Chapter 275 Wholesale Seafood
Wen Jianguo laughed out loud when he heard the words, "How could you do that! Also, we are renting land, not buying land. The government didn't say to sell it to us, but we have the right to lease it first. Now it is one mu of land. Five yuan, the annual rent for the entire island is about 20 yuan, 10,000 years is 30+, the construction of farms and houses cost almost 100 yuan, and the introduction of equipment cost more than 200 million yuan, and the total investment was almost [-] million yuan."

Lin Liqing breathed a sigh of relief, "It's less than I expected."

She thought that such a big investment would cost tens of millions, so she felt relieved, so she quickly went to bed, fell asleep in a daze, and woke up again after one o'clock in the noon.

The first floor of the villa was very lively, full of voices, it seemed that everyone had recovered.

Li Muxing brought a bunch of fresh seafood over, invited a local cook to the island, and cooked a sumptuous seafood feast for everyone.

This is the first time that everyone has eaten so many kinds of seafood, all of them are like bumpkins who have entered the city, their eyes are not enough to see, the toad fish is too ugly, but the taste is too delicious, all kinds of shrimp Why do they look similar after cooking?There are also oysters, which are as big as a shoehorn and cannot be eaten in one bite.

The man stared at the oysters and squeezed them vigorously. It would be even more beautiful if he had another glass of wine.

Children like crabs, and the island is full of red sturgeon, each of which is as big as a plate, filling them up. Women like sea fish with less meat and tender meat, and a few are eaten up in one go.

Seeing that everyone was eating enough, Li Muxing suggested: "It is inconvenient to travel around the island, and the surrounding area has been turned into a breeding farm. The place farther from the sea is a processing factory, and there is also a farm where a lot of fruits and vegetables are grown. , raised chickens, ducks, geese and pigs, everyone can make whatever they want to eat, I will take you around now."

Everyone is from the countryside, and they don’t care about farms. They all went to the seaside. There are everything in the farm. Li Muxing took everyone to visit. As long as everyone likes it, he will tell the staff to send a batch to the villa soon. , Only take them to the port again, from here they can go fishing by boat.

Men are very interested in this kind of thing, and they all expressed their desire to go out and try.

So Li Muxing asked someone to get a boat and equipment, and took them out to sea.

Lin Liqing hadn't experienced it before, so she went along with her. I have to say that the scenery on the sea is really infinitely good, but the sun is also very hot. If you stare at the sea for a long time, your eyes will blur and your head will get dizzy.

Lin Changmin claimed to be a seasoned fisherman, but compared to Jiang Taigong, he could catch fish without bait. Su's father was not convinced, saying that he could catch sharks.

Li Muxing almost fell into the sea in fright, "Uncle, do you know how big a shark is?"

"How big can it be! When I was young, I caught a fish weighing more than 40 catties in the Guanglan River together!" Father Su said proudly.

Li Muxing gave him a thumbs up and said, "Uncle, the biggest shark must weigh several tons."

Father Su: "."

Lin Changmin laughed loudly, and said mockingly, "You're still catching sharks! I think it's sharks catching you!"

The two old urchins quarreled for no apparent reason.

Wen Jianguo suddenly shouted: "Come on, it seems that a fish has been bitten."

A group of men rushed over excitedly, eager to take up the line for him.

I have to say that Wen Jianguo was lucky. He caught a big yellow-finned fish in his first sea fishing. It was estimated to weigh five or six catties, but it surprised everyone.

The two old men stopped arguing now, and they were ready to catch big fish with all their strength, no matter what, they couldn't lose to the young people, right?
Lin Liqing was wearing a light veil and looked at them amusedly, and occasionally looked up at the blue sky, her heart seemed to open up.

The sea fishing group went out in the afternoon and came back in the evening. Only Wen Jianguo had the most harvest, and the others caught a few small fish, which were not even enough to fit between the teeth.

In the villa, everyone was tired of playing and waiting to eat. The children were the happiest. They brought back the conch shells and pebbles they picked up. They looked better than anyone else in the villa. They also agreed that they would go to the sea together in the middle of the night.

The adults are also looking forward to it, all waiting for the midnight activity.

It was almost two o'clock in the morning, the tide went out, everyone was shouted, escorted by the bodyguards, a group of people went to the beach, the light shone, they almost danced with joy, the children stepped on an octopus that was washed up, I screamed again and again in fright.

The employees of the farm are locals, and they are not surprised. Under their leadership, everyone returned with a rewarding experience.

The next day, everyone slept until almost noon before getting up.

Time to go back after lunch.

The children were reluctant, and the adults didn't have enough fun, and they were still thinking about catching the sea. The Yan Jianjun brothers didn't forget their business, and asked Li Muxing about the price of seafood here.

Li Muxing said directly: "If you go to the fishing village to buy it yourself, it will definitely be cheaper, but transportation is a big trouble. If you all want to wholesale seafood and sell it back, I can wholesale it to you. We have professional transport vehicles. Every day in the middle of the night It's exactly five o'clock in the morning when we arrive in the city, and you can sell the freshest seafood by setting up stalls in the market."

Yan Jianjun immediately thought about it, "Well, let's wholesale some and sell them back. No one in the town sells live seafood yet, so the business is not bad!"

Wen Jianguo smiled and said, "Let's not talk about the town, there is no one selling it in the city, even my second brother's place mainly sells freshwater fish and shrimp."

"Jianguo, don't forget me, I want too." Yu Xiaoping said hastily.

Wen Jianguo nodded repeatedly.

It was almost dark the day after the group went back, and after two days out, everyone was tired from playing, and the children were so dark that Huang Yulian and Zhou Xiaoe almost didn't dare to recognize them when they saw them.

"It's only been two days! Why did it become so black? If I stay for a few more days, it won't turn into coal?" Huang Yulian looked at Yan Qiaoqiao with disgust. A girl in her teens will be able to marry in a few years. Yes, but you can't be dismissed like this.

Yan Qiaoqiao didn't care, and pointed at Yan Mingqiang with a playful smile, "Mom, go talk about my brother, I'm much whiter than him."

"Yes, no one will see him when he goes out at night." Huang Yulian stared at her son incomprehensibly, frowning so much that she could crush a fly.

Yan Jianjun put down the things he brought back, wiped his sweat, and said, "They went crazy over there, and your son almost lived in the sea with fish and shrimps. Here are the seafood I bought. You can try it too." Taste, the things there are really cheap, and they are all good things. I told Jianguo that we will wholesale some. I will go to the town to set up a stall to sell seafood. If the land at home is too big, I will pay someone to take care of it for a long time.

Jianshe said he was going to ask the owner of the restaurant to see if the boss wanted it, so he would supply seafood to the restaurant. The second one meant that the next-door town would sell it and not compete with us for business. "

"That's great! We have to thank them!" Huang Yulian was so happy that she couldn't help but dream that they were making a lot of money selling seafood.

(End of this chapter)

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