Chapter 262

"Master Yideng's unique skill?"

Chen Xuan secretly raised his eyebrows, and then he realized it after thinking about it.One of today's five masters, Master Nandi Yideng is a descendant of the Duan clan in Dali.

It's just that Chen Xuan's attainment of Yiyang finger is much better than Yideng.

Huang Rong obviously also saw that Chen Xuan's martial arts were good. She also visited Master Yideng back then, and knew that the Dali Duan's Yiyang Finger has different grades.

Among them, the finger strength above the third grade can exert force on the heart, conceal the energy, and break the stele quietly.

Chen Xuan was in the forest just now, although the strength of his fingertips made a "swoosh" sound, it was obviously much weaker than the general internal strength.

Naturally, Huang Rong could vaguely see that his attainments in the Yiyang Finger had probably reached the third rank, and his level was even enough to comprehend the most powerful technique of the Duan Clan in Dali [Six Meridians Excalibur].

Huang Rong felt emotional in her heart, and mentioned a word in passing.

"Back then, my father competed with Master Yideng's Yiyang finger with the magic power of flicking fingers. Now that you have studied this Yang fingering method, do you know if you are proficient in the magic power of flicking fingers?"

"I haven't learned this before, so I ask my wife to enlighten me."

"..." Huang Rong couldn't help but frowned when she heard that he was deliberately taking advantage of her words, but the two of them had been together on this Peach Blossom Island for several months, and they had no secrets from each other.

Although Huang Rong looked coldly at Chen Xuan several times, Chen Xuan, Yang Guo, was Guo Jing's nephew, and it was not convenient for her to talk about Yang Guo's affairs, not to mention that Chen Xuan's martial arts were better than hers, which made her helpless.

Seeing that she couldn't fight, and she couldn't say anything, on the Peach Blossom Island full of girls' homes, Huang Rong unconsciously approached Chen Xuan, the naughty Yang Guo.

She couldn't say anything else for a while, just said.

"Finger magic is my father's own martial arts masterpiece. It is especially good at finger strength. It is unparalleled in the world. Its fingering is subtle and mysterious, and its finger strength is supernatural. "Yiyang Finger" and other stunts are equally famous in the world.If you want to learn, I can teach you a thing or two. "

"Then thank you ma'am."

"I haven't finished my sentence yet. I'll teach you the supernatural power of snapping fingers. You can't play tricks on me like this in the future."

There was a bit of arrogance in her words, but there was a bit of weakness in the inner and outer meaning of the words.

Chen Xuan originally wanted to joke with her, but after thinking about it, he nodded.

"Okay, if you really want to downplay this matter, don't mention this title, even if it's between you and me, I can stop it."


When Huang Rong heard this, she couldn't help but glance at him, the emotion in her eyes was inexplicable.

But before she could say anything, Chen Xuan grinned.

"However, if Mrs. Guo still wants to murder me, then don't blame me, Yang Guo, for taking care of you."

As soon as these words came out, Huang Rong snorted coldly, but she didn't know what he was thinking.

Although he said so, how to define this matter is not up to him.

Even if Huang Rong is not in the mood to turn over old accounts now, Chen Xuan still calls her name every night, how can she not know Chen Xuan's thoughts?
Huang Rongxiu frowned slightly, she didn't want to think about these things anymore, she just said coldly.

"[Finger Supernatural Power] focuses on the strength of the finger, which is different from the empty strength of [Yiyang Finger], but both have the same effect on the arousal of Qi. The first step in practicing [Finger Supernatural Power] is to "shake the breath" "Two characters. When adjusting the breath with luck, bring the front of your hands to the front of your body and shoulder level, your hands parallel, fingers up, palms forward, inhale, bend your five fingers, and make the tips of the index finger and middle finger face the tip of the thumb, but do not touch each other. Exhale Shake your hands slightly while exhaling, and do a small circle every thirty breaths."

Seeing that she was serious about teaching, Chen Xuan was less interested in joking. Following her teaching, he focused on luck and adjusted his breath.

Huang Rong was on the sidelines directing his movements.

Chen Xuan was originally worried because he didn't know how to practice, but now with a teacher like Huang Rong, he naturally made rapid progress.

On the one hand, Huang Rong is naturally talented, and she can teach even a dull person like Guo Jing, not to mention Yang Guo, Chen Xuan, whose aptitude and understanding are far superior to Guo Jing.

Furthermore, [Supernatural Power of Snapping Fingers] and [Yiyang Finger] are both fingering methods, and they both pay attention to the guidance of inner breath, so it can be said that they are from the same school.

According to Huang Rong's teaching, Chen Xuan quickly learned by analogy and learned the essence of [Supernatural Ability of Snapping Fingers].

In the peach blossom forest.

With the falling of a petal, it slowly floated in front of Chen Xuan with the wind.

