Chapter 220

Guo Jing's eyes widened and he was furious.

Guo Fu and the others on the side also looked at each other in blank dismay, no one knew what was going on.

Guo Jing and Huang Rong had a very close relationship, so they didn't suspect Huang Rong's change of heart at the first moment, knowing that Chen Xuan and Huang Rong might have fallen into someone's trick.

It's just that he can understand that this matter is not so easy to make sense.

Lu Youjiao at the side hesitated for a moment, clasped his fists and said.

"Guo Daxia, I am sending my Beggar Sect disciples to search for the whereabouts of Chief Huang."

"Wait!" Guo Fu hurriedly stopped.

It was already late at this time, and the inside and outside of the Lujiazhuang were decorated with lights and festoons, making it very lively.

The Heroes Banquet held this time will be held for a total of three days, and the last day is the highlight.

At this time, in Lujiazhuang's main hall, front hall, back hall, side hall, flower hall and many other halls, a total of more than 2000 seats were arranged, with seven or eight people at a table, and a total of nearly [-] people were present.

It can be said that the famous heroes in the world, those who can be named, basically came to the banquet.

This hero banquet can be said to be a rare event in the Central Plains martial arts for decades.

If it wasn't for Guo Jing and Huang Rong's reputation, wide acquaintance, and prestige in the martial arts, it would be absolutely difficult to invite so many martial arts heroes.

It was precisely because of the unprecedented scale of this feast that Guo Fu didn't want to make a big deal out of it, and only hoped to keep a low profile.

When Lu Youjiao saw her obstructing him, he hesitated for a moment, then came back to his senses, and confessed.

"I'm confused. It's best to keep a low profile at this time."

"Elder Lu doesn't need to be like this. Rong'er is strong in martial arts and smart and quick-witted. He rarely meets opponents in Jianghu. This thief is probably deliberately spreading rumors, and I'm afraid he has another conspiracy."

Guo Jing was unusually calm and calm at this time, and he wasn't fooled at all.

Everyone was sure when they heard the words, but what the man in black said about Chen Xuan and Huang Rong's cave in the east of Lujiazhuang was probably true.

Guo Jing hesitated for a moment, but was still ready to go to check.

At this moment, Lu Youjiao cupped his hands.

"Now that the Heroes Banquet is about to be held, Guo Daxia, as the convener of this Heroes Banquet, if he is not present or does not show up for a long time, I am afraid that the heroes of the rivers and lakes present will be suspicious."

Guo Fu heard the words and chimed in, "Daddy, let Elder Lu and I go take a look together. If there is any danger, we will call you again."

Guo Jing nodded, "This is the only way to do it now, you all go quickly to check what's going on, if you can't handle it, you must come to me in time."

Guo Fu and Lu Youjiao nodded, they turned around and walked out of the courtyard.

Da Wu and Xiao Wu hurriedly said, "Let's go too!"

They immediately gathered several experts from the Beggar Clan and headed towards the woods where Huang Rong taught the Dog Beating Stick method during the day.

And the other side.

As the sky was getting late, there were bursts of firecrackers outside Lujiazhuang, and the hero banquet was held as scheduled.

Guo Jing walked into the main hall with a smile, and followed Lu Guanying and Cheng Yaojia to meet the martial arts heroes present.

A group of people said a few simple words, and the banquet was officially held.

With all the good wine and meat on display, all the heroes of the martial arts exchanged cups, and it was very lively.

Seeing that the three cups had passed, Lu Guanying and Guo Jing looked at each other, held up their glasses, and stood up.

He toasted a glass of wine to the heroes, and said loudly.

"My friends from the rivers and lakes, Mongols are now invading southward, and our Great Song Dynasty is in danger. Now that the heroes of the world are gathered here, and everyone has loyalty, we need to discuss a clever plan so that the Mongol Tartars will not dare to invade our Great Song Dynasty again. .”

After he said these few words, all the heroes stood up one after another, and they all agreed with each other.

"That's right! The Mongol Tartars are determined to kill me and the Song Dynasty, we must take precautions early!"

"As members of the Central Plains Wulin, we must not sit still and wait for death!"

"Master Lu is right!"

Most of the people who participated in the hero banquet this time were bloody men. Seeing that the Song Dynasty was in danger, it was imminent.

Now that Lu Guanying mentioned this matter, everyone naturally responded.

An old man with white beard looked around, stood up, and said in a loud voice.

"As the saying goes, a snake can't do without a head. We have no ambition to be loyal. If there is no leader, it will be impossible to accomplish great things. Today, all the heroes of the Central Plains martial arts are gathered here. You may wish to recommend a man of high morals and prestige who everyone believes in." Hao Jie comes out, how about letting him take the lead?"

Everyone present responded loudly.

"it is good!"

"How about we elect a martial arts leader?"

Some of them joked.

"In this case, let your old man take the lead!"

"Yes, old man, how about you take the lead!"

