Chapter 224

The carriage went all the way, and unknowingly came to the foot of Zhongnan Mountain.

Huang Rong poked her head out of the carriage, looked around, and said softly.

"Master, we are here."

After being nursed by Chen Xuan for the past few days, her face has become slightly fatter, and she looks very moisturized.

When Chen Xuan got out of the car, his eyes were slightly sunken, with two dark circles under his eyes, and he looked overworked.This is not because of how tired he is, but because the effects of the Gu poison in their bodies are different.

Although the Gu poison in Huang Rong's body was extremely effective, it had no side effects. Although the Gu poison in Chen Xuan's body was not very effective, it faintly had the effect of chronic poison.

In just a few days, he had to help Huang Rong suppress the Gu poison, and at the same time he had to dissolve the poison in his body, so he couldn't take care of each other, so he was caught in a dilemma for a while.

Although Chen Xuan was a little faint now, his consciousness was still very clear, and he immediately reminded him in a low voice.

"Let's go up the mountain carefully first."

"Okay." Huang Rong responded briskly, seeing that she was in much better spirits than him.

The two walked side by side, abandoned their carriages and horses, and walked up the mountain quickly.

Along the mountain path all the way, instead of taking the main road, I jumped over the occasional cliff with lightness kung fu.After walking intermittently for several hours, I finally came to the mountain.

Huang Rong lost her memory at this time, and she saw the Taoist Temple of Quanzhen Taoism on the top of the mountain, but she couldn't recognize it for a while.

Instead, Chen Xuan took a look around and found that the little Taoist priests in Quanzhen Sect were doing morning lessons as usual.

"Could it be that the people from the Black Horn Society haven't found this place yet?"

Chen Xuan's heart moved, and it seemed reasonable after second thought.

When Guo Jing disappeared in Lujiazhuang outside Dashengguan, it is likely that he was hunted down by the masters of the Black Horn Society.

After all, Guo Jing is one of the best martial arts masters among the plots of the Condor Shooting. Exhibiting two sets of martial arts moves, his martial arts are naturally not weak.

In addition, it is impossible for Mongolia to go south without a group of dragons without a leader, and the Black Horn Society must also send people to stabilize the situation in the Mongolian court. In this way, it is not surprising that they can't take care of the Quanzhen Sect for a while.

Thinking of this, Chen Xuan took Huang Rong and sneaked into the Taoist temple of Quanzhen Sect.

Li Mochou's apprentice Hong Lingbo also infiltrated the Quanzhen Sect, and finally sneaked into the ancient tomb at the back of the Quanzhen Sect quietly, so Chen Xuan and Huang Rong didn't encounter any trouble in sneaking in this time.

Chen Xuan jumped up and down all the way, his steps were quick, and he would occasionally gesture to Huang Rong, which seemed to be extremely easy.

He practiced the lightness kung fu of the ancient tomb sect, and he is elegant and agile, which is not vulgar.

Although Huang Rong is pregnant with her second child now, she has learned the martial arts of Huang Yaoshi, the master of Peach Blossom Island since she was a child. Not only does she have fist and palm moves like Luoying Excalibur, but her lightness kung fu and body skills are naturally also not bad.

The two sneaked all the way, avoiding most of the eyes and ears of Quanzhen Sect, and successfully sneaked into the back mountain of Quanzhen Sect.

As soon as he returned to the valley of the back mountain, looking at the verdant green of the valley, Chen Xuan felt that his breathing became much easier.

"This place really deserves to be the place where Xiaolongnv and I lived in the past. It seems that there is a gathering of luck from heaven and earth."

This feeling is mysterious, it's just a vague feeling, but it really affects the circulation of his qi and blood.

He didn't have time to think about it for a while, the valley was open in all directions, if he met Quanzhen disciples like Yin Zhiping and Zhao Zhijing looking for trouble, he might be bumped into by them.

"Rong'er, let's go back to the ancient tomb first."

He said this casually, and the words were very intimate, and he became acquainted with Huang Rong in just a few days.

Huang Rong was stunned for a moment, as if she had thought of something.

Seeing this, Chen Xuan was startled, and hurriedly tried to say.


Only then did Huang Rong come to her senses, she glanced at Chen Xuan blankly, and hurriedly chased after him.

Chen Xuan looked at Huang Rong's trance-like expression, and secretly raised his eyebrows, but he had been with Huang Rong for so many days now, even if she suddenly recovered his memory, he couldn't just wipe it off and just clap his hands away. People, you have to give her an explanation.

Just when he was secretly feeling uneasy, the two had already entered the ancient tomb.

When he walked to the entrance of the ancient tomb, Chen Xuan deliberately glanced at the broken dragon stone at the entrance of the ancient tomb.

This boulder is the biggest barrier of the ancient tomb. Once it falls, it will seal the entire ancient tomb. It is also the last resort of the little dragon girl.

