Chapter 172
There is nothing serious in the small town, and almost everyone knows when there is a disturbance. Qin Liguo is well-informed, so he has already received the news. He signaled Qin Lixiong to calm down, stared into his eyes and asked, "Did you send someone to investigate the girl who jumped off the building?" What is the situation of the workers? Unless it is to the point where they cannot survive, a person will not easily seek death.

The government has promised to give them an extra month of wage subsidies, and the housing allocation of the previous employees has not been recovered, which is already humane. "

Qin Lixiong stared at Qin Liguo in a daze, and after a while he gradually regained his composure, and carefully sorted out the messy thoughts in his head, "I went to the garment factory after receiving the news, but the workers were very emotional, and they sealed the factory with wooden boards. The gate, no outsiders are allowed in, I, I, I called the police
But the police station said that violence should not be used to control violence to prevent others from going to extremes. Now the police are confronting those workers, and even the mayor has passed. . "

If he can't handle it, don't say that he will be rated next year, his official career is probably coming to an end.

"Don't worry, let me think about it." Qin Liguo fell into deep thought.

At this time, Li Yang knocked on the door of the office with Lin Liqing, "Manager, Boss Lin is here."

Lin Liqing walked into the office, just in time to see Qin Lixiong, was taken aback for a moment and guessed what he was doing here, immediately smiled at him, and greeted him: "Director Qin, it's really fate that we met here."

"Oops! Boss Lin, I'm so devastated right now that I'm almost bald with worry! Do you have any good advice for me?" Qin Lixiong is currently in a hurry to go to the doctor, and everyone is like a straw.

Lin Liqing was a little surprised and looked at Qin Liguo.

Qin Liguo smiled wryly, and explained the situation, "There is a lot of trouble at the garment factory, everyone is watching! The mayor and senior city officials put pressure on the people below. If my brother can't find a countermeasure, The director is probably doing it right.”

"Don't let Director Qin take charge of the factory? This is impossible! After all, Director Qin has worked hard and put in so much hard work in this position, and there is hard work without credit!" Lin Liqing became anxious, and she finally got here With this connection in the government agency, if Qin Lixiong is dismissed and has to be re-planned, who knows if the new director will be so talkative.

The wrinkles on Qin Lixiong's face deepened, and he kept pulling his hair out, "The city leaders want the result, they don't care about the process."

Lin Li was silent, and pondered: "I think, the person who needs to tie the bell to untie the bell, Director Qin might as well visit the female employee who jumped off the building, or send someone to investigate the background of the female employee, and find out the crux of the problem. The factory, but it doesn't care about the life and death of the workers. If the other party's family is really in trouble, the government can also give some help.

There is also the purpose of the government, whether it wants to get rid of these hot potatoes or point to selling factories to make more money. "

"Is there any difference?" Qin Lixiong suddenly raised his head and looked straight at Lin Liqing.

Lin Liqing said loudly: "Of course there is a difference! The difference is huge! If the government just wants to get rid of the hot potato, it will be easy. Since the workers do not agree to sell the workers, then they will not sell them. We give them two choices. One is If the factory is sold to pay off the debt, the surplus money will be shared equally among the employees. If the debt is insolvent, the government will take care of the aftermath, and each employee will receive an extra month’s salary as compensation.

The second is that the government will give them a chance. They will not sell the factory immediately, but they will not manage the factory anymore. They will find a way to solve the predicament themselves. If they can bring the factory back to life, let alone make money, they will not lose money within a year, and Pay off the foreign debt owed within three years, and let the factory continue to operate according to their wishes.

If the government’s goal is to sell factories to make money, then that’s a different story, but if that’s the case, let me be blunt, everyone is not a fool, I’m afraid things will be difficult. "

Qin Lixiong was enlightened in an instant, stood up suddenly, and said gratefully: "Boss Lin reminded me! I'll go back and think about how to write a report to the superior."

Speaking of which, Qin Lixiong ran away like the wind, without even taking his briefcase with him.

It was Qin Liguo who asked Liu Yang to help send it out.

"I'm making you laugh. My brother really lost a lot of hair because of this incident. Look at his hair a few days ago, and look at today's hair, tsk tsk tsk." Qin Liguo shook his head repeatedly, sincerely admiring Lin Liqing and grateful.

Thinking of the Mediterranean Sea, Lin Liqing couldn't help covering her mouth and snickering, "Manager Qin is polite, we are old friends, I am honored to be able to contribute to this kind of thing, by the way, I am here today except to deliver goods Tell me about the future cooperation. Originally, I wanted to buy a factory and set up my own food factory, but now I don’t know when this situation will be resolved. There are still so many foreign capital bosses around, and I don’t have the ability to snatch food from a tiger’s mouth. So the originally agreed quantity may have to change.”

When Qin Lixiong returned to the office, he wanted to start writing immediately, but on second thought, it would be more straightforward to run by himself.

The city government held an emergency meeting. This meeting was obviously much better than the last time. At least everyone spoke in human terms, and there was no more shrew swearing at the street.

Then the city government staff immediately announced the solution.

Yu Pengcheng has been keeping an eye on the news of the city government, and he knew the plan as soon as it came out.

"Director, the hearts of the people who have finally stabilized are beginning to waver again. What do you think we should do now?" The workshop director rushed into the office of the factory director eagerly.

Yu Pengcheng was furious, and cursed casually: "Why are you arguing! Didn't you see that I was thinking of a way?"

Originally, he wanted to make things big, and use the pressure of public opinion to force the government leaders to withdraw their orders. Unexpectedly, the higher authorities did not follow his plan at all. Dividing the money is enough for the workers to get excited.

The hateful thing is that he still can't tell the workers how much foreign debt the factory owes. Too much foreign debt means that he has poor management and insufficient ability. The small foreign debt proves that everyone can get a lot of money.

The only way now is to get everyone to make trouble again before the city government's budget comes out.

After making up his mind, Yu Pengcheng shouted, "Call me Hu Weidong."

Hu Weidong came very quickly, and when he entered the door, his face was a little ugly, probably because of the discord among people.

Yu Pengcheng told him his thoughts and asked him to find a way to create conflicts among the workers.

Hu Weidong nodded from time to time and listened carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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