The old man naturally knew that these were all reckless jokes, he immediately waved his hand and said with a smile.

"Which kind of thing am I, a stinky old man? Martial arts masters, they are headed by Dongxie, Xidu, Nandi, Beibei, and Zhongshentong. The master comes and goes alone, Xi Du is not a member of my generation, and the Southern Emperor is far away in Dali, and he is not a citizen of the Great Song Dynasty. The leader of the martial arts alliance is naturally the "Northern Beggar" Old Senior Hong."

Hong Qigong is the Taishan Beidou in the martial arts, with high morality and great reputation.

After the old man's analysis, everyone nodded and applauded.

It's just that Hong Qigong didn't come to the hero's banquet after all, and soon someone brought up the matter.

"Old leader Hong is an old senior with high morals and high prestige. If he becomes the leader of the martial arts alliance, we will have nothing to say. It's just that he is an old man who can't see the end. Apart from him, I don't know if there is another martial arts talent who can do both martial arts and virtues." Convincing people, able to take on this great task?"

Hearing the words, the martial arts heroes present thought that what they said was reasonable.

Someone agreed, "Everyone, we gathered here today with the intention of serving the country loyally and without any selfishness in our hearts. We might as well elect another deputy leader. If the old leader Hong travels around and cannot be contacted for a while, everyone How about just listening to the orders of the deputy leader?"

When everyone heard the words, they all cheered and applauded.

"Okay! Let's choose another deputy leader!"

As soon as these words came out, someone immediately shouted, "In my opinion, the position of the leader of the alliance must be Hero Guo!"

Someone also shouted, "The leader of the beggar gang Huang is resourceful, and he is the disciple of the old leader Hong. I recommend the leader Huang!"

Someone said, "Villa Master Lu has pride in his heart, and he is here to eat and drink for us. He is benevolent and righteous, and he is the old master of Guiyun Village in Taihu Lake. The vice-lord should be Master Lu!"

Someone even shouted, "The Quanzhen Sect is the orthodox sect of Wulin Xuanmen, the leader of the Quanzhen Sect, Ma, deserves this position!"

For a time, there were different opinions, and everyone was right.

Guo Jing and Lu Guanying looked at each other, both caught off guard.

Guo Jing's invitation to Lu Guanying to hold a hero banquet this time really meant that he would join hands with the heroes of the Central Plains to fight against Mongolia and defend the lands of the Great Song Dynasty.

But this time the battle for the leader of the martial arts alliance would be so fierce, which was completely beyond his expectation.

However, Huang Rong wasn't around, so he couldn't make up his mind for a while.

Just as everyone in the hall was arguing, four Taoists walked in quickly at the door.

It was Hao Datong, Sun Buer, Zhao Zhijing, and Yin Zhiping who had been sent away by Chen Xuan a few days ago.

Although the four of them were at odds with Yang Guo, Chen Xuan, their relationship with Guo Jing was barely friendly.

When Guo Jing and Lu Guanying saw the four people walking into the hall, they couldn't just sit and watch the four people, so they hurriedly stood up to welcome them.

The Quanzhen sect is known as the orthodox sect of Taoism, and the seniors of the Quanzhen sect, such as Wang Chongyang and Qiu Chuji, have a close friendship with Guo Jing.

Although Guo Jing's relationship with the younger generation of Quanzhen Sect disciples was a bit stiff because of Chen Xuan and Yang Guo's incident, but at this time he intended to unite with the world's martial arts heroes, so naturally he couldn't exclude the Quanzhen Sect members.

He hastened to greet him, and cupped his hands.

"Four Taoists, I've been waiting for a long time."

Hao Datong brought Zhao Zhijing over before, and was slapped by Chen Xuan, so he didn't bother to talk nonsense, so he leaned closer to Guo Jing's ear and said in a low voice.

"Guo Daxia, we ran into Mongolian masters on the road, they will come soon, please be careful."

Guo Jing frowned upon hearing this.

He and the Seven Masters of Quanzhen have always been friends, and he knows that this "Guang Ningzi" Hao Datong is one of the best masters in Quanzhen Sect.

In the arena, there are very few people who can beat him.

But listening to him say these few words, his voice trembled faintly, presumably that Mongolian master must be a reclusive expert with extremely strong martial arts.

When Guo Jing sent Yang to Zhongnan Mountain, he met a Mongolian Prince Huodu, and he still had some impressions of him.

Therefore, he tentatively asked, "Is the person coming here Prince Huo Dou?"

Before Hao Datong opened his mouth, he only heard the sound of footsteps outside the gate.

Before the servants outside Lujiazhuang could report loudly, dozens of people had already walked into the hall.

The heroes of the Central Plains martial arts in the hall were all very surprised when they saw these people suddenly barging into the hall.

Seeing that Guo Jing and Lu Guanying didn't make a statement, they thought that these people were also invited to the hero banquet.

Guo Jing and Hao Datong looked at each other, and then went out together with Lu Guanying and his wife.

