Chapter 297 Talent
Originally, she was thinking of using Li Yutao as a bait to lure Wen Jianguo to the student union, so that she would have a chance to get close to him, but she never expected that Wen Jianguo not only looked down on Li Yutao, but also had four children with Lin Liqing, all of whom were so old. All her plans fell through.

Wen Jianguo himself didn't know that there were so many girls plotting against him. Of course, he didn't have the heart to think so much. The land in the suburbs had already been bought, so it couldn't just be left idle. He originally planned to build a clothing factory, but Lin Liqing thought This is too wasteful, and the seafood factory is even more impossible. The food factory is already big enough in my hometown, which is enough for current use.

It was Lin Liqing who talked about Tong Tong selling cosmetics, which gave him an idea. Which of the big-name cosmetics abroad is not expensive and popular, so that everyone seems to be not short of money. Foreigners can do it, why can't he do it?

Thinking of this, Wen Jianguo couldn't sit still, and immediately called Li Muxing.

Li Muxing is like a screw, moving wherever he needs to. Not long after the seafood processing plant was put into use, he rushed to the capital without stopping. As soon as he arrived at the Wenxin Hotel, Wen Jianguo took him to a private room to discuss matters.

"I've done some research. The current situation of domestic cosmetics is mainly anti-crack moisturizing care. If we want to create our own brand, we must have our own characteristics. Li Qing said that the most sought after by female students in school are whitening and acne-removing products. , we can start with Chinese medicine, find some Chinese medicine formulas, and develop pure Chinese medicine skin care products.” Wen Jianguoxing hastily put his investigation report in front of Li Muxing.

He found a lot of people and used some connections to make this report.

After reading it, Li Muxing nodded in relief, "Young Master Sun is getting better and better now. This report is written in detail and well-founded. According to your idea, we can indeed develop our own cosmetics brand and become famous." First, good Chinese medicine formulas are hard to find, and a lot of professionals in this field are still needed, and they will devote themselves to research and development for a long time. Has Young Master Sun considered these aspects?"

"Don't worry about this. I have already sent someone to look for it. Now that Chinese medicine is in decline, many traditional Chinese medicine inheritances are lost, and some of them are almost gone. I spent some time and found a few. Bad factory.

I called you here mainly because you are reliable and well-informed. You know better than me how to build a factory and what equipment it needs. . "Wen Jianguo said.

One thing he didn’t say is that those TCM talents who agreed to come to work are not in a good situation now. They have backbone and are unwilling to accept gifts, but their families are really struggling. If the factory is opened sooner, they can also make money as soon as possible.

As soon as Li Muxing heard it, he knew how determined Wen Jianguo was to set up a factory, "In this case, I will definitely do my best, but I have shown my face when I came to the capital with the chairman, some people should be able to recognize me, so I It’s not easy to come forward, it’s best to arrange for a trustworthy person to handle this matter.”

"Who?" Wen Jianguo looked at Li Muxing leisurely.

Li Muxing hooked the corner of his mouth confidently, and drew a word on the table.

Wen Jianguo's eyes widened instantly, "Brother Yan Zhong?"

Li Muxing nodded with a smile, "It's him. I know the relationship between Yan Zhong and Young Master Sun. I have been in contact with him for so long. I also recognize his character. In addition, the entire Yan family is settled in Baishui City. There is no one more reliable than him. Of course, the most important thing is that I have always intentionally trained him to be independent. Now he can handle many affairs of the garment factory independently. When I am on a business trip, he is responsible for all the work there.

If Yan Zhong can run the cosmetics factory well, he can also become a teacher, and then Young Master Sun can arrange whatever he wants. "

Wen Jianguo fell into deep thought when he heard the words, he let out a long sigh of relief, and said, "I don't know if Big Brother Yan is willing or not."

"Young Master Sun doesn't know that Mrs. Yan Zhong is pregnant, and soon their family will add a new member. He is now working harder to earn money to support his family. If he comes to the capital to manage the clothing factory, we can give the cosmetics factory a hundred [-]/[-]% of the shares, more pay for more work, I think he will definitely not refuse." Li Muxing is still very confident about this.

Wen Jianguo thought for a while, then nodded slightly, "Okay, I'll call him later and ask him, and let him come if he wants, but you two are here, how does Baishui City work?"

Li Muxing smiled, "Master Sun, I have recruited many talents for the company in the past two years, but you didn't ask them about their backgrounds. Some of them can be promoted to the director level, but you didn't If you are interested, I will ask someone to make a list of materials for you to review, and after you go back and investigate, I will promote them if you can."

Wen Jianguo frowned slightly, and patted his head in frustration, "Blame me! I didn't notice these things."

Li Muxing shook his head, "Young Master Sun, don't blame yourself. Managing a company is not that simple. You didn't study systematically before. Now that you are in college, you can take more classes and enrich your knowledge. I will also help you. remind."

Wen Jianguo nodded, listened to Li Muxing's words, and knew how to take the next road. With a direction, he became more calm.

Lin Liqing was the first to notice Wen Jianguo's changes. After the couple had an in-depth conversation, she also understood where her shortcomings were. Since then, the couple have taken other management courses together in addition to their respective professional courses.

Zhang Jing didn't give up on Wen Jianguo, she kept trying to get close to him, and Wen Jianguo ignored him when she made several chance encounters. She was thinking of playing a big game, but found out that the husband and wife started to get married, and both Don't give others a chance.

Annoyed, Zhang Jing just turned around, just in time to see a man staring ahead obsessively. Following his line of sight, she found that the man was actually looking at Lin Liqing.

Zhang Jing made a move, and took the initiative to say hello, "Hi, do you know Lin Xuemei?"

The man came back to his senses, looked at Zhang Jing suspiciously, opened his mouth, hesitated for a moment before asking, "Who are you?"

Zhang Jing smiled and introduced herself, "My name is Zhang Jing, and I'm Lin Liqing's senior sister. We have a good relationship. Seeing you looking at her, I thought you knew each other. If not, I'll leave."

The man hurriedly shouted: "Wait a minute, Zhang Jing, do you really have a good relationship with Lin?"

Zhang Jing smiled and nodded, "I was the one who led her when she came to the school to report! I heard that she is married, but it seems that her relationship is not very good, and she often quarrels, hey! Why can't such a good woman meet a good man? ?”

(End of this chapter)

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