Chen Xuan's heart trembled, and he raised his hand and flicked his fingers almost without hesitation. With the surging energy of his fingertips, the petal shot out like a stone with a "swoosh", and hit the opposite side with a "bang". On a peach tree, the peach tree with the thickness of the mouth of the bowl was directly broken!

For a moment, among other things, Huang Rong was taken aback.

"I didn't expect that your talent and comprehension is so high. It's just that you are just a beginner and you have such power."


Chen Xuan was bored for a while, and looked at his hands silently, as if he had a faint understanding, but after thinking about it, it seemed that all his thoughts at this moment had disappeared.

He realized that he hadn't reached the state of mind of a real martial arts master, and he was afraid that he might have realized something, so he simply looked at Huang Rong and asked.

"Mrs. Guo, from your point of view, since [Finger Fingering Supernatural Power] and [Yiyang Fingering] are both fingerings, they naturally have something in common. Since they have the same origin, how can these two fingerings be strengthened?"


"That's right, one yang finger can further study the [Six Meridians Excalibur], so can Island Master Huang's [Snap Finger Supernatural Power] also be able to deduce the tricks of the Six Meridians Excalibur?"

Chen Xuan's words stunned Huang Rong.

"What [Supernatural Ability], what [Six Meridians Sword], I don't even know what you are talking about."


Chen Xuan was dumbfounded for a moment.

To be honest, he also suddenly thought of an idea just at this moment.

If it is said that all the martial arts in the world come from the same source, does that mean that with enough reference, he can directly deduce the [Six Meridians God] of the Duan Clan in Dali based on the fingering method of [Yi Yang Zhi]? sword】?
In fact, when Chen Xuan first started to study [Yiyang Finger], in addition to focusing on Yiyang Finger as a martial art for long-distance acupressure, it was more important because [Yiyang Finger] could be upgraded to [Six Meridians Excalibur].

It's a pity that he didn't participate in the robbing of the [Six Meridians Divine Sword Sutra] in Tianlong World, so he didn't know how to cultivate [Six Meridians Divine Sword].

Now in this world of divine carvings, he finds that re-practicing the martial arts of the protagonist Yang Guo does not improve him much, so it is better to focus on improving his own [Yiyang Finger].

[Yiyang Finger] has a total of nine grades. In addition to constantly entraining Qi to adjust breath and improving proficiency to upgrade, there is another relatively large improvement that is to directly understand the advanced martial arts of Yiyang Finger [Six Meridians Excalibur] 】.

It's just that based on his aptitude and comprehension alone, it is as difficult to directly comprehend the [Six Meridians Excalibur] from the Yiyang Finger, which is no less difficult than directly raising the Yiyang Finger to the realm of first-grade mastery.

Just when Chen Xuan was a little downcast, Huang Rong asked beside him.

"Could it be that you want to learn [Six Meridians Excalibur]?"

Chen Xuan's heart skipped a beat.

"That's right, does Mrs. Guo know where there are scriptures and cheats for the Six Meridians Excalibur?"

Huang Rong said, "Since it is the scripture of the Six Meridians Excalibur, of course only the Duan clan in Dali has it."

"The Duan family in Dali? Mrs. Guo means Master Yideng?"

"Yes, in the whole world, I'm afraid he is the only one who knows the true meaning of the Six Meridians Excalibur. If you and I want to deduce the secrets of the Dali Duan Clan based on these two fingering techniques alone, wouldn't it be a bit too whimsical? "

"Madam Guo's words are reasonable."

Chen Xuan nodded, it is indeed a good way to find the first-class master right now.

Although he has learned a lot of martial arts now, the one he can really use is Yiyang Zhi. If he wants to improve further now, he can only study [Six Meridians Excalibur].

Thinking of this, Chen Xuan pressed down with both hands, and slowly closed with luck.

Huang Rong looked at his movements and asked curiously.

"You don't practice anymore?"

"I won't practice anymore. Although this supernatural power of flicking fingers is powerful, I still hope to further improve my Yiyang fingering. I want to find a time to find Master Yideng to ask for the secret book of the six-meridian sword."

"You want to find Master Yideng?"

Huang Rong frowned.

"Grandmaster Yideng has already retreated into the Jianghu, and doesn't care about the secular world. Even if Brother Jing and I go to visit, we never get to see him. If you think about it carefully, you have not seen him for decades. You are not well-known now. And I don’t have any friendship with Master Yideng, if you rush to ask for advice on [Six Meridians Excalibur] cheats, I’m afraid the masters of Dali Kingdom won’t give you a good look.”

Chen Xuan smiled and said, "It's okay, I, Yang Guo, don't have enough face, so Mrs. Guo's face is always enough, right? You go to Dali with me, and find a way to find Master Yideng. What do you think?"

"Go to Dali with you?"

Huang Rongxiu frowned slightly, obviously a little unhappy.

