Reborn in the 1980s to run to a better life

Chapter 104 Fruit Wholesale Completed

Chapter 104 Fruit Wholesale Completed
More importantly, he was worried that Yan Jianguo gave it casually because he didn't understand the market. What if he found out later and made trouble for them?
Ding Tianshun also nodded in agreement.

Yan Jianguo sincerely asked them to accept the money, "I know the situation here, you have worked hard today, take it, it is not easy for you, if I am too busy later and you can't find a job, I will pay you back." Guys, please, and here is fifty cents, please help me to go out and buy some food, preferably stuffed buns and steamed buns, don’t worry.”

It is impossible for him to leave the stall by himself, and he has to be nearby for meals and toilets.

If it's dark, you can even just dig a hole and shit on the spot, and then cover it with soil. Everyone does it this way, and no one needs to say anything.

Wang Dali and Wang Dali didn't expect Yan Jianguo to trust them so much, and they were moved to buy food for Yan Jianguo with special care.

Yan Jianguo was lying down on the booth and dozed off bored, when he heard Wang Dali's voice, "Boss, the steamed buns you wanted are here."

Yan Jianguo saw it, and immediately stood up, "Really, is fifty cents enough?"

Wang Dali nodded vigorously, and said very honestly: "The steamed buns here are ten cents each, and I bought two for you, and the steamed buns are two for five cents, and I bought you four, and four pancakes, one for you." A bag of soy milk is just fifty cents."

Yan Jianguo nodded and asked, "Are you eating?"

"Don't eat, don't eat, we have to go back first, and come back tomorrow morning." Wang Dali said and hurriedly left with Ding Tianshun.

Yan Jianguo watched them leave without saying anything. He looked at the food, smelled it, and after making sure it was all right, he ate a bun, a steamed bun, and drank the bag of soy milk.

After filling his stomach, he peeled a pineapple for himself as a snack, and then began to settle accounts.

I have sold 84 boxes of pineapples for a long time today, which is almost [-] catties. Counting the scattered pineapples bought by retail investors, it should be [-] catties. The pineapples he brought are two truckloads, almost [-] tons. According to With this progress, if it is fast, it can be sold out in three or four days, and if it is slow, it will take four or five days. It should not be wrong.

Thinking of this, Yan Jianguo couldn't help but feel a burning sensation in his heart.

At the same time, Lin Liqing, who was almost paralyzed after a busy day, also returned home.

Seeing her like this, Chen Meiyun was heartbroken, and quickly poured tea for her, "I said, what are you doing so hard? It's not worthwhile to burn your body while making money!"

Today, because the bakery launched pineapple buns and pineapple slices, she was worried that the business would not be good, so she brought the twins over to have a look. Who would have thought that what she saw when she went there was the scene where Li Hongxia and Lin Liqing were dizzy from being too busy.

Even the warm-hearted Cui'e nearby came over to help pack the dim sum.

Just like this, Lin Liqing was a little overwhelmed. Chen Meiyun saw that something was wrong, so she hurried back and called Yu Xiaomei to help, so that Lin Liqing could find time to continue making snacks.

Cui'e didn't leave until Zhao Jianchuan came back to help with the delivery.

The pineapple buns have been sold for several batches, and even the pineapple slices have been sold for quite a while.

Lin Liqing was lying on the recliner, tired and happy, turned her head to look at Chen Meiyun, and said with a smile: "Mom, although it is hard for me to open a shop, I am in a good mood to make money. Look at when I was not happy after I was separated from the old house of the Yan family." Pass?"

"Bah, bah, don't say such nonsense, be careful, God will hear you!" Chen Meiyun glared at Lin Liqing angrily.

Lin Liqing knew that the old man had many taboos, so she didn't dare to refute, so she turned to talk about Yan Jianguo, "According to the time, Jianguo should have arrived in Guangdong Province, and if all goes well, he should be back in three or four days."

Upon hearing this, Chen Meiyun hurriedly sat down beside Lin Liqing, and asked, "Did he go to Guangdong Province to buy goods again?"

Lin Liqing didn't dare to say that Yan Jianguo was going to sell pineapples, so she nodded vaguely, "Maybe, he likes to toss around now, and I can't keep an eye on him all the time, how can I know so much?"

Chen Meiyun glared at Lin Liqing with hateful eyes, then turned her head and continued to work.

Because the business of pineapple buns was much better than she expected, so the next day she specially made a lot more pineapple buns and sold them in the bakery, while she ran back to the workshop to roast dried pineapple. More than half of the consumption has gone, and new ones have to be boiled.

According to the current level of consumption, the carload of pineapples that Yan Jianguo brought back to her is estimated to last only ten days, and she began to worry that the subsequent supply of pineapples would be cut off.

Thinking of this, the next day she hurriedly asked Zhao Jianchuan to go to Fengkou Club and order all the pineapples with the village chief.

It happened that another batch of pineapples had been ripened in the village, so Zhao Jianchuan hurriedly asked the villagers to help transport them back to the workshop by tricycle.

Lin Liqing, who was dizzy from the work in the workshop, didn't have time to think about Yan Jianguo. She just thought that this guy came back in the blink of an eye.

Seeing the unshaven and thinner Yan Jianguo appearing in front of her, Lin Liqing seemed to see the man who came back from the wind and dust at the end of last year, her eyes turned red instantly, she stepped forward and lightly thumped his chest, and resentfully said: "I know The most important thing is that you are going to do business, and those who don’t know think you are going to beg for food! How did you make it like this?”

Yan Jianguo was agitated in his heart, but he didn't dare to show it on his face, so he dragged Lin Liqing to the room, "Come with me, I have something to tell you."

Lin Liqing knew that he wanted to talk about the situation in the past few days, so she didn't resist, and went into the house according to his wishes.

Yan Jianguo dared to unbutton the backpack on his chest when he got to the room, and let out his excitement, "Daughter-in-law, do you know? I succeeded, really succeeded!"

"Why are you so happy!" Lin Liqing was also happy, but she didn't know the reason.

After Yan Jianguo poured out all the money in the backpack, she gasped in shock, "How much is this?"

Yan Jianguo shook his head honestly, "I don't know, I haven't counted them yet, but all the pineapples are sold out, and the money is not bad."

Hearing this, Lin Liqing couldn't sit still, so she hurriedly cleaned up the money on the bed with him. The couple counted for more than an hour, and finally settled the accounts. They had a total of more than 6000 yuan in front of them, deducting the cost of collecting pineapples. , This time Yan Jianguo earned almost 6000 yuan.

After going out for five days, he brought back [-]. What kind of speed is this?It is not so fast by plane.

Lin Liqing stared at the money for a long time but couldn't regain her senses. After a while, she exclaimed: "My God! Jianguo, I don't think I need to do anything for you to raise it!"

"If you want, I'm sure I have no objection." Yan Jianguo smiled, showing his big white teeth.

Lin Liqing immediately rolled her eyes at him, "I don't want to!"

As she said that, she hurriedly packed up the money, and said: "In the past few days, I have had people go to Fengkoushe to collect pineapples twice before I can barely make enough. It's just in time for you to come back, and help me pull a cart back. Also, Although my income here is not as fast as yours, but the water flows steadily, understand?"

Yan Jianguo nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, "Understood, understand, as long as you are happy, I will fetch a pineapple for you after I take a good bath, have a meal and sleep."

(End of this chapter)

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