Chapter 196 Give a Lesson
Cai Min was still crying in despair, and the people who followed him felt very uncomfortable. After ten o'clock, there was still no sign of the child. Everyone guessed that the child might have left the village, and they didn't know where he would go.

Li Weiguo thought of Li Hongxia, so he hurriedly rode his bicycle to the city, and fell twice on the way, causing his knees and pants to be torn.

Li Hongxia panicked when she learned that her nephew was missing, so she wanted to go back to help.

Li Weiguo refused, "Elder Sister is optimistic about Qi Yang and Jiang Yan, I'll look for them again, don't follow them."

After speaking, Li Weiguo rode his bicycle back.

When he got home, his face was very gloomy, and Cai Min was crying in the room. Li Dong and Lin Changxi didn't know when they recovered, and when they saw him, they asked, "How is it? Any news?"

Li Weiguo shook his head.

Lin Changxi sighed, and said, "I'll get you something to eat, and we'll look for it at dawn."

After the pot boiled, the aroma of the food permeated the yard instantly. What Lin Changxi cooked were some leftovers given by Li Hongxia. There were fish and meat, all of which were good things. Heat up these dishes, and make some noodles to eat up.

The father and son in the room sat opposite each other, with solemn expressions, without any expectation of food at all.

At this moment, two small figures walked over from the yard, "Mom, what delicious food do you cook, it smells so good!"

As soon as the words fell, a group of adults all rushed out.

Cai Min stepped forward like a lunatic and grabbed Li Shun's hand and asked sharply, "Damn child, where did you go?"

Li Shun was so shocked that tears came out, but he didn't dare to cry. He pointed to the room where Li Hongxia slept before, and said aggrievedly: "You quarreled with Dad, we went to grandparents' place, come back and you sleep in the room." Our room, we had no place to sleep, so we went to the room where my aunt lived before, and fell asleep."

Li Shun didn't dare to say that the two of them drank the citrus wine that Lin Changxi gave.

Cai Min didn't listen, and beat the child several times.

Li Shun cried out in pain.

After reacting, Li Weiguo rushed forward to rescue Li Shuncong from Cai Min's slap, and then kicked Cai Min, knocking Cai Min to the ground.

Li Dong and Lin Changxi were taken aback, while Cai Min looked in disbelief.

The two of them have been married for so many years, and the quarrels are quarrels, and the quarrels are quarrels. At most, Li Weiguo just slapped her, and he never kicked her.

Cai Min, who came back to his senses, lay on the ground and wept loudly.

However, Li Weiguo didn't have the slightest bit of sympathy, and said coldly to Cai Min: "You vent your anger everywhere, occupy the child's room, and force the child to live in my sister's room. The anger of my son is poured on my son, why?
Cai Min, if you don't want to let it go, just say, I won't stop you, anyway, you are useless in this family, and keeping you is just adding trouble to me. "

This can be said to be quite heartless.

Cai Min's heart instantly sank to the bottom.

Lin Changxi scolded with a stern face: "You bastard, what are you talking about? Who doesn't make any noise? Cai Min has a flaw all over his body, and it's not like he can't change it. How can you be so decisive! Since the child is fine, give it all to me." Calm down, Shunzi Qiangzi, grandma made noodles, come over to eat."

As soon as the two children heard that there was food, they immediately changed faces, and they really remembered eating but not hitting.

Li Weiguo pursed his lips and remained silent, and was dragged into the main room by Li Dong.

Only then did Cai Min struggle to get up from the ground. Instead of going to eat, she hid in her room.

Perhaps Li Weiguo was really disappointed in her. After eating, he washed the children's face and wiped their bodies, and then let the children go back to sleep, and he slept in the room where Li Hongxia lived before.

Both Li Dong and Lin Changxi saw it, and they silently cleaned up the kitchen before going back.

After closing the door, Li Dong became anxious, "Old woman, you said this is a mess, the couple won't really break up, right?"

"No! Just like Cai Min, does she have the courage to walk away?" Lin Changxi was not in a hurry, as if I had seen everything through.

Sure enough, before dawn the next day, smoke was rarely seen coming from the stove in Dafang.

Li Dong could still hear the commotion in the stove house at the side of the pigsty, he was stunned for a moment, and looked back at Lin Changxi with eyes full of admiration.

It was about six o'clock, and the sky was already bright. Li Hongxia suddenly rode a bicycle into the village. As soon as she entered Li Weiguo's courtyard, she ran to the kitchen eagerly and asked, "Have you found Shunzi Qiangzi?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Li Hongxia was taken aback by Cai Min's haggard and swollen face.

Cai Min nodded as if he hadn't noticed, and said, "Sleep in the room."

Li Hongxia breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at Cai Min suspiciously, but didn't ask any further questions. She and Cai Min didn't have a good relationship in the first place, and her talkativeness could easily be called a joke.

After leaving Li Wei's country, Li Hongxia turned around and went to Lin Changxi's side, and brought them a lot of leftovers from home.

Seeing that she was about to leave in a hurry, Lin Changxi hurriedly persuaded her to stay: "Have breakfast here before going back."

"No, I still have to go to the store!" After speaking, Li Hongxia left without looking back.

The shop opened a bit late today, but luckily it didn't delay the business of Qingxiangzhai. Li Hongxia just breathed a sigh of relief when she saw a man with a wicked look coming in from the outside.

Li Hongxia frowned and asked, "Hello, what do you want to buy?"

Ye Guangwei was still looking around, nodding from time to time, with a trace of satisfaction and jealousy in his eyes, and when Li Hongxia asked him for the second time, he said arrogantly: "I'm your boss' younger brother, call her out to me!"

Li Hongxia looked like she was insane, and her face darkened in an instant, "Sir, I'm sorry, our boss has only one younger brother, and he is studying in Suzhou. Who are you and what's the matter?"

Only then did Ye Guangwei turn his attention to Li Hongxia, his eyes were full of criticism, "Stop talking nonsense with me! Don't call Ye Zhaodi out to me again, don't blame me for smashing this store!"

The people who came in to buy things were startled by Ye Guangwei's words, and they all ran away.

Li Hongxia was so angry that she hurried to the outside of the store and shouted, "Uncle, someone is causing trouble!"

She yelled a few times, and Lin Changmin and Lin Guosheng rushed over immediately.

"Who? Who dares to cause trouble!" Lin Guosheng looked at Ye Guangwei in the store with an unkind look.

Ye Guangwei was also taken aback by Lin Guosheng's ferocious appearance. Thinking that Ye Zhaodi was the manager of this store, he became arrogant again, "Who are you? Mind your own business!"

Lin Changmin frowned in confusion, "No. Who are you? What do you want to do in my daughter's shop?"

"What is your daughter? This is my sister's shop!" Ye Guangwei slapped the table arrogantly and yelled, "Ye Zhaodi, I know you are here, don't blame me if you don't come out again!"

Hearing the name "Ye Zhaodi", everyone realized who it was. Lin Changmin was a little annoyed. He thought this person looked familiar just now, but he didn't think about it, so he winked at Li Hongxia and said, "Call the police, this People's brains don't seem to work very well."

(End of this chapter)

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