Reborn in the 1980s to run to a better life

Chapter 343 It's All Here

Chapter 343 It's All Here
From Wang Ni's tone, building a house is like buying cabbage. How rich is it to do this?

Li Hongxia and Wang Dali looked at each other, and they both fell silent.

The next day, Wang Ni took the three children to Qingxiangzhai street in the morning. Now almost the whole street there has been converted into a storefront, and there are stalls in front of the storefront, making it the busiest.

The mother and son originally wanted to go shopping and have a local breakfast, but they started shopping on the street. When they arrived at the meatball shop, they couldn't lift it, so they had to put a bunch of things on Lin Changmin's side.

Lin Changmin was busy with his business, so he took a look over and shook his head helplessly, "It's just four people, you can't finish it even if your belly is bursting!"

"It's okay! Godfather, the morning market here is too lively, and it's not too cold. The children are having fun. Let's invite everyone to come and eat together. By the way, I want to ask you about building a house." Wang Ni Put a bowl of bean curd vermicelli in front of Lin Changmin, motioning him to move the spoon.

Lin Changmin was a little stunned, "You've only been here for a day and you're going to build a house here? What's the situation?"

Wang Ni laughed and said: "The main reason is that the climate here is really good, and the winter is much more comfortable than in the Northeast. Also, I want to be my brother's neighbor. When I went out this morning, I saw that there are many wastelands nearby. What! It’s not farmland, so it should be able to be bought to build a house!”

"This." Lin Changmin frowned, and shouted to the next door: "Second brother, come here."

Lin Guoan happened to have not gone to work yet, so he ran over when he heard the voice. Knowing that Wang Ni was going to buy land and build a house in Badalie, he immediately said: "Report to Badali Street, and deliver the materials to the Land Bureau. Our Planning Bureau has strict control over the approval, if we had built a house in the past two years, there would not have been so much trouble. Although the procedures are a bit troublesome, it is not a big problem, and it should be approved."

Wang Ni didn't understand very well, so she continued to ask.

Lin Guoan told herself about the special situation in Badalli, "Originally, the urban planning did not allow private building of houses, unless there is really no way out, but the population loss in Badali is too serious, I don't know you Is there such a trend of going abroad for work in Northeast China?"

Wang Ni nodded, seeing that Lin Guoan was a little surprised, she explained: "There are many Korean villages over there, and many of them go to Bangzi Country to work, and the salary is really good. Many people want to go, but they are in other countries. , I don’t understand the language, I have the heart but not the guts.”

Lin Guoan suddenly realized, and said: "Most of us have gone to Southeast Asia. If the conditions are better, they will immigrate. If the conditions are not good, they will find a way to escape. I heard that there is a one-stop service abroad. As long as you want to go abroad to work, you can go abroad. Being poor is not a problem.

Some aborigines in Badali had made their way abroad before, and their relatives in the village would get them there if they wanted to. More than half of them even changed their nationality to study for their children.

In order to prevent a large loss of local population, the immigration side even set up a lot of restrictions, but the effect is not obvious. As the saying goes, if you want to leave, you can't stay. This is the situation.

It can be regarded as the center of the urban area. You can’t really see that a village has run out of people. In addition, there will be no planning there within ten years, so it’s not a big problem if you want to buy land and build a house there now, but if you want to It's hard to talk about special purposes, such as those who run factories, and nine out of ten will fail. "

Wang Ni said bluntly: "What kind of factory do I run? Although my business in Northeast China is doing well now, I really don't have any factories of my own! They all buy from Jianguo, mainly selling clothing and snacks. I bought some dried seafood, and I thought I would have a chance to visit his farm when I came here this time."

"It's a good relationship! I told you, it's really nice over there, the small island! It's suitable for vacation." Lin Guoan said casually.

Unexpectedly, the three children were all interested, and each of them pestered Wang Ni to go to the island for vacation.

Wang Ni didn't let go. Lin Changmin and Lin Guosheng were the first to soften their hearts. They all said that they would discuss with them when Lin Liqing came, but Wang Ni was very embarrassed.

With the help of Lin Guoan, Wang Ni got the housing construction approval before the Spring Festival, and the construction can start after the Spring Festival.

Li Hongxia and Wang Dali were calculating how much it would cost Wang Ni to build three houses. If it was not enough, they could help. Who knew that Wang Ni remitted 30 yuan to Wang Dali in one go.

In this day and age, 30 is an astronomical figure. With so much money, Wang Dali didn't dare to delay. Before the Chinese New Year, he went to a few masters to book the construction schedule and materials with them.

After finishing all this work, it was New Year's Eve. Chen Meiyun had agreed with everyone before that this year, she would be around the fire in Lin Guosheng's new house.

The new house is in Badali, right next door to Li Hongxia and the others. After Lin Liqing's family came over, the children were very happy together. Seeing the children wearing new clothes and speaking pleasant auspicious words, the elders were all overjoyed Yes, it doesn't hurt to give out the red envelopes.

Wang Ni also had the happiest and most lively New Year. Feeling everyone's enthusiasm, she looked forward to her new house even more.

On the fourth day of the new year, everyone was still immersed in the festive atmosphere of the Chinese New Year. Lin Changmin offered to go to the island of Dongshui County to play for a few days.

At this time, Fang Yuqi, Song Meixiang and Tongtong, who had been clamoring to come to Fujian Province to play with Lin Liqing, really came. What surprised everyone most was that Qu Yaowen also followed.

What's happening here?
Lin Liqing's gossiping eyes swirled between Wang Ni and Qu Yaowen, making the magnanimous Wang Ni feel uncomfortable, and couldn't help giving her a light slap, "Don't let your wild thoughts go, Brother Ren Qu must be worried. The baby girl I just found came here after traveling so far."

Lin Liqing immediately called Song Meixiang over, jokingly said, "Meixiang, you brought your father with you when you go out to play!"

Song Meixiang's pretty face flushed, and she was in a hurry, "No, no. My dad knew earlier that we had plans to come here, so he accepted a mission to the south. He was going to Guangdong Province, Fujian Province and Guangdong Province. We are so close, we must go together! We are not in a hurry, so come and find out the door with us. I am so old, how can I go out and take my father!"

It seems that this sentence seriously hit the little girl's self-esteem, and made her worry about it.

Lin Liqing couldn't help laughing.

Over there, Wen Jianguo also talked to Qu Yaowen, and even called Yan Zhong to get to know each other.

Yan Zhong simply brought his daughter-in-law You Qiaofeng and the two children over, and everyone greeted each other, and the children chattered about the island vacation.

Now it's all right, the cars can't fit, so I have to take a bus, and it's only at this moment that Fang Yuqi knows how rich Lin Liqing is.

They blocked her in a corner one by one and "tortured to extract a confession".

"Tell me! What's going on in your house? There's even an island! Oh my god!" Tong Tong's eyes almost popped out.

(End of this chapter)

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