From the looks of it now, the Dragon Breaking Stone was intact, presumably the little dragon girl hadn't encountered any strong enemies either.

Chen Xuan led Huang Rong all the way to the depths of the ancient tomb along the passageway in the ancient tomb. Along the way, he checked the traces in the passageway of the ancient tomb, and at the same time relied on his memory to open various mechanisms.

Simply walking along the way, no traps were triggered on the road, and there were no traces of swords and swords in the corridors on the road. Judging from the situation, since he left, everything in the ancient tomb should be as usual, and there are no traces of masters sneaking in.

Only then did he feel relieved, and brought Huang Rong to the tomb where Xiaolongnv used to stay.

I just don't want to walk into the tomb, the surroundings are empty, there is no one in sight, and even the oil lamps and candles on the table are covered with a layer of dust.

"How did this happen? Could it be that the little dragon girl has already gone down the mountain? How long has it been?"

Chen Xuan frowned, and took another step forward unwillingly, but it is true that no one has lived here for a long time.

Before Chen Xuan could take another look, Huang Rong who followed him said curiously.

"Sir, what are you looking for?"

"'s nothing." Chen Xuan said perfunctorily, and couldn't care so much at this time.

It doesn't matter where Xiaolongnu goes now, what is important is that he must dissolve or suppress the poison in his body, otherwise it is meaningless to find Xiaolongnu.

There are many traps in this ancient tomb, it is a good place to hide, and it is considered safe for the time being.

Chen Xuan glanced around and greeted Huang Rong.

"Madam, you and I will take a rest in this ancient tomb for the time being. I will dissolve the poison in my body first, you..."

As soon as he talked about dispelling the Gu poison, Huang Rong subconsciously took off her light yellow silk shirt, revealing her creamy jade shoulders.

Seeing this, Chen Xuan quickly waved his hands.

"That's not what I said, can you let me rest for a while?"

Huang Rong seemed to be scared after hearing his words, she couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing lightly, she looked very beautiful.

Chen Xuan looked at Wei Wei in a daze, but after thinking about it, he was a little scared.

He was already poisoned, but Huang Rong was also a carefree big goblin.She is no different from little girls like Guo Fu and Lu Wushuang. She is nearly thirty years old and can suck up dirt while sitting on the ground.

That is to say, Chen Xuan still has Yang Guo's internal strength of more than ten years, and he happens to be young and strong. Otherwise, ordinary men might not be able to subdue her, a big goblin.

While Chen Xuan looked around for the healing elixir in the tomb with lingering fear, he casually chatted with Huang Rong about her injury.

"Rong'er, is the Gu poison in your body better now?"

"It's better." Huang Rong responded obediently, but it's been like this these days, and it's how to toss or toss after the poisoning.

Chen Xuan didn't care about it, he just searched for the healing elixir in the tomb.It's a pity that Xiao Longnu didn't leave any healing medicine in the ancient tomb.

She has always lived a fairy life where she eats wind and drinks dew, never provokes any enemies, and naturally has no injuries.

Now Chen Xuan searched around, but as expected, he found nothing.

He secretly sighed, feeling somewhat depressed.

"No, if this continues, I'm afraid it's not really over."

He knew that under the protection of heaven and earth luck, he, Yang Guo, the hero, could not die easily, but not being able to die didn't mean that he wouldn't suffer from disability or pain.

Now the members of the Black Horn Society have controlled Mongolia to send troops south, and have driven away Guo Jing who was supposed to guard Xiangyang. At this time, the Great Song Dynasty is in danger.

If he can't think of a way to make an early move, then the world of the reincarnation plot may really change.

Although he can also try to hide in the deep mountains and old forests, let the people of the Black Horn Society control Mongolia, calm the world in one fell swoop, and finally send people to catch him everywhere like a cat catching a mouse.

But he has the fate of "Heaven's Hate", even if he obtained [-] luck points in Tianlong World before, he spent a lot of it at random, and now he only has a few years of life left.

Originally, Chen Xuan thought that he would be the main character with great difficulty, and he could easily pass the level by simply following the plot.

I didn't expect such a thing to happen now.

"Alas~" Thinking of this, he couldn't help sighing.

While sighing, he suddenly noticed a cold jade bed in the tomb.

"This is... the cold jade bed?"

The cold jade bed was originally made by Lin Chaoying, the ancestor of the ancient tomb sect. It was made of cold jade dug out under hundreds of feet of hard ice in the extremely cold place in the extreme north as a gift from Wang Chongyang. It is an excellent tool for practicing internal strength.

Lying on the cold jade and practicing kung fu, one year is equivalent to ten years, because when I first slept on it, I felt extremely cold, so I had to use my whole body to fight it.

