At the dining table, Xu Hui said to the two of them: "I knew that I would have let my family take the exam."

Lin Liqing immediately persuaded: "Sister-in-law, everyone has their own choice, brother, how good it is now! The profit of the slaughterhouse is stable, even better than that of the meat joint factory. Even if other factories close down, it will not affect it. Besides, My elder brother needs to help with the family business, if he really passes the exam, you should be troubled!"

In his previous life, Lin Guosheng worked in a slaughterhouse until he retired. Although the slaughterhouse is inconspicuous, it has survived the wave of factory closures. Later, it was transformed into a state-owned enterprise. The benefits are very good, and it is almost an inheritance system. Passing on to a son or nephew, outsiders would have no place to enter, and they would not be able to find a way out. She couldn't let Xu Hui lose such a good job.

Xu Hui had a blind admiration for Lin Liqing. When Lin Liqing said this, she immediately stopped thinking, "You are right, although your elder brother is tired, but the benefits are good, and we have an internal price for the meat, so we really can't exchange it. .”

Seeing that Xu Hui had rested her mind, Lin Liqing also heaved a sigh of relief.

Yu Xiaoping smiled and said, "Sister-in-law, the situation in Guoan is different. He has been laid off, and he doesn't know what to do if he doesn't take the civil service exam."

"Yes, yes, Su Yi's garment factory hasn't closed down yet, but it's close to closing down. If you don't change jobs quickly, it will be too late for you to be laid off! He's different from my second brother. My second brother can still work if he doesn't have a job. Helping the family is a lot of work, and our family doesn't need him to sell clothes, if he is laid off, he will be our family's idle food." After Lin Lishu finished speaking, she glanced at Su Yi.

Su Yi seemed to have a feeling, and smiled this way, making everyone amused, but he was dumbfounded.

"This idiot!" Lin Lishu laughed and cursed, but didn't say anything else.

After the celebration, Lin Liqing and Wen Jianguo devoted all their energies to their studies. English was their weakest point. In order to learn English well, the professor made a rule that they could only communicate in English. I didn't dare to speak very much. After a long time, I was able to communicate a few words normally, but the couple were so happy that they studied harder.

As the time for the college entrance examination approached, Lin Liqing didn't even want to ask about eating. She had to go through the questions explained by the teacher several times a day to chew through.

The old professors were also very relieved to see it. They didn't expect much from Lin Liqing and Wen Jianguo before they came, it was just a matter of being entrusted with loyalty.

I didn't expect these two to work so hard. Although the foundation is a bit weak, hard work can make up for it. When they first came, the two of them struggled to pass the college entrance examination. After half a year, they can pass the key universities. If they really After passing the entrance examination, several old professors can also get a lot of benefits. The specifics will not be known until the results of the college entrance examination come out.

The day before the college entrance examination, Chen Meiyun even secretly took the four children to live with Lin Guosheng, just to let them take the exam at ease.

Su Yuan on the side of the Su family will also end up together. She has a good background, and she has to take tests from time to time at the hospital, plus she is stimulated by Yu Rongguang's incident. underestimate.

The three entered the examination room together. After the examination, everyone breathed a sigh of relief as if they had won a battle.

Chen Meiyun saw that the couple lost weight because of the college entrance examination, and felt very distressed. She went to the two daughters-in-law's and bought a lot of good things to make up for them when she went back.

It happened that Li Muxing drove over and brought a bunch of seafood, which made Chen Meiyun very happy, and the others followed suit.

Mother Su widened her eyes and asked, "Xiao Li, where did you buy these seafood? I'll buy some too. You don't know, my daughter is so skinny now that she took the college entrance examination. I don't even want to talk about it." Well, a juicy fruit has been boiled into a dried fruit!"

Li Muxing laughed, "Auntie, I'll bring some if you want, but you can't buy it outside."

"What do you mean?" Mother Su was confused.

Li Muxing can only explain to everyone, "Before, Young Master Sun said that our Baishui City has a good geographical environment, which is suitable for the growth of crops, and it is a coastal city, suitable for the development of seafood farming. Ren Xiaodao built a factory, and the seafood benefits given to the factory workers at the end of last year all came from that farm. Now I have harvested another batch. I only have a little bit here. Later, trucks will transport a large number of them to surrounding towns for sale. .”

Everyone looked suddenly enlightened.

Mother Su smiled and said, "Then I won't be polite to you. I'll make up for how much money I have. Auntie is not short of this money, so I can't take advantage of you for nothing."

Li Muxing nodded, "That's fine, Auntie will give you some capital and you'll get it, one of your own."

Now Mother Su has nothing to say.

What Li Muxing brought back were huge oysters and sea prawns, as well as some colorful sea fish, which they had never seen before.

Yu Xiaoping also sells aquatic products, so she knew a little bit about it, so she asked, "Is this kind of shrimp wild?"

Li Muxing gave her a thumbs up, "You have good eyesight. Except for the oysters, everything else here is caught by fishing boats. They are pure wild. I brought them back as soon as they landed. You see, they are all alive."

"This is a rare and good thing!" Yu Xiaoping exclaimed, and everyone looked at each other, throwing money at each other to divide up these things. Fortunately, Chen Meiyun acted quickly and saved a quarter, which was enough Wen Jianguo's family ate.

When Lin Liqing saw these seafood, she asked about it and realized that Li Muxing had done such a big thing quietly, so she hurried to ask Wen Jianguo.

Wen Jianguo chuckled and said: "Manager Li is really a practical person. We chatted for a long time before, and he took care of it later. At that time, you were busy studying, so I didn't tell you. Heart."

Lin Liqing was so excited that she urged Wen Jianguo to explain.

Wen Jianguo said, "That island is in Dongshui County. Dongshui County originally had an island connected to the mainland called Dongshui Island. Almost all fishermen live on the island. Li Muxing's desire to build a factory there is not small. , so he had no choice but to give up and choose an uninhabited deserted island closest to Dongshui Island to rent.

It takes more than half an hour to sail to that island, only about 3000 mu. There used to be villages on it, but more than half of them were slaughtered by pirates in the early years, and the rest were all moved to Dongshui Island. After the reform and opening up, some people wanted to go back. However, it is inconvenient to travel on the deserted island, and there is no electricity there, so life is difficult, and the people who moved back left again.

We wanted to rent that island, and the government of Dongshui County was overjoyed. Not only did they charge a low rent, but they also made it easier for us. It took Li Muxing two or three days to complete the formalities, and we rented it for 20 years in one go. He hired people to build those farms, and I didn't intervene. Now that our exams are over, do you want to go and have a look? "

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