Chapter 29 Repayment
Yu Xiaoping didn't refuse, and said with a smile: "It seems that you really have a lot of money, if that's the case, I won't be polite to you."

When Xu Hui came over in the afternoon, Lin Liqing also said the same thing. After paying back the seven hundred, she felt a lot more relaxed. Now, the money owed to her eldest sister and parents has not yet been paid.

Thinking of Lin Lishu, Lin Liqing thought about sending the three hundred over in three or four days, and brought some snacks to thank her sister-in-law.

Three or four days later, Lin Li closed the shop before it was dark. She put the money she had prepared in advance into the pocket inside her cotton coat, packed several freshly baked snacks, and then went out.

Lin Lishu's home is in the family building, not far from her shop. Usually everyone is busy, and the couple always work overtime, so they don't have time to go to her shop.

The Su family was a little surprised when they saw Lin Liqing come to the door.

Mother Su took Lin Liqing's bag and beckoned her into the room with a smile on her face.

Lin Liqing also explained the purpose of her visit, "Auntie, I happen to be free today, so I just came over to sit down. It's nothing, don't be busy, by the way, is Yuanyuan at home? She helped me a lot last time, and I haven't been able to meet you in person. Say thank you to her."

Mother Su felt relieved when she heard this, and she grinned and said, "It's a coincidence, Yuanyuan is on the night shift and is not at home. You sit while Auntie pours some sugar water for you."

Lin Liqing tried to dissuade her again, and only after Su's mother went outside to pour water did she wink at Lin Lishu.

Lin Lishu understood, got up and took Lin Liqing to the room.

Lin Liqing swiftly stuffed 300 yuan into her pocket, and said in a low voice, "Take it quickly, don't make any noise, the eldest brother and the second brother have already paid it back, and I'm missing you."

Lin Lishu paused, and cast a reproachful glance at her, "Didn't you slap your face to look fat?"

"How can it be! My brothers and sisters, if I really don't have money, can I come with you?" Lin Liqing said mischievously.

Lin Lishu breathed a sigh of relief, and her smile became much brighter.

She borrowed Lin Liqing three hundred without telling Su Yi, because she was afraid that if the family suddenly needed the money, she wouldn't be able to get it out, and it would be ugly. Lin Liqing returned the money in time, and the burden in her heart disappeared instantly, and her whole body It's a lot easier.

The two talked in the room for a while before they came out. Seeing that it was getting late, Lin Liqing was about to go back. Lin Lishu immediately called Su Yi together. It was not safe for a woman to walk at night.

The couple sent Lin Liqing to her shop before leaving.

On the way, Su Yi sighed and said: "My sister-in-law has really stood up this time. I heard many colleagues in the factory praise her for selling good dim sum. The business will definitely be better in the future."

"That's natural! I don't even look at whose sister it is." Lin Lishu said arrogantly.

The brothers and sisters in her natal family are competitive, and she also has face in her husband's family.

After the two returned home, Su's mother asked about Lin Liqing's bakery, and Lin Lishu also said everything in detail. After Lin Lishu entered the room, Su's mother asked Su Yi in a low voice: "My child's aunt opened a shop, and your wife is the best?" No effort?"

It's impossible for Su's mother to send so many things to the door during the New Year and holidays without thinking about it.

Su Yi laughed in his heart, "Mom, why are you asking so much? Anyway, Lishu didn't ask me for a penny, so how much can she help if she helps herself? Besides, it's okay for someone to open a shop and help me. That sister-in-law's shop is doing very well, so you don't have to worry about it."

Su Mu muttered and nodded, "That's true. If the business is good, you don't have to worry about not having money to pay back."

Su Yi: "."

Su Yi went back to the room and told Lin Lishu about it as a joke.

Lin Lishu paused, lowered her eyes and said, "Will you be unhappy if I really work hard?"

Su Yi raised his glasses and shook his head, "We are all relatives, and it is only right to help when we are in trouble."

Lin Lishu was in a better mood, and said, "Then I won't hide it from you. At that time, my sister borrowed three hundred from me. Today she came to pay back the money."

Su Yi stood up in shock, "So fast! How long has her shop been open!"

He is an accountant, and he is absolutely the first to settle the accounts. It took Lin Liqing only one month to pay back the three hundred, which means that she made more than three hundred this month, and now the monthly salary of the workers is only forty to fifty. The moon can reach people for more than half a year.

Lin Lishu made a comparison, "It has been open for about a month, but she eats with her handicrafts, so I can't envy this kind of thing."

Su Yi nodded in agreement, and joked: "In the future, my sister-in-law may be better than us!"

"That's for sure, aside from other things, now she's bought a house and opened a shop in the city, and we're still earning dead wages!" Lin Lishu suddenly fell silent, looked back at Su Yi, and said seriously: "My child! His dad, how about I go into business too?"

Su Yi frowned suddenly, "What's the matter? Are you jealous? Didn't you say that my sister-in-law eats on the basis of her ability, and other people won't come envious?"

"I didn't say I wanted to be like her!" Lin Lishu sat down next to Su Yi, pondering carefully: "I want to rent a shop to sell things. The relatives of my colleagues' families do business a lot, and they do well. Can we afford to buy a house and a TV in one year? If this continues, the gap with other people will definitely become wider and wider.”

Speaking of which, the combined salary of the two of them is quite a lot, but it is definitely not enough to compare with those in business.

Su Yi asked strangely: "Did you hear something again?"

Lin Lishu remembered what Lin Liqing said to her just now, and after struggling for a while, she finally said to Su Yi, "You know my second brother is a man, he is not the kind who is aimless, and now my elder brother and second brother are both buying houses in the city. Do you want to buy it too?"

The Su family is not a citizen, that's why they were included in the factory's first batch of housing allocation lists. They moved their household registration here after they moved to the family building, but Su's father and Su's mother's household registration is still in the countryside. If they buy a house, they can directly register Under Su's father's name, as long as you don't make it public, no one will go to the bottom of it.

Su Yi's expression gradually became serious, and he pondered for a while before saying: "After a while, I will go to the second uncle to make tea and find out what the specific situation is. If it is really the city government's intention, we can do it again. Not too late."

Lin Lishu breathed a sigh of relief immediately, Su Yi didn't just say it to death, as long as he didn't say it directly, if not, he would brainwash him slowly, anyway, there is nothing she can't do so far anyway.

Lin Liqing went back to the store and counted her savings carefully again, feeling very happy. Although the savings dropped sharply, more than half of the debt was repaid, and the rest was with her parents. She gritted her teeth and worked hard for a few more days, and it was gone. The foreign debt is really easy for her.

The more Lin Liqing thought about it, the more motivated she became, so she locked the drawer and ran downstairs to continue working.

A few days later, a man who claimed to be the manager of a department store came to the door. At first, he handed over his business card, and then said that he wanted to buy banana slices and sweet potato slices from Lin Liqing, and the quantity needed was a bit large.

Lin Liqing was stunned. If the person in front of her hadn't been featured in their local newspaper in her previous life, she would have thought he was a liar.

(End of this chapter)

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