Chapter 304

Tong Tong, who came to the private room of the hotel, immediately joined Fang Yuqi, attacking Lin Liqing left and right.

"Tell me honestly, what is your background? The photography studio is completely beyond our imagination, and we have deceived people!" Tong Tong's eyes seemed to be eating people.

When Lin Liqing asked them for help at the beginning, she said that she opened a photo studio and asked them to take pictures for free, as long as they agreed to put the photos in the store for publicity.

When everyone heard that it was a photo shoot, they were all overjoyed, and agreed without even thinking about it. After all, it costs several yuan to take a photo in the old photo studio outside the school!If you can save money and take several photos, a fool will refuse.

Of course, the photo studio everyone imagined was the one outside the school. Who knew it was a four-story western-style building covering an area of ​​hundreds of square meters.

Lin Liqing broke Tong Tong's hand away forcefully, gritted her teeth, and said, "What else can I do! Ordinary people who started from scratch! I have opened two photo studios in my hometown, and the third one in the capital cost me a lot of money! Let me tell you, whether I can make money depends on your performance."

Tong Tong let go, and instantly lost his mind, "Well... If I knew that you opened this kind of photo studio, I would definitely not agree to put the photos in it, wouldn't it be self-inflicted humiliation!"

"Tong Tong, you're okay. You're pretty and have a good body. I'm so dark, I don't know if I can see people in the photos." Song Meixiang hid under the table so quickly, and her bright little face was full of melancholy for the first time.

Only Fang Yuqi kept eating heartlessly, because Lin Liqing agreed to leave Xiuhe clothes to her, she was so happy.

Tong Tong couldn't see it, and stared: "Didn't you say you want to lose weight? Eat it!"

Fang Yuqi's hands trembled, and her whole body instantly became terrified, "You're right, I want to lose weight, woo woo woo."

Lin Liqing persuaded helplessly: "Don't listen to Tong Tong's nonsense, you are still young and growing up, so it's okay to eat more. If you want to lose weight, run two more laps on the playground and eat less at night."

"Really?" Fang Yuqi looked at everyone pitifully.

Even the boys couldn't help nodding.

Bai Xiaolong also pointed to the plate of chicken very attentively, "Eat more, the chicken is not fat, and you won't get fat if you eat it."

Ren Guanxin frowned, as if to say that Bai Xiaolong had no winks.

"Then I'll eat it." Fang Yuqi carefully extended his chopsticks towards the chicken, and everyone couldn't help laughing.

Seeing that she was eating happily, the others moved their chopsticks as well. Lin Liqing noticed with sharp eyes that Ren Guanxin put the fish from behind in front of Fang Yuqi, while he moved the braised pork far away.

The others didn't say anything, and the chick Fang Yuqi couldn't even notice it.

After eating, they took the bus back, and Lin Liqing and Wen Jianguo went home.

On the way, Lin Liqing asked about Ren Guanxin.

Wen Jianguo immediately became alert, "What are you asking about him?"

Lin Liqing didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "What are you thinking! I think he cares about Yuqi, so let's investigate for Yuqi first."

"That's it!" Wen Jianguo's muscles instantly relaxed, "Ren Guanxin is not a simple kid, I guess he should be a rich second generation or something, he never talks about his family in the dormitory, his mouth is strict, and his basic necessities are similar to everyone else's. , but I still found something special, his family should be very good.

In terms of character, I don’t see any problems so far. He is very righteous. He will remind his roommates of any problems, but his mouth is a bit poisonous. "

Lin Liqing nodded thoughtfully, "There is no useful news, but as long as there is no problem with character, I don't care."

After a few days, all the photos of Fang Yuqi and others were developed, and He Xue informed Lin Liqing to go and take a look.

When I got there, Lin Liqing discovered that Ren Guanxin was either wearing sunglasses, or turning his head up at 45 degrees, or turning his back to someone with only one head tilted.

She frowned after seeing it, "What's going on with these photos?"

Han Zao was a little at a loss, and explained nervously: "This Mr. Ren said that he had seen some foreign photos and hoped to imitate the foreign style, and the clothes he chose were the style of a nobleman, so I agreed. I found none of them showed all the facial features."

Han Zao's voice became smaller and smaller, almost crying.

Thinking of what Wen Jianguo said, Lin Liqing breathed a sigh of relief, "Forget it, since he doesn't want to show his face, so be it."

The other groups of photos were taken quite well, and she couldn't be angry because of this group of photos.

He Xue and Han Zao both heaved a sigh of relief.

Hurry up to hang up the promotional photos, the opening flower baskets at the entrance of the store were also arranged, and the price list was placed in the most eye-catching position. Lin Liqing set off a string of firecrackers, officially announcing the opening of the studio.

It is the nature of Hua people to join in the fun. The movement here has attracted many nearby residents and passers-by, and everyone is talking in front of the price list.

Some boys and girls were really moved after seeing those promotional photos, and they ran into the store to inquire about clothes.

He Xue and the other two waiters rushed to serve them. There are snacks and tea in the store, as well as comfortable sofas. As long as there is no one who comes in without compliments, eat the food and drink the tea, I will feel sorry if I don’t take two pictures.

In just one day, they had already received a week's worth of orders, and He Xue's hanging heart was finally relieved.

Lin Liqing waited and watched for a few days, and saw that everything in the studio was normal without any trouble, so she focused on her studies again.

At this moment, Qin Xuefei notified the members of the drama club of the foreign language department to have a meeting.

When Lin Liqing arrived, there were almost enough people there.

When everyone arrived, Qin Xuefei said solemnly: "Just now the head of the department informed me that we are going to put on a play for the National Day performance, and it will be pronounced in pure English."

"Pure English pronunciation?" Several sophomore seniors whispered together.

Qin Xuefei sighed helplessly, "Yes! It must be pronounced in pure English."

"Then I can't help you. I chose Russian, and I can only make do with a few sentences in English. I'm sure I won't be able to do a drama performance." A boy said loudly.

The girl beside him also nodded, "I'm studying Japanese, and my English is a mess, I can't even speak, and I can't do that either."

Someone started, and immediately a bunch of people responded.

Qin Xuefei stomped her feet anxiously, "Don't talk about it! I also know that this request is embarrassing, but I can't help it! It's the task of the department head, I didn't deliberately find fault with everyone! We only have three or four English majors here. , Even if you count the freshmen and juniors, it’s not enough.”

A play needs a lot of characters, besides the protagonist, the supporting roles are also very important, at least seven or eight of them can speak English well, and there are a few supporting characters with few lines, otherwise it will not be enough to watch.

(End of this chapter)

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