Reborn in the 1980s to run to a better life

Chapter 413 Zhu Xianzhi's Dress Up

Chapter 413 Zhu Xianzhi's Dress Up
"My mother bought this for you, do you think it fits well?" Liu Mingjun said expressionlessly.

The family is going back to Jiangxi Province today, so all their luggage was put in the car. Xu Fen knew that Zhu Xianzhi had no money and couldn't afford nice clothes, so she specially prepared a dress for her to wear today, but Zhu Xianzhi refused. Xu Fen didn't force herself to say that she had clothes, it was really up to Zhu Xianzhi to decide.

Xu Fen's hometown is poor, marriage is simple, and there is no decent engagement ceremony. Only when she gets married, she wears a bright red dress, which is more solemn, so she doesn't think there is anything wrong with Zhu Xianzhi wearing a dark red dress, on the contrary, she thinks it is festive It was only after being reminded by the matchmaker that there was something wrong with Zhu Xianzhi's attire.

Zhu Xianzhi looked around, quick witted, and said: "Even if I want to change, I have to go to the house to change it! How can I change it on the bus?"

Liu Mingjun knew at a glance that she was making excuses, and he was too lazy to talk to her, so he put his hands in his pockets and got out of the car, "It's up to you."

Zhu Xianzhi heaved a sigh of relief, and immediately stomped her feet resentfully, the earrings on her ears were dangling all the time.

In the end, she still didn't change the skirt, but took a while to get out of the car and enter the house. At this time, Zhang Linlin had already gone downstairs. Today she was wearing a set of Chinese and Western-style bright red tutu skirt. It is full of gold thread, shining under the light, the hem is puffed red yarn, trimmed with gold thread, and decorated with circles of pearls.

Her long black hair was coiled behind her head, with a small golden crown inlaid with pearls pinned in the middle, two large pearl earrings on her ears, a striking pearl necklace around her neck, and two golden crowns on her wrists. Only a jade bracelet.

This pair of rich and luxurious attire made everyone feel so rare, and in Liu Mingjie's eyes, there was no one else but her.

Taking advantage of his spare time, he whispered in Zhang Linlin's ear, "Why don't you wear the jewelry I prepared for you?"

Zhang Linlin explained in a low voice: "The dowry will be announced later, and the gold ornaments given by your family cannot be touched."

Liu Mingjie was stunned.

Zhang Linlin struggled for a moment, then told about the earrings, with a face full of self-blame, "I don't know when the things disappeared, so I can only find a pair of similar ones temporarily, tell your parents Let them not misunderstand."

Liu Mingjie nodded seriously, "I'll make up the money later."

"No, no, no, we lost it. What does it have to do with you! I just want you to explain it to your parents in advance, and if they find something wrong later, don't say anything." Zhang Linlin said nervously.

Liu Mingjie patted her on the shoulder reassuringly, and immediately went over to tell his parents about it.

Liu Dayi was only stunned for a moment, then nodded, and continued to chat and laugh with everyone.

Xu Fen couldn't sit still, and asked carefully for a long time, almost understanding the situation, her eyes fell on Zhu Xianzhi involuntarily, and then moved away without a trace.

At this time, Liu Mingjun, who was staying with Zhang Dingxuan, also knew about the earrings.

He frowned and confirmed again: "Are you sure it was Zhu Xianzhi who did it?"

"Who else but her! Look at her outfit today. If my sister wasn't pretty enough and well-prepared, she might really be outmatched by her." Zhang Dingxuan snorted twice angrily.

Liu Mingjun was caught in a tangle. Although he didn't like Zhu Xianzhi, Zhu Xianzhi came here with their family. If she really did it, his parents would be ashamed.

But facing his friend's aggressive look, if he didn't want to find a way to prove Zhu Xianzhi's innocence, he couldn't do it, so he gritted his teeth and said, "Well, let's go to the bus and look through her luggage. If there is any, it must be on it. If there is no, it is not her Do it."

It's just a little unreasonable to do so.

Zhang Dingxuan dragged Liu Mingjun out without thinking.

The bus stopped on the side of the village road, a few steps away from the villa. The driver had to drive a long distance later, and he was sleeping at the moment, checking his luggage by the way.

Seeing that Liu Mingjun was about to get into the car to find something, the driver didn't think much of it at all, and continued to close his eyes to rest after opening the door for them.

Liu Mingjun led Zhang Dingxuan to where Zhu Xianzhi was sitting, and carefully removed her luggage.

The two had a guilty conscience and didn't dare to speak at all. They just buried their heads in searching, and the driver didn't care too much.

Zhu Xianzhi didn't have much luggage, just two changes of clothes and two packing boxes, which should be for the pair of earrings and bracelet she was wearing today.

Zhang Dingxuan opened the box directly, shook it, and found that there was indeed a sound, and the two of them took off the sponge pad of the box, and found the pair of second rings inside.

Zhang Dingxuan had an expression that I knew a long time ago, but Liu Mingjun's face was completely darkened, staring at the pair of earrings without blinking his eyes.

After a while, he whispered: "Pick up the earrings, put the box back, don't say anything, I will tell my parents about this."

"Understood!" Zhang Dingxuan smirked, ready to watch a good show.

The two casually took a piece of clothing and got out of the car. The driver didn't even open his eyes this time. He closed the car door and continued to sleep soundly.

In the villa, with the help of the matchmaker, all the betrothal gifts brought by the Liu family were displayed on red plates in the living room.

There is a plate full of gold ornaments, with cash on the side, the total price is [-], and there are electrical appliances and food, TV refrigerator and so on, a total of [-] items.

This betrothal gift was the first time for Zhangjiacun. Many people had never seen such a generous betrothal gift in most of their lives, and they all gathered in the Zhang family's yard to whisper.

Xu Fen asked the matchmaker, and knowing that everyone was praising the dowry, she became happy again.

Because the dowry was too expensive, the Zhang family also arranged four guards. Before the banquet, Guo Yaocheng, the manager of Tengyun Hotel, Pan Rusheng, a master of antique food, and Shi Chongxuan, a master of archeology, all came together.

Zhang Yongsheng was flattered, so he hurried over to entertain him, and introduced Wen Jianguo and Li Muxing by the way.

After learning the identities of Pan Rusheng and Shi Chongxuan, Wen Jianguo and Li Muxing were very surprised, why did these two come here.

Zhang Yongsheng explained: "Mr. Pan and Professor Shi have archaeological missions in Jiangxi Province. They have to go there several times a year. Every time they go to Tengyun Hotel for dinner, I have to deliver goods to Manager Guo every day. Whenever we meet, we will go to the Tengyun Hotel for dinner. So we know each other.

After the two knew that the restaurant purchased seafood from me, they simply went directly to my store to pick seafood. After eating the seafood in our store, they became regular customers. They are all cultural people. I didn’t make much money from them. It's ready. "

"So that's how it is." Wen Jianguo and Li Muxing suddenly realized, "Mr. Pan, Professor Shi, and Manager Guo are glad to meet you."

"Boss Wen, Manager Li, seeing a hundred things is worth seeing!" Guo Yaocheng stretched out his hand.

Pan Rusheng greeted them with a smile like Shi Chongxuan.

With so many bosses coming, Zhang Yongsheng immediately called Liu Dayi, and everyone went to the second floor to talk together, and the downstairs became the women's home.

(End of this chapter)

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