Chapter 34 Shunzhi Appears
The little monk waited until all the monks had left, then turned around and slipped back into the disciple's room, and took out a roast chicken from under the bed.

He hugged the chicken and took a bite, saying that he relieved his hunger, but after thinking about it, he couldn't help sighing.

"It's a pity, it's a pity, the girl I met last night is so beautiful, but she can't be my wife, Wei Xiaobao."

Wei Xiaobao shook his head and sighed, recalling A Ke's delicate appearance, a thought could not help but arise in his heart.

"That girl is really pretty. If she goes to my mother's Lichun Courtyard to do business, I'm afraid that all the diners in Yangzhou will come to patronize her, and even men from Gusu, Zhenjiang, and Lingnan will have to chase her away." Come. There are so many people, I'm afraid the gate of Lichun Courtyard will be crushed. It's a pity that she has a master watching, so I can't talk to her."

He grew up in Lichun Academy since he was a child, and his mother, Wei Chunhua, was sister Yao.

But he can take it easy on the secretive matter between men and women.

While talking to himself, he couldn't help but look around again.

"I came to Wutai Mountain in a daze, and I don't know how long it will take to find the old emperor. I don't know how my mother is doing now?"

Wei Xiaobao was retreating in his heart, he didn't notice a figure flashing past the window at all.

On the wall of the temple, a young man stood indifferently, saying that the wall was dangerously high, but he stood like a green pine, obviously his martial arts were quite high.

"Is there still no movement?"

Chen Xuan looked at Wei Xiaobao in the disciple's room indifferently, and thought to himself.

"I have cut off Wei Xiaobao's six wives one after another. Presumably this world should also be aware of the existence of my villain, which will definitely speed up the growth of the protagonist Wei Xiaobao. But why is there still no movement?"

Thinking of this, Chen Xuan felt a little uncertain.

The longer Wei Xiaobao spent in Mount Wutai, the more dangerous his situation became.

After all, he cooperated with Princess Jianning and sneaked out of the capital on the pretext of offering a marriage.

As Oboi, he is no more than a cat or a dog, and he has a lot of followers under his command.

Now that he has disappeared from the court for half a month inexplicably, it will definitely attract the attention of all directions, and once it is found out that he is not in the capital.

Then his assassination of Emperor Shunzhi in Wutai Mountain is very likely to be exposed.

While Chen Xuan was standing on the fence secretly anxious, Wei Xiaobao in the room seemed unable to sit still.

He walked out of the wing with a roast chicken in his hand, and walked towards the backyard of Qingliang Temple.

Because it happened to be the time for the morning classes in the monastery, there were not many monks along the way.

Just like that, Wei Xiaobao walked to the backyard swaggeringly carrying the chicken.

in the backyard.

There was no one around, only an old monk with a gray beard was lying on a deck chair basking in the sun.

Wei Xiaobao and this old monk seemed to have known each other for a long time, so he came over with the chicken and said hello.

"Master Abbot."

"You boy, this is a pure place of Buddhism!"

Wei Xiaobao handed over the chicken like a chicken thief, and said with a smile on his face, "This is to honor you."

"It's about the same." The old monk took the chicken and glanced at it, "Why is the chicken's butt gone?"

He looked up at Wei Xiaobao, thinking that this kid would play tricks on him, but he didn't expect Wei Xiaobao to change from his previous slippery appearance, with a slightly serious expression.

The old monk was surprised.

"what happened?"

"Abbot, Xiaobao is planning to go down the mountain."

"Going down the mountain? What are you doing down the mountain? Don't you still need to find someone?"

The old monk took a bite of the chicken leg, and casually touched his mouth with his monk's robe. Looking at this skillful movement, it probably wasn't the first time Wei Xiaobao had honored him.

Wei Xiaobao's face darkened, and he sighed.

"Master, you also know that I am from the palace."

"Then what's the matter?" The old monk glanced sideways, only thinking that Wei Xiaobao would use the emperor's name to suppress him.

Unexpectedly, Wei Xiaobao sighed again and said.

"Actually, I didn't think about entering the palace at first. I entered the palace by chance. I have been wandering outside for a long time without knowing it. I came here in a daze. I don't know how long I will stay on this mountain. I really want to go back. Look at my mother."

"Your mother? What does your mother do?"

"She works as a kiln sister in Lichun Courtyard."

The old monk picked up the wine gourd hidden under the chair, took a sip, and then spit it out with a "poof".

"Lichunyuan?! Is it the Lichunyuan I thought?"

It was rare for Wei Xiaobao to not have a hippie smile, but patted his buttocks, sat on the ground and talked about Wei Chunhua.

Although what he said were all amusing jokes, to the old monk's ears there was no lack of bitterness, especially when he heard that Wei Xiaobao was beaten and scolded by the thugs from the Lichun Academy when he was a child.

The mother and son usually lack food and clothing, so they can only rely on Wei Chunhua to steal some leftovers from the wine table to raise Wei Xiaobao.

Rao Wei Xiaobao said it lightly, but a kiln sister in a smoky place like Lichunyuan, facing the oppression of the bustards and thugs all the time, still insisted on raising Wei Xiaobao, the bitterness and suffering involved are not humane. .

The old monk ate the chicken drumsticks while listening, but he felt a little uncomfortable while eating, so he couldn't help but sighed.

"There is a way that wine and meat pass through the intestines, and the Buddha kept it in his heart. If the world learns from me, it is like entering the way of the devil. I know that the Buddha and the devil are inseparable, and I am still trapped in this way. Many things are not as enlightened as you, a kid."

Wei Xiaobao didn't know what he meant with emotion, he just got up and made a salute, saying.

"Abbot, I've said what I need to say. Now I'm going back down the mountain. If you ever meet someone from the court, please help me to cover it. Just say that I fell to my death on the road, fell into the well and drowned. No matter what, just pretend that I’m not here.”

Normally, the old monk would naturally not talk to him, but today Wei Xiaobao uncharacteristically talked about Wei Chunhua and Li Chunyuan, and he could not help but fall into memories.

Wei Xiaobao was born with a glib tongue, but he developed a thick skin and good eloquence in the Lichun Courtyard since he was a child.

When he talked about his childhood, he obviously didn't focus on it, but others heard it with gusto, and it was very contagious.

The old monk hesitated for a while, then got up and said.

"Little Treasure, since you have already decided to go down the mountain, it is naturally inconvenient for me to stop you. But since you have come to my Qingliang Temple, I cannot let you return without success."

While talking, the old monk led Wei Xiaobao to the side room in the corner of the courtyard.

Before Wei Xiaobao could ask more questions, the old monk said calmly.

"It's the person you're looking for."

"The person I'm looking for? You mean the Emperor Shunzhi is inside?!"

Wei Xiaobao was so excited that his voice inevitably became louder.

As soon as these words came out, Chen Xuan, who followed him all the way, also heard the movement, and hurriedly wanted to take a look into the yard.

Unexpectedly, before people saw it, the old monk in the yard suddenly gave a low shout.

"Who's behind the wall?!"

(End of this chapter)

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