Reborn in the 1980s to run to a better life

Chapter 151 Lin Guoye Got Rich

It wasn't until the holiday was over and their homework was all handed in that he was in the mood to make this call to Yan Jianguo.

"Congratulations, everyone can earn more than 4 yuan by selling this batch of goods, and about [-] yuan per share, but you have to take it easy after tasting the sweetness, you know?" Yan Jianguo reminded.

Lin Guoye nodded vigorously, "Brother-in-law, don't worry! After earning so much, everyone plans to slow down and focus on their studies, and strive to get a scholarship for the entire dormitory, and then go out to set up a stall during the winter vacation. This time I may I won’t be back until one or two days before New Year’s Eve.”

The two chattered for a while before hanging up. Lin Guoye counted out the capital after returning to the dormitory, and handed over the rest to Yan Fei, "I will go to the bank to transfer money to my brother-in-law, and share the rest!"

Everyone was waiting for his words, and they all stared at the money on the table.

Yan Fei pushed Xie Yuxuan out, "Be careful, count, we will watch!"

That posture seems to be forced into prostitution by the underworld.

Xie Yuxuan didn't bother with him, sat down immediately, and started to count the money one by one, tying a roll for every 1000 yuan counted, tying 45 rolls in a row, and there was still 650 yuan left to make up a roll.

On average, each person shared 600 yuan, and the rest was used as housing expenses. On the whole, they earned more than Yan Jianguo expected.

Lin Guoye was a little puzzled, "It stands to reason that there are still many people haggling over the price, so why are there thousands of dollars more?"

Xiong Ren pointed directly at Xie Yuxuan, "I'm going to ask this guy, he raised the price based on the price set by my brother-in-law, some bargained and some didn't, and the bargaining was only allowed to reach the price given by my brother-in-law, so No wonder it doesn't sell much!"

"Okay, you! Old and cunning!" Jia Zhanglong slapped Xie Yuxuan on the back hard, smiling brightly.

Xie Yuxuan rolled his eyes speechlessly, and said: "This is also because during the National Day, the place where Daxiong and I went happened to be in the city center. Even if the price increased, it would be cheaper than the people around us. You can't copy it from other places."

As he said that, he put the money in his schoolbag, opened the cabinet to get the account book, "I'll go to the bank to get a passbook in a while and put the money in it, how about you?"

"Together, I happened to remit the money to my brother-in-law." Lin Guoye hurriedly said, it's not safe to put so much money in the dormitory.

So everyone agreed to go to the bank together, and it took a long time to get things done.

There are things like passbooks in the dormitory, so you have to be careful. Everyone bought several locks and came back, wishing to lock all the wardrobes.

After receiving the money from Lin Guoye, Yan Jianguo immediately told Lin Liqing about it.

Lin Liqing was dumbfounded when she heard that, "Okay! That brat knows how to save money for his wife! It seems that my parents don't have to worry about it in the future!"

"Thanks to them, I also earned tens of thousands this time, and I have the capital to collect pineapples!" Yan Jianguo laughed a little bit.

Lin Liqing glanced at her, "It's as if you have no capital without this money! How about I lend you some?"

"Impossible! I was joking." Yan Jianguo looked at Lin Liqing with tenderness and doting.

After the National Day, it was hot for half a month. At the end of the month, the weather gradually turned cold, and the pineapples at Fengkoushe began to be harvested. Yan Jianguo called a dozen trucks to go there, and pulled all the pineapples that could be picked at once. After leaving, the more familiar ones were sent to the workshop, the others were sent to the north, and the rest were taken to Guangdong Province. This time he took not only Ding Tianshun and Yan Zhong, but also Wang Dali and four temporary helpers.

If it weren't for Lin Liqing's need for a strong labor force to help, he would have wanted to bring Zhao Jianchuan along.

It was the first time to go to Guangdong Province for such a big battle, and she didn't know how the business was going. Although Lin Liqing was worried, she was also very busy here, so she couldn't take care of it at all.

You Qiaofeng has been here for a long time. She has experienced the busyness of the National Day. She thought it was the busiest time here. She never thought that the pineapples would be so scary. She would come here to peel the pineapples before dawn, until after nine o'clock in the evening. , In addition to being able to breathe for a while while eating, even the sleeping time was reduced by two hours.

Everyone just kept working as if they were desperate. When they wanted to take a break, they turned their heads and saw the pile of pineapples that looked like hills. I didn’t dare to think about taking a rest. I should just grit my teeth and continue working. How many hands come out.

Chen Meiyun couldn't take care of cooking, so she could only call Yu Xiaoping and Xu Hui for help. Aunt Cui'e who lived nearby also came to help. A group of people started working from the moment they woke up until midnight.

Yan Xizhou couldn't see it, so he simply put his grandson in the nursery for a few days and came to work himself.

Of course, Lin Liqing will not let them do it for nothing, as long as they come to help, they will be given two yuan a day, including food, and the leftover snacks in the store will not be sold at a discount. .

Because of Lin Liqing's generosity, everyone likes to come and help.

After being busy for about a month, Yan Jianguo took away the last batch of pineapples from Fengkou Society, and Lin Liqing's pineapple sauce was almost done.

The fresh pineapple sauce is sweet and delicious, making pineapple buns is the children's favorite. It is not difficult to make pineapple buns. The main reason is that kneading the dough is laborious. Lin Liqing simply asked Mother Xu and the others to help knead the dough, and she was in charge of other processes. If you can make hundreds more pineapple buns, your business will be very good.

She was busy here, and Yan Jianguo didn't dare to bother her. He didn't come to her until the buildings in Yulan Lane and Badali were completed.

Lin Liqing was overjoyed, "So fast! Is everything finished?"

Yan Jianguo nodded, "It's all according to your request, why don't you go over with me to have a look, the furniture hasn't been bought yet, you choose what you like."

The villa was built as early as summer, but the decoration is time-consuming. Lin Liqing only expresses her opinion. Yan Jianguo and Lin Guoan are responsible for the rest. The building in Badali was built before the National Day, and the renovation started after the National Day. , but it is temporarily turned into a staff dormitory, and it only needs simple decoration, and the decoration speed is faster than that of the villa.

Lin Liqing was overjoyed, and hurriedly dragged Yan Jianguo to help her with the work, so she could go to the new house to see it sooner after finishing the work.

When the couple came to the villa, all the workers left, and the original four old buildings were gone, replaced by a beautiful European-style three-story villa with some Roman columns and marble for the facade, and the windows are made into arc-shaped roofs. , with light brown glass and iron anti-theft nets, all bought by Yan Jianguo from Guangdong Province, they don't have these materials here.

Pushing open the heavy iron gate, Yan Jianguo turned on the lights, and the whole villa was displayed in front of Lin Liqing. The first and second floors are a typical duplex structure, with a long arc-shaped staircase leading directly to the second floor. A crystal chandelier hangs on the roof of the hall. The height of the roof reaches to the height of the roof on the first floor. It is beautiful and atmospheric. When the lights are turned on, the room is bright.

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