Chapter 117
Duan Zhengchun's murder is now a foregone conclusion.

Chen Xuan did such a great job, he directly turned Duan Zhengchun into a jar of ashes, and wooed Zhong Ling, A'Zhu and others by yelling ahead of time.

Although Duan Yu and Qiao Feng met once, they even congenial and sworn brothers.

But in the face of this ironclad evidence, he was determined to break with Qiao Feng after all.

Chen Xuan waited until Duan Yu's mood calmed down a little, and then said.

"Mr. Duan, this time Prince Duan was killed by Qiao Feng. The specific reason is related to the recent tragedies circulating in the world. We can't care about it for a while. I just hope that the little prince can understand the painstaking efforts of Prince Duan in the past, and express his condolences. Right now, Dali Wanmin The most important thing is to return to Dali as soon as possible and take charge of the Dali national government."

"...No need, I want to avenge my father."

"Little prince, have you forgotten Prince Duan's usual teachings?"

Hearing this, Duan Yu couldn't help clenching his teeth, tears streaming down his face.

The last thing in his life he wanted to be bound by these fame and fortune, but at this moment he had to put on the shackles.

Seeing that he was still hesitating, Chen Xuan resorted to his trump card.

"By the way, Mrs. Wang also contacted the concubine before, but she went back to the hometown of the Baiyi tribe in the east of Yunnan a few days ago, and we couldn't get in touch for a while. Why don't you go back to Dali first, and wait for the concubine to come back before making a decision."

"...Mom?" Duan Yu hesitated again.

Seeing this, Chen Xuan quickly winked at A'Zhu and Zhong Ling.

The second daughter didn't doubt that there was him, but thought that Chen Xuan tried hard to persuade him because he didn't want Duan Yu to go to Qiao Feng and die in vain, so they also persuaded Duan Yu to go back together.

Duan Yu couldn't stand the rounds of persuasion, and finally nodded in agreement with tears in his eyes, but he still insisted.

"Although I will go back to succeed the throne of Dali, Duan Yu has to avenge my father's blood feud. At that time, sisters, don't try to persuade me again."

Chen Xuan hurriedly said, "Young Lord, don't worry, we will definitely not stop you when the time comes."

Duan Yu didn't know Chen Xuan's plan, he just thought that he was really chivalrous and benevolent, plus Zhong Ling, Ah Zi, and Ah Zhu were watching from the side, so he stopped thinking about it.

A group of people took Duan Zhengchun's ashes urn and rushed all the way to Dali again.

Duan Yu's ascension to the throne and proclaiming himself emperor went extremely smoothly.

The former three members of Dali, Situ Hua Hegen, Sima Fan Hua, Sikong Ba Tianshi, and the four guards of the Duan family all died in Xiaojing Lake.

Baoding Emperor Duan Zhengming died in Tianlong Temple, and Duan Zhengchun died in Qingshiqiao.

Chen Xuan, in his capacity as Prince Yanqing, found Master Kurong again and won the support of Tianlong Temple.

Above the imperial court, Duan Zhengming and Duan Zhengchun also had fame and prestige in the past, but now that the two brothers died suddenly, no one would question Duan Yu's succession.

In the imperial city of Dali, Xuanmo banners fluttered in the wind.

Hundreds of civil and military officials lined up on the left and right, followed by rows of bull horns more than one meter long "woo woo".

Duan Yu tied a white scarf around his head and walked slowly in a dragon robe.

For a moment, the officials bowed their heads and shouted long live, the momentum was shocking.

On the high platform, Dao Baifeng, Gan Baobao, Zhong Ling and other women also cried into tears, but Chen Xuan hid in the shadow of the main hall, watching the bustling enthronement ceremony indifferently.


At that time, the Duan clan was originally a martial arts family in the Central Plains. Later, the family came to Dali and established the Dali Kingdom.

