Chapter 116
But the eyes of the surrounding crowd are discerning, and the sisters of the Ye family will not soften their hearts after crying a few times. Under the description of the enthusiastic crowd, the police also knew what happened. Seeing the expression of the people in the Ye family became very serious, they walked straight away. In front of He Ying, he taught in a stern tone: "Do you know where this place is? What day is it today?"

He Ying was so frightened to death when she saw the police approaching that she dared not speak out.

The policeman continued: "This is the school! The college entrance examination is not over yet, can you afford to make trouble outside the school and affect other people's future? Ah!"

Su's mother was nearby, and when she heard the words, she made a look of distress, and said aggrievedly: "Comrade police, you have to decide for us, we have never yelled or made a sound when we sold things, and it is also because of today's The college entrance examination, afraid of affecting the performance of the children, they will come and make a big fuss regardless, everyone can watch it, not only affect my business but also affect the candidates' exams, I am so angry that I can't help but coax them away.

This woman was about to rush over to fight me desperately, and her daughter took the opportunity to steal my clothes. I suspect they did it on purpose, causing trouble at my stall on purpose, and deliberately distracted me so that her daughter could steal things! "

The onlookers were reminded by Su's mother and they all agreed, and some people said: "No wonder these two people quarrel at other people's stalls, the relationship is premeditated!"

"I didn't, I didn't." He Ying anxiously argued, but no one believed her at all.

Even the police thought so, because so many people testified that Su's mother and Chen Meiyun were fine. Yan Jianguo, who beat them up, was said to be protecting his mother, which was self-defense. In addition, Ye Shitou just passed out and was still angry. Ye Guangwei Although he was moaning on the ground, he was in good spirits, and Yan Jianguo was not responsible.

After the police took everyone from the Ye family away, the spectators also dispersed. At this time, there were still more than ten minutes before the end of the exam.

Yu Xiaomei hurried over and looked at everyone strangely, "What's the matter? Why did I see people surrounded here from a distance, but no one came here?"

Su's mother winked at her and said in a low voice, "We'll talk about it when we go back. After a while, Di will go back immediately after receiving the invitation. Don't ask any questions."

Yu Xiaomei's complexion changed, and she quickly looked at the school gate. She looked around and found no suspicious person. She was puzzled, and she hurried to the school gate to wait for someone.

After such an incident, everyone didn't have the heart to set up a stall anymore, and they collected things one after another. Chen Meiyun sold the remaining fish, shrimp and meatballs cheaply, and they were quickly robbed.

At this moment, the bell rang for the end of the exam, and they packed up and prepared to leave.

Ye Zhaodi walked out of the examination room in a good mood, feeling like she had let go of her burden. When she was approaching the school gate, she saw Yu Xiaomei and she showed a bright smile.

Yu Xiaomei kept waving at her anxiously.

Ye Zhaodi's complexion changed, and she ran instead.

The boy who was about to greet her behind her watched Ye Zhaodi run away before he got close, and the person who picked up Ye Zhaodi was an unfamiliar face. The boy was suspicious and stopped catching up.

Yu Xiaomei pulled Ye Zhaodi's hand and immediately squeezed out of the crowd, went under the tree to unlock it, and said hurriedly: "Hurry up and get in the car, we have to go back quickly."

Ye Zhaodi didn't understand, so she thought that her family was coming, she kept her head down, and she didn't dare to look up at people. In this way, Yu Xiaomei stomped her feet all the way, and she was relieved until she was far away from the school. She looked at the intersection, gritted her teeth, Turn the other way.

Ye Zhaodi pursed her lips nervously behind her, not daring to happen at all.

Yu Xiaomei drove her around a long way before returning to the workshop, and both of them were almost paralyzed as soon as they entered the door.

Yu Xiaomei parked the car in the shed, quickly ran into the house and poured herself a large tank of water, and took several sips before she recovered.

Lin Liqing came out of the baking room, saw them and hurriedly asked, "Did the exam go well?"

"It's okay." Ye Zhaodi said.

Lin Liqing was a little puzzled, "It's okay, why is this expression?"

Ye Zhaodi looked at Yu Xiaomei, and following her gaze, Lin Liqing realized that something was wrong with Yu Xiaomei, "What happened?"

Yu Xiaomei was a little confused, and said weakly: "I don't know, my aunt and the others probably had an accident, and told me to send Zhaodi back quickly, and didn't let me ask. When I took Zhaodi away, they were almost ready. , probably coming back soon."

As soon as the words were finished, Chen Meiyun and Su's mother really came back. Behind them were Yan Jianguo and Lin Changmin who were pushing a tricycle, and Lin Guoye who helped bring some things.

As soon as Su's mother entered the door, she complained to Lin Liqing and the others about the Ye family.

Ye Zhaodi turned pale when she heard that her family had found the school.

Mother Su reassured: "It's okay, it's okay, anyway, the college entrance examination is over, and the household registration book is in your hands, and they can't make any trouble. Wait to see the admission results, if you really can pass the exam, go to study, and then transfer the household registration. I can't do anything to you when I go to your house at school."

Originally, Su's mother didn't understand these things, but it was only when Su Yi taught her about science that she understood.

Ye Zhaodi nodded in a trance, gritted her teeth and asked, "Auntie, do you think my parents will trouble my elder sister?"

"Not at all." Mother Su carefully recalled today's situation, shaking her head with more certainty: "Probably not, today your mother and one of your sisters got into a fight over buying clothes, your elder sister and the others are fine, I haven't seen her There were injuries on her body, and I pulled her twice when trying to persuade her to fight, but her body is fine and there is no sign of being beaten."

Ye Zhaodi was relieved when she heard the words. The sisters would be slapped when they made mistakes when they were young. Ye Pandi's face is not hurt, which proves that she was not slapped, which means that the matter of the household registration book has not been discovered yet.

"Okay, okay, everyone is tired today. From now on, Zhaodi will work here in the workshop. Don't go out if you don't have anything to do. You won't be found if you don't see anyone. Everyone has seen Zhaodi's family today. If they really come here in the future We can also send Zhaodi away in advance, isn't that all right?" Lin Liqing said with a relaxed face.

In her opinion, as long as she successfully takes the college entrance examination, nothing else matters.

Ye Zhaodi calmed down and knew what was best for her, so she immediately said that she would listen to Lin Liqing in everything.

After everyone here finished talking, they acted like normal people and did what they should do.

It was not so easy for the Ye family, because the three of Ye Shitou were all injured. The police took them to the hospital for examination first. It turned out that Ye Shitou had only soft tissue contusions, not even a fracture. Ye Weiguang looked serious, but in fact nothing happened. .

On the other hand, He Ying, when she looked at her appearance, she felt miserable. Several pieces of her scalp were covered with blood. She had to disinfect and apply medicine, and some swollen areas had to be applied. There were too many bruises left. I don't plan to deal with it, otherwise He Yingde will be pasted beyond recognition.

(End of this chapter)

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