Others don't know if she can still know the virtue of Chen Xuan, the villain Yang Guo. Chen Xuan took care of her on the way to the Mongolian desert.

Now I have to take it to Dali alone, with Chen Xuan's dog virtue, I'm afraid it's not something that changed the law to harm her.

Huang Rong didn't care about his tricks right now, she just stroked her stomach and said with a frown.

"I'm pregnant now, how can I travel thousands of miles to Dali with you? Even if you insist on me going with you, you have to wait for me for a few more months."

"It's okay, I, Yang Guo, have always been sympathetic to Aunt Guo, how can I make you bother?"

"Hmph!" Seeing his winking gesture, Huang Rong couldn't help but know what he said, and she had no good intentions.

It's just that the relationship between the two is special now, even if Huang Rong doesn't like him, there is no hatred in her eyes.

Chen Xuan, Yang Guo, has the luck of heaven and earth, he is the son of luck in this world, coupled with his own strong charm, it has already affected Huang Rong's mind unknowingly.

Chen Xuan looked at the gentle and virtuous beautiful woman in front of him, and said jokingly.

"Aunt Guo is also a good daughter-in-law. Fu Mei is so old now. Aunt Guo said that if she has a younger sister, she will have another one. If she doesn't have it all, she can give me a son."

"What are you talking about?" Huang Rong frowned when she heard the words.

Chen Xuan didn't want to feel guilty, walked around behind Huang Rong with a shy face, hugged her, and smelled the scent between her neck, and said with a light smile.

"Why does Aunt Guo act like this? Not to mention anything else, no matter how hard you are to raise children, you have to rest for three to five years, right? Is it possible that you really want to have another child with me, Yang Guo?"

Huang Rong didn't know that he was just looking for something to say, and deliberately groped her, her pretty face turned cold with anger, she flicked her sleeves and pushed him away, and walked out of the peach forest angrily.

Chen Xuan watched her go away with a smile, but he didn't chase after her and continued to hide. Instead, he suddenly stretched out his hand to guide her from the air, and the peach petals that were slowly falling around gathered in the palm of his hand like a blowing wind. .

Immediately, he waved his arms, and the countless peach petals shot out backwards, like the rain of thousands of swords, flying upwards in an instant.

It's a pity that this frightening strength didn't last long, and the strength on the petals was all slackened due to lack of stamina after flying out less than ten steps.

As the petals fluttered down, Chen Xuan's heart sank.

"Sure enough?"

He shook his right hand in a vague way, and he could still faintly feel the feeling of following his heart, but no matter what, he couldn't display Tianjian Wuming's terrifying aura of "Ten Thousand Swords Returning to the Sect".

Chen Xuan had a faint feeling that [Yiyang Finger], [Supernatural Ability of Flicking Fingers], then [Six Meridians Divine Sword], and finally [Wanjian Guizong] these seemingly unrelated martial arts actually have special meanings. The same source of luck.

It's just that right now he can't comprehend the mysteries of these peerless martial arts by comprehending by analogy.

Just as Chen Xuan was concentrating on the tricks of these martial arts, a slight wind suddenly came from behind him.

This whiff of wind sounds seemed insignificant, but Chen Xuan still moved his ears slightly, and heard a trace of something unusual in it.

He stood there calmly, and when the sound of the wind approached, he suddenly turned around and grabbed it with his hand.

Sure enough, following the sound of the wind, I saw Xiao Longnv coming in white clothes.

Chen Xuan grabbed her with his hand, just in time to hug her in his arms, and said with a smile.

"Auntie, why are you here?"


Xiao Longnv glanced at him coldly, but didn't say anything, just looked around and said coldly.

"Where is the Yellow Lady?"

"Aunt Guo just left."

"Hmph~ what a aunt Guo."

Xiao Longnv snorted softly, showing a rare temper.

Chen Xuan, Yang Guo, is naturally not easy to talk to, after all, Xiao Longnu is his wife in the palace, if she loses her temper, wouldn't it be a fire in the backyard?
He hesitated for a while and felt embarrassed to talk about Huang Rong, so he could only change the subject.

"Auntie, what are you doing with Rong'er?"

"You still dare to call her Rong'er? I think you really owe a lesson to you bastard. You adulterers and whores should be beaten well. Guo Fu said that she received a letter from her father, and the Mongolian army has retreated to Bianliang , the city defense of Xiangyang City has been properly arranged, and he plans to come to Peach Blossom Island someday to see Mrs. Guo who is raising a baby."

"... Is this really the case?"

"Hmph~ What did I lie to you for?"

Xiao Longnv snorted coldly, but secretly stared at Chen Xuan with her beautiful eyes, wanting to see his reaction.

It's just that to her surprise, Chen Xuan didn't panic at all, on the contrary, he showed a posture that he had expected.

(End of this chapter)

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