Among the dozens of people who broke into the banquet, Guo Jing recognized the person who looked like a noble son, it was Prince Huo Dou who had entered the Quanzhen Sect of Zhongnan Mountain in the past, and tried to enter the ancient tomb in vain to marry Xiaolongnu.

As for the burly monk next to Huo Dou, he was Huo Dou's senior brother, Daerba.

Guo Jing saw that these two had fought against each other in the Chongyang Palace of Zhongnan Mountain. Although they were both first-class masters in martial arts, they were still not as good as himself, so he was not too worried.
It's just that among the masters who came this time, it is obvious that Huo Dou and Daerba are not the leaders.

The two stood on the left and right this time, surrounded by a foreign monk in a red robe. This man had a beard and looked like a lion and a tiger. There seemed to be a few flywheels hidden behind him. It must be some kind of strange door. weapon.

Guo Jing and Hao Datong looked at each other, they knew that this man was aggressive, so he must be a bad person.

Guo Jing was secretly on guard, but at the same time, he did not forget the etiquette, and bowed his hands slightly.

"Everyone has come from afar, please sit down and have a few drinks."

Although his words were polite, but since he knew that Prince Huo Dou was not kind to the visitor and his words were not very familiar, it was just a little politeness.

Prince Huo Dou spread out the folding fan in his hand, and whispered a few words to the monk in red.

The monk in red nodded, Prince Huo Dou said.

"Then there will be the hero Lao Guo."

On Guo Jing's side, several people saw that these Mongolian masters did not turn their faces directly, so naturally they had no reason to do it directly.

Lu Guanying ordered Zhuang Ding to set up a few other tables of banquets, and prepared cups, plates, bowls and chopsticks, and invited Huo Dou and others to enter the hall to sit down.

Huo Dou was polite and gave a brief introduction.

"Master, let me introduce you to the famous heroes of the Central Plains martial arts..."

The red-clothed monk nodded, his eyes seemed to open and close.

Huo Dou said, "This is Guo Jing, our Mongolian general of the Western Expedition to the Right Army in the past, Guo Hero."

As soon as this remark came out, it was undoubtedly exposing Guo Jing's old scars.

Back then, Guo Jing, Tuo Lei and Temujin were like brothers in the grasslands and deserts, but later, because of the death of Guo Jing's mother Li Ping, Guo Jing recognized his ancestors and returned to his clan and chose to be an enemy of Mongolia.

Guo Jing knew that Huo Dou mentioned his name as the general of the Western Expedition in Mongolia at this moment in order to tarnish his reputation, but he no longer cared about these things.

Huo Dou saw that neither he nor the other heroes had any reaction, so he stopped talking and spoke loudly instead.

"This is my master, a holy monk of Tantric Buddhism, known as the King of the Golden Wheel, and the first protector of the country personally conferred by the empress of the Great Mongolian Kingdom!"

Huo Dou spoke proudly, and his voice was very loud.

The heroes of the Central Plains martial arts present all looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Who is Jinlun Fawang? Why have I never heard of it?"

"Are these people Mongolians?"

"Damn it, how did these Mongols come here? Could it be that they deceived me that there is no one in the Central Plains martial arts!"

It wasn't until this moment that the martial arts masters present reacted and cast hostile looks one after another.

And at the same time.

At the Lujiazhuang, the Queen of Mongolia sent Jinlun Fawang and his party to break into the hero banquet suddenly, and Guo Jing was dealing with it carefully.

In a remote cave dozens of miles away.

Chen Xuan was hugging Huang Rong, and the two mingled together frantically, trying their best as a couple.

Although he knew that Black Horn would set up a trap, but when he really started fighting with Huang Rong, he felt as if there were countless ants crawling on his body. Only being with Huang Rong could slightly ease the itch that soaked into the bone marrow.

"No... no, I have to leave right away, I can't stay here anymore."

Shocked, Chen Xuan took advantage of the time to catch his breath, and hurriedly picked up Huang Rong and ran out.

Only now did he realize how terrifying the methods of the Black Horn Society were.

He had seen similar medicinal powder in Tianlong World back then.

At that time, Mu Wanqing took the medicine, and soon he was sweating profusely, he caught Duan Yu and called him his brother.

But after he ate it himself, in fact, his blood was a little restless, far less than the deep-rooted and unforgettable thought now.

Chen Xuan only felt that there were countless insects crawling in his body, and every time he tossed with Huang Rong, it would relieve him a little, but then it would bring about a greater addiction.

"No, if things go on like this, if I don't get beaten to death by Guo Jing, I'm afraid I'll die of exhaustion on Huang Rong's body too. This stuff isn't just a simple medicine powder at all, it's probably some kind of Gu poison!"

When Chen Xuan thought of this, a coldness flashed in his eyes.

"I have to catch that man in black, or I won't survive tonight!"

With this in mind, Chen Xuan wrapped Huang Rong in his arms like a rice dumpling, so as not to look greedy, and rushed into the woods at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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