Chapter 52

The current plan is to put it on the shelves at the end of this month. If no one suddenly rewards me and forces me to add updates, it will look like 4k to the 23rd every day, and then I can find an editor.

Now I code 6K every day, so that I can save and moisten the manuscript.

Changes will be added the day before and on the day of the launch, I hope you guys remember to make the first order at that time.

There was no notification when the last book was on the shelves, and it was suddenly on the shelves, which led to my first order of 180, which was directly abandoned by the editor. From the beginning of the book to the end, it was a must-given test, although the last book was ordered for 697.

It was so miserable that I couldn't bear to look back.

When this book is on the shelves, I will remind you again and again, and I will not repeat the same mistakes again.

The starting point recommendation is a PK system. He will first give you a low-level recommendation, and then rounds of PK, the winner will advance to the next round of better recommendations. There are several rounds.

Whether the recommendation comes or not, and whether you can advance to the next round of recommendation in PK, all depend on follow-up, so follow-up is very important.

For low-level writers like me who have no leader, no grades, and a weak foundation, follow-up is everything!

If you support me, please click to the end every time you update the latest chapter, even if you don’t read the book, please help me, thank you.

The test of the water before the shelves pushed me to G when I was promoted to the new book selection, which was the days when the update was added around the 15th.

Now I guess I won’t be able to see the next recommendation before it goes on the shelves. If the first order results are okay after it goes on the shelves, I will go to the editor and have a chat, and I will rely on you all.

I can keep it daily if necessary.

Of course, if you can't see any splashes, you may be able to eat and eat at 4K.

(End of this chapter)

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