As long as something is good, there must be a lot of repeat customers, and repeat customers will help you promote it. It is only a matter of time before you make money, and this operation will not delay your study.

It is best for Meixiang and Yuqi to go out to set up stalls for two days on the weekend, so as not to delay their studies, and because there are many people going out on weekends, the business is good. "

The three nodded in unison.

Song Meixiang hurriedly opened the cabinet, calculated the purchase price to Lin Liqing, and only kept her share.

With just over 100, if she lived frugally, it would be enough for her to spend four years in college. What's more, she would definitely not sell clothes just once. If she made more money, she might even be able to send money to the uncle of the village chief.

Fang Yuqi's conditions are not bad, but to be honest, her parents make the money, and she is not the only child in the family. If she wants to keep asking her family for money, she will be beaten by the gang. The best way is to make money by herself. Lin Liqing is equivalent to Give her a way to make money continuously, maybe she can catch up with her parents by then!
In front of her, she just thought about it, she really didn't mean it.

Tong Tong’s family is in the capital, her parents are dual-employees, and one of them is still working in the government department. It’s okay to say that she is a rich lady. She is not short of money, but her family can’t satisfy her problem of spending money freely. She can make money and spend it on her own. , simply not too good.

Because of this, the three of them were extremely grateful to Lin Liqing, and directly regarded her as a big sister. As soon as Lin Liqing sneezed, someone would come over to ask her about her health, almost killing Lin Liqing.

The next morning, the four people in the dormitory got up at five o'clock, consciously picked up the English book and ran to the balcony, corridor or rooftop to read aloud.

There is no shortcut to learning a foreign language, just keep speaking.

Everyone generally learns Russian. Of course, there are also many people who read English. Only now did everyone realize that Lin Liqing's English pronunciation is very pure. It is better than Tong Tong, a real capital girl, but everyone is envious.

Tong Tong widened his eyes and asked, "Say! Did you go abroad without telling us?"

Lin Liqing rolled her eyes at her, "What are you talking about! What do you mean hiding it from you!"

"Sister Tong Tong made a slip of the tongue, let's ignore her, sister, read it to us again." Song Meixiang had already reached the point of fanatical admiration for Lin Liqing.

Tong Tong wished he could roll his eyes to the sky.

Lin Liqing agreed, and read English to them three times for half an hour. She stopped when she was dry and explained: "The family hired a retired English professor to give us extra lessons. The professor has lived in the UK for more than ten years. In [-], with pure British pronunciation, as soon as he came over, he scolded us bloody, saying that we couldn't speak.

The employees hired at home also hide their secrets. They all speak English at the request of the old professor. If I can't speak English well, I can't control it! "

"Drink! It's the opposite! Sister, you are not hiring employees, but ancestors! We don't want them anymore!" Fang Yuqi said boldly.

Lin Liqing shook her head with a serious face, "No, the elders can't deny it."

After she finished speaking, she didn't continue to explain, leaving the three people who were confused.

Everyone went to eat after morning reading, and then went to the university to take cultural courses, and then professional courses. One morning, the course was full of filming, had a meal at noon, took a nap, and continued to study until six in the afternoon. This course arrangement, one o'clock Not even high school.

The freshmen in the foreign language department are so overwhelmed by their heavy workload that they don't have time to join clubs, but other majors are free.

Wen Jianguo is studying financial management. This course must be a combination of professionalism and practical operation. They don't have the ability to practice it yet, so they have a lot of time to participate in club activities.

Wen Jianguo was away on weekends, and when he came back, he found that all his roommates had signed up for clubs. Fang Hao, a boy from Heilongjiang who slept on the same side as him, joined the student union, and Ren Guanxin, a guy from Jin Province who slept next to him, joined the drama club. Xiaolong went to the swimming association.

As soon as everyone saw him, they all recruited him into the club they applied for. Wen Jianguo didn't let go all night. As a result, after class was over the next day, the three of them started to bring up old stories again.

Fang Hao kept talking about how good the student union was. In fact, it was not Fang Hao who wanted to pull him in, but Wen Jianguo had become famous in the competition with the instructors before. The student union liked this kind of people with special skills. Give Fang Hao this task.

Wen Jianguo was so annoyed that he asked seriously: "Student Fang Hao, can you carefully list the pros and cons of joining the student union with me? If the pros outweigh the cons, I will consider it."

"Really!" Fang Hao's eyes lit up, he looked around mysteriously, and said in a low voice: "Let me tell you, the student union is the other side of the school. Apart from studying, many other things are under the control of the student union. Even some teachers will ask the students of the student union for help, such as doing experiments or organizing activities, etc. You see, this is not the contact with the teacher!"

"What are you doing in contact with the teacher? After studying for so many years, the teacher is what I fear most, and I wish I could stay far away." Bai Xiaolong complained.

Fang Hao rolled his eyes at him and reprimanded: "Superficial! What are you going to college for?"

"It must be for the future." Bai Xiaolong replied without thinking.

Only then did Fang Hao smile, "That's right! We all go to school for our future, but there is something to say about this future. As far as I know, wherever we are assigned to work after graduation, those teachers can talk. Let's see if they are willing to help! If you have a good relationship with a certain teacher, it's easy to ask for help when the time comes, right?"

"From what you say, it seems to be true." Bai Xiaolong suddenly realized.

Fang Hao smiled and said, "How is it? Are you excited?"

Bai Xiaolong shook his head, "I just came here to study, and I will definitely go back to my hometown in the future. I can just have a job, I don't choose."

Bai Xiaolong grinned as he said this, and told everyone about the sea in Qiong Province, and how beautiful and free his home was by the sea, Wen Jianguo was fascinated by it.

Fang Hao was about to die of anger, stomping his feet and scolding: "You can't teach children! Besides this, there are many beautiful female students in the student union, some of them are rich girls, good family background, beautiful, strong ability, good at everything .”

"I don't need this." Wen Jianguo said hastily.

Fang Hao's face froze, and he said with a sneer: "Hehe. I forgot that you are married. Well, I take the liberty to ask, how long have you been married to your wife? Do you have any children?"

Wen Jianguo nodded, "We have been married for several years, and our four children all come to school with us. They go to elementary school, and we go to college."

"Hiss!" Fang Hao gasped, "It's so big! Four more! It's okay, you are the best!"

After he finished speaking, he fell silent. After racking his brains for a long time, he finally choked out a sentence, "In addition to these, joining the student union can also join the party."

"But I'm already a party member. I joined the party when I was in the army." Wen Jianguo raised his eyebrows.

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