Chapter 251

Chen Xuan suddenly said this on purpose, causing Yeluyan to be a little confused for a while.

She thought that Chen Xuan came to her tonight because he wanted her to help persuade Yelu Chucai, but he said that she didn't need her help.

Yeluyan was puzzled.

"Brother Yang, what do you mean? There is no need to hide anything between you and me now, you just say it directly."

Chen Xuan didn't hesitate and said directly.

"Good girl, I want to accept a nomination certificate to show your determination to your father."


"That's right. In the arena, if a fallen grass becomes a bandit, brothers and sisters will vote together, which is regarded as a vote. Now I want to help your father get rid of a former enemy to show his determination."

"Enemy?" Yeluyan finally came to her senses at this time, but she frowned and thought for a while before shaking her head, "My father treats people kindly and has never had any enemies."

"not even one?"

"There really isn't one."

Yeluyan shook her head, but Chen Xuan didn't believe it.

"Good girl, I really don't believe what you said. People can't help themselves in the Jianghu, how can there be no enemies, even if your father treats people leniently, if he doesn't provoke others, others may not come to provoke him."

Hearing this, Yeluyan frowned and thought for a moment before realizing it, and said with a frown.

"Brother Yang's words are not bad. To be honest, in court, my father did have a few rivals. Among them, Duo Longdo, the servant of the household department, is a Mongolian. He has always been at odds with my father and has fought against him several times. "

"Okay, Dorondo, I've made a note."

After Chen Xuan finished speaking, he was about to get up.

Yeluyan couldn't help frowning when she saw his straightforward appearance.

"Brother Yang, are you leaving now?"

"Song and Meng confront each other, and life is overwhelmed with charcoal. I am determined to quell the disaster of war, so naturally I can't stop for a moment."

Although Yeluyan didn't persuade her much, she still hummed in a low voice, obviously seeing that Chen Xuan didn't pay much attention to her at all, and now deliberately approaching her, but it was just for the sake of cliché.

Chen Xuan really planned to leave, but he didn't expect the girl to snort softly, which made his heart move.

He really didn't think much about Yeluyan, after all, although this girl was pretty good, but Chen Xuan had already been entertained by Guo Fu's daughters for half a day, and now he really didn't want to get bored with Yeluyan.

But now Yeluyan made it clear that she was not very happy, Chen Xuan hesitated for a while and planned to persuade her.After all, this girl is the third daughter of Yelu Chucai, so she still has something to do with her.

Thinking of this, Chen Xuan simply turned around and pinched her, and smiled lightly.

"Prime Minister Yelu was originally the elder of the three dynasties, and his literary and military skills are top-notch. Why are you so greedy, a good girl?"

"You!" Yeluyan was very annoyed, but Chen Xuan smiled angrily, "Greedy cat~"

Yeluyan frowned slightly, and wanted to say a few words to him, but Chen Xuan didn't ink any ink, and directly raised his hand.Yeluyan said that she was coquettish and annoyed, but she couldn't help him, so she hummed after a while.

After a few hours passed, it seemed that it was the fourth watch.

Only then did Chen Xuan walk out with the help of the wall, only to feel that after a whole night of tossing, almost no one was there.

At this time, the sky was already dark, and as soon as Chen Xuangang walked out of the corridor, he planned to go back and find a place to rest for a while. He didn't want to walk through the corridor and saw Huang Rong, wearing a goose yellow silk shirt, walking into the yard lightly, stretching lazily .

Looking at her gentle and plump figure and leisurely appearance, Chen Xuan raised his brows, and originally planned to go back slowly, but now he wished to punish this good teacher right away.

He walked straight up, pretending to be surprised.

"Huang Nvxia, why is it such a coincidence?"

"Huh~" Huang Rong snorted softly, how could she not know his tricks.

Seeing that Huang Rong didn't talk to him, Chen Xuan didn't joke anymore, just said.

"I've made it clear. Yelu Chucai has a deadly enemy named Duo Longduo. I plan to go to Mongolia immediately to assassinate Duo Longduo."

Seeing that he was in such a hurry, Huang Rong didn't think about it for a moment, but hesitated and said.

"Okay, I'll go and explain something to Fu'er."

"It doesn't matter, if Aunt Guo is unwilling, we can choose another candidate, as long as she is articulate, eloquent, and quick-witted and able to deal with the situation in the Mongolian court."

As soon as Chen Xuan said these words, Huang Rong couldn't help but glanced at him. Others don't know what these words mean, so how could she not know?

Chen Xuan seems to be thinking deeply, but in fact, isn't she the only one who can meet these conditions?
However, Huang Rong also knew very well that this trip to Mongolia was not only to show her determination to get rid of Yelu Chucai's deadly enemy, but also to find other opportunities.

