The villa covers an area of ​​more than 2000 square meters, and there are small private gardens in the front and back yards, with a unique design.

The housekeeper Tao Yong came out to greet Yan Jianguo with a group of people. The moment he saw Yan Jianguo, the eyes of the white-haired old man were wet. He suppressed his excitement and came forward to say hello, "Master, Young Master Sun, Young Mistress Sun, welcome back Home!"

Yan Jianguo and Lin Liqing were a little scared, Lin Liqing was better, Yan Jianguo didn't know where his hands and feet were, and Yan Mimi, who was in his arms, stared at Tao Yong curiously.

Wen Liancheng got out of the car, patted Tao Yong on the shoulder, and said in a solemn and solemn voice, giving people a strong sense of oppression, "It's been hard for you during this time, let's take everyone in to rest first, and send the wife's bones to the mourning hall."

"Yes" Tao Yong responded respectfully.

Luo Mingkang who was behind hurriedly said: "Uncle, I have to go back first, and I will come back on the day my cousin is buried."

Wen Liancheng turned around, smiled at Luo Mingkang, and nodded, "Okay, you go back and have a good rest, we'll talk about it after the project in Southeast Asia."

"Don't worry, you are busy first." Luo Mingkang looked at Yan Jianguo and said: "During this time, learn from your grandfather and recognize people."

Yan Jianguo nodded, and led his family and Wen Liancheng into the villa. The family was arranged in a bedroom suite on the east side of the third floor. In addition to a master bedroom, there were two secondary bedrooms, a study room, and a small waiting room. Perhaps Tao Yong knew in advance that they had children, so he decorated the two small second bedrooms into children's rooms, with many toys in them.

Lin Liqing's jaw dropped in shock from the luxurious and top-notch decoration. Several children looked up at the crystal lights on the roof and almost knocked down the wall.

The nannies who were working all looked normal, without any sign of ridicule or contempt.

Lin Liqing became more and more curious about the Wen family. She remembered that when she was a nanny in a rich family, although there were a lot of rules, the people who worked were not as well-educated as this group of people. That's what writers pay attention to.

She didn't understand that she didn't want to for the time being, put the luggage into the closet, and let the nanny who followed him out, and then began to roll on the bed, and the four children also had a great time playing.

Yan Mingchao said excitedly: "Mom and Dad, is this the home of Grandpa Zeng? His home is so big, even bigger than ours!"

"Brother, there are many beautiful dolls in the room of my sister and I, so beautiful, come and take a look." Yan Huanhuan was rarely so excited, laughing like crazy.

The couple also followed to find out. When they saw the dolls on the entire wall, Yan Jianguo's eyes almost fell out, "These are all prepared by Grandpa Zeng for you, don't get dirty."

Lin Liqing sighed: "Grandpa has a heart."

The two looked at the girl's room, then went to the boy's room next door and walked around. The boy's house was full of toy cars, all kinds of tanks, toy guns, and balls of different patterns. The couple have been speechless.

Back in the master bedroom, Lin Liqing opened all the closets, only to find that only the one where they just put their luggage was empty. The other closets were full of men's and women's clothes, as well as bags, shoes, and several sets of jewelry. Everything they should have was there. No difference.

The husband and wife were lamenting that Wen Liancheng was fully prepared.

In the study, Tao Yong was reporting to Wen Liancheng about his official duties during this period, as well as the arrangements for Yin Ruolan's funeral, "Master, the entire Yin family has arrived, and the branch of the third-bedroom Lian family in England has also come, as well as the young lady." Mrs. Qiao, whom I made friends with while I was alive, is here."

"I haven't contacted the Lian family for decades. I thought they would never return to China!" This time Wen Liancheng was going to have Yin Ruolan's grand burial. All the people who would come have come.

Tao Yong said respectfully: "I heard that the current situation abroad is not as good as before, and the domestic economy is booming. It is also expected that they want to return to China for development."

"Hmph! Don't worry about them, don't think that I don't know what their wishful thinking is. I didn't find a grandson before, and they just wanted to inherit my property in the future. If they didn't make a will in advance, those people still wouldn't give up! Now that I know I must be in a hurry to find my grandson, send more people to watch over them during the funeral to protect Jianguo's family."

Wen Liancheng didn't have a good impression of these relatives of the same family. When the Wen family had no accidents, everyone fought like black corns, plotting openly and secretly. For the sake of it, he had already shot those people.

"Master, don't worry, I have arranged the manpower. There will definitely be no problem." Tao Yong said confidently. He has worked in Wen's family all his life, and he has never seen such a big storm. There is no need to worry about such a small matter. Thinking of these two days Hearing some things, Tao Yong couldn't help frowning, "Master, there is one more thing, it has to do with the young lady's former friend, Mrs. Zhong Ling of the Qiao family."

The second day after Wen Liancheng came back, the phone calls at Wen's villa suddenly became lively, and they were all calling to make appointments to visit.

Yan Jianguo's family accompanied Wen Liancheng to have breakfast.The phone in the living room had already rang five times, and if Wen Liancheng hadn't looked calm, both of them would have wanted to answer the phone.

Just after breakfast, a group of people came to the door.

The man at the head was in high spirits. When he saw Yan Jianguo, his eyes were full of tears. He excitedly stepped forward and hugged him, "My poor nephew, you have suffered all these years!"

Wen Liancheng introduced from the side: "Jianguo, this is your uncle, your mother's elder brother."

Yan Jianguo was a little embarrassed, "Uncle."

"Okay, okay." Yin Hankun looked at Lin Liqing and the little pineapple heads with tears of joy.

Lin Liqing hurriedly led the child to call for someone, she was very generous and not at all petty.

Yin Hankun was a little surprised, but he quickly covered it up, "Okay, okay, you can come back, Uncle Wen will have no regrets in this life!"

After the meeting gift was given out, a group of people sat down to talk, mainly around Yin Ruolan's funeral. During this period, Yin Hankun's wife, Fu Xuemei, kept talking to Lin Liqing, most of which were Fu Xuemei's questions, and she answered them.

Even when talking about her unremarkable natal family, she didn't look embarrassed in the slightest. On the contrary, she revealed a kind of self-confidence of a strong woman, and her conversation was appropriate, which made her look like a cultural person.

After learning that Lin Liqing and Yan Jianguo were both attending night school and preparing to take the college entrance examination, everyone in the Yin family was shocked.

After returning from Wen's house, Fu Xuemei glared at her youngest daughter-in-law Xiao Yu angrily, "Is this the unsophisticated and ugly country woman you said?"

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