Chapter 302 Taking pictures
"She agreed so easily?" Bai Xiaolong felt incredible.

Fang Hao chuckled lightly and said, "So what if you don't agree? The president has already looked for her, so he should reason with her in a polite manner. If she insists on staying and messing around, the president will not drive her away, but everyone's ignorance and Can she stand pointing fingers?"

Bai Xiaolong fell silent for a moment, and continued to eat his own food.

Ren Guanxin bumped Wen Jianguo with his arm, and asked in a low voice, "What are you going to do?"

"Let's talk about it after the wind has passed." Wen Jianguo didn't answer directly, making people fantasize about it.

Ren Guanxin pondered for a while but couldn't figure out what Wen Jianguo was thinking, so he could only shrug his shoulders and let it go.

Zhang Jing's matter has no effect on Lin Liqing. We had a meal with Qin Xuefei last time, and we all know each other. Qin Xuefei didn't give up, and kept lobbying her to join the drama club, and even quoted what Qin Huiyu said. up.

However, she was just taking pictures of cats and cats, and could not understand the deep meaning of Qin Huiyu's words at all, but Lin Liqing understood, and agreed after Qin Xuefei paid three visits to the thatched cottage.

Now besides attending classes, she also participates in the activities of the drama club from time to time, and her own photo studio is also in preparation, so busy that her hands and feet are about to fight.

Time flies very quickly in the busyness, summer is over in a blink of an eye, the capital has four distinct seasons, and autumn gives people a completely different sense of body. Lin Liqing has never seen such a beautiful autumn in Fujian Province. The sun is bright, the sky is high and the clouds are light, and the breeze is gentle , neither hot nor cold, it is a good time to take pictures outdoors, and framing is also very easy.

The photo studio opened at this time, and the business is definitely booming.

In order to promote the photo studio, Lin Liqing specially asked her roommates to take a set of photos for free for publicity. Wen Jianguo saw it and invited her roommates as well.

Three men and three women stood at the bus stop, looked at each other, and got on the bus.

Tong Tong moved closer to Fang Yuqi and asked in a low voice, "Do you know them?"

Fang Yuqi said: "I've seen one of them. It seems to be from the drama club, but not from our department. It seems that I know my brother-in-law. I have seen them walk together."

"That's it!" Tong Tong looked back at them again, and then withdrew his gaze.

Naturally, Fang Hao also noticed that Tong Tong was looking at them, so he immediately sat upright, raised his chest and raised his head.

Bai Xiaolong looked around like a landlord's idiot son, and teased without knowing why: "Brother Hao, don't be so nervous, we are going to play, don't be so serious."

Fang Hao: "."

The bus passed several platforms, and people got off and got on the bus one after another, but none of the six people moved, everyone felt strange now.

Fang Yuqi stood up and asked curiously, "Do you know Wen Jianguo?"

Ren Guanxin and the three peeped at each other, wondering if it might be another girl who secretly has a crush on Wen Jianguo!Fang Hao murmured sourly, "Why is Big Brother so popular with women?"

Fang Yuqi was taken aback when she heard this, and quickly explained, "Don't get me wrong, Wen Jianguo's daughter-in-law is our roommate, we are going to the photo studio she owns, and seeing that you haven't gotten out of the car, I want to ask if you also go to the photo studio .”

Fang Hao's eyes lit up, "Nod vigorously."

Ren Guanxin, who had been silent all this time, suddenly looked at Fang Yuqi and said, "I met you, when you were performing in the drama club, from the foreign language department?"

Fang Yuqi blushed, pursed her lips and nodded vigorously, and sat down silently.

Tong Tong and Song Meixiang were stunned and looked at each other. This is not the Fang Yuqi they knew on weekdays!

However, it was not easy for them to tease Fang Yuqi on the bus, at most they just winked at her teasingly.

Fang Hao glared at Ren Guanxin angrily, looked at him all the time, then looked at himself, and found sadly that he had been instantly killed.

No matter how heartless Bai Xiaolong was, he could see some tricks. He couldn't help but patted Fang Hao's shoulder sympathetically, and said earnestly: "When looking for a partner in the future, you must not bring Brother Wen and Brother Ren with you."

Fang Hao strongly agrees.

The bus stopped at Beihai Station in the XC District. After getting off the bus, the six people finally found the studio according to the route Lin Liqing said, but they all tacitly did not dare to go in.

"Yuqi, are you sure it's here?" Tong Tong took Fang Yuqi's hand, and for the first time a timid expression appeared on his white and delicate face.

Fang Yuqi was also a little timid, "I don't know, big sister. No, big sister is talking about this place, there should be no second studio near here!"

"You'll know if you don't see it." After Ren Guanxin finished speaking, he put his hands in his trouser pockets and walked forward, and everyone quickly followed.

They wandered around for a while and found that there was really no second photography studio, so they stepped into the store bravely.

He Xue was sorting out the information, when she saw someone coming, she hurried forward and asked politely, "Excuse me, are these Miss Fang Yuqi, Miss Tong Tong and Miss Song Meixiang?"

The three nodded in succession.

He Xue smiled and looked at the three of Ren Guanxin, "Those three should be Mr. Ren, Mr. Fang and Mr. Bai, right?"

Ren Guanxin and the others also nodded.

He Xue's smile deepened, "The boss has told me to take two sets of photos for each of you, and the photographers are ready. Do you want to take a break? Or should we start now?"

"We're not tired, we can start right away." Tong Tong's eyes lit up when he saw the exquisite dresses in the window.

"Okay, then everyone, please follow me upstairs." He Xue led them in front, and said as they walked: "The boss has prepared several sets of casual clothes for everyone, so everyone will take a set of photos in casual clothes, plus a set of casual clothes. Dress photo."

"Wow! How much is a set of photos like this?" Tong Tong asked curiously.

He Xue quickly took out a price list from the folder in her arms and showed it to everyone, "The photo studio accepts all kinds of customers, and the senior customers are on the fourth and fourth floors. The dresses there are only for sale and not for rent, and you can't wear them for photos, unless you buy a dress , the third floor is a photo studio, the second floor is a clothing and styling room, and the first floor also has a dress area, all of which are affordable by ordinary people.

Usually it is a set of two sets of clothes, you can take eight pictures, six inches, 40 yuan, there are also four pictures of a set of clothes, 20 yuan, and there are also single photos, for those who bring their own clothes, one piece costs four yuan, zoom in Dimensions and frames are extra.

The studio has just opened and needs publicity, so the boss said that taking photos for everyone is free, as long as you agree to put the photos in the studio for publicity for a period of time. "

"No problem!" Tong Tong was so excited that she went up to the second floor and ran directly to those dresses. She also liked this set and that one. Do you want to take more pictures? Don't worry! I have money!"

He Xue laughed, "Of course."

"Then I want it too, and I have money too." Fang Yuqi looked at the dress, and Song Meixiang's heart was moved by her excited look, but she didn't act.

(End of this chapter)

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