Reborn in the 1980s to run to a better life

Chapter 143 It's Pineapple Season Again

Chapter 143 It's Pineapple Season Again

After hearing this, Yan Jianguo was speechless for a long time, and finally said after a while: "Well, it's getting colder in Jiangsu Province on the National Day, so I'll send them autumn clothes and some summer clothes, and now the summer clothes in Guangdong Province are being sold at a lower price, which is lower than the price I usually get. It’s half cheaper, and if you send the goods over and let them sell them under the banner of lowering prices for the off-season, you should be able to sell a lot, I can give them credit for this batch of goods first, and return them after the National Day.”

"Thank you, brother-in-law." Lin Guoye was overjoyed, and asked cheekily, "Can you also give me some goods on credit? I want to sell them too!"

Now he is the only one selling clothes in the school, and his roommates don’t compete with him. He has also developed a few downlines, all of which are from other schools. Earn money without doing anything.

"It's definitely okay to give you the goods, but don't put the cart before the horse. Studying is your main task in college. If you let your mother know that you have delayed your studies for business, I can't live with you!" Yan Jianguo reminded road.

Lin Guoye immediately assured, "Brother-in-law, don't worry about this. Even if you don't tell me, I know the seriousness. Don't worry, I didn't take a nap at noon. I used it all for reading. The time for setting up the stall is from afternoon to eight o'clock in the evening. It must be before nine o'clock." Go back to the dormitory, take a shower and watch for a while, go to bed from 10:30 to [-]:[-], wake up the next morning to read English, go to the cafeteria after morning reading and then go to class, the schedule is tight, I can do what I need to do Nothing is vague."

He also wants to get a final scholarship!Although the money is not much, it represents a different meaning. As long as he gets the scholarship, no one will say anything to him no matter how much he struggles.

"Success, as long as you know what's in your heart."

After hanging up the phone, Yan Jianguo tidied up and planned to go to Fengkoushe. The pineapples in the second season of this year are about to come down, and they can be harvested when the weather is cooler. With the experience of the first half of the year, he plans to take the Fengkoushe this year. The batches of pineapples are all packaged, and a few cars will be collected at one time, and some will be reserved for Lin Liqing, and some will be sent to the north, and the rest will be sent to Guangdong Province. There is also a need for some different styles of clothing.

Only by constantly innovating can we continue to develop. This principle has been engraved into the bones of the couple. It is also because of this kind of thinking that even if the couple has saved hundreds of thousands of family assets, they dare not relax.

When the truck drove to the entrance of Fengkou Society, Yan Jianguo parked the car on the side of the road and walked in. When he arrived at the village head's house, he hadn't even made a sound yet, and the village head warmly invited him in, and he wanted to keep him Have a meal at home.

Yan Jianguo agreed after a couple of refusals. By the way, he talked about the purchase of pineapples.

When the village chief heard that Yan Jianguo was going to order the whole village's pineapples, his heart fell to the ground instantly. Because he was so happy, his head got hot, and he went to the village entrance to cut two catties of pork and came back.

Now people are setting up stalls at the entrances of various villages to sell things. Most of them are meat and vegetables, or things caught in the water. Although they are simple, they are more convenient.

During the meal, the village head asked: "Is it the old rule this time, to accept the two families of the Jianjun and the Party first?"

Yan Jianguo nodded, "After all, they are my own brothers, so let's accept them first."

"Then Jianshe is the same as everyone?" The village head asked tentatively.

Yan Jianguo frowned, a little puzzled.

The village chief sighed, "Don't blame me for talking too much, the main reason is that the construction has changed a lot this year. In the past, this person was a mess, lazy and soft-boned. He was spoiled by your parents, but after his wife ran away I have changed my sex, and I may know that if I don’t work, I will starve to death. This year, I went to the field every day, and I didn’t make much money for playing cards. Although the production in the field is not as good as other people’s, but the service is considered dedicated.

I took a look in the first half of the year, and the pineapples in his house are okay. In the past few months, I have checked the pineapples he planted every time I walked by them. The pineapples are well taken care of, so I would like to ask if you want to harvest them with Jianjun. up? "

Yan Jianguo was silent for a moment, with no emotion on his face, "As long as it is good, you can figure it out. Anyway, I plan to harvest together this time. I want as much as I can. When the harvest is almost done, let my elder brother Go over and tell me, I'll tune the car and come and pull it."

"Okay, okay, it's easy to handle! I'll go to the village to spread the word in a while." The village chief responded with a smile on his face.

After leaving the village head's house, Yan Jianguo went back to the truck to get some things before going to Yan Jiandang's side.

It was the busy season of farming, and every family was working in the fields. Zhou Xiaoe and Huang Yulianhua had to go to the town to set up stalls. There were only children in the family. The older children had gone to school, and only the younger ones stayed at home.

When Yan Jianguo arrived, there was only Yan Yuanyuan in the family. The little girl was far more mature than children of the same age after going through all the changes in the family. She could do things within her capacity by herself at home. Cooking with firewood in a small charcoal stove, although the movements are a bit clumsy, but very skillful, it shows that the child is cooking every day.

Yan Jianguo felt pity when he saw it, and after putting down his things, he rolled up his sleeves and wanted to help.

Yan Yuanyuan said softly, "Third Uncle, you don't have to help me, I can do it."

Her parents told the two sisters a lot of reasons. One of them was that although the third uncle could help them, he couldn't help them all the time.

Yan Jianguo chuckled twice, and said, "Okay, if Uncle San doesn't help with Yuanyuan's matter, I'll help you fetch some water and chop some firewood."

These jobs should be done by Yan Jiandang. Now that the farming is busy, the work in the field can't be finished, so these jobs are delayed. If he guessed correctly, Yan Yuanyuan's fire should be picked up outside these days. The small dead branches were probably picked up by Yan Fangfang after school.

Sure enough, when he was halfway through the firewood chopping, Yan Fangfang came back with a bundle of branches on her back. She was stunned when she saw Yan Jianguo, and then sweetly called out, "Third Uncle."

"Good boy! Put your things down and wash your hands, and you can eat in a while." Yan Jianguo said softly.

Then he chopped some firewood before stopping.

After Yan Yuanyuan's meal was ready, he followed the two sisters into the main room. There were many red and black bags on the Eight Immortals table in the main room, and the two sisters did not move.

Yan Jianguo took a look, divided the things into two, and gave them two of the big bags, "These are the clothes and shoes that Uncle San bought for you, go into the house and try to see if they fit? Your cousins ​​also have them. "

The two sisters took the clothes happily after hearing this, and hurried into the room to try them on.

Now Yan Jiandang came back, and when he saw Yan Jianguo, he was overwhelmed with surprise and stuttered, "I knew it earlier. If you want to come, I will buy some meat to treat you, and stay here for lunch. You must not refuse! "

(End of this chapter)

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