After Lin Liqing knew that Yu Pengcheng and Hu Weidong had been arrested, she stopped paying attention to the factory affairs. She made snacks during the day and went to night school at night, so busy that she never touched the ground.

When Qin Liguo and his brothers came to the door with a thank you gift, she was still working in the bakery, and her body was covered with flour marks.

"Why are you two here?" Lin Liqing hurriedly invited them to the backyard to serve snacks and make tea.

Qin Lixiong put down the thank you gift, and smiled in a good mood, "This time I came here to thank Boss Lin. If you hadn't reminded me, things wouldn't have gone so smoothly."

"Where is it! I'm just talking about it, and it's all thanks to Director Qin." Lin Liqing said politely.

Poured them two cups of tea.

The two praised again, and then they got down to business, "Now the factory's problems have been solved, and normal business can be carried out, but Boss Luo and the others have all left, and I'm afraid it will be difficult to invite them back.

The mayor has already contacted you, and I don’t know how many can come, because you reminded me of this matter, and I specially said a lot of good things about you to the mayor. The mayor means that if you want to buy a factory, you can give priority to it. If we choose, the money we sell the factory will immediately pay off the debt and settle the workers, and no one will cause trouble. "

Lin Liqing listened carefully and thought carefully, "Thank you, Director Qin, for your kind words. Since the mayor has spoken, I will not be disrespectful. It's still the three factories I was looking at before, but now I want to take a look at their debts again. conditions and pricing."

"I knew you would say that, and I brought you all the documents." As he spoke, Qin Lixiong immediately dug out a document from his briefcase.

It records in detail the funding issues and pricing of several factories.

Qin Lixiong said: "The most expensive of the three factories you are looking at is the garment factory. One is that it covers a large area, and the other is that it has a lot of equipment in it. In addition, there is a backlog of work clothes and fabrics that cannot be sold in the warehouse. The government To recover the loss, it is natural to include these in it, and the price is 18.

The debt was more than 9 yuan, and all of it should have been paid out of the money, but Yu Pengcheng, the factory manager, was guilty of a thief and even let his lover Li Meihua sneak into the factory office to steal evidence, and was caught right away.

My investigation found that his embezzlement amounted to more than 1 yuan. In addition to him and the deputy factory manager, etc., the total amount of embezzlement and bribery by everyone was almost more than 3 yuan.

The money certainly cannot be just forgotten, the government is still pursuing it, and will take it out and distribute it to those workers later.

Now the workers in the garment factory are only grateful to the government, and no one has said anything harsh. Their cooperation is very high, and our affairs are progressing smoothly. "

"Wait a minute, who were you talking about just now? Li Meihua?" Lin Liqing's eyes widened in shock. She was in a bad mood. Is it the same name, the same surname, or the same person?

Qin Lixiong didn't know why, seeing Lin Liqing's reaction, he said: "Yes, the police station said that the woman is called Li Meihua, she is quite beautiful, but she wears heavy makeup, she looks a bit gaudy and not serious, oh, yes Yes, she seems to have a scar on her cheek, although she couldn't see it with powder, but I could still see it when I was close.

She claimed to be Yu Pengcheng's younger sister, and heard from the workers in the garment factory that she had never seen this woman before, she was very suspicious. Sure enough, she recruited everything when she went to the police station. "

Lin Liqing's face was a little ugly.

Qin Liguo at the side noticed something was wrong, "What? Is there a problem?"

Lin Liqing hesitated and said: "It is said that family ugliness should not be publicized, but it's okay to tell you, you know that I have four children, the eldest daughter is not my own, and that Li Meihua is her biological mother.

She was originally Jianguo's younger brother's daughter-in-law, but the couple had a falling out. Li Meihua stole her family's money and ran away. Now the police station in our town is still looking for someone!I didn't expect that she would hide in the city and even become Yu Pengcheng's mistress. I don't know what to say about this! "

The brothers of the Qin family didn't expect that Lin Liqing and Li Meihua were still sisters-in-law, because they were so shocked that they lost control of their expressions.

Qin Lixiong quickly changed the topic to the factory, "This is the situation, so if you want a garment factory, it is easier to manage than other factories. The food factory near the sugar factory is small in scale, and the price is [-] yuan. The land and the house are actually only [-] yuan." , mainly because the equipment is expensive, but I think the food factory is suitable for you, and you can save a lot of money with those equipments.”

The food factory covers an area of ​​more than 20 mu. The land in the city is more expensive than in the countryside. It costs 2 yuan per mu. The land alone costs more than [-] yuan, and the house is about [-] yuan. The equipment is really expensive.

Lin Liqing nodded, expressing her understanding. The country's industry is relatively backward now, and many production equipment have to be imported from abroad. It is difficult for her to buy good products by herself, and she may be deceived or even be slaughtered as a fat sheep. That's quite a bargain.

Qin Lixiong went on to talk about the last factory, "The aquatic product factory in the lower reaches of the Guanglan River has a good location, and the price is also cheap, only [-] yuan, but compared to the other two, I think this is not very useful to you. Fresh and suitable."

The aquatic product factory does not have much equipment, and the only thing that is expensive is the land and the house. Compared with other factories in the table, it is relatively cheap.

Lin Liqing stared at the materials for a long time, then raised her head embarrassedly and said: "Director Qin, can you give me a copy of the materials? I need to discuss such a big matter with Jianguo. He left for Guangdong Province by car the day before yesterday, and he will be back this afternoon." , I will give you an answer tomorrow at the latest, okay?"

"No problem, anyway, it will take a few days for news from Xiangjiang." Qin Lixiong heaved a sigh of relief, and sat for a while before leaving with Qin Liguo.

When Yan Jianguo came back in the afternoon, Lin Liqing immediately put the materials in front of him, and excitedly pointed to the column of the garment factory, "18, I thought the city government would set a price of 10,000+, but I didn't expect it to be no more than 20! Buy it! !"

Yan Jianguo was so teased by her puppy-like appearance that the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and he comforted dotingly: "Don't worry, I want to see what's going on."

Lin Liqing hurriedly told him the news of the past few days, and said eagerly: "The people from Xiangjiang haven't come yet, and the mayor has given us priority. If you miss this opportunity, it will be too late to regret it!"

"I know what you mean. It's wrong to be brainwashed by you. After listening to your opinion, I also think that the garment factory is very good, but what should we do with the inventory? If the purchased items cannot be sold, they will be thrown into our hands. "Yan Jianguo couldn't help but feel distressed when he thought of those goods, it was all money!

Lin Liqing shook her head, "Why are you worrying so much? If it's really not possible then, let's sell those work clothes to remote places. Let's sell them cheaply, as long as we keep our capital, and we won't be able to sell them? As for the fabric, it's a matter of later. .”

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