She is playful and polite, and since it's a cosmeceutical press conference, reporters don't have to mess around.

There were no reporters making trouble, and the press conference went very smoothly. The last link was when the agents who came to participate came to the stage, and everyone raised their glasses.

The person in charge of the event specially arranged a prominent position for Chen Xiaojun. Naturally, the reporter recognized her and immediately pointed the camera at her and took wild pictures.

After the press conference, the staff removed the products, and Tong Tong sat in the middle, and said apologetically into the microphone: "First of all, thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to attend the cosmeceutical conference, and for staying to listen to me. whining lol
I know that you are concerned about the news of the past few days. I would also like to make a clarification here. First of all, the first point I want to declare is where I was on the day of the incident. Many people have something to do with me. In fact, I am still in the news. I only found out when I was flying all over the sky. I was in school that day, and the courses are very full recently. I will not leave the campus unless there are necessary activities.

This is the first point, and the second is what everyone is curious about. What is the relationship between that man and our family? He is my neighbor. It is one of the overseas agents of our cosmeceutical brand. They have stayed overseas all year round when they return to China.

Presumably everyone can understand, as for the conflict between the man and the reporter, to be honest, I was not at the scene, and I have never met the other party until today, and I have no way of knowing the cause, so I can only trouble Ms. Chen to tell everyone explain. "

With that said, Tong Tong got up and handed the microphone to Chen Xiaojun.

Chen Xiaojun took a deep breath, bowed, and said apologetically: "He was not in a good mood that day, so he ignored it when his temper came up. I failed to stop the responsibility in time. Here, I apologize to everyone for him. I'm sorry, this It's actually not a big deal, it's only because Miss Tong is involved, here, I also want to say sorry to Miss Tong."

A group of reporters peeked at each other, what they wanted to dig was pornographic news, what was this?
Someone asked dissatisfiedly, "Miss Tong Tong, were you really not at home that day? Also, are you really just an ordinary neighbor with that man?"

Hearing this, Tong Tong's eyes widened immediately, he quickly picked up the newspaper, pointed to the bag that was photographed on it, and said: "It's really strange for you to ask this question, their family immigrated when I was very young, just because they are neighbors , people will come to give wedding invitations and candy, things are not complicated.

As for your question, you can interview my classmates and roommates or even the teachers of our college. Even the aunt who cooks food in the cafeteria can testify to me. Do you have any other questions? "

The subtext of this remark is that although the two families used to be neighbors, they have not been in touch for many years, and the other party has immigrated overseas, and it is impossible to have other intersections with her. Anyone who is interested can find out this information, and she can't lie.

The reporter asked some more questions. As long as don Juan was involved, she looked blank and handed the microphone to Chen Xiaojun. The two were chatting and laughing at the press conference. They were intimate and not dirty at all. The success came back, and through the clarification of today's press conference, Tong Tong's negative news disappeared, replaced by news about her endorsement of cosmeceuticals.

After the press conference, Tong Tong gratefully held Chen Xiaojun's hand, "Thanks to you today, otherwise this matter may never end."

Chen Xiaojun smiled, "Why are you being polite? If you really want to thank me, if the company has any good products in the future, remember to fight for the benefits for me. This is more realistic."

Tong Tong also smiled, "Okay! Leave me a contact information, and I'll be the first to let you know if there's anything good in the future."

The two exchanged contact information.

Followed the people from the drugstore company to the restaurant.

Chen Xiaojun tentatively asked, "Tong Tong, will you forgive Xiao Wang? Actually, he didn't do it on purpose that day."

Tong Tong shook his head with a serious face, and interrupted Chen Xiaojun, "Don't mention him, it will affect your mood, Xiaojun, I know you like don Juan, because we didn't have much contact with each other before, and you have been together for many years, there are some things I don't like. It's suitable to say, but you helped me today, if I don't say it, I will feel uncomfortable.

Of course, you can also choose not to listen or not to believe it, but I still have to say it. "

Chen Xiaojun's complexion changed slightly, she always felt that what Tong Tong was going to say would affect her and don Juan, she really didn't want to hear it, but she couldn't help being curious.

Tong Tong fell into memories, "When don Juan returned to China, I hadn't filmed yet, and our family hadn't moved. My parents were very happy to see him, and they were very enthusiastic about him. Of course, my parents didn't mean anything else, it was purely Happy to see the juniors whom I haven't seen for a long time.

But he misunderstood and thought that my parents wanted to introduce me to him. At that time, our family looked quite ordinary on the surface. He was very anxious, so he moved you out at that time, saying that he had a partner and was ready get married.

My parents were very happy. As a result, I went to the beautiful country to participate in the film festival last year, but he dressed up carefully and confessed to me. After knowing that I have a boyfriend, he has been looking at my boyfriend. Because it is someone else's territory, I just endured it. I didn't expect him to cause trouble for me when he returned to China!
To be honest, the feeling he gives me now is that he is impetuous, self-righteous, and mercenary. He doesn't even have the most basic moral bottom line. This kind of villain is not a good match. I don't want you to jump into the fire pit to tell you so much, you If you don't want to hear it, just pretend I didn't say anything. "

Chen Xiaojun's face was terribly gloomy. It seemed that she hadn't misunderstood that day at the Tang's house. Don Juan really wanted to hit Tong Tong, not because he quarreled with her to give her a bad shot. It's ridiculous that she thought that man was just arrogant.

"It seems that I haven't really understood him in these years." Chen Xiaojun's voice was faint, and he couldn't detect any emotion.

Tong Tong sighed and said: "He was not like this before he went abroad. Maybe it was the colorful world outside that made him change his mind, or maybe he was like that in the first place, but he had no chance to meet him before. In short, I have said everything that needs to be said. You think about it.

Although foreign countries are relatively open, marriage is not a child's play. There is no festival between you and me, so naturally I don't want you to be delayed by him for the rest of your life. "

"Thank you." Chen Xiaojun toasted lazily, his thoughts spreading.

After the party, Lin Guoye drove over to pick her up and go back to school. In order to protect Tong Tong, he even let Tong Tong sit in the back seat. On the surface, he was just a driver. Even if the reporter caught her, he couldn't make any sex news.

"Tomorrow the newspaper will publish today's press conference, and the turmoil has subsided." Lin Guoye said relaxedly.

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