Chapter 361
Lin Guoye's face turned dark when he heard it. Although he knew that Ye Tianai's parents were not good people, they were still in such a bad situation. I really don't know what they thought.

Seeing Lin Guoye's gloomy expression, another employee persuaded him: "Boss, I think those two old couples may earn more than us!"

"Huh?" Lin Guoye looked over in confusion.

The employee said embarrassedly: "My relatives work at the waste collection station. I know the price of some waste products. According to the waste products they pick up every day, I guess I can exchange them for seven or eight yuan! And they not only pick up waste products, sometimes When they go to a restaurant to ask for leftovers, they just walk in like this.

Dirty clothes affect people's business. In order to get rid of them, some stores will give them some food, so that they can save a lot in a month! "

Lin Guoye silently calculated the account in his heart, called Yan Fei, and completely ignored it.

Ye Tianai's expression on receiving the news was wonderful.

Yan Fei was also quite speechless, "Tianai, I think your parents can live a good life wherever they are. Cockroaches are not as stubborn as them, so you don't have to worry."

Ye Tianai nodded numbly, her worry was gone.

The start of school is approaching, Lin Liqing and the others are about to enter their junior year, and they are double majors, so they have to work twice as hard as others. The four of them rushed back to school before the start of school, practiced speaking with foreign language books all day long, and asked Qin Huiyu to find them I had a few foreign language teachers to practice with, all of whom were not short of money, and soon there was a significant improvement in my spoken foreign language.

Not long after the junior year started, Lin Liqing and Tong Tong, who were buried in the sea of ​​books, forgot to invest in the movie. When Qian Yongming informed them that the movie would be released on National Day, both of them were shocked.

Lin Liqing immediately called Li Muxing and said, "Hurry up and make a batch of clothes, which are the styles we designed for the movie. The more the better."

Li Muxing raised his eyebrows and asked, "Young Madam Sun, is the movie about to be released?"

"Smart, the sooner the better, and the snacks and seafood that appear in the movie, I believe that once the movie is broadcast, you will be too busy to fight." Lin Liqing's tone was faintly excited.

Li Muxing was very calm. Although he knew that the release of the movie would boost the sales of the company's products, he was not as optimistic as Lin Liqing. However, Grandma Sun had already spoken, and he would definitely follow through.

As a result, several factories of the company began to work overtime alternately day and night without stopping.

In such a situation where the state-owned factories closed down in sevens and eighties, and many workers were laid off and unemployed, their factories were producing recklessly, which caused quite a stir in the local area.

Wang Yan looked at the recruitment notice outside the clothing factory, exuding a gloomy aura. She had heard Mu Jingjing's words before and secretly swore that she would become famous. In order to compete with them, she didn't even go to the blind date arranged by her family. , thinking about making money, the family made a fuss about finding her a job in a state-owned factory.

Her parents didn't have that ability, so her relatives gave her an idea to find a man who works in a state-owned factory and she could go to work. not easy.

After going on a blind date for more than half a year, I finally met a man who worked at a grain station. He was seven or eight years older than her. He was widowed. Because he was married before, the standard for second marriage was lowered. Everyone said that this man was good. She I thought so too, so I agreed to marry him.

The condition was to arrange her to work at the grain station. The man still had some contacts and really got her in. At that time, she was really prosperous for a while, but unfortunately the good times didn't last long. The grain station was closed, and both of them were laid off.

She was making trouble at her husband's house and her mother's house, and the man was so angry that he moved his hand at her. After the first time, there would be a second time. She has been beaten numb, but what can I do?Life is still going on.

The man is now moving goods in the convoy, and the family still has a few acres of land, so they can live on, but this is not what she wants at all, and the man is not as generous to her now as before. Except for daily expenses, the extra money is worthless. If he didn't give it, he kept urging her to go out to find a job, or else he was forcing her to have a baby.

She didn't want to give birth to a man at all, so she had no choice but to come out to look for a job. It's not that she didn't envy those people doing small business on the street, but she couldn't let go of her figure, and she still wanted to work in a factory and be a decent worker. It's a pity that many factories have run away these days, and they are either on the verge of closing down or on the way to closing down. Let alone recruiting workers, it would be good if they don't lay off workers.

The next best thing for her is to go to private factories. Most of the private factories employ relatives and friends, and they don’t recruit people from outside. Only the factory where Mu Jingjing works is still recruiting a large number of workers. Although it is a night shift, people The conditions are loose, as long as you know how to drive clothes, have good character, and passable skills.

These days, it is not difficult to drive clothes. As long as there is a sewing machine at home, almost everyone can do it, and she happens to be able to do it too.

Wang Yan was very moved, but she hesitated when she thought that Mu Jingjing was also working here. If Mu Jingjing knew about it, Han Zao and the others would know about it. What if they all came to laugh at her?
Just when Wang Yan was hesitating, two women in their 30s pushed her aside anxiously and excitedly wanted to sign up.

Woman A: "Do you think we can be recruited this time?"

Woman B: "I hope we can all go to work. A big sister in our village works here. I used to laugh at her for not waiting in a state-owned factory. What can she do if she works in a private factory? Guess how much her monthly salary is?" ?”

"How many?"

Woman B said enviously, "It's more than 90 yuan!"

"So many?" The eyes of the people around them widened in shock.

Woman B was very proud, as if she had earned so much wages, and said: "No way! I also found it strange. After asking, I found out that the boss is rich, and his salary has been raised every year. From the beginning, it was 50 yuan a month. It has risen to more than [-] yuan now, and the elder sister in our village also said that the boss here is generous, and even pays the festival fee at the end of the year!

She works the day shift, you can see it says, the night shift is recruited, and the salary is higher than the day shift!If I had known that our factory would eventually close down, I would have taken the compensation early to come here to work with her. "

Woman B had a look of remorse, and what she said made everyone more anxious, rushing to the registration office.

Wang Yan also followed in the queue, standing aside in front of this salary. Besides, she was interviewing for the night shift, so Mu Jingjing wouldn't be working the night shift like her!In case of being selected, if you go to work at night, you can still avoid your own man, which is simply killing multiple birds with one stone.

The more she thought about it, the more Wang Yan felt that this job was a good one, and it was tailor-made for her.

(End of this chapter)

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