Instigating against Yelu Chucai is of course the mission of their trip, but if Yelu Chucai is unwilling to go out, then they have to find other candidates, and they can even directly choose a high-ranking minister in the Mongolian court, and find a way Let this person help mediate, and finally let Mongolia withdraw its troops.

Except for Huang Rong herself, those young girls who can do this right now don't have such a heart and a city.

Thinking of this, Huang Rong snorted coldly, and walked away in a huff.

Chen Xuan raised the corner of his mouth, and a sneer appeared.

Huang Rong walked quickly to the east courtyard, thinking that Guo Fu was in her own room, but no one answered when she knocked on the door.

Chen Xuan smiled lazily and said with a smile.

"Miss Su Fu went to find Miss Cheng Ying in the first half of last night, and I'm afraid she's in the west wing now."

Huang Rong snorted coldly, "You know it quite well."

"That's natural." Chen Xuan chuckled, "Fumei falls in love with me, Mumu, so I naturally care about her."

"..." Huang Rong's expression darkened when she heard this, as if she had thought of something, she walked towards the west wing without saying a word.

It was still morning.

Guo Fu, Xiao Longnv and other girls entertained Chen Xuan yesterday, but they still haven't woken up yet.

Huang Rong went to the door and knocked, but it was Gongsun Lue who stood up and opened the door.

"Mrs. Guo?"

"Is Fuer in there?"

"Here I am."

Gongsun Lue responded, and seeing Huang Rong making a gesture to enter the house, she came back to her senses and hurriedly said.

"Sister Fu, I'm not awake yet, I'll call her."

"No need, I don't know her virtue yet, the girl is not like a girl."

Huang Rong didn't care about this, she always knew that this big girl was a delicate young lady, and she didn't even know how to comb her hair without a maid to take care of her makeup.

But this time the situation seems to be different.

She went straight into the room, and sure enough, she saw that Guo Fu hadn't gotten up yet, but it wasn't just her, but also Lu Wushuang, Cheng Ying, Wanyanping, Xiaolongnu and other women.

There was still a faint smell in the room, and several people were unkempt, lying horizontally and vertically, all in vain, completely out of shape.

Huang Rong immediately turned livid and wanted to get angry, but she didn't want Chen Xuan to laugh angrily.

"This is just me and Fumei's pastime, why should Huang Nvxia get angry?"

When Huang Rong heard this, she said that she was very angry, but she still only let out a cold snort when she got to her lips.

She knew that Chen Xuan was an evil and crazy person, and he was not considered a gentleman at all. Now she only hated Guo Fu for being willing to be teased by him like this, but she couldn't say much.

First of all, this is indeed Chen Xuan, Yang Guo and Guo Fu's own business. Guo Fu promised Chen Xuan, and now Chen Xuan has attracted so many relationships, that is also his own business. How can Huang Rong say anything about him?

Furthermore, at the Lujiazhuang outside Dasheng Pass, she also had a hard time with Chen Xuan because of the poisoning by Mongolian masters.

Now there are so many girls in this room who she doesn't know, and Huang Rong knows that Chen Xuan is a shameless rascal, if she is really anxious about him, it will be embarrassing in the end.

Thinking of this, she simply put all these things aside for the time being, and only waited for the next autumn to settle the score.

She was also a little angry for a while, and even told Guo Fu what to say, she turned around and left.However, Chen Xuan walked over, patted the cheeks of the girls to wake them up, and explained the situation one by one.

It's just that he didn't mention that he wanted to check the situation in Mongolia again. He only said that he was going to Mongolia to assassinate Durondo and would come back soon.

Although Xiao Longnu and the others were reluctant, they also knew that he was going to deal with business, so they didn't say anything more.

In this way, Chen Xuan temporarily left the girls in Bianliang City, while he and Huang Rong rushed to Mongolia on a fast horse.

Although it is said that she rides fast and lightly, Huang Rong is pregnant after all, plus she has a petite physique, and she wandered around in the rivers and lakes in her early years and suffered some internal injuries, so she is not in good health now.

Seeing this, Chen Xuan naturally didn't want to offend the beauty. After thinking about it, although Huang Rong didn't mention it, he still found a carriage and headed north.


At this time, the Mongol Dynasty had already wiped out the northern states such as Xixia, Jin, and Liao one after another. Its momentum was in full swing, and its territory stretched for thousands of miles. However, the royal court still remained in the grassland and desert.

Chen Xuan and Huang Rong went north all the way and walked for several days, but the road ahead was still far away.

Seeing the days go by day by day, Chen Xuan couldn't help feeling anxious. He had nothing to do but follow the carriage and stroll around casually.

