Chapter 348
Tong Tong breathed a sigh of relief.

Lin Liqing knew that she was moved by seeing her like that, and the two of them went to two or three places with the agency. Either the price was inappropriate or the neighbors were inappropriate, or they were too far away from their parents' workplace.

After returning to school, Tong Tong told her about several houses and asked her sisters to help her with ideas.

Fang Yuqi said without even thinking about it: "I must choose the [-] yuan set. Firstly, the documents are complete, and secondly, the location is really good. So what if the house is dilapidated? Wouldn't it be enough to spend a few thousand yuan at most to renovate it? How nice it is to be able to decorate it the way you like it!"

"You think the same as I do." Tong Tong became more and more determined to want the house.

The next day, after class in the morning, I went to the agency to pay the deposit.

The intermediary is also very efficient. As soon as the Housing Management Bureau goes to work in the afternoon, he will take Tong Tong to go through the formalities. As long as the money is in place, everything else is easy to talk about.

The first time Tong Tong got the real estate certificate, he contacted the decorator, who almost leveled the original house and rebuilt it.

It's so lively here, the neighbors next door ran out to watch the fun, and when they heard that someone really said that they bought a piece of land for [-] yuan to rebuild a house, they all scolded the other party for being taken advantage of. The Tong family has not moved here yet, and they are already famous in this area.

The masters who worked for Tong Tong were the ones who helped Lin Liqing decorate the store before. They are not only good at workmanship, but also fast at work, and the fees are very reasonable.

Tong Tong came to see it every weekend. On the first weekend, these masters demolished the house and laid the foundation; on the second weekend, the main body was up; on the third weekend, the roof was finished; on the fourth weekend, the floor tiles were laid It was posted, the doors and windows were installed on the fifth weekend, the walls were painted on the sixth weekend, the yard was also reorganized on the seventh weekend, and all the custom-made furniture that Tong Tong contacted the furniture factory arrived on the eighth weekend.

In just two months, the previously dilapidated courtyard immediately underwent a major change, and now it lacks home appliances.

Wen Jianguo used to be engaged in the wholesale of home appliances, and Tong Tong is now the overseas director of his cosmeceutical company, so he had to express it no matter what, so he simply gave Tong Tong a TV and a refrigerator for free.

Tong Tong was very pleasantly surprised. With the remaining two sums of money, she simply ordered two more fans and installed a telephone for the house with a large sum of money. In this way, all the things in this yard are in place, and now the owner is missing. up.

Tong Tong returned home with an excited heart, ready to share the good news with her parents. Unexpectedly, she saw her mother grabbing Wang Lili's hair as soon as she entered the courtyard, and the two wrestled together.

She was so frightened that she was afraid that the child mother would be injured, so she hurried forward to separate the child mother and Wang Lili.

Who knew Tong Mu was so powerful in fighting, she pushed her away with her backhand, and continued to tear at Wang Lili. Grandma Sun was beside her anxiously, "Stop beating, you are all neighbors, it hurts peace."

"Aunt Sun! She, Wang Lili, has gone too far to eavesdrop under my window. How can I bear it? Don't worry about today's matter. If she doesn't give me an explanation, I will never end with her!" The child mother said angrily, baring her teeth .

Wang Lili couldn't beat the child mother, so she kicked her feet hard, crying and shouting, "Crazy woman, crazy woman, let me go if you die!"

"I'll let you scold, let you scold." Tong Tong slapped Wang Lili hard.

Wang Lili's face was visibly swollen.

It is said that beating people does not slap people in the face, Tong Mu's posture clearly means that she does not intend to be kind.

Grandma Sun was beating her chest and stamping her feet in anxiety, "Sin, sin! What kind of hatred, what kind of resentment, it has to be like this! Tong Tong, hurry up, call your father and tell him to come back quickly, if this fight continues, something will happen. Already!"

Although today is the weekend, Tong's father often has to work overtime and rarely rests. Wang Lili's man, Zhao Chungen, is a factory worker and often works overtime. once.

After being told by Grandma Sun, Tong Tong hurried out to make a phone call. From the beginning to the end, no one from the next door showed up. Before leaving, Tong Tong glanced over there coldly.

When Tong's father came back, Tong's mother and Wang Lili had already finished fighting, and the two women were both injured, but they still stood at the door of each house and scolded each other.

Tong's mother looked a bit miserable, and Tong's father was furious when he knew the cause of the incident, "No! I have to go and talk to Lao Zhao and let her take good care of his mother-in-law!"

Tong Tong hurriedly pulled him back, "Dad! Don't make trouble, besides, Uncle Zhao hasn't come back from working overtime today!"

Father Tong paused, gritted his teeth and said, "That's not okay, your mother can't be bullied for nothing!"

"Pull it down! If you saw Wang Lili's appearance, you would definitely not say that!" Tong Tong said.

Seeing that Tong's father was puzzled, Tong Tong vividly described the situation just now in front of Tong's mother, "Even if you don't rush back, my mother will not suffer. Grandma Sun asked me to call you back to persuade you to fight , I didn’t ask you to find fault with the Zhao family!”

Only then did Tong's father heave a sigh of relief, and quickly poured hot water for Tong's mother to wash his face, and said helplessly, "I told you, don't be as knowledgeable as that kind of person, you just don't listen, even though we are reasonable this time, you I also won the battle, but I lost the lottery, so what's the use of injuring the enemy one thousand and self-injury eight hundred!"

Tong Mu immediately slapped the table excitedly and retorted, "Who said it's useless! I'll go out and draw a line with chalk in a while. If that dead woman dares to cross the [-]th line in the future, I'll beat her every time. I'm not easy to mess with!" "

Tong's mother yelled at the top of her voice, not to mention Tong's father and daughter, even the other people in the courtyard heard it clearly.

Wang Lili was about to die of anger, because Tong's father came back and Zhao Chungen hadn't got off work yet, so she didn't dare to go out and scold her, her chest hurt from holding back.

The Tong mother didn't hear Wang Lili's movement, she immediately felt better, and raised her eyebrows at the man and daughter triumphantly like fighting a rooster.

Father Tong: "."

At this time, Grandma Sun grabbed a handful of herbs and entered the house, and Father Tong quickly pulled a chair for her.

Grandma Sun stared at Mother Tong's horrific face and sighed, "How old do you think you are as knowledgeable as her! If Tong Tong hadn't come back today, my old arms and legs wouldn't be able to hold you back!"

"Aunt Sun, as far as Wang Lili's three or eight virtues are concerned, I can't stop talking to her! I didn't care about them before, but she has to make more progress!" When talking about what happened just now, Tong's mother felt that the evil fire was on the verge of burning, almost burning to the forehead.

Grandma Sun sighed again, "In the past, you were noisy, and I was able to persuade you from the sidelines. Now I'm not here, and you are so stiff again, what should I do!"

The three members of the Tong family looked at Grandma Sun at the same time.

Tong Tong asked in surprise, "Grandma Sun, what do you mean by that?"

Grandma Sun smiled, and said slowly: "My son's work unit was divided into houses a while ago. He counted me in and allocated a big house. He said he would pick me up to live with him, so he could send his grandson to and from school."

(End of this chapter)

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