Han Zao hurriedly explained the situation, feeling very helpless, "They have been looking for a job for several days, and they said that the state-owned factory would be fine if they didn't lay off workers. , it’s okay boss, if you don’t need anyone here, I’ll explain to them when I go back.”

Lin Liqing was lost in thought, and after a while she pondered: "It's not that I don't need people here, it's just that they don't necessarily have to do professional related work when they come here. It's not easy to study art. Wouldn't it be a pity if they don't do related work after graduation."

Han Zao immediately shook his head, "Boss, that's not the case. You don't know that there are not many jobs suitable for technical secondary school art students like us. There are too many monks and few food, and we have no background. It is too difficult to get into a good unit. If you don't get into a good unit In terms of units, the money earned from those jobs after graduation may not be able to support myself, so what about painting.”

Lin Liqing didn't understand the employment prospects of art students, so she said immediately after hearing the words: "Well, you tell them that I need a photographer, makeup and stylist here, and there is a photo studio in the provincial capital that will open soon, and I will also need it at that time." Photographers, makeup stylists, and hospitality salespersons.

Although salespersons do not need any diplomas, I run a photo studio after all. It is best for salespersons to have a certain professional aesthetic, and salespersons also have commissions. The salary structure is different from that of photographers and stylists.

In addition to these, I also have a garment factory over there, which requires designers. If you are confident in your own aesthetics, you can also go to a garment factory for an internship, but the premise is that designers are different from other positions, and I need to spend energy on my side. Training, it takes at least one or two years to complete the design work independently, and a long-term labor contract is required. Before that, I only pay the basic living wage, which may be 25 yuan a month.

After being able to design independently, the monthly salary is 50 yuan, which is the basic salary. At the end of the year, depending on the sales of the designer's works, if the sales are good, there will be a high commission. "

She has long wanted to train designers by herself, but to be honest, there are not many talents she can fancy, and the people she fancy may not agree to those requests. After all, most talented people have their own pride. A long-term contract is equivalent to prostitution, which is why she didn't take the initiative to mention it.

Han Zao had just left the society and was very innocent, so she wrote down Lin Liqing's words without thinking too much. After get off work, she went back to school, invited Mu Jingjing and the others to the cafeteria, and explained the situation one by one.

When everyone heard that they were really recruiting, Mu Jingjing immediately said excitedly: "I'm going to be a designer!"

Everyone looked at her in surprise.

Zhou Shujuan said: "Jingjing, what are you thinking? If you want me to say, it would be better to apply for that photographer, no matter how bad you are as a makeup and stylist! You just have to go to the provincial capital."

"I think the salesperson is pretty good." He Xue whispered, seeing everyone staring at her, she quickly explained: "I think so, the basic salary of the salesperson will not be too low no matter what. Cheng, the studio business here is so good, and the provincial capital is more prosperous, the business should not be bad!"

What she needs most now is money. Use money to prove herself, use money to improve her parents' lives, and use money to slap those people in the village.

"It's true that you say that. The business of our photo studio is really good. I told you two days ago that the orders are scheduled for next month, but now they are scheduled for three months. The boss also feels that the pressure is too great, so This side needs to recruit more people." Han Zao told what he knew.

He Xue became more and more convinced that her idea was correct. Another point is that people in the village would envy her when she went to work in the provincial capital. Even if she worked as a salesperson there, no one would know what she didn't say.

Because the position she was interviewing for had the least technical content, and no one competed with her, she was recruited right away.

Mu Jingjing wanted to interview an apprentice fashion designer. Lin Liqing was more cautious about this, and specially looked at her previous art works. The two talked for about two hours. When they came out, Mu Jingjing breathed a sigh of relief and almost felt weak. up.

The others hurried forward and asked in a low voice, "How is it? Is it okay?"

"I don't know!" Mu Jingjing was a little apprehensive, looking at Zhou Shujuan and Yao Ruping, "What about you?"

Zhou Shujuan sighed, "I don't know yet! The boss told us to go back and wait for the notice."

"It's all right, then go back and wait to see, there will be good news." Han Zao comforted.

Zhou Shujuan nodded, gritted her teeth and said, "At worst, I will also be a salesperson."

Lin Liqing told them just now that the branch in the provincial capital needs two salespersons, because the distance makes it inconvenient to manage. She hopes to recruit some employees from here. They all work in the same place, and the working environment is relatively harmonious. Come to Lin Liqing I am not afraid of what the employees do to make the studio feel bad. After all, everyone knows the basics, and everyone will lose face.

But now He Xue is the only one who has interviewed the salesperson, that is, one more person is needed.

Seeing that Zhou Shujuan was so open-minded, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

After get off work that day, Lin Liqing called Han Zao over to chat with her roommates again, and she also made up her mind.

In the end, Mu Jingjing was recruited into a clothing factory as an intern designer, He Xue went to the provincial capital as a salesperson, Zhou Shujuan stayed at the main store in Baishui City to learn makeup and styling from a professional first, Yao Ruping went to the provincial city branch as an apprentice stylist, a dormitory for five Individuals, all found work.

The two who went to the provincial capital had to wait for the decoration to open before they could officially go to work. During this time, they helped in the photo studio and studied with professionals. After hearing Han Zao's talk about the staff dormitory building, everyone was fascinated and unanimously decided to move out.

Just as they were going to the dormitory to pack their luggage, Wang Yan, who had disappeared for a few days, finally showed up. Seeing her happy face, everyone looked at each other.

Without waiting for them to guess, Wang Yan proudly raised the internship contract in her hand, and said to Yao Ruping and He Xue: "I have just been admitted by the state-owned factory, let's go, I invite you to the cafeteria for dinner!"

As she said that, she glanced arrogantly at Mu Jingjing and Zhou Shujuan. Treating guests to dinner was just incidental, and the point of her coming back was to show off.

It's a pity that she didn't see the expected face change, Zhou Shujuan and Mu Jingjing didn't respond.

Yao Ruping smiled and said: "Wang Yan, congratulations, you don't need to eat, we still have to pack our luggage, and we have to go to work tomorrow."

"Go to work?" Wang Yan's complexion changed, and she blurted out to ask: "Have you found a job?"

The tone of her words made Yao Ruping frowned, "Yeah, haven't you found a job too?"

Yao Ruping has a straight temper and speaks directly.

Wang Yan choked, holding her breath in her chest for a moment, and asked in a forced and gentle way: "What unit did you find? How is the treatment?"

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