"And then?" Lin Liqing was confused.

Yi Haiqian didn't play around with her, and said directly: "Zheng Li has no enemies, but Yu Rongguang's. Don't you guys always suspect that he has punished Su Yi and his wife?"

Lin Liqing understood immediately, and said with a sullen face, "Director Yi, you think I'm a gangster! I'm a good citizen, and I'm a decent businessman. No matter what, it's impossible for me to do such a thing! I have a debtor, even if I want to trouble Yu Rongguang, I can't deal with his mother!"

Yi Haixuan couldn't stop nodding, "That's the truth, that's why I secretly asked you to come over and ask, if not, I can avoid some detours here."

Lin Liqing frowned and asked back: "Director Yi, I didn't say that Yu Rongguang is quite filial. When her mother didn't come home four hours late, he hurried to call the police. Didn't he say that he didn't care much? What the hell do you know, that's why Yu Rongguang is so nervous?"

After being told by Lin Liqing, Yi Haixuan himself began to doubt.

After leaving the Public Security Bureau, Lin Liqing went directly to Li Muxing, and asked in a low voice in the office, "Do you know what the hell is going on with Yu Rongguang?"

Li Muxing said: "Young Madam Sun, I can find some information here, but it will take time."

Lin Liqing understood instantly, and didn't ask any more questions.

After wiping off the water stains on the table, Lin Liqing left, and Yi Haiqian never looked for her again. She should make money, take care of the children when she should, and ignore everything else when she is busy.

At this moment, the police who had been watching Su's house caught a suspicious person.

Lin Liqing thought it was Yu Rongguang showing his feet, but in the end Ye Guangwei was caught. Everyone's joy fell through, and Ye Guangwei had to be punched and kicked.

Ye Guangwei was in so much pain that he repeatedly begged for mercy: "Don't hit me, don't hit me anymore. Forgive me, I'll tell you a secret!"

"Bah!" Xu Hui spit on the ground, and shouted angrily, "What kind of secrets can a bastard like you have! Tell me, are you still thinking about my sister-in-law's shop?"

"No, no." Ye Guangwei waved his head and hands in fright, "I really have a secret about the Su family. I saw that man climbing the wall that night!"

As soon as the words fell, Lin Liqing hurriedly stopped everyone, asked the bodyguard to pick up Ye Guangwei, and asked, "What does that man look like?"

Ye Guangwei said weakly: "I didn't see it clearly, but I know he is about 1.7 meters five, and he is left-handed! It was very dark at that time, so I saw a hazy look. The man was standing on the top of the wall, as if he was about to climb up. After trying several times without success, he didn’t know what happened later, so he jumped off the wall and ran away in a hurry!”

"How did you see that?" Lin Liqing's eyes were sharp.

Ye Guangwei shrank his neck, not daring to look at Lin Liqing, "I was right there at the time."

Following the direction of Ye Guangwei's finger, everyone gasped suddenly.

Xu Hui slapped her directly, "Okay! It turned out to be a thief!"

"No, no. They said that my sister lived on the second floor before. I wanted to sneak up to see if she was really hiding there. I didn't steal anything!" Ye Guangwei defended in a panic.

"How could you have seen it by such a coincidence?" Xu Hui didn't believe it.

Ye Guangwei said with a guilty conscience: "I, I, I often climb."

Xu Hui immediately slapped her down.

The windows on the second floor of the bakery have been replaced with glass windows with iron railings. Even if Ye Guangwei climbs every day, he can only peep and cannot get in.

Lin Liqing believed his words for the time being, and said: "Now you go with me to the Public Security Bureau and tell the police what you just said. The more carefully you say it, the less I will pursue your problem. If the Su family's problem is solved, maybe I will still I'll give you money too!"

When he heard Qian, Ye Guangwei's eyes lit up instantly, as if they could glow, he nodded vigorously, and followed Lin Liqing away.

When the police saw Ye Guangwei with a bruised nose and a swollen face, he said in a bad tone, "What's wrong with you? Where did you touch porcelain?"

No wonder the police said that, the three of Ye's family had been arguing in the square outside the department store for so long before, and Qin Liguo called the police countless times, even if they didn't want to know Ye Guangwei.

In addition, this guy was caught wandering around other people's homes for no reason, and now he has just been released and came back again, which is simply a naked thorn.

Lin Liqing stepped forward and said with a polite smile: "Hi, Comrade Police, this gentleman has important information to share."


Lin Liqing was waiting beside Ye Guangwei when he was taking notes, and no one drove her away.

Ye Guangwei is such an idiot. He talks about people when he sees people, and talks about people when he sees ghosts. Making a record is like talking about cross talk. After talking about the characteristics of the person who climbed the wall, he continued: "Also! That biker I also know the guy who hit people on purpose."

"Cough cough cough" Lin Liqing looked over in disbelief, her expression seemed to be asking why you didn't speak just now.

Ye Guangwei was very proud, and said: "I was squatting outside the alley, after all, I wanted to catch my sister! That man ran past me in a panic, and I looked up to see his face clearly."

Needless to say, the police took Ye Guangwei directly to paint the suspect's portrait. Considering the direction in which the man fled, the Public Security Bureau has made new progress.

At the same time, the forensic doctor went to investigate the crime scene again, and found a small key in the crack of the brick. It had a special shape and was not an ordinary iron lock key.

Yi Haiqian took someone to Mei Ruoyu's house again, and opened all the locked places in the other's house, but found nothing. Instead, the police who went to Yu's old house to investigate Zheng Li's disappearance found a locked room in Zheng Li's room. The iron box fits well with that key.

Yu Rongguang didn't know when his mother put such an iron box, let alone what was inside, so he said worriedly: "Comrade policeman, this box has nothing to do with my mother's disappearance, can you return it to me?"

The two policemen looked at each other and put the things back silently, but they did not leave, but stayed at Yu's old house waiting for news.

Yi Haiqian took the key out immediately after receiving the news, entered Zheng Li's room on the grounds of investigation, inserted the key, turned it twice, and the box opened.

Everyone in the room was extremely nervous, staring at the iron box without blinking.

Yi Haiqian opened the tin box abruptly, and took out a few sheets of paper on it, all of which were Zheng Li's physical examination reports, which was nothing unusual, but underneath were two color ultrasound reports and a blood test report, both of which were Mei Ruoyu's.

Yi Haiqian took the box and asked someone to control Yu Rongguang, and asked, "What's the matter with this box? Why is Mei Ruoyu's inspection report inside?"

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