In addition, Dali is a small country with few powers after all, it is far inferior to a big country like Liao and Song Dynasties, and there are many state affairs busy.

After Duan Yu became the emperor of Dali Kingdom, instead of dealing with political affairs, he turned around and went to Tianlong Temple to learn martial arts from Master Kurong, and planned to seek revenge from Qiao Feng.

As the mastermind behind all this, Chen Xuan was naturally happy to see him go to Tianlong Temple.

He turned his head and brought Dao Baifeng, Qin Hongmian, Mu Wanqing, Gan Baobao, Ruan Xingzhu and other beauties to the Dali Palace, and spent a few nights together in the dark.

While drunk, dreaming and dying, he did not forget to remind Dao Baifeng.

"Feng Nuer, although Duan Yu has now succeeded to the throne and proclaimed himself emperor, the real power in Dali is still in the hands of powerful ministers headed by Prime Minister Gao Shengtai. We can't deploy a single soldier."

"What do you mean? You still want me to help you deal with Gao Shengtai?"

Dao Baifeng Liu frowned, saying that her face was still a little flushed, but her eyes were obviously not friendly.

Chen Xuan went to Gusu this time, and when he came back, he brought news of Duan Zhengchun's death.

He has been able to deceive everyone, but he cannot deceive Dao Baifeng.

The bead curtains are locked deeply, and the gauze curtains sway gently in the wind.

The corner of Chen Xuan's mouth raised slightly, and he squeezed Baby Gan beside him with his hand. There was a burst of fat and softness between his hands, and the evil smile on his face became more and more wild.

Dao Baifeng glanced at him with narrow eyebrows, saying that his eyebrows were cold, but he couldn't find any evidence for a while.

After all, it was a fact that Qiao Feng had an appointment to fight, and now her own son Duan Yu had ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor.

Even if Duan Zhengchun's death made her feel like a knife was piercing her heart, but at this moment, she turned her face and ruined everything, so what?

With a gloomy face, Dao Baifeng stood up coldly, put on a skirt, and said coldly.

"Did you drug them all?"

She had long noticed that Baobao Gan and the other girls were extremely excited these few nights, and they were completely lost when they played.

Chen Xuan laughed.

"Prince Duan is dead. You also know that these wives are infatuated with him. I can't let them all be buried with him, right?"

"Hmph~ They're all a bunch of shameless sluts, they'll be clean after death."

"Your Majesty, what you said is really good."

Dao Baifeng heard that there was a hint of laughter between his words, and her pretty face turned cold again, so naturally she didn't respond.

Seeing her getting up to leave, Chen Xuan said lazily.

"Good slave, I will set off for the Central Plains tomorrow, you can't leave now, you have to come and accompany me again."

"What are you doing in the Central Plains? Aren't you going to help Yu'er eradicate the powerful officials in the court?"

"You can handle this matter. North Qiaofeng South Murong, after all, is a well-known hero in the Jianghu. Duan Yu is devoted to avenging his father, so I have to help him find some helpers. I plan to find someone from the Murong family Join forces to fight against Qiao Feng."


Hearing what he said, Dao Baifeng paused, saying that her pretty face was frosty and snowy, but at the moment she couldn't help softening a little.

She only thought that Chen Xuan was really concerned about Duan Yu's safety, and she only thought that although he was immature, he still had some genuine affection for the two of them.

Thinking of this, Dao Baifeng couldn't help but wiped his eye sockets, feeling mixed feelings in his heart, it was hard to say for a while.

Just when she was dejected, Chen Xuan joked.

"Stop standing outside, come and serve me, the prince, or I won't help your son."

When Dao Baifeng heard his words, he was annoyed immediately, "I'm bah!"

Although she remembered the old love in her heart, when she looked back at Gan Baobao, Qin Hongmian and others lying on the soft couch, with their pink arms and snowy buttocks, shining brightly, suddenly a touch of anger surged in her heart, and she walked over I just want to slap him twice.

(End of this chapter)

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