Chapter 227 Go Back
At the bottom of his heart, he still couldn't figure out why he had such parents. Now that he revealed the mystery of his life experience, he would naturally stop thinking about what his adoptive parents did to him.

"That's it, why are you so uncomfortable?" Lin Liqing stared at him without blinking her big eyes.

Wen Jianguo frowned, changed his posture, and faced Lin Liqing face to face, "You seem to be right in saying that, but there seems to be something wrong! I'm glad I met my grandfather, but I don't like this kind of intrigue life. Be happy! You have a house, a car, and so much money, you are free, you can do what you like, can you still be like that now?"

"Why not?" Lin Liqing was a little surprised, and said: "You think, we worked so hard, isn't it just to strive for results and keep going up? Now it's just reaching the summit ahead of time, and all the melancholy you feel is just because you don't adapt. , just figure it out.”

Wen Jianguo was startled, then laughed suddenly, jumped up and down on the bed several times excitedly, "Daughter-in-law, you are still the smartest, I figured it out!"

Lin Liqing shook her head, expressing her incomprehension about his sudden madness.

Early the next morning, after the whole family had breakfast with Wen Liancheng, Wen Jianguo proposed to return to the mainland. His own business was still in the hands of others, so he was worried that he hadn't gone back for so long.

Wen Liancheng sighed, and smiled helplessly, "I knew you wouldn't be able to stay here with your temperament, so I would go back if I wanted to. I haven't notified my relatives and friends on the mainland about recognizing relatives. I thought about it last night. For the sake of your safety, it is better to temporarily block your news, so as to minimize your danger.

After you go back, do business if you want to do business, study if you want to study, and live a good life. Grandpa is waiting for you to make your business bigger and stronger, and when the time comes, you will announce to everyone that you are my grandson! "

"Grandpa." Wen Jianguo's eyes turned red instantly.

Wen Wenchao and the others also ran over to surround Wen Liancheng, feeling very reluctant. During this time, they got along very well with Grandpa Zeng. Grandpa Zeng was responsive to their requests, and they didn't want to leave Grandpa Zeng.

No matter how reluctant the children were, the whole family went back to pack their luggage and prepared to leave for the mainland the next morning.

The family finally returned to the villa in Yulan Lane, Baishui City after several rounds. After they went to Xiangjiang, Chen Meiyun also moved to Lin Guosheng to live with Lin Changmin, but they would come to clean the house every two days. The room was similar to before leaving, clean Clean and tidy, the bedding still exudes the smell of sunshine.

Wen Huanhuan sighed: "Mom and Dad, it's better to be at home, I like this home."

Wen Wenchao followed suit and nodded, "Xiangjiang's house is bigger than ours, and there are many fun things to do, but it's not fun to have people follow you when you go out!"

"Look outside." Lin Liqing pointed out the window amusedly.

Wen Wenchao and Wen Huanhuan opened their mouths instantly, "Uncle Zou, Uncle Tang, Uncle Li, Uncle Luo, why are they all here?"

They weren't there when they were clearly on the plane.

Wen Jianguo patted the children's heads and said, "This is the bodyguard given to you by Grandpa Zeng. They will follow you in the future, so your mother and I can rest assured."

The two children looked like eggplants beaten by Shuang in an instant. The twins didn't understand, and they laughed so happily that they rushed over to be hugged by the bodyguards.

When Chen Meiyun came over, she was taken aback by the big men at the door, and asked loudly, "Who are you? What are you doing at my house?"

She tried to use her loud voice to call all the neighbors around to cheer her up.

A group of bodyguards in black all turned their heads, and Chen Meiyun was so frightened that she almost sat down on the ground.

Lin Liqing ran out and shouted in surprise, "Mom! We're back!"

Chen Meiyun changed her face in an instant, and the eyes of the children were shining brightly, "Hey, grandma's sweetheart!"

Lin Liqing: "." So love will disappear, right?
Why does she think the picture of our mother-in-law and grandson loving each other is a bit dazzling!
"Mom, your daughter is here." Lin Liqing tried to get Chen Meiyun's attention.

However, Chen Meiyun hugged the baby and ignored her, and went straight into the lobby, "When did you arrive, why didn't you notify me? We can pick you up too!"

Wen Jianguo came out of the room and grinned at Chen Meiyun, "Mom, we just arrived. My grandfather arranged a car for me and Li Qing. Someone drove us back after we got off the plane."

"Yes, yes, our family has a car, grandma, I'll show you." Wen Wenchao excitedly dragged Chen Meiyun out of the alley.

Chen Meiyun saw those two cars on the way here, but she didn't connect them with her daughter and son-in-law. Now that she knew that the car belonged to her, she couldn't put it down. "This is something more expensive than a house. It can't be placed here. It will be over if it is stolen!"

Lin Liqing, who followed, was speechless when she heard this family, "Mom, who can move the car away? If he has the ability, I can give him the car."

"Bah, bah, can you talk! Let me tell you, don't cherish money if you have money. This is a small car! How many of us in the city can afford to drive this kind of four-wheeled thing? How about you You can park your car in the factory, there is a spacious place, and there is a shed, so you won’t be afraid of the wind, the sun, the rain, how great it is!" The more Chen Meiyun thought about it, the more she felt that this idea was good.

Lin Liqing didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Mom, grandpa gave us the car for transportation. Why put it in the factory? For an exhibition?"

"That can't just be left on the side of the road like this!" Chen Meiyun played her childish temper displeasedly.

At this moment, Yan Jianguo came out, looked at the old houses around, and said, "Why don't you buy two old houses and renovate them to use them as garages."

I heard that this car is imported from abroad, and one wheel can buy a house. It seems that it is not so unacceptable to buy two houses for these two cars.

Chen Meiyun didn't understand, she was dizzy when she heard this, "Come on, I don't care if you are rich and willful."

After she finished speaking, she walked back arrogantly. Lin Liqing and Wen Jianguo thought she was angry, but the old lady suddenly turned around and said, "Hurry up if you want to buy it! The car can't be left outside all the time."

Couple: "."

Now that Wen Jianguo has someone in his hands, buying a house is just a one-sentence matter. He just finished talking in the morning, and the real estate certificate can be issued in the afternoon.

In less than three days, the garage was done.

After recovering, Lin Liqing and Wen Jianguo immediately went to the factory to hand over work to Li Muxing.

After Li Muxing reported the performance of the past few days, Lin Liqing was stunned, "Manager Li, yes! It's only been a few days, and the order has doubled, tell me! Did you use your relationship to help me?"

(End of this chapter)

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