Chapter 34 Credit
Xu Hui and Yu Xiaoping immediately patted their chests to reassure them. Thinking of Lin Liqing's debts, the two also felt a lot of pressure, so they hurried to help her with work.

In order to pay back the money earlier and speed up work efficiency, Lin Liqing found a craftsman who specializes in making tools, ordered a few small tools for slicing, and specially asked the master to make the blades adjustable, so that they can set the thickness by themselves.

It took two days to get the tools she made, and she still had to take care of the business in Zhang's yard and the shop. Her whole body was spinning like a spinning top, and even Xu Hui and Yu Xiaoping shook their heads when they saw it.

When the tools were delivered, the old couple of the Zhang family also left. Xu's mother and Yu Xiaomei went to work smoothly. At noon, a girl came to the door with a broken bag, looked at Lin Liqing anxiously and said, "Hello, Boss Lin, my name is Ye Zhaodi. It was Lin Guoye who recommended me to work here, I... I did not make a mistake!"

What Lin Guoye told them at the time was a bakery, and this one seemed to be the only one nearby.

Lin Liqing looked up and saw that the other party was a girl about 1.6 meters tall, about fifteen or sixteen years old, with a thin figure, poor complexion, and a little sallow skin, and she was wearing clothes that were washed pale and patched, but clean was better. , the twisted braid hangs meticulously at the waist, which feels quite comfortable.

She wiped her hands with a smile, and said, "You're right. I'm Lin Guoye's second sister. She mentioned it to me before, and I didn't expect you to come to work from the sugar factory. I'll take you to see what to do, and you can stay if you want."

Ye Zhaodi nodded nervously, and followed Lin Liqing carefully looking at the surrounding environment, as if she would run away if something went wrong.

Lin Liqing didn't say anything when she saw it, and led someone to push open the door of Zhang's courtyard, and said to Mother Xu and Yu Xiaomei who were working under the shed: "Aunt Xu, sister Xiaomei, this is a new worker today. Ye Zhaodi is still a tender-faced little girl, and you two can take care of her."

After speaking, Lin Liqing introduced the specific work content, looked at the temporary wooden shed beside the well, frowned slightly, and muttered: "It's too cold to work like this in winter, but the conditions are limited, so I can only wrong you , When I pay back the money, I will give you a better house."

Xu's mother hurriedly said: "No, no, who doesn't work outside? We used to work in the fields in winter and wash clothes in the river. Now we can sit here, and there are sheds to cover it. The linoleum cloth Windproof, it’s comfortable, don’t waste your money.”

Yu Xiaomei also nodded straightly, "We won't be cold, besides, the well water is still warm when it is picked up, and it is much more comfortable to use than river water."

Seeing this, Ye Zhaodi was almost relieved. These two seem to be honest and easy to get along with. She shouldn't have a hard time working here.

Lin Liqing's smile deepened, "It's hard work for you, I have adjusted the tools, you can just use them directly, first finish peeling the sweet potato slices this morning, I can bake 24 boards at a time, so you cut 24 boards according to the specifications Come out, full four boards can be delivered to the store.

In the future, I will convert the four wing rooms next to the wall into a baking room, and it will be faster to bake directly here. "

The three nodded in unison.

Lin Liqing saw that they had started to work, and then she left the small courtyard of the Zhang family. When she returned to the shop, she hurriedly transported the bananas and sweet potatoes stored on the second floor, and finally cleaned it up before stopping.

Next came Lin Changmin. After this period of nursing care, his legs are almost healed, and he can walk normally. As long as he doesn't do heavy work, it will be almost the same after half a year of care.

Hearing that his little daughter bought another yard in the city and wanted to build a baking room, he couldn't sit still, so he asked Yu Xiaoping to tell Lin Liqing early on that he would take care of the baking room.

Of course Lin Liqing was overjoyed, no, once the old Zhang family left, she asked Yu Xiaoping to tell Lin Changmin.

Lin Changmin came over the day after Zhang's old couple left, looked around first, and immediately arranged for Lin Guoan to buy materials. This time, Lin Changmin didn't ask Lin Liqing to invite someone, but called the two eldest sons to open up the four wing rooms together. Afterwards, they were ordered to make an oven. The three mothers of Xu who were working in the shed only knew that they were tinkering with the baking room, and did not go over to take a look at the specific situation.

After five or six days, Lin Liqing's baking room was finally completed, and her workshop was officially established. At this time, there were still ten days before the Chinese New Year, and she had already paid back more than 800 yuan that she owed Qin Liguo, and it would be ready in two days. Pay off.

Counting the days, it was time for Yan Jianguo to come back.

Thinking of that man Lin Liqing's mood instantly became extremely complicated. In her previous life, it was this man who had always protected her so that she could do whatever she wanted and do what she wanted, but it was also this man who made her feel resentful for more than ten years. Now, what kind of mood should she face? ?
Just as Lin Liqing was thinking wildly, a small passenger car stopped at the entrance of Fengkoushe Village, and a bearded man squeezed out of the car with a heavy burden on his back. He took a deep breath, weighed the heavy burden on his shoulders, and entered the village with hurried strides.

There was only one thought in his mind at this moment, he had to go back to see his wife and children as soon as possible. After being out for so long, he didn't know what happened to them.

As soon as he got to the middle of the road, he was stopped by someone, "Hey! It's Jianguo! My God, I almost didn't recognize him!"

Aunt Gaozhi, the neighbor, blocked Gu Jianguo's way in a very exaggerated manner.

Yan Jianguo had to stop to greet her.

Gao Zhi gloated and said, "I mean Jianguo! You didn't go out at the right time, and you went for so long. Your wife and children were calculated by Jianshe and Li Meihua to run away from home for several months. I don't know Did you marry and have three children and find a stepfather?"

Yan Jianguo's expression changed drastically, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

He was really angry. He knew Gao Zhi's mouth was broken before, but he didn't expect to dance in front of him.

Gao Zhi clasped his arms around his chest, looking confident, "I didn't lie to you, your wife's natal family has knocked on the door, and even smashed up a room in your house. Yan Jianshe and Li Meihua were detained by the police station. It’s been several days! Who in the nearby villages doesn’t know about your family’s mess!
If you want me to say that you are useless enough, your wife and children have been bullied to such a degree that you don't know how to resist, I would have killed them a long time ago!If your daughter-in-law remarries, you have to be considerate, after all, who would dare to live under one roof like this! "

Yan Jianguo was in a daze, Gao Zhi was still babbling, but he couldn't listen to anything, so he randomly caught a passing villager and asked about the family affairs, but the other party's statement was similar to Gao Zhi's.

He was so frightened that he ran straight to the entrance of the village.

Gao Zhi watched for a long time, then hurried back to the village to gossip with everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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