Chapter 190 Miaojiang Gu Master
When Chen Xuan saw this strange man with black scorpion tattoo, he was startled suddenly, but it didn't show at all on his face.

He noticed that the man with the black scorpion tattoo didn't pay too much attention to him, and guessed that this man probably didn't know his identity.

On the other side, Yelujin also noticed the tattooed man beside Yelu Chucai, and asked curiously.

"Father, this is..."

"His surname is Kong and his name is Wenhong. He is a strange man I met in Dadu. He learned from the Southern Xinjiang Five Poison Sect. We will inevitably encounter some bandits in the green forest all the way south. It is this hero Kong who helped deal with them."

"It turns out that this Yang Guo Yang hero is also a Central Plains martial arts master."

While speaking, Yelujin pointed to Chen Xuan.

As soon as these words came out, that Kong Wenhong's eyes focused, and he immediately looked at Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan simply cupped his hands to signal, but his heart jumped wildly, for fear that he would see any flaws.

Fortunately, that Kong Wenhong just glanced at him, and didn't continue to test, nor did he intend to do it directly.

Chen Xuan was certain in his heart, so he simply didn't reveal his identity, and secretly said in his heart.

"This Kong Wenhong looks cold and vicious, but his thinking is very clear. It seems that he also intends to climb the high branch of Yelu Chucai, and intends to directly control Mongolia, the biggest force in the plot of the divine sculpture. And there should be more than one challenger in the plot of Mongolia. Him alone."

The reason for Chen Xuan's guess is very simple.

Because Yelu Chucai has now resigned as the prime minister of Mongolia, and is already an old minister far away from the court.

After the death of Genghis Khan, the Great Khan of Mongolia, his third son Okuotai succeeded to the throne.

Wo Kuotai was the Great Khan for 13 years and died, and his son Guiyou succeeded him.

Guiyou drank too much in a daze, and died of a short life after only three years of sweating. Now Guiyou's queen listens to the government behind the curtain.

The queen trusted her courtiers and excluded the ministers of the previous dynasty, and the government was very chaotic.

Prime Minister Yelu Chucai, as the elder of the three dynasties and a meritorious minister in the government, often speaks honestly and honestly when encountering the queen's inappropriate words and deeds.

Seeing that he often obstructed her edicts, the queen naturally felt resentful, because he was highly respected and what he said was all right, so she couldn't do it easily.

Yelu Chucai knew that he had offended the queen, so he published a memorial, saying that Bianzhou was not in peace, and he had to send a minister to appease him, and he asked for an order to go there.

The queen was also happy that the old man, who was an eyesore, left early, and she was ready to play immediately.

So Yelu Chucai took his second son Yeluqi and third daughter Yeluyan and went straight south. This trip was called Xuanfu, and it was actually to avoid disaster.

This time Yelu Chucai went south and had already left the power center of Yuan Dadu. There was no reason for Kong Wenhong to follow an insignificant old man who had lost power.

The only explanation is that there are other plot challengers in the Mongolian court, and they have gradually gained power, and will soon disintegrate the power of the empress faction of the dynasty, and will soon welcome back Yelu Chucai, a veteran of the three dynasties. Sexually ruled the Mongol Empire.

Thinking of this, Chen Xuan nodded unconsciously, thinking.

"Sure enough, we should not underestimate the heroes of the world. If we can take control of the Mongol Empire, it will be a blow to the Central Plains martial arts masters. It seems that the opponents this time are not weak."

While feeling emotional in his heart, he secretly glanced at Kong Wenhong.

Compared with those plots to fight for power and profit, what he cares more about at this moment is how much this Kong Wenhong in front of him really weighs.

As soon as he had this idea, Yeluqi beside him asked curiously.

"Since these two are both masters of the Central Plains martial arts, I don't know which one is stronger and weaker?"

"Qi'er, stop talking nonsense."

Although people in the Jianghu are all fighting and killing, the higher the martial arts and the higher the style of the master, the more disgusted they are to show off their skills easily.

Yelu Chucai was worried that Kong Wenhong and Chen Xuan would be disgusted, so he hurriedly stopped them.

But he didn't want Chen Xuanlue to cup his hands and said with a smile.

"It's okay, Mr. Yang also wants to see Brother Kong's kung fu."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone present looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing why Chen Xuan took the initiative to invite the fight.

Kong Wenhong, who had the black scorpion tattoo on his head, didn't care, he just cupped his hands slightly, and said in a deep voice.

"If that's the case, then show your shame."


Chen Xuan smiled slightly, and stretched out his hand to signal him to invite first.

Although Kong Wenhong had a sinister appearance, he spoke and behaved quite gracefully. He led Chen Xuan straight to the outside of the house, and even introduced his own martial arts with a little bow.

"Kong is a teacher of the Southern Border Five Poison Sect. He is good at using poisonous Gu. He is not very proficient in boxing and kicking. He only knows the Black Mist Saber Technique."

"Okay, he really is a straightforward and good man."

Chen Xuan smiled and praised, that Kong Wenhong was beaming and was about to say something, but Chen Xuan suddenly jumped forward and was about to do it!

"Yang Shaoxia?!" Kong Wenhong was startled, and subconsciously showed two half-moon scimitars.

It's just that he obviously didn't realize the seriousness of the matter, Chen Xuan jumped forward, and within five steps of him, he raised his hand and hit Dali Duan's Yang Finger!

As the sharp finger hit the "Tianchi Point" on his shoulder, Kong Wenhong's hands went numb, and he couldn't hold the scimitar in his hand, and fell to the ground directly.

Chen Xuan took the opportunity to step forward, quickly caught the scimitar, and swung it!
All of a sudden, there was a flash of cold light, and a puff of blood spurted out!

Kong Wenhong's head fell to the ground with a "boom", and the expressions of Lu Wushuang and Yelujin's family who came out were so shocked that their faces changed drastically.

No one thought that the two who were chatting and laughing just now turned into a life-and-death struggle in silence.

Chen Xuan, a seemingly handsome and unrestrained young man, suddenly showed such a cold-blooded and ruthless side.

At this moment, everyone present was stunned in place.

After a while, Yelu Jin asked in surprise while covering Yelu Chucai behind him.

"Yang Yingxiong, what are you?"

Lu Wushuang was also taken aback, hesitantly asked, "Stupid?"


Hearing the voices of the two, Chen Xuan adjusted his emotions, looked down at the corpse at his feet, turned around, and said in a deep voice.

"My lord, this man is an assassin."

"Assassin?!" Yelujin was taken aback.

However, Chen Xuan said solemnly, "Dare to ask Mr. Yelu Chucai, is your body unwell these days?"

Yelu Chucai was startled, "That's right, I do have occasional colds these days."

Chen Xuan said to himself, "Fengchi? I don't think so. If your lord doesn't believe it, you can ask a master who is proficient in the art of poisonous Gu to come and ask. I think you will know the truth."

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was shocked again.

Seeing that Chen Xuan was so confident, they thought he had really seen through Kong Wenhong's plot, so they offered to help, but they didn't think that Chen Xuan would kill him first and play later.

The reason why he firmly insisted that Kong Wenhong had poisoned Yelu Chucai was actually very simple.

This group of people wanted to take the old prime minister Yelu Chucai as the head and regain control of Mongolia, so Yelu Chucai would definitely be restricted.

And the means of restriction, of course, can only use poisonous Gu.

(End of this chapter)

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