants reported that Li Shanchang asked to see him, Cheng De asked his servants to bring Li Shanchang to the study.

For a while.

Li Shanchang is here.

As soon as he entered the study, Li Shanchang bowed straight to Cheng De and said: "Li Shanchang pays his respects to the general!"

Cheng De directly waved his hand and said, "There's no need to be too polite."

Cheng De looked at Li Shanchang, and said calmly: "Master Li saw me, is it because the Academy of Sciences has encountered difficulties in recruiting talents?"

Li Shanchang quickly shook his head and said: "No. The purpose of my subordinates coming to see the general is to introduce someone to the general. If the general subdue this person, then our Sizhou army can win the hearts of scholars all over the world."

Cheng De looked at Li Shanchang expressionlessly, but had some guesses in his heart.

"Who is it?" Cheng De asked indifferently.

When Li Shanchang heard Cheng De's cold voice, his heart skipped a beat.

Raising his head, he suddenly found that Cheng De's eyes had been on him, and Li Shanchang hesitated.

He thought, if this happens.

It must be making yourself uncomfortable.

"Why didn't you say anything?" Cheng De said calmly.

Li Shanchang hesitated: "Kong Kesheng, a son of the Confucian family in Qufu, wants to join the general."

When Cheng De heard this, he fell silent.

Li Shanchang lowered his head and looked at the ground, feeling uneasy in his heart.


Cheng De opened his mouth and said: "Confucius sage once said: 'The residence is respectful, the deacon is respectful, and you are loyal to others. Although you are a barbarian, you can't abandon it.' But why when it was the Kong family's turn, it was 'I am different, there is no one. It’s all right.’ Although I don’t read much, I still know the family style of the Kong family.”

When talking about family style, Cheng De emphasized his tone, revealing a faint anger in his voice.

When Li Shanchang heard this, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, he lowered his head, not daring to look at Cheng De.

"Take the Song Dynasty as an example. The Zhao family devoted their heart and soul to the Confucian family, but how did the Confucian government do it? Then after Zhao Song was beaten to the south by the Wanyan family, the Confucian government immediately sent Kong Duancao to attack the big gold watch." In the center, he was conferred the title of Duke Yan Sheng. Decades later, Meng Yuan rose up and destroyed the Jin Yi. Under the leadership of Kong Yuanyong, the Duke of Yan Sheng, the Confucian government judged the situation and turned to Kublai Khan in awe-inspiring manner. With a heart of innocence, Kong Yuanyong personally led his people to join the Yuan army, and wiped out the "rebels" of the Han people, and "unfortunately" died in the army. Haha, such a Kong family, would my Sizhou army dare to use it? Li Shanchang, tell me, Can my Sizhou army use his Kong family?" Cheng De looked at Li Shanchang coldly.

Li Shanchang was terrified, bowed his head and bowed his body.

At the same time, after thinking about it carefully, this Kong family is indeed as the general said, it is really unbearable.

Regarding the Kong family, Cheng Deke still knew that in the past, the Kong family was a wolf-hearted man who rebelled against the Ming Dynasty, then surrendered to the Dashun, rebelled against the Dashun, and then surrendered to the Qing court.

This kind of white-eyed wolf who is not familiar with it, Cheng De, who knows their Confucian family's nature, dare to use it?
It's just a group of scholars without bones.

Cheng De despised this kind of person in his heart.

Therefore, Cheng De looked at Li Shanchang, his gaze was like a knife: "Li Shanchang, you remember, the sage Kong is the sage Kong, and the Kong family is the Kong family. Don't confuse them. If the hearts of the scholars in the world depend on the Confucius family, then this Zhongshiren, do you think my Sizhou Army can use it? You know, those who are close to vermilion will be red, and those who are close to ink will be black!"

Li Shanchang lowered his head and said in a deep voice: "Yes, my subordinates have remembered."

"Also, I, Sizhou College, do you think I did it for fun? The reason why I want to build Sizhou College is to train my own scholars for our Sizhou Army, even if there are no scholars who are interested in the Confucius family. , so what? Some scholars are pedantic, and their heart to the sage Confucius is not the same as their heart to the Confucian family. Why don’t they understand this truth? Song Dynasty and Yuan Dynasty, how did they treat the Confucian family? Let’s look at the Confucian family. How do you treat them? The children of the Kong family want to join our Sizhou Army because they just want to place a long bet. No matter what the result is, their Kong family will still stand firm. Cheng De dare not use this kind of cartilage family." Cheng De looked at Li Shanchang and said earnestly.

