Chapter 203 Robbery
Liu Cuifeng is not a hardworking person, everything in the house is covered with dust, and the yard is also a mess, but the first thing such a lazy woman wakes up every day is not to take a walk to get food, but to pour vegetables, which is really suspicious.

The two aimed at the vegetable field, one digging the head, the other digging the tail, and finally dug out a small clay pot when they met in the middle.

The two looked at each other, opened it for a look, and quickly left Fengkoushe with the things. Someone outside the village came to meet them. They didn't dare to let go of their hands along the way until they entered Wen Liancheng's guest room.

It was past two o'clock in the morning, and Luo Mingkang knew that he was going to act tonight, so he couldn't sleep by himself, so he just came over to have tea with Wen Liancheng, thinking he would last until dawn, but he didn't expect the result to come so soon, his reaction was worse than Wen Liancheng's. Excited, "Uncle, I really found it!"

Wen Liancheng stared at the clay pot, and asked a little more urgently, "What's inside?"

"Mr. Hui, it's jewelry." After the other party finished speaking, he respectfully put the pot on the table.

"It's really jewelry!" Luo Mingkang exclaimed, stepped forward to lift the lid of the clay pot, and a smell of soy sauce wafted out, causing his brows to frown.

This kind of clay pot is the ancient wine jar, and now everyone uses it for other purposes, big pickles, small soy sauce, etc. This pottery pot is not the smallest, and it can hold a lot of jewelry if it is full.

When pieces of jewelry were placed on the table, Wen Liancheng was so excited that he almost had a heart attack.

Luo Mingkang and his assistant were startled, and hurried over to help him.

However, Wen Liancheng signaled Luo Mingkang to take out everything in the pot. When the last silk veil was taken out, Wen Liancheng's tears welled up in his eyes, and his whole body was limp.

The assistants hurriedly moved the sofa over for Wen Liancheng to sit down.

Luo Mingkang stared carefully at the handkerchief, which was embroidered with a cluster of orchids and two lifelike butterflies, and there were two words "Rulan" beside it.

Wen Liancheng's daughter-in-law's boudoir name is Yin Rulan, and Luo Mingkang knows that these things belong to the Wen family without asking.

Although he always hoped so, when he saw these things, he still felt that his chest was tight. Looking back at Wen Liancheng who was in great grief, he said with a sad face: "Uncle, my condolences are changing, although my cousin is no longer Besides, does finding these things mean that Jianguo is the child in my cousin’s womb?”

Wen Liancheng felt uncomfortable again for a while, and it took about half an hour for him to calm down, and he said slowly, "Call the mayor, I want to call the police, but I don't want to say anything."

Luo Mingkang was stunned for a moment and knew Wen Liancheng's plan, so he immediately sent someone to do it.

In the early morning, just before dawn, many families in Fengkou Society got up and prepared to go to the field. The weather was hot and they had to finish the farm work before noon. Everyone had breakfast, talked and laughed together and went to the field together.

A sharp scream broke this beauty, and everyone looked at the source of the sound in surprise, with dumbfounded eyes.

Liu Cuifeng woke up early in the morning to find that her house had been burglarized. The house had been turned into a mess, and even the vegetables had been pulled out. Those things were not important, but the clay pot she buried was gone!

God damn it, those are his lifeblood!
"How did this happen? How did this happen? Where are my things? Who stole my things." Liu Cuifeng was already insane.

Yan Yongfu was also in a panic, those things were not only their confidence, but also their secret, what if someone found out?
"Look quickly, and look again!" Yan Yongfu struggled and was about to get off the ground, but he fell and ate shit.

The villagers who heard the sound were also terrified when they saw the scenes in the yard and the house.

"Oh my god! This is a thief! Which one did it out of conscience, even the vegetable field! Hurry up and go to Jianjun and Jianshe." The first villager who came over turned pale with fright, and the house It was a mess, and he didn't know where to start if he wanted to help clean it up.

The villagers who came over afterward also sighed, "There is no such thing as Yan Guo plucking hair, who is so poisonous! Even the elderly are not spared!"

At this time, everyone completely forgot what Liu Cuifeng and Yan Yongfu did, and expressed deep sympathy for them.

Seeing that Liu Cuifeng was still digging the vegetable field desperately, everyone thought she was frightened crazy, her mind was not working well, and some people went to pull her, but unfortunately they didn't.

This situation continued until the village head and brothers Yan Jianjun came over.

When they saw the scene in the room, they all turned black.

At this time Liu Cuifeng suddenly rushed in front of Yan Jianjun, grabbed his clothes and asked sharply, "Is that you? Did you do it?"

"Mom! Why are you crazy? I built the house you live in, and I paid half of the money for food and clothing. Why would I steal you and Dad and make the house like this?" Yan Jianjun Annoyed, she tried to pull Liu Cuifeng's hand away but couldn't.

Yan Yongfu, who was struggling to come out at this time, also persuaded: "Boss, honestly, did you do it? Don't worry, your mother and I won't make things difficult for you. As long as you hand over the things, you will definitely have half of you." .”

"What? No, what did you lose? It can't be." Yan Jianjun suddenly widened his eyes and exclaimed: "You really."

Seeing his reaction to Yan Yongfu's heart sank instantly, it was not Yan Jianjun who did it.

"You still pretend!" Liu Cuifeng was so angry that she wanted to do it.

Yan Yongfu shouted: "Okay! It has nothing to do with the boss, he didn't steal it."

The other villagers also realized that Yan Yongfu had lost something valuable here, and someone asked curiously: "Uncle Yongfu, what is missing, we can help you find it!"

"Yes, yes, they are all from the same village. Please help if you need help!" Many people echoed.

Yan Yongfu's face was so dark that he said vaguely: "It's nothing, it's just that the money I saved with my wife and one or two valuable things are all lost."

Everyone was stunned, but they could understand it, who would believe that a person of Yan Yongfu's age didn't hide a coffin.

At this moment, someone curiously asked how much it was.

Yan Yongfu randomly compared five fingers.

One person asked, "Five hundred?"

Yan Yongfu shook his head.

"Five thousand!" A group of people gasped, five thousand is worth a family's entire savings, my God!Unexpectedly, Yan Yongfu hid so much money!

Thinking of 5000 yuan being stolen, even everyone who is not their own feels distressed.

Someone suggested calling the police.

Yan Yongfu wanted to refuse at first, but on second thought, he took advantage of the fact that the incident did not make a big noise and called the police, so he retrieved the things and sold them, maybe they wouldn't be known by 3 outsiders, so he didn't say anything more.

Yan Jianjun grabbed the confused Yan Jianshe and was about to call the police. Before he had taken three steps, he saw the policemen walking towards them.

Both brothers were stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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