Not wanting to take this stroll, he really found a trace of unusual movement.

He glanced out of the corner of his eye, and saw that there seemed to be a person following him from a distance.

It didn't seem so obvious when he was inside the customs before, but now that he and Huang Rong are out of the customs, the surroundings are vast, and it seems a bit abrupt to see a person following behind at this time.

Chen Xuan's heart moved, but he didn't say anything, he just got into the carriage and whispered.

"Huang Nvxia, it seems that someone is following us."

"Following?" Huang Rong frowned slightly. She had been exhausted all this way, and she really didn't have much energy. Now that she heard what Chen Xuan said, she seemed to have thought of something, and said in a deep voice.

"The people who will follow us now are none other than Yelu Chucai's subordinates, or the Mongolian queen. The Mongolian queen forced Yelu Chucai away and led a group of foreign relatives to control the situation in the Mongolian court. She will easily let Yelu Chucai go. Now we are probably being targeted by her."

"Then I get rid of him now?"

"No need, we will have to deal with that queen when we go to Mongolia this time. Besides, we don't need to hide our itinerary, and it's meaningless to get rid of that spy."

Huang Rong was open-minded about this, but Chen Xuan felt very uncomfortable.

He understood the current situation better than Huang Rong, and knew that apart from ordinary martial arts masters, there were also experts from the Black Horn Society in Mongolia, and this time the people who followed were most likely related to the Black Horn Society.

After Chen Xuan and Huang Rong had a brief discussion, they secretly made up their minds to find a way to meet that person after dark.

It's still early, and here is the endless grassland outside the pass, if he turns around to chase after him, the person might be able to see his movement hundreds of steps away, turn his head and run away.

Thinking of this, Chen Xuan temporarily put aside the matter of the mysterious spy, turned to look at Huang Rong, and couldn't help but take a look.

Seeing that there was something strange in his eyes, Huang Rong glared at him immediately, pretending to be cold and said.

"You can go out."

"Go out?" Chen Xuan had just glanced casually at first, but when he heard that Huang Rong was so indifferent to him, he smiled angrily, "Huang Xia, I don't want to go out now, but I want to go in."

"You have a try." Huang Rong's pretty face was frosty, with a icy posture.

Although Chen Xuan knew that she was just putting on airs now, Chen Xuan still pretended to be a gentleman and said with a smile.

"Huang Nvxia, what do you mean? I don't quite understand. Now I want to go to the Mongolian royal court to quell the war between Song and Mongolia. Aren't you embarrassing me?"

"Hmph!" Huang Rong snorted coldly, her pretty face twisted, she looked out the window but ignored him.

Chen Xuan smiled complacently, but a bit of coldness flashed in his eyes.In fact, he has been greedy for Huang Rong for a long time, but as he said, going to the Mongolian royal court is the most important thing right now.

At that time, when he went to the Mongolian royal court, whether he directly assassinated Durondo or looked for other opportunities, he needed someone who could negotiate.

If Huang Rong is made anxious now, it will undoubtedly delay the business.

Chen Xuan was thinking this way in his mind, but before he could think about it for a while, there was a knocking sound outside the window.

I only heard a girl yelling.

"The people inside come out!"

Chen Xuan and Huang Rong looked at each other, Chen Xuan went straight out, looked up and did not expect a little Taoist nun riding a donkey next to the carriage.

This little girl is wearing a blue and purple Taoist robe, her hair is in a bun, her little face is as white as jade, and she looks very delicate.

She wanted to check the people in the carriage aggressively, but she was startled when Chen Xuangang got out.

"It's... you big villain?!"

"Little nun?"

Chen Xuan raised his brows, was stunned for a moment, and then said with a smirk.

"Isn't it a coincidence? I've been looking forward to you for a long time."

This girl is none other than Li Mochou's apprentice Hong Lingbo.

Earlier, she and Li Mochou chased Lu Wushuang to Bianliang City, but Lu Wushuang, Cheng Ying, and Wanyanping became friends with Yeluqi.

Li Mochou knew that Yelu Chucai was a big man in Mongolia, and Yelu Jin was also the envoy of Bianliang City's economic strategy, so she didn't dare to rush into their mansion.

So these days, he took Hong Lingbo to watch outside Yelu Chucai's mansion, until he saw a carriage leaving the mansion a few days ago and heading towards the outside of the pass.

She asked Hong Lingbo to check the situation, not thinking that the speed of the carriage was not slow, but the donkey that Hong Lingbo was riding was slow, and he couldn't catch up for a while.

Now that she managed to catch up, she didn't expect to meet her nemesis again.

(End of this chapter)

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