Under the crushing pressure of this gray gas, the space in front of him was continuously shattered and collapsed. With the complete collapse of the space, many concepts also lost their meaning.

There is no distance, no light, it is dim, and the sky and the earth cannot be seen.

However, in this darkness, there is a cyan knife light shining out, reflecting half of the Milky Way into pure blue.

Lin Xixue stood on the chest of the saber, and slowly drew out the split light Duanye, the blazing karmic fire wrapped the blade, as if to cut off all karma and karma.

The space was annihilated, and a violent space storm raged. Her slightly thin body stood in front of the storm, as if she would be mercilessly torn apart in the next moment.

Tianzun let out a strange cry of surprise, as if he was asking Lin Xixue why she didn't run away, but would rather die than stop herself.

"So, monsters are just monsters after all, and you can never understand what a person is."

"But it doesn't matter, I'm in a good mood today, so I'm here to teach you, this monster, what a human is!"

The blade grazed the scabbard, making a pleasant sound, Lin Xixue sneered and raised Fenguang Duanye over his head, and threw the scabbard aside.

"Listen well, the so-called human beings are both selfish and arrogant. When they encounter things they don't like, they just want to escape. They are probably the most hopeless creatures in this world."

"It's just such a hopeless creature who is willing to die for the things he cherishes, so this kind of stupidity makes the already hopeless creature even more hopeless."

"On this blue star, there are people I cherish very much, and there are things I am very fond of, so in order to protect them, I, as a human being, am one of these hopeless idiots."

"I'd rather die than cut off your tentacles reaching out to Blue Star."

Then, holding the knife in both hands, she slashed with all her strength.

This was a simple cut without much skill, but it transcended many causes and effects, and cut off dozens of tentacles reaching out to the blue star.

The next moment, Lin Xixue saw a storm full of endless destructive aura rushing towards her, and she knew that she was finally going to die.

Tianzun took back the gray energy in a panic, and the collapse of space stopped immediately, but the roaring space storm would not disappear immediately.

The moment her body touched the space storm, Lin Xixue smiled.

She is convinced that she is probably really going to die this time, and Tianzun's plan to invade Blue Star has completely failed.

Wanyun and Lanxing are safe.

She calmly felt the wonderful experience of body disintegration, and suddenly remembered something in her mind.

He promised to give Bai Qing a jade sword before, but he might not be able to keep it.

Also, the promise I made to her was still not fulfilled after all, unfortunately there is no time to apologize properly.

Lin Xixue hooked her fingers, and finally said a word.

"Ah Qing, I'm afraid it will be difficult to fulfill the promise I made to you in this life. Cherish it and don't forget it."

The next moment, Lin Xixue's body was mercilessly swallowed by the space storm, and it was difficult to find any trace in the world.

Many big stars in the galaxy seemed to have completely broken away from some kind of shackles, and they accelerated to rush, and they were scattered in the sea of ​​stars in an instant.

"Karipo Gamulla!!!"

I don't know if it was because dozens of tentacles were cut off and suffered pain; or because of Lin Xixue's annihilation, his plan completely failed; or because of being ridiculed by a mortal like Lin Xixue, he became angry from embarrassment.

In short, he seemed to be so angry that he let out a hysterical and violent roar.

But how could the already shattered space be able to withstand his roar, several cracks were continuously transmitted down the space, and the clouds below were also shaken away.

The mortals with a radius of hundreds of miles, at this moment, all saw a big hole in the sky above Jiulipo.

"Mom!" A child in the city tugged at the corner of his mother's clothes, "Look why there is a black hole in the sky, is it going to rain!"

"The sky is leaking, the sky is leaking! The ancient legend is true, so it turns out that innocence will leak!" Some people were terrified, and bowed their heads.

"Xinliang City has been haunted by monsters recently, I'm afraid there will be even bigger disasters!" Gao Gong, the supervisor of Sanyuan Temple, looked at the space crack in the sky, worried, "I don't know when Lixin Academy will reply to my letter."

On the east bank of Linghu Lake, under the rocks.

With tears in her eyes, Bai Qing stared blankly at the space crack in mid-air, then lowered her head again, repeatedly twitching her little finger in panic and helplessness.

Repeating the same words over and over again, but the other end of the wire no longer feels tense.

It seems that when the kites are flying, there is always a feeling of pulling each other, but if the kite breaks the thread, the thread will be loose and useless.

"Please, just move, just move."

She didn't know who she was begging for, but anyway, she just repeated these words in a daze.

She didn't care about the space cracks in the sky at all, she just stared at her little finger, expecting even a reply.

She had already lost her family when she was a child, and later she had lost her teacher and brother, and now she has completely lost even the only hope of a shelter that might exist.

She didn't know what else she could lose.

She clenched her heart tightly, curled up on the ground, and tears fell silently.


Lin Xixue was awakened by the sound of pages being turned quickly.

She only felt that her eyelids were heavy, and such a simple thing as opening her eyes consumed all her energy at this moment.

However, even with her eyes open, she still felt that her field of vision was somewhat incomplete and incomplete, and the field of vision of her left eye was missing.

She wanted to raise her arm and rub her eyes, but she couldn't feel the existence of her arm at all, as if the signal from her brain was sent to nothingness, without any response.

But she suddenly reacted again - can't I be dead?

Lin Xixue didn't know whether to be happy or to be speechless. She clearly felt that under the erosion of the space storm, her body had begun to disintegrate, and she was still alive?

Speaking of which, the sound of the pages turning and unfolding just now is very familiar
She tried to turn her remaining eye, trying to search for the source of the sound.

The body lost consciousness, and he could barely move his eyes. The search speed was naturally extremely slow. After searching for a long time, he finally saw that not far away, the jade book repaired by Tianzun was unfolded by itself.

On the top of the jade book, blue precious light hangs down like silk, pulling out the strange words written by Tian Zun one by one, disintegrating them into a cloud of gray gas, and entangled them in the blue-white jade bottle.

It really is the ghost of this jade bottle!
A nameless anger surged in her heart, she would not be so grateful to this jade bottle for saving herself at a critical moment.

After all, after stealing the faint blue breath from the wall of the sky last time, she knew that this jade bottle can directly manipulate this void to descend, directly cover the original space, and easily take herself out of the hands of Tianzun.

But this jade bottle will not be rescued sooner or later, but he wants to save it when his life is on the line. It is clear that he has other plans!
In order to verify her conjecture, her gaze continued to move, and she saw evidence not far away
Wuhu, unexpectedly, a chapter has been added at this point in time!

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