Chapter 4 Unreasonable
Emperor Shunzhi passed away early, and Obai, as an old minister, had a great prestige, and it can be said that he had power in the court, and even Kangxi had no choice but to retreat.

Now Kangxi deliberately avoids it, and secretly formed the Shenji Battalion. In name, it is to catch cicadas and crickets, but in fact it is to train his own thugs.

Kangxi has great talents and general plans, so naturally he has no time to take care of the Queen Mother.

Chen Xuan had a fight with the fake queen mother, and Kangxi didn't come over to ask.

Seeing this, Chen Xuan's thoughts changed, and he simply hugged Su Quan and walked towards the side hall of the East Palace.

The side hall of the Eastern Palace is the residence of the Empress Dowager. Inside, there are mirror dressing tables, wooden tables and bamboo chairs, and a few red candles flickering. It is said that the decoration is luxurious, but in fact it is not surprising.

There is only a big soft couch in the corner of this side hall, with plain brocade bedding and tulle curtains.

Chen Xuan lifted the gauze curtain, put the fake queen mother on the soft couch, moved his nostrils slightly, and faintly smelled the faint fragrance of a woman.

He looked down, just in time to see Su Quan awake, staring at him with wide open eyes, eyes full of panic.

She looked like she was only 23 or [-] years old, even though she was frightened and flustered at the moment, her eyebrows and eyes were still charming and extremely gorgeous.

"Oboi, what do you want to do?! Are you crazy?"

Chen Xuan jokingly smiled, "Where am I crazy?"

"You are the Minister Gu ordered by the late emperor. Since I am the empress dowager, you have acted so offensively to me! Are you crazy?"

"Queen Mother? How dare you call yourself Queen Mother?"

"You... what do you mean?" Su Quan was startled when he heard this, but still pretended to be calm.

Chen Xuan jokingly smiled, looked around, and found that there were no eunuchs and maids serving in the side palace. It is not surprising after thinking about it carefully. Su Quan is the fake queen mother of the Dragon Sect, so naturally he did not dare to stay in the palace. What eyeliner.

"It's convenient for me to do things." He muttered to himself, the words fell into Su Quan's ears, and her almond eyes widened immediately, and she almost turned against him.

However, Chen Xuan had been prepared for a long time, and grabbed her shoulder blade and lute bone in advance.

The lute bone is the key joint of the martial arts people's hands. Generally, heavy criminals will be pierced through the lute bone by iron chains, and the whole body's martial arts will be abolished.Now that Chen Xuan has pinched Su Quan's pipa bone, no matter how high Su Quan's martial arts are, he can't make any waves.

Su Quan was shocked and angry, but what really terrified her was Chen Xuan's indifferent eyes.

At this moment, Su Quan felt as if he had resigned himself to his fate, his heart sank, and he didn't have the confidence to make any further troubles.

Chen Xuan didn't pay attention for a while, and joked casually, "Empress Dowager, why don't you talk?"

"...You won't let me go, will you?" Su Quan's tone was low.

Chen Xuan raised the corner of his mouth and smiled jokingly.

This insane smile fell into Su Quan's eyes, making her feel for a moment that the man in front of her was not the greatest warrior in Manchuria at all, not some minister Gu Ming who had power over the court, but someone from the world like her. middle man.

However, the current situation could no longer allow her to be suspicious. After all, the person who was caught showing up was not Chen Xuan, the Oboi, but her, the fake queen mother.

Su Quan's eyes were so sharp, he could see Chen Xuan's thoughts, even though he was ashamed and hated in his heart, there was nothing he could do.

It's just that she couldn't easily admit defeat in such a matter.

"Oboi... I advise you to be smarter, this is the East Palace after all, you, a courtier, broke into the East Palace with great fanfare, do you know what crime you should have?"

"What should I do? I have merit in capturing the fake empress dowager, and the Kangxi boy has to thank me for a ride. What is my fault?"

"You!" Su Quan didn't expect Chen Xuan's thoughts to turn so quickly, he gritted his teeth, and was stunned to be unable to speak.

Seeing that she was poor at words, Chen Xuan simply clapped his hands and said lazily, "Empress Dowager, don't be dazed, let's hurry up."

"What do you mean?!" Su Quan was anxious when he heard the words.

"What do you mean by me?" Chen Xuan sneered, "Empress Dowager, I'm giving you a chance to live now. Either you serve me now, or I will escort you to the Qing Palace, to At that time, those nests of rats who should be beheaded, and those who should be ransacked, can't keep a single one."

"..." Su Quan was dumbfounded.

When she sneaked into the palace, she naturally thought that there would be a day when she would be exposed, but she never thought that this day would come so fast and so suddenly.

The most important thing is that she never thought that she would be bumped into by Ao Bai, and even this Ao Bai would make such a rude request.

She only felt angry and annoyed, her silver teeth were about to be shattered, but she could only swallow them in her own stomach.After all, this matter involves a lot, and she can't make a decision in a hurry, so she can only find a way to stabilize Ao Bai first.

Her thoughts changed, Dai Mei stared at Chen Xuan, wondering if she could find another excuse.

Unexpectedly, Chen Xuan closed her shoulder with a backhand and counted, then took off his coat leisurely, and greeted her calmly.

"Come on, give me a kiss first."

"You...Oboi, are you really so bold?!"

"Bold?" Chen Xuan jokingly smiled, "That's not as bold as your Dragon Sect. The little Jianghu sect dared to sneak into the palace to pretend to be the queen mother. I think you really don't know how to write the word "death"."

As soon as the words [Dragon Cult] came out, Su Quan's heart was shocked again. She was still thinking about it, but Chen Xuan's words revealed her identity, and her mood suddenly became unbalanced.

"Could it be that Oboi has found out about me long ago?!"

If Chen Xuan's status had been changed to any other minister, perhaps Su Quan would not have been so flustered, but today's Oboi is not only powerful, but also the most alienated force from the Dragon Sect.

In this palace, what Su Quan was most afraid of was not the young Emperor Kangxi, but Chen Xuan, the Minister of Gu Ming.

Now that he revealed the identity behind her with one word, Su Quan froze in place immediately, speechless for a long time.

However, Chen Xuan didn't have the heart to write ink with her, so he put down the mosquito net directly, and if he didn't say anything, he would do it if he pulled her.

Su Quan frowned, and was about to die with Chen Xuan, but Chen Xuan seemed to have guessed her mind long ago, and said lazily.

"Queen Mother, you are not a little girl who just came out of the cabinet. Why are you being so pretentious with me?"

"What do you mean?!"

"What can I mean? No matter how hypocritical you are, I have to deal with you."

"You!" Su Quan was very annoyed, her little cherry red mouth couldn't help trembling slightly, but what cruel words could she say at this moment?

Rao's pretty face was pale with anger, but she could only look at Chen Xuan with hatred. She clearly said that her hatred was determined, but she looked charming and charming, making her even more pleasing.

(End of this chapter)

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