Li Shanchang nodded after hearing this: "The general's meaning, the subordinate has already understood. The subordinate will go to reject Kong Kesheng and cut off his thoughts."

Seeing Li Shanchang's attitude, Cheng De looked at Li Shanchang with relief: "I know that most of you scholars respect Confucius, but the word "Confucian respect" refers to the sage Confucius, not the Confucian family. I hope you can understand. To you Li Shanchang , I have high hopes, don't let me down. Don't be foolish!"

Li Shanchang hurriedly replied: "Thank you, General, for your awakening. Now this subordinate has come to his senses. Li Shanchang has a plan in mind for how to treat the children of the Confucius family in the future."

Cheng De: "It's good if you understand. I'm interested in you for the position of head of the Ministry of Officials. This position is the most important, and it must be strictly controlled. There is no need to let them get involved like this Confucian child. Yes. Even if one day in the future, I really pacify the world. I will never give them any preferential treatment. I will definitely take off the title of Yanshenggong. If they don’t take it off, then It's my heart towards the Yuan Dynasty, when the time comes, I'll have plenty of ways to deal with them. Hmph!"

Li Shanchang was very pleasantly surprised at first, and then he was stunned, and immediately said: "The subordinates will definitely remember the general's words."

Unexpectedly, the general would actually prefer me for the position of head of the Ministry of Officials.

It seems that this time, Lu Wuyou lost to me.

Judging from the general's attitude towards the Kong family, he is extremely dissatisfied with the Kong family.

After all, it is true that Ben, as the benchmark of scholars in the world, has taken the lead in becoming weak. This kind of spineless behavior is indeed shameless.

In the future, we must draw a clear line with the Kong family and keep a distance.

The things that Kong Kesheng sent will be returned later.

At the same time, he also told those under his command to draw a clear line between them and Kong Kesheng.

Otherwise, it would be a troublesome thing to anger the general.

"Okay, don't stay here anymore, remember to hurry up with the Academy of Sciences matters. Also, about the list of recommended talents from various ministries, you bring my words to them, and ask them to hand over the list to Luo Gongfu as soon as possible, and then let Luo Gongfu handed over the list to me at noon tomorrow at the latest. After noon, I will call the talents recommended by you, test them on the spot, and then award corresponding positions according to their abilities." Cheng De added.

"Yes." Li Shanchang replied.

Afterwards, Li Shanchang got up and left.

Looking at the back of Li Shanchang's departure, Cheng De murmured: "Depose all schools of thought, and only respect Confucianism. This set has been influential for so many years. After I pacify the world, I must change this situation. It seems that the Sizhou Proclamation Department I need to remind you there. I don’t know if the things that the Kong family did in the past are compiled into a script, will the influence of the Kong family be weakened? Also, will Shi Naian object? "

It seems that we still have to find a chance to meet Shi Naian.

According to Jin Yiwei's information, Shi Naian has been working in the office almost all the time since he became the head of the Propaganda Department.

It can be described as conscientious.

For Cheng De, such a subordinate is a reassuring subordinate.

Perhaps, Shi Naian would also agree with his own ideas.

Just as Cheng De continued to think deeply, Yang Zhongkai came.

Looking at Yang Zhongkai, Cheng De asked, "What's the matter?"

Yang Zhongkai nodded, and handed a letter to Cheng De.

Cheng De quickly read the letter.

Then, Cheng De looked at Yang Zhongkai calmly: "Put Zhou Qisan in the prison first, and hold it carefully. In addition, tell Shi Naian to record the matter of Zhou Qisan in the Sizhou Daily. After that, we I will choose a time, in the school grounds of Sizhou City, and the public trial will be on July [-]rd. As for the person in charge of the public trial on July [-]rd, Song Zan will be in charge! You should bring this to Song Zan so that he can prepare."

Yang Zhongkai nodded.

Seeing this, Cheng De said: "Go and do your work first! In addition, Jueshengwei sent a few people to watch Kong Kesheng, a son of the Kong family who came to Sizhou City, and secretly recorded who is in our Sizhou Army. Meet with him in private. Also, record all of Kong Kesheng's words and deeds."

Yang Zhong was overjoyed and nodded heavily.

Cheng De: "Those Japanese monks, did Jueshengwei send back news, when will they arrive in Sizhou City?"

Yang Zhongkai shook his head.

Cheng De was silent for a moment, then said: "When the monk has any news on that day, send someone to inform me."

Yang Zhongkai nodded in agreement.

(End of this chapter)

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