Chapter 4 Jiaonan Village

Speaking of her figure is also a happy trouble. I remember that she had an illness when she was very young. The family had no money to take her to see a doctor. In the end, her condition worsened and she developed into asthma. As long as she did heavy work, she would suffer from severe asthma. A little bit will pass out.

The family was terrified, and after that, she was not allowed to go to the field, let alone do heavy work. Over time, she became so fat, and because she hadn't basked in the sun much, compared with other village girls, she could It can be regarded as thin skin and tender meat.

In the past, she was always proud of her fat body, but she didn't think so in her new life. Obesity is a sign of three highs. She also has asthma, and obesity will only make her health worse.

Xu Hui laughed heartily and said, "It's okay! We don't work. In the past, our family didn't have the conditions, but now we have the conditions. It's only reasonable to raise them well."

Chen Meiyun nodded in agreement.

Lin Liqing was a little powerless, and didn't intend to continue talking about this topic, but instead said: "Mom, I will live at my mother's house until Jianguo comes back, and I will move out when he comes back to settle this matter. Don't worry, I won't live for nothing of."

These days, an unmarried daughter drags her children back to live with her natal family. Even if her natal family has no objection, the spittle of the villagers can drown her.

Chen Meiyun spat angrily, "You are the meat that fell from my body, what's wrong with eating and living for free! You don't spend other people's money!"

Speaking of which, Chen Meiyun also glanced at Xu Hui and her sons.

Xu Hui hurriedly expressed her opinion, "Mom is right! This time, you can come to your own home as comfortable as possible, don't think too much about it."

Anyway, they have separated, and the old couple lives by themselves, and their food is their own. Even if Lin Liqing takes the children back to live longer, it won't affect them, so she won't be so stupid to argue about this matter.

Lin Guosheng and the others also said to let Lin Liqing live well, and Chen Meiyun was satisfied.

After getting on the tricycle, all the people walked away.

In the middle of the road, Lin Guosheng and Xu Hui separated from the crowd.

After Lin Guosheng retired from the army, he was assigned to work in a slaughterhouse on the outskirts of the city. Xu Hui also sold pork in the nearby market. The couple bought a piece of land in Gangxiashe, which is the closest to the slaughterhouse, and built a two-story courtyard. The old house of the Lin family is in Jiaonan Village, which is still a long way from the outskirts of the city.

The couple walked away on a tricycle.

Xu Hui asked about Fengkou Society.

Lin Guosheng is a man of few words, and this time he was so angry that he kept his mouth shut, "The fourth room of the Yan family has no good intentions, and is thinking about the utility room next door to my younger sister, who has three children. Well, Sifang only has one daughter, how could she give up that house to Sifang.

It is estimated that there will be many conflicts because of this matter. This time when Jianguo is going far away, they may want to take advantage of Jianguo's absence and no one to support the younger sister to plot against her. When I went, I was worried that the younger sister would not be able to stand up. Much stronger than I thought.

If she hadn't reminded them, Guoye and the others wouldn't have smashed that house, and the Yan family would probably be pissed off now. "

Xu Hui felt relieved when she heard it, "Yes! When I saw my little sister during the Chinese New Year last year, she told me a lot about the messy things about the Yan family. I reminded her at that time and told her to take it seriously, but she didn't take it seriously. But my sister-in-law is poisonous enough, she can even use her own child! It’s not easy to have a child now with family planning.”

Speaking of this, Xu Hui's eyes widened suddenly, and she looked at Lin Guosheng who was riding a tricycle in astonishment, "My child's father, if the younger sister is really framed, then her sister-in-law will not be a fake pregnancy!"

Lin Guosheng slammed on the foot brake, and Xu Hui squatted on the tricycle, almost hitting the iron railing.

"What you said makes sense, no! We have to go back and remind my little sister!"

Speaking of which, Lin Guosheng was about to change direction.

Xu Hui stopped her angrily: "If it's windy, it's raining, and if you fart, you're going to shit! What's wrong! Didn't you see that it's going to be dark now? Go back now, don't go to work tomorrow? Yes Why can't I wait until I get back from work tomorrow? Anyway, the little girl has already returned to Jiaonan Village, so she can still run away!"

Lin Guosheng was taught by his wife to keep silent, and continued to step on the tricycle with his head sullen.

Don't look at him tall and muscular, butchering pigs, looking fierce and not easy to mess with, but in fact he is a strict wife, and he dare not even say a serious word in front of his wife.

Fortunately, Xu Hui is a good person, otherwise the Lin family would definitely be more noisy than the Yan family.

The couple returned to Hong Kong Xiashe just after dark, and the two children also came back from school. They were busy cooking and cleaning the house without even having a chance to chat.

At this time, the rest of the Lin family also returned to Jiaonan Village.

Jiaonan Village is a little far away from Fengkoushe, where Yan's family lives, and they are not in the same district. It takes [-] minutes to get to Gangxiashe by bicycle, and it takes about an hour to ride into the city.

Every household in the village grows bananas. There are banana forests on both sides of the village road. There are no street lights at night, and it is so dark that you can't see your fingers.

Fortunately, everyone is a native of the village, so even at night, they know where there is a pit and can avoid it well.

After everyone entered the village, they separated in twos and threes.

Lin Guoan also took his family back to the old house at the east end of the village.

The old house of the Lin family is a standard red brick and tile house. It was built with the subsidies of the brothers Lin Guosheng and Lin Guoan to join the army in the past seven years. It looks quite new, but the courtyard wall is relatively simple. Father Lin Changmin broke down adobes and dug stones by himself. It took two years of hard work to slowly build them up, but this was much better than the broken fence of the Yan family.

At least it is invulnerable to swords and guns, and violence is difficult to break.

A row of thatched sheds was set up on the side of the yard near the door. They were specially used to store bananas when they were harvested, but now they have become a parking lot.

A stove house was built on the side near the house, where cooking and cooking are done, and next to it is a place for stacking firewood, which is covered with several layers of waterproof plastic film.

Pushing open the door of the main room, the purpose of entering is a table of eight immortals. Behind the table of eight immortals is a table with a height of 1.5 meters, on which there is a Buddha statue and a small incense burner.

There is also a small door on the side, and there is a room when you enter. This place was used to live in for the elderly. After Lin Liqing's grandparents passed away, it became vacant.

Opening the back door, there is a small courtyard, with rooms on three sides, a total of four rooms. In the past, the three brothers of the Lin family had a room, and Lin Liqing had a room.

There is a room on each side of the main room, where Lin Changmin and his wife live, and Lin Liqing's eldest sister, Lin Lishu.

Now that Lin Guosheng and Lin Guoan moved out separately, Lin Lishu was married long ago, so there are many empty rooms in the old house.

A group of people entered the house, Lin Guoye closed the gate of the yard and shouted inside, "Dad, is the meal ready? We're starving to death!"

While helping them, Lin Changmin said, "It's all done, wash your hands and go to eat, what do you say over there?"

(End of this chapter)

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