Reborn in the 1980s to run to a better life

Chapter 180 Yan Zhong Returns Home

Wang Ni is not an ordinary person now. When she heard about this, she immediately offered to help, and asked Yan Jianguo to bring some samples to her. Then she can go to several factories for a walk. Many factories in the north have given workers The benefits of custom-made clothes may be sold out.

Han Lin and Peng Jie also asked for some, but they were just helping out as a friend, and Yan Jianguo didn't expect them to really sell much.

Because Rock City and Baishui City are close to each other, even if the economic conditions there are poorer, there are probably not many young people who are willing to spend money on work clothes.

With the tooling problem solved, all that's left is the accumulated fabric.

There are more than one kind of fabrics in the warehouse, some are skin-friendly and soft, and some are rough and strong. Lin Liqing discussed with the master chef, and finally decided to pick out those soft fabrics and make them into bed sheets, quilts, pillowcases, and process the rough ones into schoolbags and satchels , modeled on last year's popular style, this year should be able to sell well.

One of her and Yan Jianguo has future experience, and the other has been in Guangdong Province all the year round. After the two discuss it, there will be no problem.

The workers in the garment factory are troublesome. They don't know the sales volume yet, and they don't dare to recruit people in large quantities. They only hired six experienced masters.

There are only a few people working in such a huge factory, it looks really shabby.

The six masters are also not doing well at work. They always feel that a factory with so few people is not a serious garment factory, especially the things they make are different from what they used to make, and they feel more and more uneasy.

Under such circumstances, Yan Zhong returned to his hometown county with a bunch of work clothes.

After the train stopped, he looked at the goods and was worried. He would definitely not be able to get them back by himself. He had no choice but to go to the street and call two mule carts for help.

When the fellow saw so many things, his eyes were full of curiosity, "What are you doing?"

"Selling clothes, do you want to take a look? It's very cheap." Yan Zhong chatted with fellow villagers while moving the goods. He didn't expect that the fellow villagers would really sell them. He was just anxious, and wanted to sell them when he caught one.

The fellow is also a big-hearted person. He really leaned over to unpack the sack, and his eyes lit up after taking out the overalls. "Why are you selling it? It's quite new."

Yan Zhong was speechless, "It's not bad, it's brand new! I got it back from the south by train, and they are popular with fancy clothes, so don't wear this."

The fellow shook his head, expressing his incomprehension, and then asked, "How do you sell it?"

"The whole set in winter costs [-] yuan. Look, it's thicker and denser. It's absolutely warm. The spring and autumn style is [-] yuan for a set, which is sunscreen and windproof. In summer, it's short-sleeved shorts. This one is cheap, and a set is [-] yuan. Five. You can buy only clothes or trousers, winter clothes or trousers are [-] yuan, spring and autumn clothes or trousers are [-] yuan, and summer clothes are [-] yuan.”

Yan Zhong said loudly, looked around by the way, and beckoned passers-by outside the train station to come and buy clothes. This trick was learned from Yan Jianguo.

What everyone cares about is the price. After hearing his quotation, many people gathered around.

Clothes and trousers worth RMB [-] are cheaper than a catty of meat, and it is a good deal to exchange a meal of meat for a piece of clothing.

Of course, some of the onlookers were watching the fun, but everyone was moved by the things they saw. Some only wanted clothes, some only wanted trousers, some got a full set, and some even bought two sets at once.

Many of these people are middle-aged uncles and aunts in their 50s and [-]s.

In order to sell the clothes as soon as possible, Yan Zhong didn't remind them that these were worn by young people.

In this way, both Yan Zhong and the mule cart master were surrounded, and the mule cart master in the back even confusedly helped sell the goods.

There are people coming and going at the train station, and there are waves of customers leaving. Seeing so many people around here, some people will come to ask, some will sneer, and some will spend money.

Yan Zhong was so busy that he couldn't care less about listening to those swear words. When the few sacks of clothes he brought were sold out and it was still dark, he was in a daze. Seeing the mule cart master panting heavily on the cart, He just came to his senses, stuffed ten yuan to the master, and said: "Thank you today, if it weren't for your help, I would have been carried away, please wait for me a while, I will make a call, please help me Go to the guest house."

In this situation, Yan Jianguo had to hurry up and deliver the goods.

When he returned to the hostel, Yan Zhong hurriedly counted the money he earned today. He brought over [-] sets of winter clothes, [-] sets of spring and autumn clothes, and [-] sets of summer clothes.

Some people bought the whole set, some bought it separately, and some bargained for the price. After the total, it was exactly two thousand and eight.

Before he came out, Yan Jianguo told him that the wholesale price he was given was three yuan for a set of winter clothes, two yuan for a set of spring and autumn clothes, and one yuan for summer clothes. .

For Yan Zhong, who is selling things independently for the first time, these more than 900 are of great significance.

After finally suppressing his little heart that was about to jump out of his chest, he calmed down and went to the county bank immediately to deposit the money.

Early the next morning, he got on the bus back to the village, staggered all the way, and changed to a mule cart when he arrived in the town. It was almost dark when he got home. No one lived in his hometown for half a year, and it looked a lot old. The window paper It's all broken, and the house is full of dust.

All the quilts to keep out the cold were taken away by his parents, and he had to go to a neighbor's house to make do for the night.

For the next two days, he spent the next two days repairing houses in his hometown, visiting relatives, chatting with his neighbors, and talking about the development in the south. Everyone was eager to hear it, and many people asked Yan Zhongyan if Jianguo was still recruiting.

How did Yan Zhong know this, he just said: "I don't know about my brother, but I have been to Guangdong Province with him, Guangdong Province is good, there are many factories, even if there are many people looking for jobs, not everyone can go there. If you find a job, if you are not in a hurry, I will help you find out later, and call the village committee if you have any news."

In the whole village, only the village committee has a telephone, and not everyone can use it. Fortunately, the village chief is honest and willing to answer the phone and send a letter to others.

When everyone heard this, they all looked at Yan Zhong gratefully.

After bidding farewell to his family and elders, he set off for the county again. Counting the time, the goods that Yan Jianguo sent to him should have arrived. This time, he asked Yan Jianguo to send five times more of the goods, and he could sell them for a few more days.

When the goods arrived, he called two mule cart drivers hired in advance to help watch them, and sold the goods on the spot.

A few days ago, everyone knew that there was a clothes seller here. The quality was good and the price was cheap. In the past few days, many people came here to look for it, but no one saw it. I didn't expect it to show up today.

Before Yan Zhong started selling, he was surrounded by people. This time, there were not many bargainers. Everyone had already seen what style to buy, and immediately took it.

When Yan Zhong unpacked the sack, he found that there were two more different work clothes this time, one was a beautiful light blue color, and the other was camouflage.

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