In addition, when practicing internal skills, the most taboo thing is to go crazy, so in normal practice, you can't help but spend half of your energy to fight against the fire in your heart.

Cold jade is the most cloudy and cold thing in the world. Sitting and lying on it, the heart fire will be cleared, and you can be brave and diligent when practicing.

Although this cold jade can make people practice, one year is worth ten years of practice, but Yang Guo, Chen Xuan, did not practice on the cold jade all the time.

Because this cold jade is very cold, even a martial arts practitioner can hardly resist it.

Now when he saw this cold jade, the memory appeared in Chen Xuan's mind, and he couldn't help but feel a little nostalgic about the time when he was with Xiaolongnv in the past.

Just at this time, Huang Rong behind him asked curiously.

"Sir, what is this?"

"This is the cold jade bed."

Chen Xuan explained smoothly, looking back at Huang Rong's beautiful eyes and eyebrows, he couldn't help but compare Xiao Longnu and Huang Rong in his heart.

Although the little dragon girl is as cold as snow and elegant and fairy-like, Huang Rong is also a little demon girl of Peach Blossom Island who has gathered the aura of the East China Sea.

In the old days on Peach Blossom Island, with slightly raised eyebrows and long sleeves, she danced gracefully under the flower trees, her apricot shirt lingered in the wind, and her dancing posture was like a fairy, just like the legendary fairy Juechen on the fairy mountain in the Middle East.

Although she is now a married woman, the aura between the corners of her eyes and brows has not diminished, on the contrary, it has added a bit of charm.

From Chen Xuan's point of view, Huang Rong was a bit more approachable and popular than Xiao Longnu.

Just when Chen Xuan looked at Huang Rong's eyebrows and eyes, Huang Rong looked at him curiously and said strangely.

"Sir, what do you see me doing?"

"...It's nothing." Chen Xuan smiled awkwardly. Even though he was pretending to be her husband, there was still some difference between his words.

After all, in the final analysis, he has lied to Aunt Guo now, and if he pursues it in the future, I don't know what will happen.

Just when he was feeling uneasy, his heart suddenly hurt.

"Not good, the Gu poison has flared up again!"

Chen Xuan has experienced several Gu poison attacks before, and he already has experience.

This Gu poison is extremely powerful, it is a piercing pain at the beginning, if it is not controlled, it is even difficult to breathe.

"Sister?!" Seeing him clutching his heart, Huang Rong hurried forward to help her, "Are you sick again?"

Chen Xuan gave a "hmm" and nodded slightly.

Huang Rong leaned close to her mouth without saying a word, her cherry lips met in a tactful manner, very docile.

This "two hearts know" Gu poison is originally the elixir of the Acacia Sect in the Xianxia World, and its medicinal power can only be resolved by the combination of yin and yang.

Before each attack, Chen Xuan and Huang Rong would cooperate to dissolve the Gu poison, so Huang Rong has formed a habit.

It's just that she moved her mouth closer now, but Chen Xuan hurriedly pushed her away, concentrating on it.

"Rong'er, let me take it easy."

It sounded a bit guilty to say this, but Chen Xuan was really not joking at the moment.

This "two-hearted knowledge" is not a good thing after all, but a kind of Gu poison that controls people's hearts.

Since Gu poison is naturally not a bitter medicine, it is a bone-scraping poison to Chen Xuan, but to Huang Rong, it is more and more energetic.

Chen Xuan faintly felt that this "two-hearted knowledge" should be a woman-led way to gather and attract elixirs, but because of the restrictions of the laws of the world of the Condor Shooting plot, it was impossible to exert the power to absorb the skills of others in an instant.

But even so, the two minds cooperated with Huang Rong's methods, and they still managed to control him firmly.

This trip from Lujiazhuang to Zhongnan Mountain meant that Chen Xuan had been cultivating his internal skills in the ancient tomb for more than ten years. If he was an ordinary knight-errant, he would have been sucked to death by Huang Rong.

Chen Xuan faintly realized this, so he dared not let Huang Rong continue to do it, and quickly turned over and sat cross-legged on the cold jade in the tomb.

On the one hand, it relies on the cold jade bed to suppress the Gu poison in the body.

Furthermore, the millennium cold jade was so cold that it could suppress the messy thoughts in his body.

There is no way, after all, Huang Rong really has extraordinary taste, and now she suddenly lost her memory, she is very easy to fool, she can do whatever she wants.

Chen Xuan realized a few days ago that the Gu poison in his body and Huang Rong's Gu poison seemed to have different effects.But every time he wanted to think carefully, he would be interrupted by Huang Rong and fooled.

Now that he had finally returned to the ancient tomb of Zhongnan, he didn't dare to get bored with Huang Rong any more, so he hurriedly used the cold jade to suppress the poison and distracting thoughts in his body, and at the same time secretly operated the many inner skills he had learned.

(End of this chapter)

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