"Then what do you want?" Gao Zhi's eyes widened, wishing she could eat Huang Yulian, she was still in pain from being beaten by Huang Yulian.

Huang Yulian looked at Yan Jianjun and murmured, "Discuss with the third child that we won't accept her pineapples in the second half of the year."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was stunned, and they were all thinking about the feasibility of this method. A woman like Gao Zhi really needs to be taught a lesson in order to make her remember.

Gao Zhi quit, and was crying on the ground again, but no one paid any attention to her at the moment.

After careful consideration, the village chief said in a deep thought: "This method is not impossible, but we can change the method. Now Jianguo buys everyone's pineapples for ten cents a catty, and hers also accepts them. The price is eight cents. I don’t want the pineapples that go back to their house.”

This trick is murderous, everyone charges a dime, and Gao Zhi's family gets eight cents. The gap can be imagined. According to Gao Zhi's unsightly personality, it's no wonder if she isn't jealous to the point of jealousy. Spare her?If his family is tough enough not to sell to Yan Jianguo, Yan Jianguo will not accept his pineapples in the future. From a long-term perspective, everyone knows how to choose.

Gao Zhi's man rushed over after receiving the news, and when he learned of the village chief's decision, he slapped Gao Zhi blindly on the spot, "I asked you, a prodigal bitch, to find trouble for me, you bitch, you prodigal bastard."

Gao Zhi repeatedly wailed and begged for mercy, and her man didn't show any mercy.

Out of sight, everyone turned around and left.

Gao Zhi saw that no one was helping her, and felt hatred and resentment in his heart, his eyes seemed to be poisoned.

After Gao Zhi was dealt with, Damin's wives continued to guard Liu Cuifeng and Yan Yongfu.

Yan Yongfu was left alone, and Liu Cuifeng was tied up and placed on a bamboo chair with her mouth gagged.

Qiangsheng's daughter-in-law persuaded in a friendly voice: "Auntie, don't blame us for treating you like this. We are really afraid that something will happen to you, and I am afraid that Jianshe's happy event will be delayed. I heard that Jianshe's newly married daughter-in-law is very good. She is beautiful and tall, and she is hardworking and capable. She will definitely live well with Jianshe in the future, and maybe even give you a big fat grandson, much better than Li Meihua.

you!There is no reason to be unhappy with Jianshe because of a black-hearted poisonous woman. Now that Gao Zhi, the troublemaker, has been beaten into a pig's head, the tone in your heart should almost disappear. Let's discuss it. I will take the cloth strip off your mouth, and you Be quiet and don't make a fuss, nod if you agree, and shake your head if you disagree. "

Does Liu Cuifeng have any other options?This can nod with tears in his eyes.

Qiangsheng's daughter-in-law breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly called two people over to help.

As soon as the cloth strip was taken off, Liu Cuifeng howled with tears and snot in her nose: "It's unreasonable! My own son treats me like this, woo woo woo married a wife and forgot my mother!"

As soon as everyone heard this, they knew that Liu Cuifeng was still opposed to Yan Jianshe's marriage from the bottom of their hearts, and they immediately fell silent.

Damin's daughter-in-law and two other women came in with food, put it on the table, and said, "Auntie, this is today's banquet, and Jianshe brothers are filial, ten of them will eat at one table, and you two will eat at one table, look Now, there is nothing missing, and I know that it is not convenient for you to do it, can we feed you? In the past, only the master and wife of the landlord's family were treated like this."

They took the money, so naturally they had to do their best.

Liu Cuifeng didn't answer, but she still ate the food with tears in her eyes. It was fish, meat, and seafood. How many times a year could she eat it?When you are in trouble, you should eat and drink, and there is nothing less.

The banquet didn't end until about three o'clock in the afternoon. The daughter-in-law who came to help from the village cleaned up the yard, returned the things that should be paid, and paid the money that should be paid. Huang Yulian and Yan Jianjun left after seeing that the matter was almost settled.

Yan Jianshe finally went to Liu Cuifeng's side again. The matter was a foregone conclusion. The old lady couldn't make trouble if she wanted to. Going to go, I can only sulk to myself, and even ignore my beloved son.

Seeing that they were doing well, Yan Jianshe left in peace.

Back home, Chen Suling asked: "What happened just now, I don't think you look right."

Although no one made irresponsible remarks in front of her, she still had the ability to read people's words.

Yan Jianshe sighed, and talked about the troubles caused by Liu Cuifeng, "It's all because of that troublesome Gao Zhi, who used to be a gossip, but this time she danced directly in front of us, because he is an elder, he can do nothing. Scrupulous, he was severely punished by his sister-in-law, and later beaten by her man, it must have been quite miserable.

Parents are not very happy, we will not go there tomorrow, so as not to embarrass them, we also feel uncomfortable. "

Chen Suling didn't expect her parents-in-law to be so troublesome, so she was frightened, she nodded obediently, "Okay, then let's continue working tomorrow morning, I have to go to the town to sell vegetables."

Although I don't earn much from selling vegetables, if the situation is good, I can earn more than one yuan or two a day, and I can save 30 to [-] yuan a month.

Yan Jianshe pondered for a while and asked, "How is your cooking?"

He and Chen Suling realized that they hadn't eaten the food made by Chen Suling yet.

Chen Suling lowered her head in embarrassment, "It's so-so, edible, but not delicious."

"As long as you can eat it, I learned some pasta from Uncle Dazhi in the restaurant, why don't you sell vegetables in the morning and sell food instead." Yan Jianshe suggested.

He observed the town for a period of time and found that the stalls selling snacks were doing a good business, operating on a small budget, they should earn more than selling vegetables.

Chen Suling nodded, "Yes, you can sell whatever you say, but you have to teach me."

The couple made up their minds and decided to go to the town to set up a stall outside the school to sell braised noodles and buns, steamed buns, soy milk, and see how the business was going.

Early the next morning, the couple got up and went to the fields one by one, and the other went to the town to sell vegetables, and they really went back to their daily lives.

Liu Cuifeng had been hoping that Yan Jianshe would bring his new daughter-in-law over to meet them, and was going to give Chen Suling some color and force her to leave by herself, but in the end, she waited and waited, from breakfast to lunch, and then from lunch to dinner, and she kept ghosting None of them were seen.

When he couldn't sit still, he rushed to Yan Jianshe's house to question him aggressively. As a result, the door was locked and there was no one in the house.

Liu Cuifeng cursed and went to the neighbor's house to inquire about the whereabouts of Yan Jianshe and his wife, but none of the neighbors knew.

Out of anger, Liu Cuifeng ran to Yan Jianjun's house again.

Yan Jianjun frowned impatiently, "Mom, why are you looking for Jianshe? Just tell me if you have anything to do."

"Oh! I can't see him anymore!" Liu Cuifeng roared in a rough voice.

Yan Jianjun picked out his ears, leaned lazily on the door frame, and said, "No one said you can't see him, it's not that you can't meet someone! The fourth child now has to support his family and pay off foreign debts, so he has to work hard to make money." ! If you are too free, find something to do, and it is serious to take care of my dad!"

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