Chapter 75 Hidden Plot
In any case, Duan Yanqing was seriously injured in the ambush and managed to escape back to Dali.

At this time, he thought of someone who was seriously injured and on the verge of death.

This person is Master Kurong of Tenryuji Temple.

Master Kurong is the younger brother of his father Huang Duan Lianyi, that is, his biological uncle.

Duan Yanqing's only hope at this time is Master Ku Rong.

He hoped that Master Kurong could uphold justice for himself.

So Duan Yanqing went through untold hardships, and finally dragged his seriously injured body to the outside of Tianlong Temple.

He didn't want to come to Tianlong Temple exhausted, but was blocked by Dao Baifeng with the long hair of Guanyin.

On the surface, this incident seemed to be a coincidence of fate.

Duan Yanqing, who was seriously injured and on the verge of death, caught up with Dao Baifeng who was losing his temper, and enjoyed it for no reason.

But if you think about it carefully, you will realize that there is a terrifying conspiracy hidden in it.

Dao Baifeng is not only the princess of Duan Zhengchun, but also the daughter of the patriarch of the Baiyi tribe, who belongs to one of the 37 tribes of the eastern Yunnan barbarians.

Duan Zhengchun, a romantic prince, even under the pressure of many lovers, still wants to treat her Dao Baifeng as his wife.

It is because Dao Baifeng has the Baiyi tribe as a backer.

Back then Duan Zhengchun's older brother, Duan Zhengming, was able to take charge of Dali with the support of Gao Zhilian and his son, as well as the 37 Ministry of Eastern Yunnan!

On the surface, although the Duan Zhengming brothers picked up a cheap emperor, they are actually a puppet emperor.

The person who is really in charge of the Dali Kingdom can actually instigate the Gao family, the prime minister of the 37 Eastern Yunnan Provinces.

Because of this, Duan Zhengming abdicated early to become a monk.

Duan Zhengchun has been wandering around picking flowers all the time, being his happy prince.

All this is because they, as the parties involved, knew very well that it was not Dali's turn for their Duan family brothers to speak up.

In this way, when Duan Yanqing returned to Dali, it became obvious who was behind the ambush he encountered.

Naturally, the prime minister Gao Zhilian and his son who supported Duan Zhengming's ascension to the throne at that time.

The supporter behind Gao Zhilian and his son at that time, Dao Baifeng of the Baiyi tribe, one of the 37 tribes in eastern Yunnan, probably knew the inside story of the ambush of Prince Yanqing back then!

Even if it was true that she bumped into Duan Yanqing who was going to Tianlong Temple to ask for help back then, her act of sacrificing her life would never be that simple.

Because even if she was in a hurry, she really chose to indulge with a beggar.

It should also be noted that the beggar who was seriously injured and on the verge of death was Prince Yanqing of the previous dynasty.

Now that Chen Xuan brings up the old matter again, he is betting that Dao Baifeng recognized him back then, and even made good friends with him on purpose.

Whether it's because of a guilty conscience or something else.

Dao Baifeng has always been interested in him, Duan Yanqing.

Dao Baifeng's eyes were slightly flustered, but he quickly calmed down and said softly.

"Back then you were covered in blood and blood, and you could hardly distinguish a human figure. I never imagined that after so many years, not only your appearance has not changed, but you have not grown older."

Chen Xuan raised the corner of his mouth and smiled.

"People who practice martial arts have internal skills to protect their body and nourish their energy. If they learn the magical art of immortality, they will be young even at eighty or ninety years old."


Dao Baifeng didn't respond, just lowered his head and ate another piece of sweet-scented osmanthus cake.

Chen Xuan smiled and said, "Don't eat it, I put some medicinal powder on the sweet-scented osmanthus cake."

"What powder?" Dao Baifeng was taken aback.

Chen Xuan said calmly, "Yin and Yang reconcile and separate."

Dao Baifeng turned pale with shock, "What?!"

Although she didn't know what the effect of this medicine powder was, but when she heard the name of the combination of yin and yang, she suddenly felt bad.

Seeing her flustered, Chen Xuan kept smiling.

"Perhaps the princess would never have thought that I, a lonely ghost, could come back to settle accounts with you, right? In this way, I will settle the accounts between you and me first."


Dao Baifeng Liu frowned, just wanted to get up, but felt dizzy for a while.

She hurriedly put her hands on her forehead, but she only felt her forehead was hot.

Not only the forehead, but even the body began to emit heat.

Seeing this, Chen Xuan leisurely took a sip from his teacup, and said calmly.

"No matter what my father did back then, I will always be the Crown Prince Yanqing of Dali Kingdom. When I come back this time, I not only want Duan Zhengming to abdicate, but also settle accounts with the Gao family and your many tribes in eastern Yunnan."

Dao Baifeng frowned lightly, pursed her lips unconsciously, as if she wanted to say something, but kept silent.

Chen Xuan glanced at her secretly, seeing that she was still standing by the table, he couldn't help but exulted.

"It's done!"

Frankly speaking, no one can explain the confusion of the villains Duan Yanqing and Dao Baifeng in "Under the Bodhi Tree, Avalokitesvara with Long Hair".

Why is Dao Baifeng willing to sacrifice her life to serve a dying beggar from Tianlong Temple, and when did she recognize Duan Yanqing, and suddenly revealed this secret when Duan Yu was about to kill Duan Yanqing.

All of this is an obscure secret in itself.

Fortunately, along the way, Chen Xuan pulled out cocoons and finally found a reason.

Unexpectedly, the sword Baifeng was tricked out now.

He had just stated clearly that he had put medicine in the sweet-scented osmanthus cake, if Dao Baifeng didn't want to be harmed by him, he should escape now.

However, he was sitting drinking tea now, and made it clear that he would let her go, but she still would not leave.

Naturally, this happened.

After drinking a cup of tea, Chen Xuan looked at Dao Baifeng who still didn't leave, with a smirk on his face.

Immediately, he directly took Dao Baifeng into his arms and dragged him into the back room.

Dao Baifeng Liu frowned lightly, saying that she was unwilling, but whispered, as if she had a severe headache.

Not long after, the gauze curtain shook slightly, and the room naturally became lively.

Chen Xuan also finally saw the long hair of Avalokitesvara under the bodhi tree again.


In a blink of an eye, it was already night outside the window.

The cold wind blowing in from the window in the middle of the night made Chen Xuan shiver from the cold.

He woke up in a daze, and just about to get up, he suddenly noticed Dao Baifeng in his arms.

For a moment, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows secretly.

To be honest, winning Dao Baifeng this time is really a scam.

After all, few people know about the mind and temper of this concubine.

In the original plot, she only revealed her and Duan Yanqing's secret when it was a last resort.

Now that Chen Xuan forced her to nod and admit what happened back then, it was really rare.

While Chen Xuan was thinking, a system prompt came.

[Complete the branch plot: Under the Bodhi Tree. 】

[Reward: Tianlong Babu series beauty knife Baifeng favorability +5 points, the current favorability relationship is Stranger acquaintance]

[The prestige of the Baiyi tribe +200 points, the current prestige relationship is friendly. 】

[Luck value +300 points. 】

Although similar system prompts will appear every time you subdue a beauty.

But Chen Xuan still carefully analyzed the rewards of these systems.

For him, behind these seemingly insignificant numbers, there is actually the key to breaking the game.

(End of this chapter)

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